Now I have vacation...time to go for trip...
"if i die....I die...."

The faster I go...the sooner its over...
Evening even with a swedes who is visiting
Last night I went to visit some swedes, who had a swedish friend here (former chalemrs asia student)...

It was nice...they served pizza, but I brought my own some wine that I wanted to finish, and chocolate drink...
They further on went to Taipei (some of them)...I wasnt sure...but i went to hsinchu downtown to meet up some friends instead...
Short wine night in the lab
All alone...soon going to hang out with swedes...

I feel like I need to drink wine in the same speed that I buy new bottles...
its fun...
Extension of my wine cellar...
I bought more wine was an impulse purchase...

I bought french and italian wine and some italian cheese...
Its gonna enhance my cultural lifestyle
Company visit to Sandvik
I visited the Swedish company Sandvik in Neili today...

I had to take train...initially the chalmers students said some might go...but no...

At neili, it was like 1-2 km from the train station where the factory was, so I thought I should take the taxi...
Stingy taxidrivers are becoming like vietnamese taxi drivers...always wanna trick you...they refused taximeter...

At lieast I came there without sweating...since I was waring pants...

We were introduced to the company, and what they are doing here in taiwan...
I was tehre with the swedish chamber of commerce...but also people from the trade council attended...

And we got some taiwanese lunch...

And then more talking and picture taking...

We continued to walk around the factory...

I noticed that they had the same canides here as on the 12 hour marathon...

We ended with some final Q&A...

More photo taking...

And we got a nice gift as well...

So everyone was happy in the mingeling...people from different swedish companies attended, I got a job offer from ericsson...we will c what happends...

I went back to the train station by walking...

And saw the road that goes from Keelung in the north to Kenting in the south of taiwan...I will take this road in some bike...

I came back to Hsinchu train station rather I need to prepare for my vacation...
7-11 gift...
I havnt hag the pooprtunity to collect that many 7-11 stickers this last month, and the tai people who works there are very arbitrary when it comes with giviing you stickers...

But my french friend Nico managed to get many stickers...

This is how happy you look when you get many gifts...
Pizza hut chaise
A classmate told me that there is a pizza hut at Qinghua nightmarket, adn pointed to some direction...
I spent half an hour following his direction until I realied that maybe his description was not that good...

I have been here before...

His girlfriend worked there, she approached me when I left, and hav me free drink and chicken, and said that it was a pity that I paided, since she could have given me that for free....but I said that it was ok...maybe next time...

I ordered2 hawaii pizza with different crust...

And got this for free...
Computer problems...
When I started my computer this morning it had an error...

I fear that I got a virus...
I hope i wont be needing to go to the Asus office again...
New lock to my door
I talked to the janitor yesterday...and the same night the lock was changed on my broken door...I also got a new key...

It feels more fresh...maybe I should investigate my room more, and let them make a make-over...
Football in da lab!
Barca-Milan tonite...2.30...
I have chinese exam its a good reson to stay up late...

Its feels nice to treat friends here whiskey and candies that i usually have here...
Bought chocolate milkshake...and a sundae...however, the humidity make the milkshake absorb the paper bag broke and my shake splashed all over the bad, a good lecture for next time...
The first year students often go eating togetter after class...

And some second year students that are taking class with them, often invited other second year students...
So it was a nice interuption in my studies...even if i didnt study that much anyway...i often get so many other things I "have" to do when I need to for everyon else...
Chinese quiz tomorrow...
I have like a chinese quiz tomorrow...or rather midterm...

I was sipping wine and eating cheese in the lab while checking some characters...its fun...
Preparing spring vacation
I passed by the chalmers office today to prepare my spring semester...

I plan to cycle around taiwan...and soe are some of my friends...but separately...
Sent the mail
So finally I sentthe mail...

I wonder how long time it will take until this ordinary mail reaches home...maybe some week...
Sending an envelope home...
Im sending an envelope home...with an item that I acccidentally brought when I left home last time...

