Taipei Trends: Water fight
I joined a Taipei Trends event recently.

Some bucket filling

And large guns

More bucket filling

My friend bought some extra guns

Many friends showed up

And some drone

And some super hero

And military (probably american)

Rainy sky

Omg...after a while it started to rain...the water fighters didnt want to get wet...

Deadpool was pretty wet anyway...most people were shoting on him

People started to have some small fight

Water protection

A professional photographer

And darth maul

Some brought a change room

Soilder and dog pic 1

Soldier and dog pic 2

And after a while the dinasaurs arrived

And the whole battle field turned into a selfie party

Tais and costumes

Some people were still shooting

After some hour the event ended...

And some peope went to a local beer bar

I had a platter

There was a competition there...they should dance ,and could win some beer...entertaining...
A visit to Ximen
I went to ximen recently, meeting my old friend Kai and some other friends

Some chinese people were demonstrating..."china, province of Taiwan", would be a nice slogan...making taiwan having the highest mountian in the world...

Or china, province of taiwan...

Many police were was a rather provokative act from the protesters

Some flag...amybe a new version of hongkongs...

Kai wanted food, "anything", but when I came with suggestions, "anything" seemed more like "some speficit things"...we tried AK12 burger in teh end

They seemed to have some kind of anniversary

We had chocolate bread

And double cherry lichi drink

Second round i even got marshmellows

My friend had an interesting hairdo

I later got some pink drink

And some juice with rosehip

As usual there were many people here

Some friend also had a birthday this night

We also checked who could take the least blurry pic...this is my contribution...

I also concluded that nacho cheasier are better thatn golden cheese flavour

And me and some friends also passed by a cake store, since my friends friend had a birthday
Canada day in taipei 2016
I visited Canada some days ago

There are many canadians in taiwan, since they hafve big need for english teachers here

Many stands, and many non canadian

Some canadian mascot

And live performance, but no nickelback

I tried some canadian beer

Some people expected rain

Some toroanto beer

Omg, my friends friend...a funny character

I also tried an organic beer

Later on they had cake

And some red beans for the tais

And more performance...2016 continues
Music video for Saad Lamjarred
I participated in a muic video try out for Saad lamjarred some day ago

It was held at SYS memorial hall

Milo joined up...

We got some nice waffles when there

Later we passed by a mexican restaurant

I was here some year ago with my canadian friend Steve Smith...

I had some recomended burritos or something with cheese french fries
Ximen nights
I went to ximen some night ago

I tried a new mango drink...very cold

The night after I also went to ximen...for some snacks

Cheese and other deep fried items

And a passion fruit drink...but I think it was rather artificiall...but still nice with a cherry on the top...
Taipei Diving Expo 2016
I passed by a diving exhibition in Taipei recently

My friend was there having some presenations, and since taiwan is highly ranked in the wold considering diving, it could be interesting

Timmi Kokkola ranked green island in taiwan, the best diving for coral spotting

Some speakers list

I also listened to a funny guy from malaysia, who made world famous photos with a comact camera

He was showing the rules of how to make good pics, with sun light

And the theory of adjusting F and ISO on your camera

Some rules (the screen was LED so the pic is striped) :S

Als the ev...can be changed

Later Tommi talked about how to use reverse ring macro to take nice photos

He has taken photos for national geographics...pretty epic
Geocaching: Taipei Meet and greet june 2016
I made a quick visit to a geocaching event today

At a starbucks in Taipei downtown

I planned to join an event earlier this year, but it was cancelled, many people showed up

It seems like, there is not that many raditional caches in taiwan, only 61 people managed to log more than 100...yes geocaching is a sport for engineers...and freaks within statistics, GPS and other rational people with riddle solving interest

I had some ice coffee...but as usuall its super slow service...had to wait 10-15 minutes, even if there was 2-3 people ahead of me...

A table full of travel bugs

My, vanilla/chocolate drink

I was recommended this singer from taidong

I was also encouraged to solve this mystery was said to be hard...
Some Swedish Chalmber event
I joined a swedish chamber event recently

They had some all you can eat adn drink offer

It was also anual meeting for the Swedish Chamber or commerce in Taipei

Omg, Benge participated last year

They had taiwan beer on the menu, and some red or white wine

I ate fun fun, some swedish dishes as Janssons temptations and some fruit

This guys passed by for promoting his event company, pretty interestiung guy from china

The red wine was this one...a cabernet sauvignin, pretty easy to drink

The buffet laster for 3 hours...I think i was the only one who kept eating during this time

As usual people refilled at 20.59, since the all you can drink offer stopped at 21.00...
Saturday evening in Taipei
I passed by ikea recently

They have marabou daim chocolate, but no "only chocolate"...strange...

they also have musli

any many kinds of beer

Long queue for dinner

I asked for 20 meetballs, he asked if i wanted 15...i said "yes"..and he gave me 10...i wonder what was in his head...

They didnt have 20 meatballs anymore...i later found out..strange...but it is still a mysrtery why he only gave me 10...

