Mushroom picking Version: Autumn15 (part 1)
I joined some friends to pick mushrooms today...

Not sure how moch to find...but as the tradition is, some taiwanese were invited...

Autumn colours everwhere...

Anders was hungry...and was looking for a buffet-place...

It was a cloudy morning...but blue sky was spotted over the ocean (meaning in the horizon to the west)...

We brought some picnic...

Interesting stuff....europe meets asia...

The students sat on my blue poncho....on the road...(everywhere else is humid and wet)...

Rice balls and some wraps...

The goasl of the trip was these...

The taiwanese also went for blue berries and lingoen berries...

Omg..a red mushroom is a BIG "no no"...

And anders joined up some minutes after us to the mushroom place..

Some interesting pics and runing with the kids is included...

Omg...a spectra of mushrooms...not all are eatable...

Oskar is "softing" on the road...

A proud mushroom picker...

And Anders, who throws the toxic big mushrooms away...

Omg...Anders later on borrowed the camera...

This is Angela...her boyfriend is Atayal aboriginal...thats pretty cool...but also confusing, I couldnt help to ask about the largest mystery in life...why Atayal aboriginal spell it "atayal" when its pronounced "taiyazhu"...

...time to leave: the long way back...

the crew...

...some selfie...


...sleeping kid...

Selfie 2...

...maybe johan got hands on the camera again...

The boring part...but people were pretty tired...(cleaning the mushrooms)...

But playing house music....or listning to live piano...

Voila!..from cloudy to clear...

The day was ended with some "lights exhibition"...

,,,interesting setting...

Atleast the first 1 km of the light-route was explored...since no bus back to school...only train needed to ba catched...