3 days in sweden, and now im home

It is said to be the nicest railroad part in sweden...(passing Aspen)

It is clear that sweden is the country with one of the most lakes in the world...(passing Norsesund)

Finally I reached Alingsås...

...and my home in Skår...
Some one cut alot of trees on the garden.. :(
Not good for the environment that once were...

I had alot of mails that were collected during the year...it took a while to pass through all of them
Else I spent some hours in the kitchen eating...
I was about 90kg when I arrived to Sweden. after 2 days I was on 92kg...I will keep record of my weight to c how it develops...1 kg per week is not rare I heard for swedes visiting hoe after a while in Taiwan.

I shortly ate dinner on the porch. Chili con carne...
My sister will come soon...

Wine, cheese etc that is the night of thursday...
Just bought my ticket to Alingsås...
I bought my ticket to alingsås now...

I got an interesting offer...the 1st class was cheaper than the second class...that is the result of supply and demand...I wonder why they even have a 1st class on that local train...
It is nice to use SMS tickets again. insead paper tickets that are more commonly used in asia...they always risk to disappear or break during the trip...(the risk of deleting my ticket is smaller >< better charge my cellphone before the trip)
In gothenburg
It is sunny and warm...probably over 30 degs.
I saw the new lisebergstornet (in a themepark)
it is a high fall of 120 meters as far as i heard...in the middle of Gothenburg...
I just refilled my phone card (0730 337 255)Im was waiting for my brother to finish work...perhaps I was hanging out in the city while waiting...
I walked around barefeeted, since my flipflop broke...
I went to eat dinner with my father and brother...
italian food...
I ordered tiramisu for desset, but they didnt have..so i got some chocolate covers petit choux inetead, it was awesome.
After that i went to Eberth, he had some barBQ event...it was nice...
He also showed me his new home made speaker..it was huge...with great sound.
Then we went downtown to järntorget, where they had live band playing...
And then to some nice hak, where we hanged out for some hours...
Then we cyceled home again...its nice to be home. convenient and cosy...
on my way to gothenburg.

big toilet.coffee machine.free wifi.

free news papers.

nice landscape.pizza. iti s 30 degrees and it is only 7 am. that is a little warm.hopefully it will b 25 on the west coast.
First day in sweden...

Im heading back to Sweden...

Last nights in Taiwan (4/4)

Heading home...
catch u on the flipsyde!
Graduation day

It was raining in the morning so many people were sqeezing inside...
At lunch time the weather became better. There were alot of people at campus...
Last nights in Taiwan (3/4)

It is a motel, but ppl can rent the rooms for parties...

Initially the sound didnt work (or rather, they didnt have any equipment to play music).

But after a while we managmed to use an mp3 player...

People were getting kicked (the ones who had a birthday...which is an interesting tradition from i dont know where...)

And people got interesting gifts...

And eventually people took their shirts of...

Even if it was a latino party at savage this night, some people even came from there since they said it was lame...
I hope they can fix a place like this at NCTU campus...like chalmers and most of the universities in the world has...
Song of the night is the Puerto Rican singer Don Omar with Danza Kuduro feat Lucenzo

Graduation celebration...

There were alot of fireworks in the sky...
Windy days, Typhoon approaching...

I hope there wont b any problems with my flight in 2 days...since sometimes they cancell (or dealy?!?!) flight due to typhoons (Force majeure)
Last nights in Taiwan (2/4)

I always ask for extra sauce...

Usually I order some fresh juice, ice slush or tea...
But recently I bought this passion fruit tea, it is cheap and you get 0.5 liter...

My french friend Yohann (he is an exchange student) was leaving home to france (and next week to Peru)...he had a farewell event near the lake...
I ended the day by watching Forrest Gump...a funny movie...
Song of the night is the German Eurotrance group Snap! with the '92 hit Rythm is a dancer:

Quantity assigment
I also got my take home exam in chinese to finish...
The assigment has to be atleast 20 pages...?!? So much "not my experience", to have a class where they acctually want to have quantity...
Usually it is for example: "maximum 30 pages" and the ones who are extra talented can write in such a clever way that less pages are used.
But no, no...it has to be atleast 20 pages...no wonder my friends here experiences some taiwanese students changing the font size from 12 to 14, to make it look like more text...it is encurraged by the institutions in society...
Last nights in Taiwan (1/4)
I had a dinner with parts of my chinese class today...
we were 8 people...
They had sweet and sour sauce...
And I also ate frog...I tried it before here in taiwan...but this time they removed the frog skin...
We were talking about going to Savage this night...not sure what iwll happend...
Song of the night is the italian group Corona - Rythm of the night (Euro disco a la '94)
Last class was today...

