Africa group seminar
I went to a seminar yesterday about Africa...

It was fun...and was at VKM in gothenburg...I like this place...did alot of research here 8 years ago...

Africa seems pretty nice...even if its inthe shaddow for many europeans as a travel spot...

Eberth was also here...having a Gotlands Bryggeris beer...(also availble at Costco, Taiwan)...

Madagaskar isnt a part of the "africa group" logo...strange...

Later on Eberth insisted of going to a bar...he "was hungry"...not sure if it was for beer of for food...

We went to this place...(Nordic Gastro)...

Also here they had beer from Gotlands bryggeri...

I was fine with one IPA...but eberth has problems just taking 1 beer...(as many people seem to have)...

Eberth also had some food...

Omg...the lamps in here doesnt seem that environmental friendly...

Eberth (take 5)..."may I have another beer"...

The lager ispretty nice...aftersome IPA...

Time was running away...

Take 6 (or 7?)...

They were only selling beers from nordic countries here (northern europe)...this was the bartenders favorite...

While sitting inside....I could conclude that the temperature outside was dropping fast...and I could conclude that 2014s first autumn snow arrived in early november...(some week after it was shorts weather)...I guess the tropical weather from Spain stopped comming...