At Darwin, Australia
After making a transfer in Bali again...the trip continued to Australia, it was really cheap tickets to darwin, which is situated in the Northen Territory, Australia. A tricky thing when buying cheap tickets is that the location might be isolated, however there are alot of backpackers here...But due to rain season, not super many things to do.
The citys seems to have been suffering from the great and second world war. There are some monuments. Except for that it is mostrly nature trips and safari that people seem to do here. There are over 60 national parks in Northern Territory.
Tomorrow I will take the bus south to Alice Springs, and continue to Ayers rock (google it).
It is far more expensive here than in indonesia. but i guess it comes with the territory, the Australian dollar increased alot recently.
All over south east asia it is rain season during some sites are closed...however the temp is about 30...
pics will b uploaded later...
Btw, thanx ronny for the nice hosting in was great!
in Jakarta
I stayed with my classmate ronny in jakarta for some days...but I could not access internet, thus my blog was not updated.

This is the last walk in Bali...then we were heading to Jakarta...

Where Ronny met us up...

For everyone going to indonesia...Blue Bird Group is the best taxi, recommended by my friend Ronny, since they use taximeter...

Swedish colours on the walls...

We went by taxi is very cheap, seldom becomes more expensive than 50,000 Rupiah (40 SEK) passing my a famous strip club and hooker house...(also called Disney land for men).

Usually 20-22 year old girls dancing for horny asians...

This picture is taken from ronnys apartment, it is some buildingt build by a singporean or hongkong firm, that just left with the money they were suppose to build the buildings now they jsut stand here...welcome to a corrupted art of the world...

We went to a nice indonesian restaurant...

And ate alot of nice food...

This was a sign at our hotel...but internet only worked in the lobby...

On TV people were discussing the crisis with south european countries...and the Swedish minister of finance was interviewed...

It seemed to be colder in Switzerland that here in Jakarta...

Some fact about Mr Anders Borg... so funny to see a swede on TV in indonesia...

A local store...on the street...

And a store where you can eat bats and snakes...

It was an interesting restaurant...

I asked what the name of the snake was that had a green colour..."green snake" they told funny...they had most of the meat in the freezer...

And then deep fried it with alot of spices...its hard to tell the flavour of the meet...

I was recommended to try strange animals...I ate lizzard, snake and monkey...

We shared the food...

The streets here are very crowded and some times dirty...

We continued to "old town"...

This is an old house made by the Dutch who had the country for many years...

The house that was a restaurant had a nice interior design...

And seemed very fancy...
Many famous people were portraited...

This was the name of the place...

And this is some other famous place in Jakarta...looks like the white house almost...

We continued in a taxi to another part of the city...

Tryig to take pictures while sitting in the car...
We passed by many famous places Ronny told us...

And many malls, often owned by chinese people...and found the contrast between poor and rich very big here...outside walks homeless people, inside they sell luxurious gods.

This coffee is very expensive, taked from the shit from the fox I saw in Bali, and also in the Philippines last year...

Wow, a Taiwanese restaurant...

And a nice fontain in the cool...

I had to try this "swedish berries tea"...

It was ok...tasted like Lingon...I ended the first night by going to an interesting version of disneyland, but no cameras were allowed in there...

This pellar has gold on the top...very exclusive...

I also went here...didnt know it first, but I have a very good friend who works here...we gave them soe brochures for the GMBA program at NCTU...

Maybe I will come back here in the future...looking for a job...

Then we went for some snacks...

Before maknig a company visit at DHL...I met some people I knew...and met in surrabaya some weeks ago...

Then we took a taxi/company car...
To a near by restaurant...with Ronnys co-worker...

Interesting food...

And nice Crystal Chandelier...

It was nice...Ronny and this guy use to go out for lunch...

Some local dessert...

Then visiting a more local mall...I found cheap earphones from "Beats by Dr Dre..." but i didnt buy...

They also had cheap watches...I wanted to have batman stuff...

And found brass knuckles...

Then we went to eat some local food...

It was also nice...

And tried a very popular fish restaurant...

I drank cocnut juice...

And they had some wraps...

And nice bean look-alike pea...

Then we went out in the heacy traffic again...alt of traffic jam, and some interesting night market where people acctually were killed the same night...

This is the government house...
And here is the golden pillar night...

It was hard to get a goodpicture of it, when going in the taxi...

Here is Jakarta by night...

And a famous club...or mall...

We also went to a nice jazz club...

