1st of advent
Since I didnt go hunting elks and deers this year I spent more time picking mushrooms...

The crew of the day...

It was pretty nice...

After some time, we went for some coffee in the sun...

And muffins...

Omg...plenty of mushrooms...but some where frozen...

Sun sets around 15-16...so its good to have a GPS when walking around in the forest...

My dear friend Eberth took this pic, and shared it with me...as one "normal" pic among "all the blur that I use on my blog"...

I observed some birds that were heading south...

They aimed for the sun at sunset...its pretty much in the direction of south...

The birds always gets back to the exact same spot every year...thats interesting...

Later on I joined some parade in town...

I havnt seen this for 20 years...i think...Anders and his family joined up...

I remember that my uncle use to play the drums in this parade when he was young...

We also joined up in the parade...

Plenty of people on the blur pic..

But the whole city is in town...

This orchestra played the same song along the whole parade...later they will play near the big square...

Daniel was watching from his balcony...

He treated some saffron buns...

And the rest of the city dances around the christmas tree...
Autumn events
It was autumn...

Deers...just like humans, cant get C vitamin from carbs...the poor animals need to eat green things...

They enjoyed the recently cut branches from an apple tree...

Some boat fishing on a lake...

And some island...with a light house...belongs to some motor boat association...

A burger...sometimes its hard to match the patty and bread size...we in the modern world...faces these difficulties every now and then...

And the sun sets in the south west...compare to the summer, it sets in the west...
When I was younger I planned to make some pictture schedule...on how the sunsets differ depending on season...maybe I should make some animation soon...
X-mas times begins...
X-mas times are here...

This triangel shpaes bar with lights are spotted in almost every window...(1st advent is this sunday)
Hang outs and looking backs
I hanged out with some locals yestery...

They were having some evening meal in a nearby town...

I also had the opportunity to pass by a local art exhibition...

And later see old pics of one of my favorute countries Buthan...with some swedish vehicle....

Omg, I also did a survey where they had the quetsions about my gender...
The alterntives were: "Man", "woman" and "other gender"...so modern...
Medical exam
I did a medical exam today...

Went to some hospital early in the morning...it all went well...(I have to do it every second year)...

I also passed by the stock exchange day in Gothenburg...many people are there, sharing their tips and informing about companies...
Fair visit and mingling evening...
I paid a quick visit to a fair recently...

It was about real estate...and organisations involved in tentant business...

Karl was also there...investigating options and opportunities...

Omg...from a sky skraper...when flushing the toilet...whats the speed of the "stuff" when it reaches ground?...its been a question thats been bugging me for some decades...here is the answer: not super big...since "modern" (atleast) houses has pipes that turns...it will decrease the water speed. 1.4 meters is some rule before the water gets a pretty constant speed...

This is some filter or trap, to keep rats out from the pipes...

We later on went north east...and met Andre, a french guy who speaks swedish...i tried to communicate in french with him...

Next stop was Kedar...one of my nice friends...I had some typucal swedish cakes with me...he planned some indian drink (he is from india)...

There were also some beer offered...this was an interesting weissbeer....

Kedar had some Chai tea spices...

Just like the one I use to do...but this one was far more tasty...maybe the secret it to have bigger peices of the spices...

And Karl planned to make dumplings...

More people joined up...

This is interesting...it smells like "knäck"...but is processed butter....apparently common in india...

Some first dumplings are ready...

After some while, I took the opportunity to visit anders...who has a project...to put on a shelf on the wall...I was inspecting the wall for a while...

Later in the evening the dumpling factory was closed...

And people were hanging at the kitchen table...

Omg...east european dumpling...

Kedar showed me some nice whisky...some super smoky highland single malt...not bad...

I was also guided aroung his appartment...he seems to like "retro" style...

All designed in swedish 50ies-70ties style...cool...

Omg...after a night they seemed to emptied the beer supply....