This lunch I ate a hamburger with ddouble meat...it was exclusive, however they charged me 5 nt more than last time...I wonder why...

7-11 seems to have some kind of special offer right now on their brain freeze slurps...half price...
They didnt have the Piñacolada flavour though...which use to be my favourite....
My student ID is broken...
not only my picture and my name is gone on my student ID card. Now I cannot even open doors with it...
I applied for a new one, this morning...
It is good...
So that I can continue to access my x-mas decorated lab...
strangely enough some ones taking my drinks from the fridge...
I wonder who it is...I removed all my drinks from the labs fridge...
Wine party with the GMBA program

We went to Costco to buy the wine...we expected about 20 people...
After this my classmates had class...and we were thereafter suppse to tack a picture with the class.
Strangely enough we cannot open the doors the the management building...which means that we are stuck in the house until some one opens for us...

Not even our teachers card worked there evening, so we were all stuck...

Finally we climbd ot the window...I also had my bike in the building...I had to carry it out...

After tat we went to the lab and tried the wine...

We drank wine from 5 diffrent countries...we also tried to match good avec with the wine...but we figured that ppl wont appreciate it so much (they were there more to drink alcohol than a good wine). The bottle on the pic is an italian wine from 2004...

We drank from paper cups, to it was not an optimal experience...

Like as if I would use riedel glass....that I tried in sweden on my wine courses...

We also ate potatoes and cheese...(from switzerland)

It was a nice ending of the first year of the gmba program...

Everyone were asked to wear their GMBA t-shirt for the photo shooting in class, so we were all unified...
I also brought some equipment from the DJ room, so we were playing music until the morning...
Mongolian food
It was fried dumplings

I cant recall I ate this when I was in Mongolia...perhaps I did...
It is interesting how much international food I get to experience here in Taiwan.
No parks, only campuses
It was weekend...and thus many kids at the campus...(since taiwan is lacking of parks)...
I wonder how chalmers campus would look like if it was the same in sweden...
kids running around since scooters are not allowed there...(btw, scooters are allowed at chalmers campus...)
Im thinking about buying a scooter with a big box on the back...painted with some food chain logo (Pizza hut, McDonalds, Burger King etc)...
They have free entrance to the campus...and the guards at the entrance never stops them...
Warm days in Taiwan

The humidity doesnt make things less sweaty...
Gotta do some IP-management stuff.
I bought my ticket home
about 4700SEK...
but i will land in stockholm, and from there go home to alingsas

The route contains 2 transfers, i guess that is the consequence of buy int the tickets one week in advance...
So now i better finish my school work, pick up my ARC, fix my papers etc...
And yes...it is a 33< hours travell time...I love airports and travell,, the only thing I dont like is asian (or chinese) airports, due to bad experience...(everyone there is not that service minded)
google pics search...

Very interesting hits...all from girls and boys to families...