With live music...super cool...and one of Ronnys favourite places...

I think my father would have liked it here...

I had a nice strawberry-ish drink...

And there was a the music...

But later they came back for more entertainment...
Celstine was tired...

Celstine was tired...maybe sheis not used to a life on the move...

Many business people seemed to come here...

More traffic jam, every day...alot of cars and scooters, Japan is said to hinder an Metro to be build, in order to earn more money from the car industry...Indonesia is de facto one of the largest countries in the world, and Jakarta is also said to be one of the largest cities in became a political issue, and in the end...its all about the money...many cars here are japanese...

Same taxi company...It is high security here, at every mall people are checking my luggage, and some times they are checking the cab, incase someone is smuggeling something.

And some flood...

This is the ocean side...of Jakarta...

The most expensive appartments in indonesia!...

Here, Ronny use to hang out...

And new appartments are getting built...

It is very dirty in the ocean...dirt from here reached bali later...thats why it is so dirty there too...

Nice gardens in the area...

More taxi driving...

And some nice indonesian food...

Mmm...even the rice is good...

Alot of food...soe times spicy, but not this one...

We went to a mall with some dutch resturants...

That were selling the expensive coffee...

It was alot of mashed coffee beans inside...

And some half pipes...
This night I went to another "disney land for men", the one I saw the first night from the taxi...

We also saw some local desserts at a mall...

I bought some speciality...

This is some fried stuff...

And some pancake - rösti mix...

Later we saw some entertainment in another mall...

And some guys walking in the middle of the road...Jakarta is the city of contrast...not far from the most fancy blocks, there walk around street kids and people sleeping on the street...

This is a little lake inJakarta with exclusve houses around, but still on the other side was some ghetto look-a-like area...

And some boats...

Its nice...but I like the lake in Beijing city the Hutongs...

This is some exclusive peace of property...

And this is a statue near the postw central Jakarta...its a strange city...not that many places to walk around...mostly taking cars everywhere...

And a big church...

Ronny use to go here...I think he is catholic...

Its always nice and cosy in a church, especially if is looks like a cathedral...

A sign of modernity...

And there is a mosque...there are alot of muslims in indonesia...
Here is the cathedral from outside...

This is a very common drink in Jakarta...

It was kind of warm outside...from here we took the taxi to some other place...

Many people working on the street...

Here is actually some bus station or similar, but Ronny prefered taxi...

And this is some famous place...dont remember what it was...

Ronny has this nice outdoor swimming pool near his appartment, they also have a hotel in the same complex...

They omitted many floors in this building..."4", "13", "14", etc...

We could not only see the ocean, but also some themepark from Ronnys appartment...

And bigger parts of the city...people receommended us to go to some mountian outside the icty...but the city is so bigg so it would take ceveral hours...

Later on that night, we flew back to bali...

In order to catch the plane to our next destination...I tried to get rid of all my cash...

It was raining outside...

I bought some stuff in the tax free, after we passed the customs...but then with some asian iquids could enter the plane, if it was not without I have to finish my coke that I bought...

I wonder if i ever will understand asian im on my way to "the land down under"...
Even if my goal was to go by boat, it is easy to find cheap flight tickets...perhaps I should have stayed longer...and visited more islands...but not im heading south...I was invited to Shanghai later in february with other classmates, not sure what I will do...either that, or go to the country that is said to have the best treeking in the world...or visit both...
On Scooter in Kuta...
even though time is running fast...i still wanna do things everyday to enjoy my vacation.
I bought typical indonesian arrak, so local, so nice...
Then we rented a scooter...and went for a trip, i wanted to go to the east coast, but the roads here are kind of we stopped at a ranomd store to buy lunch...
And saw some funny name...
This is the scooter we used...starting from totally empty tank, we fueled up, and drove all day just to get it emply again, so that the rental place, should not earn to much money on us...
At leat we didnt get any flat tire, like scotters in Laos use to get...
it was just 15.000 rupia to full tank...(10 SEK of 40 NTD) so it was not a big deal...even if the fact that u often give back a half tank that the owner will empty for the next customer...
after 12 hours driving around in the city, trying to reach the end of each road, the fuel was almost gone and it felt like an accomplishment...
Today is the last day in Bali...not much will be done...maybe go to the beach since I havnt taken a swim yet...
Last days in bali
I saw komodo dragon yesterday...and some other indonesian animals like schimpanse...
some days before I spent some time trying to find a nice T-shirt store...

