Another "almost the last day of the semester" day
This week we end courses one after another. Monday last class of Operations Management, Tuesday last class for Global Technology Strategy...

... and today the last class of Economics...given that I dont fail the class...

we still have chinese take home exam for next week...
I have to sign up for new classes today (for next semester) probably I will take 7-8 classes as usual, just to maximize my course portfoolio...
I went to the chinese language center today...

There is a white board there...where I for some years ago, did a little dott at the top right corner (just for fun)...

And i redid one for some year ago...and today I made a third dot, hoping it will last as long as the first one.... (I also wrote todays date, to confirm next time, the age of the dot)

... and today the last class of Economics...given that I dont fail the class...

we still have chinese take home exam for next week...
I have to sign up for new classes today (for next semester) probably I will take 7-8 classes as usual, just to maximize my course portfoolio...
I went to the chinese language center today...

There is a white board there...where I for some years ago, did a little dott at the top right corner (just for fun)...

And i redid one for some year ago...and today I made a third dot, hoping it will last as long as the first one.... (I also wrote todays date, to confirm next time, the age of the dot)