My facebook pic actually was found on 2 sites... else there were guys with red shirts, brown hair and a baby... :S
The computer uses chinese...so it is hard to understand what it says...
I will buy ticket tonite...
Just checked ticket prices home...
7500sek to gothenburg....only 4500sek to stockholm...
A transfer in china...total time 33 hours...
I hate countries where u need tranist visa...
and asian staff are so rigid and weak for authorities...forcing you to pay stupid extra tickets since they have lack of knowledge...(happend me in china last time)
I will buy the ticket tonite...
Probably going home next weekend...
International Students Farewell Party at NCTU
Yesterday the school arranged a Farewell party for the students who will leave soon...I was the only swede there...I guess the chalemrs students were in Taipei or something...
I was mainnly there for the free food...
There were also competitions where students could win T-shirts and bags...
I found it interesting that they thought that the school tower with a clock on was the administration building...I thought it was the achitecture vuilding behind the administration building...
Later on they played music... However, they played first latino music, only latinos were dancing. THen they played indian music...only indians were dancing...
The europreans left to 7-11 for drinking long time ago...
the normal conslusion was:
(Normal party)-alcohol=(NCTU arranged party).
We ordered pizza from pizza hut...it was nice...
The weather is still a little unstable...heavy rain mixed with unbearable sunshine...
Hard to be environmental friendly some times...
I spoke to the International Office in NCTU some year ago, about improving the recycling procedure by also having enlgish signs at their recycle stations...they said it was an interesting idea, and that they would deal with it...
As usual, nothing happend... :S
I also tried to tell the food courst myself...but they refered to other authorities...
So nowadays I just give my dish to some random staff, to help me...save the environment...
Another class in over...
I attended the last class in the Technology Marketing course yesterday...
We have one more class, but that is all in chinese so I dont need to attend it...
It was a class held in NTHU, the university next you NCTU...
A very appreciated class...
After that class I had a presentatio in IP management. We analysed the patent strategy of a taiwanese company that produces bike part made of carbon.
We also got pizza...it was nice...
I ended the day by visiting Savage...since it was students night...my classmates wondered if I wanted to join them...
Not that many people from school were there, but still I recognized some...
Many people up in the night
I passed campus at 3 am some night ago...
And there were alot of people out on the streets...
I did not really see what they were doing, but I thought they were celebrating end of semester or something...
It turned out to be a lunar eclipse that got peoples attention...
Another "almost the last day of the semester" day

... and today the last class of Economics...given that I dont fail the class...

we still have chinese class...an take home exam for next week...
I have to sign up for new classes today (for next semester) probably I will take 7-8 classes as usual, just to maximize my course portfoolio...
I went to the chinese language center today...

There is a white board there...where I for some years ago, did a little dott at the top right corner (just for fun)...

And i redid one for some year ago...and today I made a third dot, hoping it will last as long as the first one.... (I also wrote todays date, to confirm next time, the age of the dot)
I never wanted to learn spanish as much as when I came to Taiwan

Today me and some spanish speaking friends went to eat...
They spoke spanish, and so did I (I used the few words I know...). Actually I dont mind that they speak spanish, I know how convenient it is to speak your native language once in a while...
I ended they day with a very interesting meeting, with taiwanese people
Exam preparations
Tomorrow we have exam in a Global Technology Strategy course.
It is open book, so we can bring alot of things to the exam, so ppl print all the slides etc.
Just becasue I dont wanna be worse, I copied my classmates slides...
It was 8 presentations I think...
Dont know if i will read them, but it feels like im more prepared now, than if I did not print the slides...im obviously using the "just in case"-strategy, thats frequently used at open book exams...
Peanutbutter is a good thing to eat when studying...it is salty, taste good and make u full...
I didnt really study so much for this exam, however, I ate some peanutbutter just for joy...
An afternoon in the pool

The weather was nice outside, so the light inside became very summer afternoon like...

The humid weather here in Taiwan is very tricky...
I figure that my hotel schampo that im using every day is not good enough...for an active lifestyle
I better buy something stronger...
Presentation day
We presented the pizza project today...
We were told to b on time.since we were the first group presenting...
But as usual there were no one there in time...so we needed to wait...such a waste...\
My other classmates also presented..they were all dressed in yellow (by coincidence)
A day in the lab
Last week in school is appraoching (even if the last handin daedline for some course in the 27th of june).
Pablo is studying some course...he has exams this week as well as me.
We borrowed the projector, in case we wanted to study...
fortunetely it was at the program office, some times other students has it in their possesion...
We contined the night by going to a freind who studies information management, to watch a movie...
We saw the 3 idiots, that is kind of popular among asians...
A night at the fish place...with classmates...
I was suppose to visit a new pizzeria with some classmates some day ago..but they only had take-away pizza, so we went to a fish place instead...
It was almost the same style as when I lived in the US, you can see the fish swimming around in the aquarium and u pick the one u want...i wanted a crab, but it was 900NTD, anmd it was not super big..so i skipped it..
My friend Cory had some guy from USA visiting...he was funny...
It is common in Taiwan that a bar has a girls dressed in a short skirt, trying to sell a beer that is more expensive than the others....
...And this restaurant had a girl promoting TsingTao, beer, an expensive one...(100NTD per bottle 1SEK=4,6NTD (about))
At the same time, the same brand had another kind of beer from the same producer, that wao 30% of the price...(3 bottles for 100NTD). We didnt see the offer until after a while, we felt a little cheated..
But atleast we used the offer once before we left...
We continued to a sliced ice store, where we could choose among milk or peanut ice...
THey often put brown or red beans and other slimy stuff on the ice...but foreigners like me usually prefer fruit on...unfortunately they only had pineapple as fruit..so I got 3 different kinds of pineapple and some creamy sauce on mine...
After that we went to my friends Cory's appartment...
He lives in a high building (21 floors)...a great view from where you can even see the sea).
We played some video games...before people started to take off...
Tomorrow is another day...
Pizzeria visit downtown with Tai-swedes
I joined my Taianese frends downtown this weekend to the Swedish neamed pizzeria "doftar"
It was nice...
Duck and Allen...and the server...one is a student the other one is doing his militairy service....
I didnt order a hawaii pizza this time...i think i took one last time...or the time berfore that...
I got a ginger ale, but got my ice in a separate glass, that was new for me...
I continued to Coldstone (an ice cream bar) where we are some banana ice cream (with banana cake and banana pieces...etc (my favorite the peanutbutter ice cream was sold out :(
After that I tried to find an old restaurant (by cycling around downtown) that is sushi all you can drink and eat...but without result...
My friend duck told me that the restaurant probably closed down some time ago...
My Hawaii looks like africa...

