Fair visit and mingling evening...
I paid a quick visit to a fair recently...

It was about real estate...and organisations involved in tentant business...

Karl was also there...investigating options and opportunities...

Omg...from a sky skraper...when flushing the toilet...whats the speed of the "stuff" when it reaches ground?...its been a question thats been bugging me for some decades...here is the answer: not super big...since "modern" (atleast) houses has pipes that turns...it will decrease the water speed. 1.4 meters is some rule before the water gets a pretty constant speed...

This is some filter or trap, to keep rats out from the pipes...

We later on went north east...and met Andre, a french guy who speaks swedish...i tried to communicate in french with him...

Next stop was Kedar...one of my nice friends...I had some typucal swedish cakes with me...he planned some indian drink (he is from india)...

There were also some beer offered...this was an interesting weissbeer....

Kedar had some Chai tea spices...

Just like the one I use to do...but this one was far more tasty...maybe the secret it to have bigger peices of the spices...

And Karl planned to make dumplings...

More people joined up...

This is interesting...it smells like "knäck"...but is processed butter....apparently common in india...

Some first dumplings are ready...

After some while, I took the opportunity to visit anders...who has a project...to put on a shelf on the wall...I was inspecting the wall for a while...

Later in the evening the dumpling factory was closed...

And people were hanging at the kitchen table...

Omg...east european dumpling...

Kedar showed me some nice whisky...some super smoky highland single malt...not bad...

I was also guided aroung his appartment...he seems to like "retro" style...

All designed in swedish 50ies-70ties style...cool...

Omg...after a night they seemed to emptied the beer supply....

This is interesting...I tried Chimay many times..but never considered it to be a real trappist...I should investigate this more later...