Some days in gothenburg
Im having some business in Gothenuburg. Its snowing...I heard that february is the coldest month of the year, but december is the darkest...thus january is between the coldest and darkest month...but now its just above 0 degrees...sun sets 16.10...

I visited my cousins during these days...they had some event at home..

Omg, a trapise beer, so luxurious...

And indian food...

This beer is from gothenburg...I also tried that one...

It was my cousins birthday...they made s special cake for him with brownie, white chocolate fudge etc...

I also checked a movie (7 years in tibet) was a mandalay entertainment cool...since i was in mandalay last year...

I also passed by some university building...the internet didnt work there...strange...

I also made pancakes with a friend...

I flopped them, so that they looked professional...

With some blackberry jam...super nice...