I knew where it was but it was clsoedvwhen I passed by every ws this store...anyway...

Some stores here are very modern others are very old...its an interesting contrast...

Here is an asian version of Ronald Mcdonald...

I drank alot of this chokolate drink at McCafe...

And chilled out at the streets of Bali...

And ate intersting bread...

Today it was chinese new year, and some chiense people bought food for far to much money, its not cheap here for the tourist area...

I had sweet and sour sauce...

And some other nice dishes...

The day after I went to the local Zoo to see Comodo dragonssince it was far to expensive to buy a trip there, with local travel agencies...

They had funny shows...

With schimpanses...

And elephants, one kid fell in the water...which made some woman freak out...

And more shows...

And here it is...the Comodo dragon...

And some other animals...

It was a really big park...

Many wild cats...but no pandas...

And ofcourse ery touristic, people could pay alot of money to pet the animals...and take pictures...

The dragons were kind of lasy...

Enjoying the sun...

Long queues to take safari train...and also even longer queue to get home...strange...
Tomorrow is my last day here...then i weill go to Jakarta to visit my classmate and then continue south...
It is really inconvenient to travel on islands...since Im stuck to are not that commonly used here as it seems...
as usual i start to appreciate taiwan more and more, when i travel in asia...since it is so touristic everywhere else...more or less...
It is also expensive here in to taiwan. atleast according to my expectations...but when comparing to sweden, it is still half price...
safari on bali
i bought safari tickets to watch komodo dragon and orangutang for tomorrow. it will b interesting
Today was pablos and Alfonsos last day at Bali...
We went out to eat...and I saw the local patrol...a bunch of men who volunteer to keep the roads safe, from terrorists and protect the people. Bali is really a target for islamists, since its very touristic alot of people hang out here...and its very fragile for attacks...
They had some cool sculptures made from fruits...
We went to some bar...
I had a nice drink...
Alot of people wanted to enter some bar...
My friends danced togetter the whole night...
Fonso wanted to play more...
So i joined him to another bar...where some people staartedd to argue, they were all drunk...
I could really tell that she was from USA, thinking she knew the funny...
There are many ladyboys here in the area...they often come by scooter in the night..offering sex o horny guys...
interesting meeting with mr desi
Its nice with cheap dinks here...
I had a nice coffee drink...
And a nice pizza at pizza hut...with extra cheese...
It was a nice view from my hotel...
last night we visited my classmated new boss, here in bali, he is from belize, but has livd in USA for 30 years. but lived nowadays in taipei. (atleast until 31dec 2012). he lived outside kuta, so we took a cab to him, hanging out at his 5 star hotel was nice...a big difference from the back packer area where we are in now.
Strangely enough my classmate Celstine did not want to join, she stayed home, maybe they had something togetter...
Today its not super sunny, perhaps a storm will come to bali.
Im aiming to go to Jakarta next week, and also see the komodo dragon.
it is an interesting lizzard. looks like a dinosaur.
hanging out in bali
This is it for Ronny...he is going back to Jakarta...

We said goodbye at the lobby...

Checked some movies at a locla store at the market...alot of copied movies...

Then we chilled out at the lobby...

Often checking the currency to see when to cash out money...

This is how you buy gas for your scooter...from Absolute Vodka of Sweden bottles, they are everywhere...

We ate some local food for lunch...

And drank local beer...

Later at night...

We went to a bar...

And had some dinner...

Thinking what to do now, when Ronny left the island...

Chilling at the bar...and concluding that it is kind of touristic here at bali, and thus very expensive. just the fact that we are on an island, makes it very isolated..and everything is bigger than i think. i gave up the borneo trip. i might go to komodo instead. im checking the prices.
lived in a hotel without internnet last night, so i didnt check my email etc...
now im near kuta is warm, and rainy heavily in the nights. but its sunny in the days.
if anyone wants a postcard, email our addres to me, and i will send u one...
(else leave it as a comment)
Ronny is leaving tomorrow
Ronny is leaving tomorrow...Today they were surfing in the morning, I was looking for bali trips, but it seems to be easier to to go lombok or komodo.
Since I like the song from Maura Picotto I wanna go there...
but today we will still travel...

I started by buying local wine at a supermarket...

Dirty ocean...common here in indonesia...

We later on rented a car again and went to a beach called Dream world that was nice...

Kind of isolated...

