Winter BBQ
I did some BBQ today...

And prepared some Pinnbröd...

Just like we use to BBQ in frankfurt some year ago...

It is nice...

Pretty warm...

I had some cream in the dough...

It was so warm that the snow melted...

But still took some 5 minutes before each batch was done...
I had some Teppanyaki some days ago...

Its a japanese dish...when they fry food on a big pan...or metallic surface...

I had aluminium foil to get that real touch...
Interesting Google Street view in Ximen honglou
I was checking google maps "street view" function today...

It is at the coordinates: 25.041871,121.506242...

At the Alleycats bar its actually possible to walk in to the restaurant... (Before I´ve seen that one can walk inside malls (like taipei city mall on 25.048125,121.516791), but never inside a store)...

Its about 3 or 4 steps bad I wasnt there the they carried the google-360-camera in...I wish they could do this to more buildings and would be fun...

When the Honglou restaurant opens, they put out a menu table, for ppl to check the menu...its by far my favorite street in taiwan, and reminds me alot of europe...

Looking at the restaurant from the side, its clearly closed, and the menu table is not out, they must have taken the restaurant pics at a separate occasion...maybe some staff knows ppl at google...this thing is called "Google Business view. semester like Alley cat paid to get this cool feature)...
Meeting Gudrun
I invited a swedish politician yesterday to talk about some hot topics...

Patric met me up...helping me with some practical stuff...

A blur version of Oskar was also there...

And Gudrun...

She had some other stuff to do in gothenburg, so she though it was good that she cold have a homeparty with us...

She also had her book available, from her emails bout her political views...

It was inspiriing...

Oskar asked some serious questions...

And later on gaveher a hug...

She has been on TV alot many ppl were interested in hearing her...

Her interesting whiteboard notes...

Omg, my friend Therese got a book signes...respect...

Also Patric came up to her to give her compliments...

Later on we went to heaven 23...

I had an american lager...

Oskars recepit...we had a discussion about on oskars side regarding this in sweden...we would like to tip ppl taking the night shift at bad they dont accept tipping...
Skiing season
Right now on TV theres alot of skiiing going on...

On each and every public channel, plus some private...

..they are showing some skking event...

...apperently very popular...

I had myself a peanutbutter M&M meanwhile...
Winter/Spring days
The weather is probably similiar all over the northern europe right now...around +5 to -5

Preferably I want summer/autumn or winter, since spring is so long, and often "warm days and cold nights" which makes it hard ot dress in a consistent way. I end up bringing an extra shirt wherever I go...
Events in Gothenburg
I went for a meeting at a military camp yesterday...

The secturity police was there, talkinga bout russia and IS...

Interesting development of sunnimuslims...

I later on met up with Ville and his friends...


And some amarone wine...but it didnt say on the bottle...

Some italian food..or "normal food" with italian name...

And was very good...

Ville got some french petitjous...but with italian name...

My other friends ordered the same later on...

We later on headed to this bar...

Heading west....on a blurry pic...

And some mingeling with ppl on the ended after 24...ppl having things to do tomorrow...
Night events
Omg H&M will soon open in Taipei...

In a new mall near taipei 101...

I did some cinnamon buns in the evening...

They were ok...

Alot of cinnamon...but with maybe too much fiber...
Guiding foreigners
My friend started a new job recently..

I helped him with some training...and also found, at his place, that they pumpkin i gave him were almost dead...

We also passed by some house with old fashon clothes...

And concluded that they had coffee form central america...just like "mama zui", in bali, Taipei...
Some days in gothenburg
Im having some business in Gothenuburg. Its snowing...I heard that february is the coldest month of the year, but december is the darkest...thus january is between the coldest and darkest month...but now its just above 0 degrees...sun sets 16.10...

I visited my cousins during these days...they had some event at home..

Omg, a trapise beer, so luxurious...

And indian food...

This beer is from gothenburg...I also tried that one...

It was my cousins birthday...they made s special cake for him with brownie, white chocolate fudge etc...

I also checked a movie (7 years in tibet) was a mandalay entertainment cool...since i was in mandalay last year...

I also passed by some university building...the internet didnt work there...strange...

I also made pancakes with a friend...

I flopped them, so that they looked professional...

With some blackberry jam...super nice...
Mingling and computer cleaning
I have done some trips to gothenburg recently...

And got a kebab pizza...pretty nice...