It was only 13NT...thats super cheap...sending things from home here often costs around 300nt...
Italian restaurant visit
I visited an italian resturant at qinghua night market...super central...but i have never seen it before...

Atleast it has an italian flag as a logo...

The corn soup was aweomse...(its a common soup in taiwan).

They had alot of magazines...and one had an article about milo milo...the swedish restaurant I have been to some times...

I got some green pasta lasanga...with was really good...

I ended by buyinag a pineapple strawberry jiuce in a stand...
Time for some more heavy artillery for my fake professional wine glass
Its time for some more heavy artillery in my fake professional wine glass...

Its a red wine from france a la 2007 (Bordeaux)...I drank it with a brie, that was not 100% mature...i continued with a camenbert...butting it in the microwave it became easy to eat after 20 seconds...but its ok...its as good as it gets here in warm taiwan..
I got my corkscrew
I got my corkscrew...

So now Ican open my bottles from my wine cellar...
Mail from home...
I got mail from home...

My father sent me alot of articles about china and job opportunites...he use to read alot about different industries and opportunites candies or kebab pizza was attached in the mail though...
Presentation in class...
The students who went to Shanghai this ebruary for the HUlt competition were asked to present their experience in a class for the first year students today...
So i went there...I did not to the slides...I dont like to present slides that someome else has written cuz I need to interpret...but it was ok...I spoke barely anything...just change the slides all the was fun...
Broken dorm door...
My dorm room door is broken

I need key to open remains locked all the time...I will speak to the janitor roommates are so funny...they never do anything about any problem...perhaps im to fast in acting...
Night hangout
Last night i went to the dragon boat training...I really got hungry after that...

I went to teppanyaki...after some hour later I was hungry again...

Bringing me to Mcdonalds...
I guess I got my appetite back again...
Wine and cheese in the lab
Im bored...need to study...but doing anything else...

Still havnt got a corkscrew from the GMBA secretary..
I have to drink white wine with my brie cheese...
Chinese quiz and cleaning for GMBA
I just had a chinese was ok...

I asked if i could get payed...she said "no"...I claimed that if my name was one of the students that this program favours, i would have..but I said I could to it...since it was just a 5 minutes work, and I know from experience that many asians have to much pride to do such a work (like most of my classmates never raise a finger to clean the lab, even if they have a commitment to do it) it would be easier if i made it done..
12 hour marathon in Taipei
I joined a 12 hour marathon in Taipei today...

I came in last second beffore start...

People were running in circles...
After 1 hour I looked at my watch, concludint I have 11 hours left...

At the start they had drinkgs etc...
I ran the first 50km, however I havnt been practicing running since last year...and togetter with drinking to much, I puked and walked for some laps...

There were a count down...

I took it very easy...talking to people wtc...some woman had done 100 marathons...most people who joined had done atleat 30 or 40 I really felt like a beginner with my 3 marathons if U include my ironman...
To bad that my camera died...but when it was 15 minutes left, staff went out on the track, every 100meter...and when time was out, they noted where you that u got an accurate start they counted how many laps you had done, by a chip on our leg. I did 27,5 laps...its like 82km...i think its ok regarding that i did not prepare...last time I exercied running was in december...I was also by far the heaviest person on the it feels like a good excuse...

I burned myself really hurts...
I never got really tired during the race, and really kept passing many people the last 30 minutes...but my stomach didnt feel good...and my final posisiton was in the middle...of everyone...
Its time I know how it works...
Ultra Marathon trip in Taipei
I went to taipei last night to pick up my number sign for a Ultra Marathon...

I required bith MRT and bus to get out a Taipei university new taipei city...

I picked up my chip, a polo and my number and name sign...

There were tents was apparently a 3km track ariund campus with a distance mark every 100meter...

I also found the same teppanyaki as in Qinghua nightmarket...its very good...

I went buying vaseline and this nipple protectio....not that I even needed it...but if im running for 12 hours...problems could occur that are never expected...

A visit to an old town was also made....where they sell croissants, but taiwan style...

Nice old temple...

They also had info on metallic plates on the ground...

It was a cosy street...

Another croissant store...