And alot of trash...

and another nice beach that was small but isolated and one had to pass by some cool temples before entering it.

But still well explored...

And some caves...

Later we went to the same bar at the ocean again...

And made a quick visit at our friends hotel...

It seemed nice, but more expensive...

We took a walk near the ocean...and some nice hotels...

And we went to some restaurant, but it was super expensive there...

Later on we ate indonesian food from central java...

And ate nice slized ice...Super good...Now it is heavy rain outside...
Trip around on Bali
We rented a car this morning, including driver...

AFter eating breakfast in our new hotel...

He picked us up...we headed to places according to Ronnys recommendations...I wanted to climb the highets mountain in Bali, but he said that it was very far to go there...

We first went to a beach that was said no to be so dirty...

Then we went to eat...labour is very cheap here...Ronny told me a waiter gets 2300NT per month...(500SEK)...

This is lungs...taste like fried eggs...

We bought some beers to have on the ride...

I also was sipping on my whiksy...

The first destination was some temple area...

With some holy spring...

This also looked like some indiana jones movie...

We had to wear skirts...

It was a little bit like in cambodia...

Many monasteries and monuments...

Later we took the car to some vulcano...and moutain lake...

The magma spread out, over a big area...

Many tourists were here, and also many sellers, they were selling cheap wonder my friend Ronny likes to export indonesian stuff...

No smoke..many not that active this day...

We also went to an ecoligical garden...

Ther were selling organic stuff...

Choko tasted good...

And the fox that eats coffee beans, and shit it out, creating an expensive drink...

We tried some different kinds of drinks...

Choko, coffee etc...

It was kind of expensive here, very touristic...

I some coconut coffee and chokolate...

Then we went to another temple area...

Similar to the first one...

They had many caves...

And some guy, offering us to pary, but then charged us money...I knew it, money and religion goes hand in hand in many places...

We also entered a gallerie, i dont know why, but many people want to buy art from indonesia...

I got some inspiration too...

Then we went to a restaurant to eat some indonesian food...

It was nice, eating with our hands...

The staff were also nice...

It was sticky, but this is the way to do it in indonesia...

Then we continued for a walk... Ronny is nice here...i insisted on eating indonesian food all day long...and buy local produts, and thats what we did... Most time was spent in the was nice, Its really a contrast on prices in the tourist area compare to other in most poor tourist countries...
Baibai classmates
Today most people in the class went back to Taiwan.

But before they left, Ronny wanted them to try real indoneisan food, that is super hot...and spicy...

Some people did not even want to try...

I liked it...but its hard to each to much...

After that the classmates took of, we went to Mcdonalds...It was fun...

They have alot of things here that does not exist in Taiwans Mcdonalds...

We also took a ride to the beach...

And bought some beer...

Many sellers hang out at the beach...this island is really dependend on tourism...

It is also nice to have Ronny aournd, he can bargain and show us the real indonesia...

We also went to eat chinese nice...sweet and sour sauce...

Wow, expensive drinks..almost like in sweden, but this is a tourist place...after all...

Pablo was taking a nap in the hotel room after a long week with the class...

Later we went to a bar near the was a nice hang out...

They had DJs that use to play in singapore...nice music and nice drinks...

Dont know what this is suppose to look like, but some lights in the night...

