Alla helgons dag
Its Alla helgons dag today in Sweden...or many people associate it with...

My friend used a face pumpkin to initiate the celetrations...

I made some apple roses...

Since many apples are done my autumn, its kind of the peak season now for it...

And its fud to play with food...

I didnt use that much sugar...instead I used honey...

I tried some versions of the roses...

And I also added some vanilla sauce to some of themmmm

It was nice..with cinnamon and cardamom


I also saw Peter Jöback on TV...some of my taiwanese friends know about him...its interesting how some local stars reach out to the world...

I also carved out a pumpkin...and tried out a new design.,..

I put it on a local milk table...

Later I also carved out a face of a super small pumpkin...

It was cool in the dark...

It was green, so it looked wierd when I put it on a candle...
Another west coast trip
I recently made a quick visist to the west coast again...

...starting with an old sunset...

...passed by some deers...

...and observed a long queue in the south bound traffic... driver was in a hurry, and wa stressed by slow going objects in fron of the car...

My friend picked some clams...I wonder if he will eat them...

And a new TB-hotelll upgrade...

I might redesign the details of a I did some analysis of some logos...

Erik was working while lunch...

We had some hotdogs...

More tractor preparations...

We ended to transport some vehicle...

And almost hit the coast line...

It was nice to drink hot chocolate on the the 10 degree weather...

And I found some new design of a wind power plant...

And some archipelago design...

We also paid a quick visit at some friends in Fiskebackskil...

And found some lobster traps...

I found a creek in the city that reminded me of a natural cooling system that a finish archtect used in yangmingshan in taipei...(a creek near the house)...

My friends had many miniature models of ships...i like that...

I think this is common on the west coast interior design...

...and some paintings...

We also had some apple inspired me to make some apple roses soon...

...however...I kind of have to admit that most small cities on the west coast looks the same...
Simborgarmärket catching
For many years I wanted to get a pin, that you get if you swim 200 meters, every year theres a new pin...

I passed b my friends old house for a lunch...

And later on in the day I passed by a near by swimming pool...I found out that one really didnt need to swim, thus I might get this pin easily every year...(since its easier to swim 200 meters in a random lake that in a crowded swimming pool)...

These are the pins the recent years...

Many kids were in the pool this evening...

Its meant to take every year, to show that one can a country with probably most lakes inthe world (per area), swimming is a useful skill....

And after 5, 10 years etc on can get even other awards...

This years pin was pretty tindering...
Cancer food and hamburgers
Recently WHO announced that processed meat might cause cancer...

...omg...and I had that food as a night snack....

...the idea of cheese hotdog was nice...(from my hashrun som week ago) I treid it again...

Pretty nice...

Some hours later I passed by Liseberg...a nearby local themepark with a halloween theme...

I also tried to catch the fullmoon on this pic...but anohter epic fail...

...later on I tried to make some cheese burgers...

It was very good...almost like my costco burgers in Taiwan...
What did Johan eat today (last week in october edition)
What did johan eat today?

Klasskaka-leftovers....for breakfast...

With coffee...

Later on I had some crouque monsieur...almost like pizza...or polish zapikankie...

I also passed by some heather...

...and some Julmust...epic christmas beverage...
Evening events on the west coast (part XVI)
Some elk running in the city was spotted after 18.00...

Running downtown...but decided to trun bac to the forest...

Me and some friends made brownie...

To make it more fun I made some cute images with sugar on top...

I made the kladdkaka (brownie) super sticky...just as i want it...

And then we went for some light expo again...

...passing red rooms...

...giant toy horses...

Some bottle hourglass...

small stream of sand...pouring on the floor...

And other electrial toys...

The expos name was "motljus" (backlight)...not sure why...

After half time we tried the sticky kladdkaka...

It was running choclate sauce...and I had it with hot my chocolate sessions in taiwan...

Since its normal time since 2am...the sun sets earlier today...