I tried one of the beers for dinner...melleruds

They also had some strange dished in the store...chicken meat balls and some meat roll...i wonder if they ever will get would be epc...according to rumors, swedish pizza is very sucessful on the international arena...

They had many ciders also in ikea

and finally "blandsaft"...cordial...i waited so log for this...

i also saw a guy with aboriginal outfit

next stop was a loca beer bar

zhang men...i been here many times before...but still havnt tried all local beers i think

number 16, a dark beer...

number 15, also a dark beer...

I later went to ximen and orders a tasted wierd...

I also had snax, and paid with 20nt coins...always as confusing for the locals

Later the bartender came to me, and told me that i got the wrong dirnk :S it was wonder my pinacoloda tasiter so artificial....
Eurocup Sweden - Italy
I went to little london recently for watching eurocup

Its a small place ,not sure wy the swedish chamber of commerce insit of being here...

I had a local beer, it cost 220nt, i like!

Many swedes, and more tais whos been to sweden were there

I brought my systembolaget-bag

It was 0-0 almost the whole game

Some enthusiasts watching the game

Funny, not political correct poster of the old president

My friend gustaf brought his vikiing helmet

¨My Tai friend Zhenen wanted to try it on

He is a very funny character

The game ended rather late, with a last minute goal from italy

Some people later on went to ximen

I had a kiwi yoghurt, since they were out of smoothies..
A visit to Hestia Spanish restaurant
I went to a spanish restaurant not so long time ago

It was in the middle of taipei

I ahd some spanish beer, rather sweet

And some salad predish

And green soup

And some cheese

And meat... #whatdidjohaneattoday

Some paella, or something, rather small portion

And an apple pie for dessert

They had some rise wine at the entrance of the place to donate to some gods

I also saw a car that parked pretty close to the wall, the driver must have left the car from another side

Later on I went to ximen

I found many coffee stores here...seems like coffee is tne new tea, in taiwan
Epic Reverse Slip and Slide - Taipei
I joined an event recently hosted by my friends at Taipei Trends

It started at 5am so I left city at 3.30, since I was cycling to the event place

Some guy on a motorcycle also came rather early

Usually the weather in nice at sun rise and sunset in taiwan

Preparing the slope

Lewis was fixing water

The there was no pressure in the pipes

Eventually we found a water source

Contract signing

And slope inspectation

They added soap, for extra glide

This was famous for being slippery thei said

We went some extra times to fill water

This guy was addicted to beetle nuts, the first foreigner I ever met who became a frequent user

My co-pilot from last production

First go...

And a long queue

Chris is still working on the details

I had "känningar" from a maybe broken rib, after surfing recently, so I took it a little easy today, but still slipped frequently in the grass

Even the dog tried to run on the slipperty surface

Ironman took the grass way

Chris also had a drone for production purposes

It is a fun toy

Later also a line for competitions were created

Some dinosaurs attended as well

And a train

Almost like a sledge ride, but in a tropical climate

Lewis eventually brought more water

He didnt want any help...strong guy

Dinos second try

And the slow-mo camera

After the dinos tried some time, it was the humans turn

This guy used a helmet...wise guy

Funny guy

Sidy by side competitions

Hard time getting up the slope

Dolphoine ride

This guy used his watch to press down some spikes to keep the track on place

More competitions

Some green guy, whi wanted to go

Afterwards we had breakfast, and then everyone went home to sleep
Another ximen visit
I paid a quick visit to ximen recently

A dark saturday night

They dont have my favoriet burgers anymore, but still some nice fried food

And some mango yoghurt

It was bout to rain, sto they put up some umbrellas

Some other stands were struggeling with their umbrellas

I also had a lichi drink, with double cherries

The bartender was confused when I paid with 200nt and 20nt bills n coins...
A visit to Umbrella island (外傘頂洲)
I made a quick visit to an island in Jiayi called 外傘頂洲, or something like Umbrella island, recently

Frustrated over local inconsistency, how to pronunce the characters (嘉)? The locals never care, cus they never use the alphabet, but for visitors, same charaacter has many ways of spelling (making it hard for the locals to understand foreigners, cus the taiwanese are very pronunciation sensitive)

I passed by an oyster market

And had some local seafood

A map showing my destination

A boat heading 50 minutes out, looking like a swedish House boat

The tour was 3 times per day

More local food

And alot of frustration on which boat to take

Some flood at the hardbor

And a fjällräven bag

The boat had speakers playing loud Karaoke music

And a guide taling about the island we were heading to, not sure about its english name

Many boats heading out

Some caravan, but these boats made anothr tour more north first

And the safety, each seat has a west...

And some more Karaoke (KTV)

After a while we passed by some bridges

And in the horizon we could spot some bigger bridge

And after another 10 minutes, we hit the island

Just a sand bank, that apparently is heading more south for each year, I was told it moves p and down, but I cannot confirm which story is the truth...

The locals got toys to play in the sand with

More tourists

The boat was here for 1 hour, enough time to play around on this small place
Wiki page for 外傘頂洲:

Some bridge...

