All chambers day
Some canadian chamber of commerce were hosing a winter event recently

Long queue for people arriving at 19, i guess since it was a week day, people had to come after their work...

And some registration...

The swedes were mingleing around a table...

They had alot of pasteries...and mullet wine...

Most people I recon were form canada

They also had some luck draw...

And most things on their menu were from canada

Our table won 2 out of 3 prizes...most things were beer...

They also had something looking like a swedish "julstjärna" on each table...but without any flower

Refill of dessert...

Afterwards were were headiugun to a whisky bar, seems like something was going on at Att4fun...super long queue

Some europeans mingleing

We were heading to a place famous for their whisky and beer...atleast what i was told (trappist beer)

But they only had two kind of dark one...

Dark one...

And a Czech one...

A pilsner

We talked about the new chamber that was opened for finish, polish, croatian and baltic states....

before the last MRT we left...XinYi is really a nouveau riche place...its especailly esxtreme in a "not lose face" society...and in countries where material features are a "nice car"....just on this road, many expensive sports cars were parked. its impressive sine the taiwan import tax, pushes up the price, maybe 2-3 times more expensive as in europe for a ferrari...