My friend wanted to buy some light bulbs in a near by mall...

I met my cousin at the store...

Some streets later we passed some ghost like creatures...

They also had some screen that showed images...

Ppl coulds step inside and be on a public screen...

...omg, the diesel and gasoline price is the unique...

...and a hanging light guy in the tree...

...we ended the tour with a shadow show...

Some opric fiber...

And the show ended with heather...the province flower...
Butter tea and into standard time observation
I have some friend from USA who visited recently...

We played floorball for a while...or rather...they played...I chilled around...

It was nice to catch up with the guys...

I also observed that my chilis is growing...

I was about to try local beer...but joined a friend instead...we had some pizza (italian style)...

I also got some Tibet we made some butter tea...(butter and coconut fat)...

It was pretty fat...and nice...

Second round...

Omg...i think this is called LCHF diet...

We peaked the night by observing the Standard time...meaning that 1am becomes 2am...(so that ppl will enjoy more sunlight)...
Autumn baking session
I spot many colours in the forest recently...

Yellow and red leafs...

I also saw parts of an old movie at my friends place...with the old "4" logo on the right top of the screen

It was pretty warm, so we went to some historical spot...

And some sceenic sight...

Omg...long and short contrails...

More yellow...or still green?

My friends asked me to I went all in...i planned to make a garlic pizza with extra cheese again...but started with some muffins...

They wanted to support, so they prepared some cups...

Chocolate muffins with chocolate sauce

I left them partly done...since we wanted them like swedish kladdkaka (brownie) inside...

My friend also wantedto challenge me on fireball race...

It was like cinnamon...pretty nice...

And the muffins were also nice, too bad that my friend ate most of them...before I even got to try...but I guess its a high grade...

Next things was the extra cheese was just "all in", as usual...

They added som BBQ-spice with extra salt...I guess i will absorb alot of water now...
...they ended up wathcing a couple of movies...and singing etc...I should record it for a new song next time...
What did johan eat today?
I started to feast on the autumn mushrooms...

There are still plenty in the forest, even if it hasnt been much of a mushroom year yet...

Also the pumpkins are small...(maybe i planted it too late)...

I also went all in for a cheesy pizza...

And used Erik to try it out...

It was maybe 50% cheese, som tomato sauce and bread...

I alsp inspected eriks DVD collection...

He had some episodes of an old swedish series...interesting...

Vila: the cheesy pizza...

I also made som pepper was fat and nice...
another ocean day
I keep on cruising at the archpelago...warm at day Cold at night... So far no rain

It was frost in the clouds makes it get pretty cold by night...

I had a short geocache session in the sunny weather...

At bohus-malmön...near smögen in bohuslän, Sweden...

I was doing some event there...until the sun set...

Omg...the moon...small in the left...but looked bigger...

This is Kungshamn by night...a village near the ocea...

...half moon...

And some light hous ein the horizon...

...after a night full of stars...a trip out to som islands was made...

Withing 1o minutes...some fog appeared...

Covering island by island...

Omg...a 2-3 meter high sunflower...(to lasy to flip the pic)...

...the church of lysekil...

I later on passed by a movie producation area...where the swedish series "saltön" is produced...

...and some crayfish traps...

...i also found a nice miniature windmill...I build some myself..but they were destroyed...

After haveing a kebab pizza..I was heading south...

I passed by a place and did some dumpstring..but still alot of food was burns in my environmental friedly heart...
burger at kungshamn
I was at an event at kungshamn today.
Its a small Village at the West coast. I tried a Burger there. And was some giant.moon...
Its a small Village at the West coast. I tried a Burger there. And was some giant.moon...

I had a burger at the dubliner...i wonder if it taste the same all over the world...(where they have the bar: the dubliner)...

Another early morning...after some hours the sun came up...

I visited some local cave...

And investigated some lobster traps...

...and more black berries... grundsund, a village at the northern westcoast the AED didnt have any defibrillator...not good...