And a professional street map...even in english...

They also had some famous blood puding cake on stick...

And as usual in taiwan, store often have photos of people visiting the store...

And the milk farm I visited in Taidong last year had a store cool.

I bought a glass of milk...kind of expensive though...
AFter that I went to bed, im up 5 something tomorrow...
Big road project is doing progress...
Since some years, a new high way will be built between hsinchu and taipei...

The whoe road is built up to 30 meters above ground level...a dense country requires that things goes in the air...
Carbohydrate loading light...
I was asked by some friends if i should start carbohydrate load for some physical challanges...

A pasta place near by had an intersting beer list...

The staff mentioned Duvel that I tried before...

I started out with a Hawaii pizza...

And continued with a lasanga...i still havnt regained my total appetite...but im on my way...
Second sesame try out
I opened my second sesame jar today...

It was ok...however I was kind of hungry when I opened it and started to eat it as dinner...
Enjoyed my New Zeeland wine with my new wine glass
I opened my second bottle from New Zeeland today...

It was nice...
i could feel my breath smelling white wine a couple of minutes after I drank it to...
I made a visit to the wine store in Hsinchu downtown
I made a visit to a wine store in Hsinchu downtown...
I was looking for an Amarone wine...called Tommasi...but they didnt seem to have it...

However they used the word "New world" to describe newer actors in the wine industry such as New Zeeland and perhaps USA...that is fun...since many unprofessional wine experts are using that word alot...

They also had Riedel glasses there...the ones I bought for just over 200NT at RT-mart wsa 2200NT interesting, I want to taste the difference...
Big temperature difference in Taiwan
Last week it was cold here in Hsinchu...perhaps around 12-15 degrees...

Today it was 31 degrees at Qinghua nightmarket...
Summer temp...
However, further on in the night it dropped to like 20 and it started to rain...
An evening in Hsinchu downtown
Yesterday I spent the evening in SHinchu downtoan...after the dragon boat training...

I got a free coupon...I could have watever flavour...but asked for a recommendation...
As usual here in taiwan, if you ask for a recommendation, they ask what you want...which is tricky...cuz if I say I want cocnut, they point at the coconut, if I way pineapple they point at thepineapple, if i say I want mint they point at the u can never anwer their question, you have to insist that I want a recommendation...that is super hard...

I got a berry icecream...not that special...but reminded me of home for some reason...raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.

We continued to Mcdonalds where I had a double quater pounder...(half pound...), as usual...
After that we went to Deluxe72...

It was very sparkling with lights inside...

There wew alot of foreingers from my university there, since some students were performing...

A guy with pants with lights started to dance on the stage...

He started to pull up girls...and they danced sexy dances for the audience...

And the NCTU students that everyone came to see started to dance there ater...very sexy aswell...
Its rare to see non taiwanese people perform, so I guess the club were extra proud to have ukranians on the stage...
Leaving the club later on was very interesting...since tai boys are very into gourp pressure...and togetter with alcohol they think they are twice as big as they are...
Some guy started to push me, cuz he missheard me when I practised my cute in some sense, but still sad, since they r getting into a fight they dont know how to end...
Buying professional wine glass
I went to RT-mart (a supermarket) some month ago and saw profesional wine glass (or it looks like it...)

They have many types of glasses... my oponion...

Looks "almost" like this...Riedel glass (reidel is the qine glasses rolls royce I heard...or something)

I there after went to buy a that I could try my glass out...since the wine glass has super much impact of the taste...

So irritating...alos of conservative european brands still have cork plug...i dont like that (have no equipment to open and there is always a small risk of cork taint...

I tried to find some nice fat cheese...but i only found cream cheese or american cheddar (its an american loving country after all...), and french loving store...
I managed to cycle my glass back to the lab without destroying I only need to get a corkscrew to open my bottle...
I returned my spare room key
After some weeks I finally returned my spare room key...

Even though it could be useful to have an extra key...I took a shower in that room today...since the shower in my room was occupied...that convenient...
Nice evening at school
Its not as cold in Hsinchu anymore...but the temp can vary from day to day...