And locals collecting water

Other sculptures reminding me of Nimis in sweden (but far smaller)

I also found a shipwreck

With some mattress inside, mabye for lost tourists

And more sand digging locals

BLue sky horizon

And intersting patterna in the sand

And a crab

Mountains could be spotted at Jiayi

I think the big one is Alishan, but could recall that I saw Jiayi from Yushan, so i think one peak also is Yushan (highest peak on taiwan, 3952m)

People queuing up for geting back on the boat

Food and KTV

Oyster and sea food

Mountians getting closed

After another 50 minutes we were bac in Jiayi (Dongshi fishermans wharf)

Many kites in the air

And many tourists chilling at the harbour

I also spotetd some oyster shell truck

And East coast alert" (meaning no helmet and no trafic light usage)


Nice mountain view

I think I could get to yushan in 1-2 hours by scooter from here

Many small ponds with fish, the machines are adding oxygen

Omg, an ISO-9001 building

Sunset at Jiayi


I also passed by a Blua high heel shoe church, that once was mentioend in Swedish TV.

It msut be warm in there during summer days...

Another visit was a giand Egg

And this burgerbar

It seemed rather new...but wasnt that special

Menu in English...

Some explanation how they make their burgers in chinese...

And the classical buzzer for people waiting for their meal

A set, or is always cheaper in southern taiwan

Next stop; the only bar in Jiayi

I had a Tiramisu drink

I also saw Alexander Skarsgårds new movie poster

And his name in Chinese...(亞歷山大斯卡斯加德): Yàlìshāndà sīkǎsījiādé
A trip to Xinyi
I headed to Taipei, xinyi recently

Concluded that many maps in Taipai MRT has "North down", very confusing for people like me, who use to see north up...

People in xinyi weights 67:ish kg

First stop was China pa

I had some australian wine, it was nice, I realise that I am very populistic when it comes to wine

They also had some live band

Next stop was Frank at att4fun, one can see the bottom of taipei 101...oin the dark

I had some colour ful juice imx

My friend had colourful sox

Later on some of my friends headed to Carnegies

I had a taiwan beer, my friend has a Hoegaarden

Omg, Michael Jackson on the wall...

Carnegies is the same as it use to be many years ago...(most other bars open, close, or develop)

My friend Karl was visiting Taiwan he had some snus with him...smells like home

We tried to go to roxy later, but it was closed, also ximen ding didnt have any place open

Karl asked some locals, but no info about anything open

Last resort was Banqiao, Karl was happy, walking around in taipei when everything is closed...confusion alert!
A visit to the new Chalmers Office in Hsinchu
CITO= Chalmers International Taiwan Office, a new place without a kitchen...

I met with some chalmers student today

Like a new show room in Hsinchu

We had peanut butter orios

A vew over the same park

Some people doing some photo shot...the swedes also took pics for ikea in their new office

We later on went for eating

The old offce, was taken back to the old "owner" according to the NCTU staff

I joined some people to McDonalds

It was a sunny day

With a rainbow in the horizon...
On my way to Hsinchu
Sitting on a bus towards Hsinchu

Hot, but cloudy...
Song of the day:melody club - play me in stereo
Surfing in Waiao - June 2016
I went to Waiao again...

Toilet paper aparently solve itself in water, but still in taiwan they ask you to collect the used toilet paper in a bucket

After the toilet paper analysys I headed to Waiao

My friends went with Hugo, who has a place in his car for the boards

It was a hot day

Hugo suggested this place

He also bought some towel poncho

He knows the owner

Lydia wanted to have extra wax

I wanted to have an estra parasol

Not much waves when we arrives, the best is 6-8 and 16-18

Amine managed to do some nice knee slides

It was hist first time to surf

Some waves

Some guy trying to fish

Lydia was good

Turtle island in the horizon

And many paraglider

Some waves eventually came

More surfing action

I was rather lazy, and catched maybe 2-4 waves during the whole day

Some locals were really good

I aso brough Yilan beer

At 16 the waves became higher

More locals locals showed up

Later we went back to the store

I had some more yilan beer

Hugo was checking his board...2016 continues
Computex 2016
I joined a computer fiar, which is said to be "the biggest in the world"

Some blir pic of a scanner

They had the fair at 2 locations...ABB was in nangang

Some skate board...epic

And many kinds of computers

But the locals prefer bikini girls instead of canides and pens

Some "keep the computer cold" competition

Liuid nitrogen?

I met German my old roomie

Some super heroes

And robots

Batman buddha

Some screen swipers

I met my old classmate Ramiro

And my old classmate Natalia

Some puh figures

I also passed by some innovation expo

And met some swedish app company

Anders was mingeling around

A blur selfie with a school mate Lorraine

Some cool sound location technology

LAter on we joined some french event

A french guy who spoke chinese

Many people mingeling

"Careful forehead" sign...very useful

I also went to a business sweden event...not sure, but the mostly said the same things, and explained old technologies, most people who were there wanted to hear new things

I ended the trip by tasting some vanilla cream bun, which I got from anders