The weather has become warmer in the last days...

My brother came to goehnburg...and prepared some people here...

I cleaned my computer...since it made some was more complicated than I thought to open it...
Another day at the west
My brtoher is paying a visit from switzerland...

Hanging out in sweden...

We went around preparing for an event...

We met Erik downtown...

And I saw my classmate...

And my cousin was also in town...

Later on I visited an old friend in Gothenburg...

My friend Eberth had a cool beer bottle...shaped as a beer glass...

I also got some interesting russian candy made out of cow blood...

And some "typical swedish dish" (according to Eberth)...

He likes to be in the kitchen...

Russian candies has always been very intersting...I remember some 10 years ago when I helped a russian south of stockholm, and I got a candy from the night is saved
A trip west
I made a trip west some days ago...

My friend was making some food...

...she always use "pillivuyt" china...

Omg...some nice pasta sauce...

With some italian tortellini...

I also observed that places in western sweden still has christmas decoration out...pretty late...

Omg...late in the day it started to hail interesting...

Big hails...

My bike in action...I need a strong bike, that can carry heavy load...
Stormy weather
Stormy winter weather is passing by...

I did some hamburgers for some ppl when the wind was sounding outside...

I also improved my "details about superhero comics"-skills...
Analyzing the supermarket
I met my sister recently...

She likes organic sceptical to the productssometimes...then the name is "organic" but it has no sign from any independent organic association...

I also checked for my old classmate who is said to work at this super market...but have never seen her...

I also tried a beer from the largest island of sweden again...
Windy days
Some windy days passed by...

Made some reparation work on high altitude...
Heading to Gothenburg
Days in Gdansk is coming to an end...

Some Gargoyles, reminding me ot Notre Dame in paris...

And finally, I got to try Bigos...after some days hunting for ut...

It was at a traditional Milkbar...which even was rewarded...

...and mentioned in the news...

They also recommended some things to see in touristic...

We also tried to revisit the market hall..Eberth likes those...

Omg...Zapiekanki thats 50cm...thats alot (zapiekanki is a typical polish pizza/hot sandwich)...

Another store had 60cm zapiekanki...

The famous wooden crane in miniature...

Sponsored by the local rotary club...

This hill reminds me of Mandalay, there they had some of castle out side the city center...

The display at the bus statition, to get to the airport was not that good...

On the way to the airport we passed by some suburb of Gdansk...

I also tasted some polish vodka, just before check-in...

And gave some coins to the local Lions club...

The airplane that will take us north...

And an airport with the symbols of gdansk...

Finally home things were as usual...I always feel safe in sweden...
The fifth of jan in Gdansk
I went for a short walk in Gdansk downtown (old town) this evening...

This was some old ruin, I was told...

And at this "hotel Gdansk" they had local beer...

Just like in taiwan, they keep cupper the background...

Omg...they also ahve absolute vodka...

I had 0.5 liter weissbeer...

I was told it had soma banana characteristics...

Omg..."Best microbrewery in Poland"...(2008)...

Eberth wondere where this pic was taken, and we identified it to be at this specific desk..but maybe a liitle photoshoped...

They also "Zurek" which is a traditional polish soup...

I got it in a peice of bread...

Bread without a lid...

I also read about my soup while enjoying it...

Eberth had some fat...

Not sure how they made it...

It seems like these 2 crosses are a symbol of Gdansk...

They also had some accordion player here too...

I also went to look for a geocache...not sure if i found it...

Later we went to buy tickets for a bus...

And tried some Goldwasser, which originally is from Gdansk...

It contains real gold...22-23 carats...

It was made in gdansk already 1598, but I think they moved the production to germany after som years...

For all you who wonders if there is gold in your food, gold is labelled as "E175" as an additive...

I also had a polish beer...

We also met Patrik...he works at a ferry, driving to sweden from Gdansk...

He wanted us to try this raspberry drink...

He was very funny...

Many people joined up at this bar later on (the day before the polish christmas)...

Patrik talking to girls...

Afterwards Eberth wanted to show me the "best kebab in poland":..

"Kebab Jerusalem":..

So any customers..I wonder how long this peice of meat will last...

IT was very nice...(but not relly like mossens pizzeria)...

The biggest brick church by night...

I also observed that our room had a "hotel führer"...thats interesting...
Another day in Gdansk..
Finally it was a sunny day in Poland...