It almost had the shape of africa... so exotic..
It contained alot of garlic...so tasty...

I made double pizzas but the oven might b a little colder when there is 2 of them at the same time, so i preheated each one of them before I had them in at the same time...

I guess the total oven time will be the doulbe if i have 2 pizzas at the same time...
tne heating is also a little uneven...
Young meeting member.

One meeting member was very young...so interesting...it was Gary's kid who was paying a visit.
Rain is approaching

It was not so warm for a while...

And suddenly the sky opened itself...
Nice, but wet...
Immigration office visit- the second try

I was here 2 days ago, waiting in queue, i came 9.30 so it was not that many people...

I wanted the lady in the background to help me, since she helped my other friend yesterday to extend his ARC for 1 year...
But I got the same girl as last time...
Never the less I asked why my friend got 1 year extension why I only got 3 weeks...?!?!
She walked around talking to people, ending up with the nice lady in the background, after 5 mins talk (I heard the word "yinyue" many times...but that means "music"...I must have misheard)
She came back to me, said something in english...?!?
And gave my my old documents back, saying that she will give me 1 more year...

This is the papers I had to refill...
I also managed to keep my old ARC, until i pick the new one up, so I dont need to wait for the process time, (due 24th of june). So, hopefully, no more visa problems in taiwan for 1 year... (the rest of asia is another story).
I finally went back to school for a meeting, finding out that the only people arrived so far where taiwanese who refuse to speak english...worst thing is that they make fun of that i dont speak so advanced chinese...typical master suppression technique...(maybe they think im superior them, and hence they must compensate) ><
some meetings are short and efficient, some meetings are usefull and learning...

Some meetings is all about listening to other people's...
One juice please!
It is cheap, and they sell it at the tea bars, convenient stores etc.

This interesing orange presser provides fresh juice...I have seen many variants of this one, but this kind seems to be eassy to use. pressing not squeezing...
Taiwanese Kebab

I picked some fish and vegetables...and they fried it for me...

It was kind of spicy and a nice snack.
Victim of taiwanese bureaucracy again...
My friend just went to the immigration office, and got his visa extended for 1 year...(with the same documents that I brought there yesterday). For me they said that I only could extend it for less than a month...
So irritating, tomorrow I will go to the immigration office again and teach the counters there what customer service and consistency is all about...
such a waste of time :(
Years of DEHP in food, and suddenly everyone feels sick
I guess swedes has a high trust in society and government...compare to asian countries, cuz here everyone gets crazy, and doesnt dare to drink anything any longer...as if 7-11 and all the other convenient stores kept on selling the toxic juices...

And still taiwanese people drives scooters like crazy pollution the air with ozone, VOC's,hydrocarbons, NOx, CO, carbon monoxide, compounds of lead etc...the scooters seldom have any emission control device either so it becomes even worse...ready for us to inhale...
Strange tai logic... :S

Soon i will get back to sweden...no scooters, not that much traffic, emission controls, congestion tax...perhaps some toxic things in the food, who knows?
Pizza and cinnamon baking in da lab...
It is always appreciated by my classmates to bake some things...
I did a very successfull lasanga some days ago...