...the weather was still nice...and peaceful in the archipelago...
ocean Day
Was visiting the West Coast today. Its not summer temp anymore...

My friend has a porche...almost 3 dm wide tires....its hard to fit the parking lot...

We had more kebab pizza this day...with chillis...

Or rather a kebab wrap...

Later on...In early was breakfast...I told my friends how I use to rank the swedish hotel breakfast menus when i was younger...

Some sunrise in these sunny days...

And alot of chicolate muffins...pretty nice...

I added some nutella to this...

Omg...the swedish armed forces has a skin balm...thats even famous in was graded with 4 out of 5 in their investigation...

A peice of the west coast of sweden (archipelage site)...

And some ship that sank...

The whole week had nice weather...

And many stars at night...
early morning wake up
Woke up early today, but found out that Most ppl in the appointment were some hours late. Aiyo...

However I got an ocean view in the early autumn...and eventually broke my non-coffee era...atleast for some while...

Omg...a detailed map over the island where i spent mid summer last year...

And a guy who looks like my old friend Eberth...atleast what I use to think...

I found alot of blackberries this year...

Me and a friend went to a pizzeria in the evening...he works with shipping and has 6-7 month vacation per year...sounds nice...

Not many ppl here...

They didnt have kebav pizza...but I took what they recommended...

Nice and healthy with chilli...

Later one we went ot another pizzeria to order take away for our friends...
Mushroom picking Version: Autumn15 (part 1)
I joined some friends to pick mushrooms today...

Not sure how moch to find...but as the tradition is, some taiwanese were invited...

Autumn colours everwhere...

Anders was hungry...and was looking for a buffet-place...

It was a cloudy morning...but blue sky was spotted over the ocean (meaning in the horizon to the west)...

We brought some picnic...

Interesting stuff....europe meets asia...

The students sat on my blue poncho....on the road...(everywhere else is humid and wet)...

Rice balls and some wraps...

The goasl of the trip was these...

The taiwanese also went for blue berries and lingoen berries...

Omg..a red mushroom is a BIG "no no"...

And anders joined up some minutes after us to the mushroom place..

Some interesting pics and runing with the kids is included...

Omg...a spectra of mushrooms...not all are eatable...

Oskar is "softing" on the road...

A proud mushroom picker...

And Anders, who throws the toxic big mushrooms away...

Omg...Anders later on borrowed the camera...

This is Angela...her boyfriend is Atayal aboriginal...thats pretty cool...but also confusing, I couldnt help to ask about the largest mystery in life...why Atayal aboriginal spell it "atayal" when its pronounced "taiyazhu"...

...time to leave: the long way back...

the crew...

...some selfie...


...sleeping kid...

Selfie 2...

...maybe johan got hands on the camera again...

The boring part...but people were pretty tired...(cleaning the mushrooms)...

But playing house music....or listning to live piano...

Voila!..from cloudy to clear...

The day was ended with some "lights exhibition"...

,,,interesting setting...

Atleast the first 1 km of the light-route was explored...since no bus back to school...only train needed to ba catched...
Gothenburg hashrun (take 3)
I went for a hashrun event today...

But came pretty early, so I went geocaching with a friend....he likes the sun...

After some 30 mins we came to the hashrun sun-worshiping friend - still in action... of 2 clubs in gothenburg?

A bunch of people were there some minutes before it started..

And some rule explanation...

...we also saw some lady trying to swipe out the finish sign...

...and off we went...looking for these...

...but sometimes found this...

...or this...

As usually we ran in urban areas...

...some semi urban...

...on some slopes... caves...

...some walls were hard to climb...

...not sure...but I think we skipped this route...(vertical wall 15 meters high...or 20m)...

It was gothenburgs most popular climbing place...i heard...

"walkers and Runners"...

...some slopes...

And a "shot stop"...

Some guys brought polish vodka...

first shot...

