A hike in Neihu in December
I made a hike in neihu in december.

Omg...blue sky...

I also saw an acient instrument at my friend place...

And can conclude that tais weight 68.75 kg...

We walked on nice cosy alleys...

Until we came to a trail entrance

And planned to walk a trail on the nirth east part of taipei

The stones here are pretty sandy...and the stones were taken here when building the wall of old taipei

A skyline from neihu...I seldom see this side of taipei

Many cubic stones

It was on the qing dynasty that the stones were takes...

There were also a forest fire here some years ago...

Omg...a cat...

And another view of taipei...

My friends aunt...a funny girl

Some local kids also climbing the rocks...

This hike was a mix between the sanxia hike and cilmbing rocks in partille in gothenburg

I got some pic on me as well...

...ans with more sun...

Many people posing...

Omg...a fjällräven bag...

We later passed by a jungle...

It made this hike more interesting...

These plants has some itchy liquid inside...

The path also had some stairs, with stripes...to make it easier to distinguish the steps..

And some nearby creek with concrete walls...

Omg...a classis car in the nearby hoods...it looks like an exclusive area to live in...

We also got some picnic...

...and some local banana...

And pomegranate, nice...very nutritious...

And some strange logic decoration...

Later on I went by MRT and saw this sign...I often have discussions with local tais about the purpose of a mask, since PM2.5 wont protect...and that more or less every person is permanent carrying the Rhinovirus, without symtoms...
And there are many article questionizing the logic...but never the less..it is many times hard to have a constructive discussion with some people, maybe due to the logic difference...

Later on, I visited an italian restaurant in ximen...

Omg...spelling mistake...

The food was pretty nice...pesto that taste like fresh made...

And potato gratain

I had a hawaii pizza with extra cheese...

And found errors in their interior design and painting...can you see it?

Omg...my favorite statue (more or less), a moai...

The place name was P&P house...

Later I passed by the "I love you, you love me" massage...the locals seldom read the english text...so many foreigners think that happy ending is an option here...

I also passed by the 58, to buy soe local beer...

They have the new "beer map" in here...

Some communists were demonstrating in ximen...so funny...people using democratic rights to promote non-democracy...not consistent...

Maybe sweden can demonstrate here too...or other countries..."taiwan, provice on iceland"...

I ended the the day with some milktea...