1st of advent
Since I didnt go hunting elks and deers this year I spent more time picking mushrooms...

The crew of the day...

It was pretty nice...

After some time, we went for some coffee in the sun...

And muffins...

Omg...plenty of mushrooms...but some where frozen...

Sun sets around 15-16...so its good to have a GPS when walking around in the forest...

My dear friend Eberth took this pic, and shared it with me...as one "normal" pic among "all the blur that I use on my blog"...

I observed some birds that were heading south...

They aimed for the sun at sunset...its pretty much in the direction of south...

The birds always gets back to the exact same spot every year...thats interesting...

Later on I joined some parade in town...

I havnt seen this for 20 years...i think...Anders and his family joined up...

I remember that my uncle use to play the drums in this parade when he was young...

We also joined up in the parade...

Plenty of people on the blur pic..

But the whole city is in town...

This orchestra played the same song along the whole parade...later they will play near the big square...

Daniel was watching from his balcony...

He treated some saffron buns...

And the rest of the city dances around the christmas tree...