Even the neptus statue was smiling...

This building if famous...

I think it was used to embark ships...

They also have this pirate ship, which i saw the day before...

And a nice text on this boat...

The channel goes out to the baltic sea...I think its like 10-20km to the ocean from here...

Later we went to check the architecture...

Amber is a gid thing here...they even have a street dedicated for it...

This is how yesterdays bar looks like (the one with people singing and playing instruments)...its one of my favorite bars in Poland so far...

I also found a place where they produce Goldwasser (vodka with real pieces of gold in it)...

...and later we visited the St Mary´s church...prety big...for being a brick building...

And the worlds largest instrument...the an organ...

Wow...more than 1000 years old...

And a pope-sign looking like ths wedish flag...

They even had swedish at the flattering...

Since soviet disapeared they changed that flag to the russian flag...

Nest stop was a strange resturant that Eberh´s been to before...

With puppets on the table...

And pine cones...

And other kinds of art...

This is the manager (i think) and the president of poland (or former president)...

They also had ships hanging from the ceiling...

Of differnt sizes...

I tried a beer from Gdansk...

I even think they had some beer history paintings on the wall...

I go "all in" for polish stuff when im in poland...thus I got the tomato soup again...but with rice instead of pasta...

Not sure why, but these 2 crosses were frequently used in this restaurant...

I got some "typical polish" dish...tasted like ham...

More crosses in the toilett...

Later we headed west, to a museaum...on the street outside there I saw another batman logo on a drink commercial...

We also passed by this monument... was for some people died 45 years ago...I think they wanted to create a labour union...

We also went to a museum about this union...and they had some intersting paintings... gray scale..and favorite colour combiniation...

This is the name of the union...

Another painting...

And some miniature of the ship production...

Next stop was a market hall...Eberth loves thos...

I bought some typical polish stuff...while i was carrying around my chinadaily news papaer (european edition)...

Omg...I also saw more somersby cider in a near by kiosk...

After that I tried som polish candies and polish i said before "in poliand i do as the polish"...I still wonder if the origin of vodka is from poland...but I heard that the polish people say that might be true...

I also got the chance to try this was brewed based on a "german recepie"...
Heading to Gdansk
The temperature in Warsaw is around 0...

The streets looks different, depending on how far from the city center I am...

I went back to the ghetto overpass...for some geocache hunt...

And walked along the old ghetto wall...

A typical warsaw building...with statues etc...

Omg...a fridays...

Seems like tere will be a movie about Mt Everest soon...I really like the himalayas...

Next stop was a monument over a guy who protected children...

Seems like this city was heavily damaged by the second world war...

Later on, near the central station, the Ghetto wall was still marked...

A last view of the soviet house...

I tried a typical polish bread...before I left for the train...

Many people on the platform...

Cabbage in the bread...I think this is very polish...

A final view of the river...that makes this city so humid (I was told)...

Omg...they use russian here in poland...

The landscape was mainly trees like in southern sweden...

Mr E was tired...

I had some polish vodka...("in poland I do as the polish people")...

And next stop was Gdansk...

Omg..a swedish flag...

And they even have a China Daily (european weekly edition)...

This place is famous for its gold water...its vodka with pieces of gold in it...

And "is currently the largest brick church in the world. Its construction began in 1379." (wiki)...

This statue of neptun, the father of the little mermaid, perhaps...

Many houses looks like this..."from the Hanseatic League"...Eberth told me...

They even had a Hard Rock Cafe in one of these houses...

And some old ship...

And a resturant taht George W Bush once ate at...

Many houses has these small decorations...

And AC...

They also have many bars...

Since Gdansk is near the baltic sea...they have alot of influence from it...(like norweigan menues in some resturant)...

And Glögg...

We also tried some local beer...

It was pretty sweet...

And they also had a movie, showing how the brewery made the beer...(like in taiwan)...

Cool painting...

Another pic of the large church...

I also sipped on my polish vodka while walking on the streets...

Next stop was this nice cafe...with some old people singing...

And nice interior design...

And some cheap and special beer...

Omg...a logo from sweden...

And many faces reminding me of the movie "alien"...

More singing and playing...

The guy started to play guitarr after a while...

This guy was very good in singing...he started to play as well...

Or rather assisting the lady playing the piano...

And the he played by himself...

Befor some other people joined up...

The bar also had coins at the counter...some were swedish...

After this people moved on...(they closed at 23)...

