Company visit to Sandvik
I visited the Swedish company Sandvik in Neili today...
I had to take train...initially the chalmers students said some might go...but no...
At neili, it was like 1-2 km from the train station where the factory was, so I thought I should take the taxi...
Stingy taxidrivers are becoming like vietnamese taxi drivers...always wanna trick you...they refused taximeter...
At lieast I came there without sweating...since I was waring pants...
We were introduced to the company, and what they are doing here in taiwan...
I was tehre with the swedish chamber of commerce...but also people from the trade council attended...
And we got some taiwanese lunch...
And then more talking and picture taking...
We continued to walk around the factory...
I noticed that they had the same canides here as on the 12 hour marathon...
We ended with some final Q&A...
More photo taking...
And we got a nice gift as well...
So everyone was happy in the mingeling...people from different swedish companies attended, I got a job offer from ericsson...we will c what happends...
I went back to the train station by walking...
And saw the road that goes from Keelung in the north to Kenting in the south of taiwan...I will take this road in some bike...
I came back to Hsinchu train station rather I need to prepare for my vacation...