It was a nice sun set over Hsinchu today...and kind of warm to...
Try to read CSR article...
I tried to read some CSR articles today...its kind of boring...

But atleast it makes me feel like im doing something...
Many chinese classes in these days...
I ned to pass chinese test...the administration of my program sux...they make som inconsistent decisions...

They clame that passing a class, in which you become the best friend with the teacher...and just do homework is equivalent with dong a objective test where you must prove your reading, listening and writing skills...not saysing that this chinese class is easy...
Lonely night in the lab...
I spent many lonely nights in the lab...
Try to catch up on my classmates...but some of them dont reply nor answer...

Totaly empty...
Well, I have quiz tomorrow so i better check my homework...
My international marketing project is in chinese on internet
I found my international marketing project that I wrote 2008 on internet...

But its totally in some way google saved it in the cache cuz my teacher made clear that he wanted to remove it from internet...
And it became in interesting...
dragon boat training...
Just had dragon boat training...
it was ok. its alot of waiting etc...but usually we run first, then we train different muscles on the upper body...
its a good way for a lazy person to motivate to do some exercises...
Brownie dinner
Yesterday I ate brownie for dinner...

I ate it at 18...and then I had dragon boat traning...not until 00.40 something I went to Mcdonalds and had some real food...
A night at Jhubei nightmarket
I visited Jhubei night market some night ago...

Alot of people were there...

We went to some indian stand...that sells some thing extra was flour and water pancakes with stuffing...

I also found this dry cleaning store...saying "Swedish quality cleaning store"...perhaps they have Electrolux washing machines...
Burger bar revisit...
Some day ago i visited a burger bar in Hsinchu was my second choice, since the first bar i went to was closed...

Many restaurants in taiwan, has paintings as a part of their interior design...

In this place, they used frames from ikea, and used the description as the was interesting...they also played Mohombi with Bumby finalize the swedish experience...

They place name was "host diner", apparently they are looking for staff...
Super wet inside...
Its super wet inside here in Hsinchu...taiwanese buildings are not famous for ventilation nor insolation...(causing cold inside temp and mold)

This floor is soaking wet...just like the floor everywhere else here at the dorms...classrooms etc...
St Patricks day
I went to my friend Mark to celebrate St Patricks day this saturday...we always play this game (galenpanna) where you suppose to write a person/character/place on a pice of paper that and give to someone else, for them to is kind of fun...
Knowing taiwan
or should it be calles "zhidao taiwan", cuz initially everything was in chinese...even the film and subtitles showed in the bus...

I was told 07.40 as a meeting time, not even the hosts showed up until nearby 8...I used the time going back to my dorm, passing my lab etc...

As usual in taiwan people like karaoke...some foreingers in the back tried to get into party mode...

But as usual in taiwan, the taiwanese people want to sing in that no other can sing along :(

The first stop was at a rice museum i think, however everything was in chinese...even the guide only spoke chinese..a brave classmate tied to translate once in a while for the people whos chinese is not "museum level"

And no english text at the cases...

We ended that visit by learning how to fold grass animals like deers and dogs, that was interesting...

After that we went somewhere else...I guess the taiwanese people knows where, cus this guide only spoke chinese aswell...

Some said it was a school from japan...

Our guide took us to some new place...some one said he spoke taiwanese...I tried to play music in the back, to have some entertainment while the chinese people enrichended their cultural life...

The next visit was some theater I think...

And people got dressed up...
And we took a picture with the asian close on, that we could buy for 100NTD (25 SEK)...

Then we ate food, they had some interesting salty fish that i liked...

And back to the bus, with more chinese sad, and so boring...

We continued to some store that were selling tried meat...

And there after to DaJia, to a temple that, after looking around realised I have been there 2 times before, without thinking about that it was the same place...

Taiwanese people are very religous, they ofteh pray and donate things at the temple...
Its kind of sad, cuz many temples are owned by the maffia, making the organized crime institutions richer and richer...

They had alot of stone carvings...super amazing...
many were machine made, but most were hand made...