This is interesting...I tried Chimay many times..but never considered it to be a real trappist...I should investigate this more later...
Random AW events
I went for an After work in gothenburg last evening...

Some random ppl serving glögg near my ancestor Carl 9....

After some visi to a hotel...we tokof to this place...been here some times before...

I had this ale..form denmark...

With the blury crew...

And the beer...
Pruning trees
Usually its "JAS" thats the time rule for pruning trees (J=July, A=August, S=September), however, due to this recent warm times, I started to prune some apple and plum trees now...better now then never...
Some radio recordings
I had a meeting at a radio station some recent afternoon...

Locally broadcasted...but available worldwide online...(as usual)...

It reminded me a little of my time working at MTG radion in Stockholm...but less commercial...

I ended my Gothenburg visit by passing by a 7-11...I seldom visit 7-11 in sweden...
Some business events on the west coast
I got a strange phonecall from the tax office today...

Surprising...but I didnt get clear answers....

I followed up by the local Swedish business industry...

And got introduced by some business advice organisations...in which I have been involved with before...
Baibai Sara
The weekend is over...and back to reality...

My sister came to the west coast for a while...

...but now she will returnto Stockholm...

The train had some small probems, but eventually left the platform...recently some new high speed train started to commute Stockholm- Gothenburg...thats good, hopefully it will lower the ticket prices...
Random events at the west coast
Its winter time...thustime to start preparing forthe summer...

I gave away some plants for people today...I hope they will generate fruit next summer...

I also passed by gothia towers to listen to some interesting presentationabout hongkong...

And tried some local beer...

Back again at heaven 23...

I was here many times this spring...listening to presentations...now its winter time...it was long time ago I was here duringthis season...

We can also conclude that swedes weight 80kg...
Some recent events
My mushroom picking expert Karl joined to teach me the art of mushroom picking recently...

He founs mushrooms even before we arrived to the mushroom picking place...

Omg...some trace of an animal...

And some lingon berries (cow berries)...

And some strange plastic stick...

Later I paid a visit to Erik...

We ate some classic Prinsesstårta...

I hided a peice of magnet in his house some while ago...its fun to see if its still there...
Some day trip to Gothenburg
Visited Gothenburg business school yesterday...

Anders join up, he also had some meeting...

Listening to some presentation about google, while working...

Omg...I later went to a student bar...where they support paying for the musc they play...

I tried an Electric Nurse...

Eberth was there...

We both had pretty strong beers...

And some pizza...

With alot of suce to dip...I like it...

I was suppose to meet one of my blog readers...he couldnt show up...but I promised him some blur pics to show...this is blur enough...(i think)...

Eberth also took a pic of me..im not super comfortable with beeing on the photo...but some one has to be on the pics...later i went for a long bike ride...
Some day in gothenburg
I passed gothenburg for some business...doing some tests and met friends from long time ago...

I also passed by the NCTU europe office...

They had some dumplings acitvity...

And some candies that they use to give away at Food court 2 at NCTU in Hsinchu, Taiwan...

And Pascal was there...

The NCTU Europe staff were showing how to make the dumplings...

But most of it they prepared in advance...

Omg...the first one...looks pretty professional...

I didnt have time to particiapate in the activity...I ended by visit with a quick picture of the first batch...

Next stop was at Tess...she prepared some typical swedish plain food (according to her)...

Omg...she even got a special stand for the remotes...to practical...

Also I saw the first electric advent candlestick...its not even december...it was a chinese restaurant having it...might be why they didnt mind putting it up already...

I also met an old friend at the business school in gothenburg...Anders were also there doing some business...
Sister is in town
My sister is in town...
Autumn as reached almost every part of sweden...
Soon its christmas...
Autumn as reached almost every part of sweden...
Soon its christmas...
Some late night projects
I did some last attempt to keep the orange tree alive today...

Creating some humid atmosphere...and cutting almost all branches...(maybe it was the drastic soil change...that became too much)...

