Another day in warsaw...
Its around -2 in the night and +2 in the day...and very humid due to the Wisla river crossing Warsaw...

I had a walking breakfast today...I like fits the bohemic lifestyle that makes travelling joyful..

Still amazed over the dicipline at the roads, compare to other east european feels like its close to the german border...

Omg...a nice cake, in a nearby bakery...

The polish flag...

And soviet union´s gift to warsaw...they have many of in bukarest...7 in moscow etw...

And many sculptures...

Omg...a hard rock cafe...I didnt buy any T-shirt...but I still consider my self been to Warsaw for real now...

Next stop after fixing a train ticket out of this city, was to visit a milk bar...

They even had flags to show which dishes were polish...

To bad they barely had any of the things that was on the outdoor menu...

I had milk and a typical polish soup...,(I was told that ppl dont drink milk in milk shops...and the soup tasted like swedish tomato soup...but still)...

Wow...they have carrefour in polen...

A statue of Copernicus, he wasnt from wasaw, but still polish...

And a fjällräven bag...

The Trabant car from yesterday even has a facebook page...seems serious...

It was raining today...a walk on the old town during day light...watching slippery red bricks...

Seems like eerything was destroyed during second world war...and after that rebuilt...

Another statue...looked like a samurai from behind...

They also had some free in sydney...

Many ppl joining up...maybe I will join one of these tours tomorrow...

Eberth suggested to visit a beer place...

I tried another local weissbeer...

Eberh later tried a Pilsner...

At the exit, they had a "alkomat"...where u canblow to check if u have been drinking...

This place was very central in the warsaw old town...

I passed by another supermarket to check what beers they had...

Omg...swedish sumersby...

I ended the walk with a dinner at the room...polish food...