In the basement, they had a 250Kg gold statue of the goddess...without any security, saying, "its a religous symbol, so people wont steal it", how ever, spending almost 3 years in asia, i know that super many people belive in money...I wonder when it will be stolen...

Another statue was in pure white jade, the most expensve jade...its also funny, since asians often say that jade is priseless...however, they always seem to put a price on it, when money comes up...

After 30 mins of guidance, a new guide who spoke english came...and suddenly I understood and could ask questions...

Many people were praying, and donating fake money...that they bought at the temple...

Next place was some hakka house...they had alot of birds walking around...

I tried to find any info in english...but this place was only for chinese people as well...

We continued to the nightmarket in Taizhong...

Alot of traffic...the city felt a little bit like taipei...

We there after went to the hotel, and later on to a famous hotpot, that I also visited 3 yearsago on my roadtrip around was 16 degree AC inside then, and about 35 degrees outside...

It was not that super cold today, maybe due to that it was not super warm outside...

And the waiters always uses handsfree and bows when they leave the table...

We were suppose to go to a "cool club" later we took cab...

We had 3 cabs, however the place were closed that we were heading for, so we needed to go for another club...

This is a club where u had to dress up...I could only think about russian nouveau-riche people...who think they are something...for something they have...

This is the place we ended up in...some classmates thought this was the best place in taiwan ever...

They day after we visited a paper factory...

They said, "if one not hand make the paper, the fibers will be in strpes, and one cannot paint on them"...I wonder if they ever visited a paper factory in europe...since there they always machine make paper for writing

The guise taught us how to form the paper...and how to colour it with coal...

Then we all did an attempt...

And then we could buy things like red paper of a fan strucutre, to past our picture on...

The next destination was the wine factory...I went there last summer as well...its a pity i never get to see the production of the alcohole...

Some classmates enjoyed that we got to taste alot of wines...

And other taiwanese liquids...

This is a tunner for taiwanese people to enjoy beeing drunk..dangerous in my opinion, since many of the asians, may end up thining the the grous always lean to the left when people are drunk, there are alot of prejudice here in asia all the time...

And here one can read how to identify drunk animals...the same taiwanese fact culture...very funny for europeans to read...

We contines to another taiwanese restaurant...

Korean, Thai guy and Malaysian girl...enjoyed the taiwanese food...

It was acctually warm here, south of Hsinchu...I was wearing shorts...all day long...

We continued to a village near Sun moon lake, the largest lake in Taiwan...enlarged by the japanese people...

Chilling near the bridge...where the finish for the swimming caravan was last year...

As well as in Alishan, they perform aboriginal cool!

Its so interesting and inspiring with taiwanese aboriginals...they are so original...and unfortunately so few...dancing a dance, i also seen pictures of as south as kenting area...

There after we took the boat for a tour...they spoke chinese during the guidance, but not many people could hear the guide was talking about...

We were mingeling around instead...

Enjoying the lake, and the villages that are recently built...not much care for the buildings for more tourists is the vision...when will it end?

This is a hotel inspired by Burj al arab...the finest room costs about 30000NT per night and the toilet is said to be of gold...why toilet? bedroom would be cooler...?!?

We also passed by the only island on the exclusive, i want to to go that island...its said to be holy by the local people...

A typical sign here in taiwan...a question without question mark (usually taiwnaese people uses tones, and some people think about the tone when they write (without adding the tone in the for westerners its hard to know what they though about...)

Its a big touristic event here, tourist boats diving around...

And on the shore they have local activites...that is nice...

After the trip I went to the ice cream bar I went to last time...

And bought chocolate ice was nice...but they were super slow, and we had to run to the bus that left at 16.40...

The guy who arrange kept on speaking chnee all the I never undedrstood what was next onthe confusing...I asked around, and some people said that this was a local famous chocolate bar...

People started to queue...

There were one queu for icecream, one for free try of chocolate, one for if you wanted to buy already packaged chocolate and one if you wanted to design your own candy composition...very confusing, and no info in english...I just wanted to see how they made the candies...but no...that ws not possible...