I also did another mushroom sandwich...
A fifth time to the forest...or sixth...
I went back to the forest today...

With a couple of friends...and encountered some hunters...having a BBQ...

Omg...after some hour I got a bag...

And after another hour I got another bag...it´s easier to find mushrooms in october...

Erik was the one who helped me clean them...

I also had meringue suisse after the mushroom dinner...one of my favouite desserts...
A quick visit to Redbergsplatsen
I spent some hours at redbergsplatsen...

Doing some business and also inspecting my friends flowers...

I also got to try to sparkling wine...

And watch some swedish TV programs...2014 continues...
A reunion with Eberth
I went to gothenburg last night...

Meeting up Anders at the main library...i also renewed my library card...I like libraries...a easy and cheap way to enjoy culture and gain information...

Omg...Karin Boye statue...Wolrd famous in Gothenburg...

We also manged to find an After Work (After work a.k.a. A.W.) is a term in gothenburg for that you buy a drink and get free food (buffet), which is very cheap, like as cheap as 20 to 30 SEK...

If its cheap you cannot be too picky with the food...here they had Hawaii Pizza, some fried squid, olives and chips...

"no smoking in the the bus stop"...convenient and healthy...("Rök inte i vänthallen")...the society takes further distance towards smoking...

Next stop was to meet Eberth...

We went to John Scotts...

Omg..many kins of beer and cider...

We had the privilidge to meet many business people...

This place is alot like a brittish bar...which I like...very relaxed and not that strict...

Eberth mentioned that I owed him a beer...its very cheap here to...or "always happy hour" as they say...

Eberth wants me to rename my blog to "blur pics"...this is his attempt to take a pic of me..."good job Eberth"!

Omg, some random person had an exclusive watch...

More mingeling but not that cheap beers near kungstorget...

We were near this place...very unique in sweden...it opened 31st of august 1900....they have an agreement with the government or something...that they have permission to sell alcohol without offer food (which most bars needs)...

I was suppose to take the train 01.10, but dueto a track change (which is very rare), I just madeit to the train...but with 1 second delay...the door closed right in front of my face...and I missed the train...so I kept Eberth company home..he got a flat tire to start with...but additional to this, someone took some part of his fron wheel...

And apparently cut some other persons bike locker...

It was a nice walk north...Eberth also stores hos lock on his steering bar...just like me...
M&M peanut butter
M&M´s peanutbutter is a big favourite...

Too bad that there´s not that common with peanut butter candies in Sweden...
Evening events in november
Yesterday I delivered some plants ad flowers to some friend...

I know a guy who is an expert in plants...who taught me alot...and suddenly I got alot of plants...that I give away...

I also had some business at the airport...
Africa group seminar
I went to a seminar yesterday about Africa...

It was fun...and interesting...it was at VKM in gothenburg...I like this place...did alot of research here 8 years ago...

Africa seems pretty nice...even if its inthe shaddow for many europeans as a travel spot...

Eberth was also here...having a Gotlands Bryggeris beer...(also availble at Costco, Taiwan)...

Madagaskar isnt a part of the "africa group" logo...strange...

Later on Eberth insisted of going to a bar...he "was hungry"...not sure if it was for beer of for food...

We went to this place...(Nordic Gastro)...

Also here they had beer from Gotlands bryggeri...

I was fine with one IPA...but eberth has problems just taking 1 beer...(as many people seem to have)...

Eberth also had some food...

Omg...the lamps in here doesnt seem that environmental friendly...

Eberth (take 5)..."may I have another beer"...

The lager ispretty nice...aftersome IPA...

Time was running away...

Take 6 (or 7?)...

They were only selling beers from nordic countries here (northern europe)...this was the bartenders favorite...

While sitting inside....I could conclude that the temperature outside was dropping fast...and I could conclude that 2014s first autumn snow arrived in early november...(some week after it was shorts weather)...I guess the tropical weather from Spain stopped comming...
Evening events on the west coast
Colder air is coming from the west...