Itit almost tasted like my moms...but a little salty and perhaps not su much passata...
Perhaps i will do this next time...italian and swdish food is just one of a kind...
Almost same ticket price now as 2 weeks ago
Last time it was 8000SEK for a round trip ticket...

Now it is still 8354SEK...almost the same...
There r still some factors that hinders me from buying...
1) School, taiwanese courses can b very strange when it come to dates of examination...presentation dates often postponed, or delayed...exams can be moved, removed or demoved...
2) internship, not sure when i will start...
I guess also preice and supply will decide but that depends on my demand...
Busy wednesday...
I dont know if i will pass the class...i guess the teacher wont tell me until the end...so i cant buy tickets home, since there might b a re-exam, in the end of june...(crappy course?!?)
By lunch I went to costco and ate some pizzas...
I continued to the international service center to confirm that I had all my documents to extend my ARC (visa) in taiwan to the end of sepbenter (instead of till the 8th of september as it is now)
The ISC said that it will take 10 days to process so i better b on time, if i wanna leave for home soon...
I went to chinese class, and right there after I cycled downtown to the office, it took me 10 mins to process (after 20 mins of queuing...I better check with the ISC that I got the right papers...usually then 2 tais say different things 1 is wrong..I hope it wasnt the imigration office, since then i need to get back there again :s
I cyceled to the GIANT bike store there after to unwarp my wheel...it is such a good service...they have alot of equipment to fix bikes and it is all free...(no wonder since I almost payed 65000NT for my bike...(which is much in taiwan even for a racer bike)).
There after I went to my lab and bakes a cake...I will give it to my classmates after their evening class. I also need to get some stupid signature from a teacher in order to gtet my scholarship renewed...
I will also get a camera from one of my best friends...but i will still buy a canon 5D mark II sooner or later.
Presentation day
It was ok, i feel like im pretty used to presentations by now...
It some times feels lame to present since the whole class presents in gourps one after another...it feels like quantity, no ones really paying attention to the speakers.
The teacher graded us in the middle of the presentation and kept reading the next groups project report while we were talking...it felt good, I could screw up and still get the same grade...
I fell with my bike
And fix my front lamp.
dragon boat festival
I joined the dragonboat team today, we almost won...
It was strange, cuz we were fater than the other teams, but we missed the flag since the boat was not stearing totally towards the falg, (not our fault).
no camera - no pics :(
Catching up friday
not that useful, sitting at a table, repeating information...
Then I tried to do some school stuff and prepare from the comming week.
At 20 i picked up my t-shirt that im gonna wear tomorrow on dragonboat festival.
At 21 me and some classmates went to a barBQ place (all you can eat and drink) down town...
it is interesting how hard it is to get tai people to join, just like the christmas activity, they always scan the group, to see what all the others will do...before reaching a decision ( of course im generaliziong, some of the are absolutely awesome).
After the restaurant visit we went to savge, where thei raised the price since june...(sux).
At savage the staff throw away my bag with my camera and cardigan, i spent some 10-20 minutes trying to look for it, but they were not that cusotmer oriented so they didnt want to help me look for it in the trash room.
So there for...no pics of today...
Presentation day

It was ok, i dont like to present so I tried to keep cool, but sitting down and feel the moment...we were presenting google btw, the competition on the searching market...etc

After class we got free pizza from the program (or teacher)...

After that I rushed to a dragon boat meeting, where we analyzed yesterdays practice...i was trying to prepare the next presentation

I had Technology marketing class in the afternoon, that presentation was not as fun, but it was kind of easy anyway...
I was suppose to have a meeting in IP-management, after this calss, since the night class was cancelled, but we postponed it for tomorrow (friday morning) some people were tired...
Dragon boat practice at Nanliao
Today we practiced with the dragon boat team in nanliao. it went so so...
But we were good compare to other internatioanl teams...(i think), there were only other taiwanese teams there i think., so i didnt really see any of our competiors.
It was wet...but interesting..i was kind of tired, since i had an exam this morning that forced me up. but it was ok.