This is the ice cream bar...

I tried, chocolate, coconut and chili ice cream...

I also bought whiskey chocolate...kind of expsnsive (350nt for 6 pieces)

And I sneaked in to the "own composition store" i was sick and tired of the tai people speak ing chinese, tellig me something I did not understand...
After this we went back to Hsinchu...
My advisor does not wanna book any meeting....
I passed by 2 times today so far...

I got a topic im not 100% satisfied with... I wat him to give me more it wont turn out to be another lame thesis that a 10 year old kid could have done...
Free food with the chinese language department
Today there were free food at the chinese language department...

I met my old private teacher there...

And free food...alot of students attended...

It was during the break...alot of nice taiwanese food and pizza...
Duck dinner attendance and Mcdonalds hang out...
Last night some classmates went to some duck restaurant...

It was famous for its noodles or something...I went there to meet up friends to go to burger king...however, time passed by so fast so that restaurant closed...

Soo we went to Mcdonalds instead...

And then we went to one of the bar streets in Hsinchu to meet p with other people...another normal wednesday passed by...
Birthday dinner and dragon boat meeting...
It was a dragon boat meeting last night...

The presented the basics of the drgon boat race...and how important it is to participate in the tranings...(i hope I can get special permission, as some of the coached best friends gets, and still be picked in the team)...since there are trainings 3 times per week...

After that me and some friends went to Jhubei...

It was fun, I met alot of friends and we played many funny games...

I took taxi there, since some ppl i know did not have I joined them (like my old room mate)...from the taxi window, I saw a guy who never made it to the toilet...he stoped thecar on the road and went gangster...
Office visit
My classmate pablo was in Hcinshu for a visit, he lives (kind of isolated) in taipei he seldom pays a visit here in hsinchu...

We got to taste japanes snax at the gmba office...
Rainy days in taiwan again...
Rainy days in taiwan again...and bad pavements...

Many ppl leaves their umbrellas at the class room entrance...

I also had lunch with my two swedish school mates Andrea and Emma...that was nice...

I ended up having special topics of profit model class...where we get aditiional points if we email our notes to the TA after every class...
Special escort out from campus...
Yesterday my classmate had the opportunity to drive scooter in campus...

Flattering enough, she asked me if u wanted a was really an interesting feeling, driving scooter in traffic, very calm cool!
A visit to the giant store...
I went to the giant store to fix my bike...

As usual they fix everything for me...
I planned to buy a new tire...but the guy said that that was not neccessary, I could go another 1000km on my back whell...however, he had some comment on my front wheel that I did not understand...

During my visit, ther were alot of inspectors etc in the observing the guy helping me, andother instructing other people about bikes...perhaps new employees...

I also saw this wheel with the name "Komodo" funny...I was almost there...
18km mud track...
Me and my ex classmate pablo was suppose to participate in a 18km mud track race this sunday, but he never i did it on my own...

I started a little late, due to so many ppl were squeezing in the front, and thus i needed to queue even longer on the track...
there were alot of stairs, running up and down from mountains near taipei was interesting...
It wold have been fun to handing out with pablo as a change, but i felt that he was kind of henpecked...

So I took the MRT to the second IKEA of taipei...

It is the largest IKEA in taiwan...perhaps true...I just passed by the shop, and bought cordial, chocolate and oboy...
Then back home to sleep...since I barely slept 4 hours last night, and I still had a fever...
I visited roxette this was fun...

We met up already at Hsinchu... me and some friends...

And headed to Milo Milo again...where we ate new years eve dinner...

I had some sausage plate...two of them tasted the same...

After this we went to the concert arena, where they were selling roxette items...

And they really started to play was right on time...

It was very sparkling and cool...they were suppose to promote their new album, but mostly played old hits...

When it was over, everyone tried to squeeze though the small exit...a la taiwanese sorti...

After that we went to Barcode...but ust shortly, cuz the day after, me and a classmate were suppose to run a mud trail...
Fixing space in da lab
I fixed some space in the lab yesterday...