Its not 15 degrees anymore...today it was almost 8...

Far far away is the ocean...behind the mountains in the horizon...

...this statue is Poseidon...the god of the Sea...

Later in the night I went to a presentation about Nepal...since I have been there...I found it fun and intereresting to share my experience...

Many people were there...I also got some interesting ideas for the future...
...I also saw Pär Hallgren, who also participated in the Alley Cat race some weeks ago (3rd place)...too bad I didnt have time to talk to him...we have many things in common...
Plant improvment and bike fixing day
Some day ago I spent alot of time fixing plants...

I had a floursit at home, who taught me how to save plants...this orange tree needs less acid soil, so I added eggshell...

After some hours fixing, this bike is fit for fight...

I also had some indian friend visiting...resulting in that I made some Mandalay curry dish... (even though Mandalay is in Myanmar)...

Even in late night I kept saving plants.. (in my opinion: "saving")
Another trip to the forest
I went with some people to the forest today...kind of the last time to pick mushrooms I though...

These people joined up...

We walked for some time, until we came to the "secret spot"...

I wasnt rainy...actually it was partly sunny...(or atleast for a while u could see the sun)...however I brought alot of equipment as usual...

My dear friend Anders brought a balloon...!?!

Anders kept taking pics on me...officially I dont like to be on picture...so this is the most representative of the day...

Omg...after some while picking, and after almost getting lost...I came back to a birthday celebration...

...near the road...

Pretty nice with strawberries...

Preparing for blowing the candles...

And alot of cakes...

Later on..before sunset...we headed back to the cars...

We also passed by Brobacka Naturum before heading back to town..

Back to reality...trying out some mushrooms and checking that there were no bad ones...

And a pumpkin cake...that Anders also brought...in these Halloween times..

My old friend Tim was playing the guitar...very well, he works as a musician...

I was preparing the classic "mushroom sandwich"-recipe...

And the locals...ehh..I mean the foreigners were fixing the mushrooms...

Pumpkin cake and mushroom sandwich, very October-November:ish food...

Sitting in the acient room...with silver blue table design...

Nils was using a special childrens chair that im not sure anyone used it before...

When we were done...it was time for heading back to the city...

Also alot of info about plants were shared...Ching-Pei got some smart tips from our french friend...

We also passed by light in Alingsås...

Before they headed back to the big town...

Omg...some flag pole was broken in the city...maybe due to recent stong winds...2014 continues...
Virtual Birthday bash saturday
Urban Dictionary´s first hit:
Birthday Bash:
"The overly excessive amount of facebook notifications one receives on his/her birthday due to mainly people that person never talks to wishing them a happy birthday."....
My bash was virtual...
However...I (in my opinion) talk to my FB-friends more than once a year...given that they reply my comments...

Some ppl during the day...I felt a high responsibility to reply everyone...

I also finished some bike-problem for my friend...

And had a kebabpizza...super awesome...

And some fika...

Omg...the old label/logo of this candy was changed duw to a stereotype...its interesting living in Taiwan, where I see any kind of image...I never heard about this I-country action...but its good...assymetric information creates alot of problems in todays society..

I also did some cake preparations...

And decorations...

After some owentime...
Some Halloween time events
Halloween times in sweden...or "Allhelgonafton" and "alla helgons dag" whichare this weekend...

I picked up some packages some days ago...super awesome gifts :)

I also drove to the airport...

...omg...some car accident...on the high way...

And long queues...

And some wake board and water activity arena...

I love airports...always a connection to the rest of the world...

No queues on the way home...

I started to investigate my friends bike...

And had a fika in Alingsås...knows as the Fika-city of sweden...(among the locals)...

Omg...hops add in the systembolaget...pretty impressive...
I want a plant like that...

I also passed by gothenburg quickly in the halloween night...and watched an anime movie...