Second shot...

It was flavoured with grass...

Third shot...

And a Hash view...

Since gothenburg has alot of hills around its often a scenic sight in the route...

And a treehouse on the edge...

I picked some blueberries...

And ran wrong some checkpoint...

...after a whle we had a beer stop...


"on-on"...people scream when they see a flour spot on the ground...

Some far away pond...

And an intersting path...

Leading to a faraway lake...

only waves of the day was created by me...

Eberth took a rest...since we were in the front of the group..

Pretty muddy trail (for beeing sweden)...

After some other forest run we came to a hill...

...that took us to the end...

...eberth last steps of todays run...

And more sun time...

Pretty warm...people were enjoying the sun...

And some karate woman arrived...

I was staying in the shaddow as usual...

...and some hash-run circle was made...

...with the usual hash-run drinking...

...and double cups for some guys...

...omg...some memory of an international has run event...

I was set to help frying hotdogs...

It was interesting...cheese on a cheese burger...

And the guest book...

The host also had some cool lego cars...some ppl went to town but I had to prepare tomorrows activities...2015 continues...
A visit to Taipei Missions National Day
I joined some ppl to an event recently...

Passed some asian store in the city...a new one recently opened on kungsholmen...

Many products from Thailand, China and Taiwan...

Passing Hötorget on the east coast of sweden..

Went to some caching...I use to live here for some year, its an interesting city...

With the glass pelar in the city center...

And royal castle...

And some reception for the Taipei mission event...

Some of my NTU friends who currently are exchange students at Uppsala Univ...

It was a formal event...I wanted to use aboriginal (paiwan or Amis) clothes...but didnt have any suitable.... guys...

And some other VIPs...

My two friends who joined me caching in the city center....

Some books about Isla formosa...

And people taking pics of the people...

This was a nice poster...

Omg...looks like some amis dress..probably the hualien version...

And the hall full of people...maybe 80%-90% taiwanese...

And the beer/wine stand...

And Ted...who lives in stockholm...

Some lady started to talk about some business in Taiwan...

"Applause, applause, applause..."

And this guy who talked about how taiwan helped syrian refuges..."6000 blankets"...etc etc he kept counting...

This lady said that she was speaking from the heart..due to lack of preparation...but she was loking down once in a if she had something written down...

Nice interiors in the room...

A vietnamese guy who had a Bunun tribe wife...

Some seiling apintings...

And the 104 anniversary...

...Ted in action...

...mingeling mingeling...

Last year they had this event near the sheraton hotel...

...omg E-lin was also there...

...she is funny... wonder many ppl showed up...

Same things on each side...

Egg tar...but not that sweet...

After I while i got some best friends with some local students...and Erik, the white guy in the background whos chinese was great...he studied at NTU for a year...

Dogtree showing the buffet...

...and the cake...

And my NCTU friend...

After a while Jonatan surprised me with his presence...but he lives in it wasnt that big surprise...last time i saw him was in munchen...2013...

VIP picture...

After some mingeling I went to my sis...

...I had to play ninja for some while...

...and went for a morning walk...

Passing Mälarpaviljongen...

...and a store that had same textile pattern as a the tablecloth at my cousins summer house...

I later had some meat balls...

...and mini vacuum cleaner on the train leaving the east coast...
A birthday Bash and gathering
I went for a birthday bash some day ago...

Cool kids exploring huge boxes...

I got some green tea...pretty interesting and strong flavour...

I bet it contains alot of healthy things...

We also got some nice blueberry cake...

...and the table was decorated with autumn colours...

Some weekend events
I had some minor accident some day ago...

Got 2 flat tired in a row...thats amazing...and I got the chance to go for a loooong repair it :P

I also found this old abandoned road...

And some cellar

Omg...colourful mushrooms...

And an autum/spring-lake...they often get this calm between summer and winter...

I also found plenty of blueberries and lingon berries in the forest...