12 hour marathon in Taipei
I joined a 12 hour marathon in Taipei today...

I came in last second beffore start...

People were running in circles...
After 1 hour I looked at my watch, concludint I have 11 hours left...

At the start they had drinkgs etc...
I ran the first 50km, however I havnt been practicing running since last year...and togetter with drinking to much, I puked and walked for some laps...

There were a count down...

I took it very easy...talking to people wtc...some woman had done 100 marathons...most people who joined had done atleat 30 or 40 marathons...so I really felt like a beginner with my 3 marathons if U include my ironman...
To bad that my camera died...but when it was 15 minutes left, staff went out on the track, every 100meter...and when time was out, they noted where you were...so that u got an accurate time...at start they counted how many laps you had done, by a chip on our leg. I did 27,5 laps...its like 82km...i think its ok regarding that i did not prepare...last time I exercied running was in december...I was also by far the heaviest person on the track...so it feels like a good excuse...

I burned myself heavily...it really hurts...
I never got really tired during the race, and really kept passing many people the last 30 minutes...but my stomach didnt feel good...and my final posisiton was in the middle...of everyone...
Its ok...next time I know how it works...