I had a nice chocolate drink...
We are considering renting a car tomorrow and drie around the will be fun...
also checking what to do in the upcoming days in indonesia.
The currency exchange office trades 1000 indonesian rupiah to 1 sweih krona. but i insist of using my icabanken master card to cash out on atm.... on's currency calculator it says 1316 to 1, and checking my account i see that i get 1291 for 1 suddenly everything becomes more cheap tha i though...
no wonder scandinavians travell so much...
i didnt bring my experia, so im dependent on my classmtes computers...
Class country trip is going to an end...
Tomorrow the GMBA class will go back to taiwan, still seven of us will stay in indonesia for a while.
we went to a nice temple...
It was out on an island...
We had to match the waves not to get to wet
It almost looks like a boat from was possible to donate money at the island...and some ppl walked around on it...
But we went back to the bus, after a short visit at a nearby market...and were heading towards the mountains...
...a lake that reminded me of sun moon lake in taiwan...
We ate a buffet there...
Alof of food, super nice...
And similar things to taiwan...
It was really a rainforrest here...
And raining...
Some tourist could take a trip on a boat...
Our professor took his shirt of and went for a massage...
Many people wanted to ahve a massage, and others wanted to take picutres...
Kuoping had his "Sverige" shirt on..he bought it in Japan...
They had a temple that was kind of funny, looks a little bit like the one they have in Sun moon lake in taiwan to...
Then we went to an other market...
Where we got some strange fruit...
And bought "disco-disco" shirts...this pattern is typical bali pattern...(people us these shirts on their casual fridays at work)
Then we went to eat at another restaurant...
Pablo had Kuopings "disco-disco" shirt...
This food reminded me of taiwanese food as well...
And thereafter we went to a super market...
They had alot of local like...
And cheap perfumes, I was told...
i bought local whisky and beer...
The GMBa brochure has been printed, that me and my spanish friend wrote. it seem obvius that nepotism exists. since the GMBA secretary if using her high school friend as a designer of the brochure, to edit what we already done, just changing the colours and add some typos, and then charge the GMBA program :S
Some pictures were changed to the worse...some europeans i know says it is common in these countries, with nepotism...but its taiwan, what can i say...
I bought this beer as well...
Then we chilled at the hotel...I accidentally broke a chair...that other people almost also sat on...
Kuoping was dancing for us...
I opened this whisky...
And some people taught Henry hiw to hit hard...on ones lap...
And people were preparing for going home to taiwan...and others intended to stay longer...
Later we wnet clubbing again...some went to the cage...
And found some nice girls in there...
Many foreingers hang out in the clubs...
We were also chilling at the market...
And trying local beers...

