Knowing taiwan
or should it be calles "zhidao taiwan", cuz initially everything was in chinese...even the film and subtitles showed in the bus...

I was told 07.40 as a meeting time, not even the hosts showed up until nearby 8...I used the time going back to my dorm, passing my lab etc...

As usual in taiwan people like karaoke...some foreingers in the back tried to get into party mode...

But as usual in taiwan, the taiwanese people want to sing in that no other can sing along :(

The first stop was at a rice museum i think, however everything was in chinese...even the guide only spoke chinese..a brave classmate tied to translate once in a while for the people whos chinese is not "museum level"

And no english text at the cases...

We ended that visit by learning how to fold grass animals like deers and dogs, that was interesting...

After that we went somewhere else...I guess the taiwanese people knows where, cus this guide only spoke chinese aswell...

Some said it was a school from japan...

Our guide took us to some new place...some one said he spoke taiwanese...I tried to play music in the back, to have some entertainment while the chinese people enrichended their cultural life...

The next visit was some theater I think...

And people got dressed up...
And we took a picture with the asian close on, that we could buy for 100NTD (25 SEK)...

Then we ate food, they had some interesting salty fish that i liked...

And back to the bus, with more chinese sad, and so boring...

We continued to some store that were selling tried meat...

And there after to DaJia, to a temple that, after looking around realised I have been there 2 times before, without thinking about that it was the same place...

Taiwanese people are very religous, they ofteh pray and donate things at the temple...
Its kind of sad, cuz many temples are owned by the maffia, making the organized crime institutions richer and richer...

They had alot of stone carvings...super amazing...
many were machine made, but most were hand made...

In the basement, they had a 250Kg gold statue of the goddess...without any security, saying, "its a religous symbol, so people wont steal it", how ever, spending almost 3 years in asia, i know that super many people belive in money...I wonder when it will be stolen...

Another statue was in pure white jade, the most expensve jade...its also funny, since asians often say that jade is priseless...however, they always seem to put a price on it, when money comes up...

After 30 mins of guidance, a new guide who spoke english came...and suddenly I understood and could ask questions...

Many people were praying, and donating fake money...that they bought at the temple...

Next place was some hakka house...they had alot of birds walking around...

I tried to find any info in english...but this place was only for chinese people as well...

We continued to the nightmarket in Taizhong...

Alot of traffic...the city felt a little bit like taipei...

We there after went to the hotel, and later on to a famous hotpot, that I also visited 3 yearsago on my roadtrip around was 16 degree AC inside then, and about 35 degrees outside...

It was not that super cold today, maybe due to that it was not super warm outside...

And the waiters always uses handsfree and bows when they leave the table...

We were suppose to go to a "cool club" later we took cab...

We had 3 cabs, however the place were closed that we were heading for, so we needed to go for another club...

This is a club where u had to dress up...I could only think about russian nouveau-riche people...who think they are something...for something they have...

This is the place we ended up in...some classmates thought this was the best place in taiwan ever...

They day after we visited a paper factory...

They said, "if one not hand make the paper, the fibers will be in strpes, and one cannot paint on them"...I wonder if they ever visited a paper factory in europe...since there they always machine make paper for writing

The guise taught us how to form the paper...and how to colour it with coal...

Then we all did an attempt...

And then we could buy things like red paper of a fan strucutre, to past our picture on...

The next destination was the wine factory...I went there last summer as well...its a pity i never get to see the production of the alcohole...

Some classmates enjoyed that we got to taste alot of wines...

And other taiwanese liquids...

This is a tunner for taiwanese people to enjoy beeing drunk..dangerous in my opinion, since many of the asians, may end up thining the the grous always lean to the left when people are drunk, there are alot of prejudice here in asia all the time...

And here one can read how to identify drunk animals...the same taiwanese fact culture...very funny for europeans to read...

We contines to another taiwanese restaurant...

Korean, Thai guy and Malaysian girl...enjoyed the taiwanese food...

It was acctually warm here, south of Hsinchu...I was wearing shorts...all day long...

We continued to a village near Sun moon lake, the largest lake in Taiwan...enlarged by the japanese people...

Chilling near the bridge...where the finish for the swimming caravan was last year...

As well as in Alishan, they perform aboriginal cool!

Its so interesting and inspiring with taiwanese aboriginals...they are so original...and unfortunately so few...dancing a dance, i also seen pictures of as south as kenting area...

There after we took the boat for a tour...they spoke chinese during the guidance, but not many people could hear the guide was talking about...

We were mingeling around instead...

Enjoying the lake, and the villages that are recently built...not much care for the buildings for more tourists is the vision...when will it end?

This is a hotel inspired by Burj al arab...the finest room costs about 30000NT per night and the toilet is said to be of gold...why toilet? bedroom would be cooler...?!?

We also passed by the only island on the exclusive, i want to to go that island...its said to be holy by the local people...

A typical sign here in taiwan...a question without question mark (usually taiwnaese people uses tones, and some people think about the tone when they write (without adding the tone in the for westerners its hard to know what they though about...)

Its a big touristic event here, tourist boats diving around...

And on the shore they have local activites...that is nice...

After the trip I went to the ice cream bar I went to last time...

And bought chocolate ice was nice...but they were super slow, and we had to run to the bus that left at 16.40...

The guy who arrange kept on speaking chnee all the I never undedrstood what was next onthe confusing...I asked around, and some people said that this was a local famous chocolate bar...

People started to queue...

There were one queu for icecream, one for free try of chocolate, one for if you wanted to buy already packaged chocolate and one if you wanted to design your own candy composition...very confusing, and no info in english...I just wanted to see how they made the candies...but no...that ws not possible...

This is the ice cream bar...

I tried, chocolate, coconut and chili ice cream...

I also bought whiskey chocolate...kind of expsnsive (350nt for 6 pieces)

And I sneaked in to the "own composition store" i was sick and tired of the tai people speak ing chinese, tellig me something I did not understand...
After this we went back to Hsinchu...