Some night events in Warsaw
I went out on the night life in warsaw...

I first paid a short visit to a place that had local beer...I went there yesterday friendEberh wanted to try some german food...

After that I went to a typical polish bar and then to this place with many taps...

...91 taps...

Omg the bartender had a funny T-shirt...he seemed to be a biker...

I tried the "simcoe pils" was a beer from a place near the baltic sea...

We went there, since it was announced on some forums...

I got many tips for animation software...

I met 2 indians, and many locals...

Ebernt were using the snus...

A polish guy we met tried Göteborgs rapé in ireland some time ago...

He also shared this site for cheap flights...

And we watched a trailer....

...of this indian move...which was as good as slumdog millionaire...

Nest stop was a club...

...Our friends prefered a gay was interesting...

Eberth was enjoying himself...

It was a very dark place...and no signs...

More beers consumed...

And the locals were dancing...

Our indian friend wanted to show us more this smokey place...

And after that we went to this place..."fancy clubs"=people speak english, "normal clubs"=normal with fights, and many drunk people...

Some typical polish place...where the indian friend treated us polish vodka...

Omg...they have Paypass and paywave in poland...a.k.a. "tap and go"...

On the way home, many people were promoting strip clubs...I felt like I was eastern or southern europe...

Many cities reminds me of other cities...and this city reminds me of shanghai alot...with the open areas and cold winter wind...