And here many people were shoting strange drinks...

Interesting quote...

Eberth saw this was intersting...with chocolate flavour....

We mest some locals...very interesting people...

Mr E gave this guy a swedish snus...

And showed how to use it...

Step by step...

And then he had it in for 10 minutes...

After a while he puked...I tried to take a pic, but his friend got anygry so i deleted it...later I got to take a pic of this guy surviving the snus...2015 continues...
Days in warsaw coming to an end
Warsaw has alot of interesting architecture...

Like this "russian" look-a-like house...

Me and Ebberth headed to Praga, the eastern part of the city...

We came to some was said to be bohemic...that suits me...

Interesting...looked a little like som left-wing bars in frankfurt...

I tried this lager...

They had some alterntive places this place...

But we ended up at this place..

We needed stamps to enter...

It was a Carlsberg beer...

It was pretty loud music in here...barely heard what people was saying...

I decorated a table with a german ticker I got from my friend Uli in Germany...

After a while more people joined up...

After some hours...we left to dowtown...I tried to find a geocache..but it was dark and well marked some angels, that are all around warsaw...

But I found this batman bracelet...

And got a blur pic of the warsaw castle form the river side...

Warsaws skyline is pretty nice...with som skyscrapers...

Next stop was a place where we went earlier the same day...but on andother floor, I had a dark porter beer...(polish ofcourse)...

And some russioan style dumplings...I learned that "dumplings are large" and "pirogie are small"...

Mr E a similar dich...

Next stop was another geocache place...that was here to show a place that use to be a bridge between the small and the big ghetto during the second world war...

I used this "AXA" building many times to localize myself at the west part of warsaw...

Another place to mark the ghetto border...

In the night, there were some loud drilling at the place we stayed at...not sure why they have to be noisy in the night :S
Days passing by in warsaw
Another day in warsaw...

Some heavy drilling in the place we stay at in the morning...a good wake up call...

A long walk was made...

At a local market, they had winter apples...

And Pierogi...its a dumpling...

Far away the soviet building can be seen...

And I also saw mny sushi bars...

One...after another...

And more milk bars...

Omg...and a poster of different kinds of beer...I hava barely tried any of them...

I boght some breakfast at a nearby supermarket...

And as usual I see similarities between many cities that I visit...this place looks like the under ground mall in Taipei...

Another view hardrock cafe, with the soviet building in the background...

And some tourist information...

Omg...the swedish embassy...

With the flag in the front...

And some posters...

After that we headed to a park, and tried to find a statue of Frédéric Chopin, the famous composer...

Eberth taught me a trick how to scare birds..

I also saw a chinese temple...

And a polish castle...

And the famous warsaw arean...

And more birds in the Vitsula? river....

It was snowing and raining today...

I have a bucket list of things I want to try...and Zapiekanki is one thing...its like a toast in the oven...

With onion and cheese...

I also observed people taking pics of this pig/hippo...I ownder what this is...

Next stop was this polish friend recommended this...

They had polish beer...

It had a nice malt flavour...

And some Pirogie...(or dumplings, but I think dumplings here are bigger)...

It seems like they also had russian food...(Boeff Strogonoff)...

I later on saw som typical russain statues...

And had some other cheap polish beer and a very cheap donut...
Some night events in Warsaw
I went out on the night life in warsaw...

I first paid a short visit to a place that had local beer...I went there yesterday friendEberh wanted to try some german food...

After that I went to a typical polish bar and then to this place with many taps...

...91 taps...

Omg the bartender had a funny T-shirt...he seemed to be a biker...

I tried the "simcoe pils" was a beer from a place near the baltic sea...

We went there, since it was announced on some forums...

I got many tips for animation software...

I met 2 indians, and many locals...

Ebernt were using the snus...

A polish guy we met tried Göteborgs rapé in ireland some time ago...

He also shared this site for cheap flights...

And we watched a trailer....

...of this indian move...which was as good as slumdog millionaire...

Nest stop was a club...

...Our friends prefered a gay was interesting...

Eberth was enjoying himself...

It was a very dark place...and no signs...

More beers consumed...

And the locals were dancing...

Our indian friend wanted to show us more this smokey place...

And after that we went to this place..."fancy clubs"=people speak english, "normal clubs"=normal with fights, and many drunk people...

Some typical polish place...where the indian friend treated us polish vodka...

