A day in warsaw
I left gothenburg rather early this morning...

I got some candy from russia...it was nice...

...and then headed to the central station...

Cool...a box of matches..as street art...

We took the bus to the airport...

Some girl having a bag, bigger than allowed...

Eberth had a small bag...

Omg...some staff didnt want me to take pick in the cabin...she said there was a risk that she was on the pic...

Nice sky over Poland...

It was dark when we arrived...some fireworks in the sky was spottde...

"Krakow" "Gdansk"...welcome to Poland..

Eberth had directions to the hotel he booked...

It said "-5 C"...not sure..but it was very humid here...

We went to check for some geocache...

They had many christmas things...

Eberth in Warsaw...at the castle in the old town...

And some church...they are very christian here...

And some wine, tasting like swedish glögg...

I also tried some polish beer...

And "typical polish soup"...

It tasted like Heineken...

I asked polish friend, who said that "potato and carrot are typicla polish"...

"Piwo" means beer...(similar to "Pijui" in chinese)...

Ppl ice skating in the old town...

And the skyline...

Next stop was a german place with their own beer...

It was ok...a little characteristic taste....like burned sugar....

Omg...my old friend Marta showed up...

She hosted us around the old town...telling us about the culture...its illegal to cross the red light, for pedestriants...

This is the presidental palace...

And a german classic trabant car...

We also passed by a milk bar...

And this is a "gift from the sovjet union"...bukarest and some other city has a similar one....