A visit to Taipei Missions National Day
I joined some ppl to an event recently...

Passed some asian store in the city...a new one recently opened on kungsholmen...

Many products from Thailand, China and Taiwan...

Passing Hötorget on the east coast of sweden..

Went to some caching...I use to live here for some year, its an interesting city...

With the glass pelar in the city center...

And royal castle...

And some reception for the Taipei mission event...

Some of my NTU friends who currently are exchange students at Uppsala Univ...

It was a formal event...I wanted to use aboriginal (paiwan or Amis) clothes...but didnt have any suitable....

...smart guys...

And some other VIPs...

My two friends who joined me caching in the city center....

Some books about Isla formosa...

And people taking pics of the people...

This was a nice poster...

Omg...looks like some amis dress..probably the hualien version...

And the hall full of people...maybe 80%-90% taiwanese...

And the beer/wine stand...

And Ted...who lives in stockholm...

Some lady started to talk about some business in Taiwan...

"Applause, applause, applause..."

And this guy who talked about how taiwan helped syrian refuges..."6000 blankets"...etc etc he kept counting...

This lady said that she was speaking from the heart..due to lack of preparation...but she was loking down once in a while...as if she had something written down...

Nice interiors in the room...

A vietnamese guy who had a Bunun tribe wife...

Some seiling apintings...

And the 104 anniversary...

...Ted in action...

...mingeling mingeling...

Last year they had this event near the trainstation...in sheraton hotel...

...omg E-lin was also there...

...she is funny...

Omg...food...no wonder many ppl showed up...

Same things on each side...

Egg tar...but not that sweet...

After I while i got some best friends with some local students...and Erik, the white guy in the background whos chinese was great...he studied at NTU for a year...

Dogtree showing the buffet...

...and the cake...

And my NCTU friend...

After a while Jonatan surprised me with his presence...but he lives in stockholm...so it wasnt that big surprise...last time i saw him was in munchen...2013...

VIP picture...

After some mingeling I went to my sis...

...I had to play ninja for some while...

...and went for a morning walk...

Passing Mälarpaviljongen...

...and a store that had same textile pattern as a the tablecloth at my cousins summer house...

I later had some meat balls...

...and mini vacuum cleaner on the train leaving the east coast...