Omg...they have Paypass and paywave in poland...a.k.a. "tap and go"...

On the way home, many people were promoting strip clubs...I felt like I was eastern or southern europe...

Many cities reminds me of other cities...and this city reminds me of shanghai alot...with the open areas and cold winter wind...
Another day in warsaw...
Its around -2 in the night and +2 in the day...and very humid due to the Wisla river crossing Warsaw...

I had a walking breakfast today...I like fits the bohemic lifestyle that makes travelling joyful..

Still amazed over the dicipline at the roads, compare to other east european feels like its close to the german border...

Omg...a nice cake, in a nearby bakery...

The polish flag...

And soviet union´s gift to warsaw...they have many of in bukarest...7 in moscow etw...

And many sculptures...

Omg...a hard rock cafe...I didnt buy any T-shirt...but I still consider my self been to Warsaw for real now...

Next stop after fixing a train ticket out of this city, was to visit a milk bar...

They even had flags to show which dishes were polish...

To bad they barely had any of the things that was on the outdoor menu...

I had milk and a typical polish soup...,(I was told that ppl dont drink milk in milk shops...and the soup tasted like swedish tomato soup...but still)...

Wow...they have carrefour in polen...

A statue of Copernicus, he wasnt from wasaw, but still polish...

And a fjällräven bag...

The Trabant car from yesterday even has a facebook page...seems serious...

It was raining today...a walk on the old town during day light...watching slippery red bricks...

Seems like eerything was destroyed during second world war...and after that rebuilt...

Another statue...looked like a samurai from behind...

They also had some free in sydney...

Many ppl joining up...maybe I will join one of these tours tomorrow...

Eberth suggested to visit a beer place...

I tried another local weissbeer...

Eberh later tried a Pilsner...

At the exit, they had a "alkomat"...where u canblow to check if u have been drinking...

This place was very central in the warsaw old town...

I passed by another supermarket to check what beers they had...

Omg...swedish sumersby...

I ended the walk with a dinner at the room...polish food...
A day in warsaw
I left gothenburg rather early this morning...

I got some candy from was nice...

...and then headed to the central station...

Cool...a box of street art...

We took the bus to the airport...

Some girl having a bag, bigger than allowed...

Eberth had a small bag...

Omg...some staff didnt want me to take pick in the cabin...she said there was a risk that she was on the pic...

Nice sky over Poland...

It was dark when we arrived...some fireworks in the sky was spottde...

"Krakow" "Gdansk"...welcome to Poland..

Eberth had directions to the hotel he booked...

It said "-5 C"...not sure..but it was very humid here...

We went to check for some geocache...

They had many christmas things...

Eberth in the castle in the old town...

And some church...they are very christian here...

And some wine, tasting like swedish glögg...

I also tried some polish beer...

And "typical polish soup"...

It tasted like Heineken...

I asked polish friend, who said that "potato and carrot are typicla polish"...

"Piwo" means beer...(similar to "Pijui" in chinese)...

Ppl ice skating in the old town...

And the skyline...

Next stop was a german place with their own beer...

It was ok...a little characteristic burned sugar.... old friend Marta showed up...

She hosted us around the old town...telling us about the culture...its illegal to cross the red light, for pedestriants...

This is the presidental palace...

And a german classic trabant car...

We also passed by a milk bar...

And this is a "gift from the sovjet union"...bukarest and some other city has a similar one....
New years eve
I went to a friend at new years eve...

Eberth were preparing some shirt...

And Jonatan, a friend of mine wanted to buy snus at 7-11...

Omg...they had some problems with the pipes...

Later on we went to nother friends appartment...

Eberth was in party mode...

And they had some champange pyramid...

Not sure if everything went into the glasses...

They also had paradis chocolate...its pretty famous in sweden...

And some speech was held...

A mix of audience...

And at 24 the fireworks started...

Happy new year...

And some local fire crackers....

And alot of neighbours passed by...

And ppl started to dance...

Omg...alot of champange was on the floor...i put my socks on...

More mingeling...

Some random girl had an interesting tattoo...

And fake eye lashes...

This girl didnt have that obvious ones...

Eberth was dancing...

And many ppl joined up...

Some german ppl wanted to play german music...

After some hours the party faded out...

Just some drunk ppl hanging in the bed...

I met an old classmate in the tram later on...

And some religous guy with a tattoo on his hand...
2015 continues...