Now im only occupying 4 booths
I will clean up a bit...
Soup diet
I try to go for a soup diet, since my throat was paining...

It took a while to communicate that i wanted soup at the food court...but I dont some noodle soup....
A costco visit
Yesterday I made a short visit to costco...

I found that they have a "employee of the month bill board", and I couldnt help to think "so american", who wants their face to be seen, jsut cuz this month, u did better than last month...
So interesting...
Aiyo...I found my old chinese book again...
I found my old chinese book again...

I looked at this place before...just not carefully I have two... :S
Using my Batman cufflinks...
Today I was wearing my Batman cufflinks...

Unfortunately I was also wearing a they did not show up that often...
So high tech...or not...
A guy in my chinese class has an application on his cellphone...

He takes a picture on the character, and the cellphone identifies it...
For lazy chinese students this is a bless...
Tendency of fever...
I had tendency of fever today...perhaps cuz I havnt slept that well recently...since I only have classes after lunch, and my roommate who starts at 9, loves to snooze for some hour...meaning that if I go to bed at 3, I will wake up at 7 or 8 anyway :S
But its ok...

I bought gingertea and some juice that they said contained extra much vitamines...(cranberrie juice)...
we will c what happens...
I got Roxette tickets...
I just bought roxette tickets...

Apparently u can onloy buy them online, or at this store in Hsinchu...

I also went to a local factory that makes peanut butter etc...

They have alot of different things...I wanted the burned sesame paste...I also found white sesame paste...and thought it will taste like some sesame paste my sister gave me on my birthday some years ago from turkey...but they told me, that one was only made for cooking...not sure i can trust them...I will probably go back and buy it some time...

They also had taiwanese candies that you could pick swedish "lösgodis"...

I saw some adds for their most famous product, the peanut butter..."Hua sheng jiang"...

I finised my downtown visit by trycing some mexican was good...
Bought new chinese book today
I bought 2 new chinese books today...
I lost my old it felt bad to buy a new one, instead of keep on looking...but I spent so much money on useless things recently, so a 700-800NT book, doesnt feel that expensive...

I will have book 3 in the 2 courses I am taking in chinese...the forth book I will use for self sfudy...whenever that happens...
Trying my Bali coffee
I opened one of my Bali coffee today...

It tasted nice...a little like swedish coffee...I guess thats a good grade...
Giving back boarding pass and e-tickets
Just like last year, I needed to return my boarding passes etc to the GMBA program, in order to get refund...

This year I flew 7 times, however, the program already collected some of the tickets, so in total it became one A4 sheet...
A night at the night market
I have chinese homework to do...
However I was invited to go to the nightmarket to buy some food...

It is hard to know which places that are popular...however, many taiwanese people and folks with experience tend to know where to buy the good food...

It was with bacon and a European omelette...
After this visit, it was back to the lab...

I also opened last years whiskey, bough in Kathmandu...I need to improve my drinking speed...
Ticket purchase
I went for hamburger at table ten burger restaurant today...

They had discout, since they said they had a new menu...

Last time I had a Elvis Presley I ate a prawn burger (with meat)...

After that I was suppose to buy Roxette tickets for next weekend, but it was hard to find, instead I bought LMFAO and Avicii tickets...its till a pity that this ibon does not have english...I always need a friend to translate for me...

On my way home I saw people gathering for the trash car that was passing by, its an interesting cultural phenomenon...
Vasalopp event at chalmers
Today the chalmers office held a vasaloppsevent...

If was fun...we were connected to
And ate meatball sandwishes and drank blue berry soup...
A room make over...
I need to really fix my room.

Even if the mold from the wall is gone...I still have mold on many other things in the room...aiyo...

I started to mop the floor...andwash some batches of my will b a process to get my suits good...but sometimes I like challenges...
My room looks more fresh...
Some janitor painted the molded wall in my room now I dont need to cover my face with my cover...nor have an extra room...
So its ok...
I also finally chosed my courses for this semester...
And I played football and had a beer last night at 7-11...
The semester is starting to become as it use to be...