They have many muslims here, so many times it contradicts...with alcohole etc...
third day in indonesia
We had a really cool guide in indonesia, he spoke a little swedish, since he worked as a guide for a really long time, and like swedes alot, russians are the worse tourists many people said...
We got some dinner, after arrving at the is super touristic, all the taxi rivers see wlkaing ATM machines when they see a white guy...just like in south east asia...
Here to the left is our tour guide...he told me that Bali has the same size as Gotland, however the highest mountian here is over 3000m...
This is the local beer here...
More indonesian food...
An atempt to take a picture while moving...
We went to buy beer in the night...when we arrived...its cheap, but the prices differ alot...
This is the monument from th eBali bomb some years ago...after checking the party area of Bali we went back to the sleep...
In the morning we took the bus directly after breakfast...
I like the guide alot, he gave me a parlour, indonesian- swedish...!
We checked out the beach...(its the famous Kuta beach)...
Then we went to eat again...
Some buffet...alot of meat...
Some people were watching footballl...
Then we took a walk in the near by park, where they had alot of monuments...
And great view...
This statue was populair to pose nearby...
And we went to another place, where we got skirts...
No water bottles were allowed...some tai students in class dont speak english that well, and brought some bottels anyway...they told us that the moneys use to grab things from people...
It was a cool temple area...reminding me a little of indiana jones...
Kuoping was happy and excited...
The moneys were hungry, and the visitors could buy food for them...
This photo is originally taken from a movie clip, where charlie here gets bitten by the monkey sitting and eating...
This is another clip, when this small monkey jumps up on kuopings lap...
Many classmates lost glasses, wallets...
Kuoping lost his wallet, and trie to talk it back...the monkey didnt seem to speak english...
Pablos flipflops were also taken...
The staff helped people to get their things back...
After some attempts...
They were also selling corn sticks at the place...
It was a very funny the bus people were talking alot of the monkey are Henry and Alfonso...looking the same from behind...
The next stop was a flower place...
It seem to be a tradition to decorate things with flower leafs...
Like this...
And we could try ourselves...
They also made hats here...
And other things...
This seemed to be an advanced hat...
Later we listened to music...
And peple dancing...
We also got to try the dance...Kuoping is making some and pablo were also up there...
Then we got to dress ourselves in traditional indonesian dresses...
So colourful...
The sweet girls...
And later we got to paint things, like wooden ducks, dolphins and cats...
We later on went to a stadium, where they even had swedish brochures...
IT was some kind of show...maybe historical...
And alot of people were dancing...
Many old guys...
Then it started to rain, so the show moved inside...
Later we went to eat some taiwanese food...or something similiar...
It was appreciated among the tai students...
Iva was sick from the hot sun, and a professor gave her something that made her puke (a medicin from the QIng dynasty), strange logic, she shoulld drink water when she is over heater, not puke...anyway, I also tasted some, but not enough to feel sick from it...
Later in the night we went to a massage...
And there after we took taxi to the party district again...
We went to some clubs...raggea and house...
It was nice...alot of australians come here...
Kuoping liked it alot...
I tried the second most opulair beer here...
Many foreingers come here...
This was the house place...
we visted a ape forrestThey had a wsa fun..later on we went back home...but Fonso, uoping and Lolo stayed even longer...maybe they wanted to play hard, since some of them will start work when they get back to Taiwan...
transfering to bali
In the morning we were picked up by a bus...
It was not that much traffic initially...
But later we realised that its a very crowded country...
My classamte Iva had contacts...
Ah, "JA, Plaza", sounds like my store...
today we visited dhl, it was nice, alot of logisitics...
it is warm here...doing company visits wearing formal clothes is not comfortable...
but its ok, reminds me of the philippines or malaysia here...
They had alot of safety regulations, which is good. We brought beer, but finished it before entering the facilities...
Then we listened to a company presenation, it was also in cooperation with Unilever...some ppl were tired, and fell asleep...
And checked their factory...
We also went to a Tobacco museum...and took pictures, to make it look like a company visit...
Look, Swedish matches...Maybe Krugers company...
And other logos...
It was cool...
Then we went to eat buffet...indonesian style...
It was good...
Alot of meet and peanut sauce...
Some sign...
Then people went back to the bus, and slept even more...
Some people are not used to "a life on the road"...
It was rain in the horizon...very tropical climate... and alot of traffic...
Now were are heading to our second destination...
Kuoping was on the mood of joking...
This is the airplane which will take us south...
People took pictures of the plane...we are now leaving surabaya and heading to bali,
in indonesia
In early morning the bus took us to the airport...
Fonso, my classamte had problem with the cusoms, since his passport had less than 6 month...he got a visa anyway...and after some paper signs...he could join..
Even in indonesia Fonso got stuck, but my indoneisna firned Ronny, knew ow to tal to the customs...
So, now im in indonesia. in surabaya...barely any internet connection...we went to a bar near the hotel...
The breakfat was nice...
And the view from the hotel...
tomorrow we will do company visit and then go to bali...
All the school stuff is more or less feels ok. Still one hand in on friday, but I got some group memebers who is going to take care of that.
Redoing my FM calculations
Aiyo, my jensens alpha is super wierd...that is what happends if u r using an innovative and fruitful approach to calculate financial numbers...
I just spent some time recalculating...and now it is more normal...
In the night, two of my FM group mates went downtown... they invited me, but I was writing my retailing take-home exam...I brought my compnuter down to the red I could combine pleassure and pain...
It was JP and Laure who was there...
I had some drinks...then I went to Tipsy and had another drink...then I went home...tomorrow Im heading to indonesia...
McDonalds visit
Aiyo...I try to be on a diet...
But hamburger is very easy to eat...
And its cheap compare to home...
The bad part is that I always order extra meals...since I dont get full from the standard meal...hmm...I will start exersice next semester...I was up to 95-97 kg this week...
Last exam...
I had my last in-class exam this monday...
It was a little part was individual and one part was in couples...
Half class started with the couple part, while the other did the individual part...and then we tried to switch after half time...
Time was not in enough...
I never liked this course, since it was very inconcistent and wrong to similar courses I have been taken before.
Final E-commerce presentation
Today I have my final presentaion in E-commerce...
We are presenting a business model, with alot of potentioal...
I adapted my clothing to the topic...
New speaker at 7-11
I got another full 7-11 chart today...
People are giving stickers at many times...and since it is the last day for the stickers deal (according to the chart information) I rushed to fix it before midnight...
I picked it at the low customer service 7-11 since it is nearer my lab...and the counter was nice, I could feel the weight f the package. Even if I couldnt compare...
I got a new speaker, but not the "open" character...this was his sister or something...
Ronny's farewell dinner, part 2
We went to New York for a farewell dinner for Ronny.
Ronny provided beer and red wine from a near by 7-11...
We were 9 a hectic persiod, since its theend of the semester with exams project etc...but this is how it is when studying abroad, people are leaving the coutnry shortly after the semesters...
They did not have Hawaii pizza...I ordered some cheese and basil flavour...
It was good...but the pizzas at New York is usually a little small...
Thank you Ronny for the nice dinner! Lets do it again some time!
mold in the room
I got mold in my room
on the wall
in the air...bläää
Thesis presentation's
Today 2 class mates had theis thesis presentation
Ronny and Alfonso...
First Ronny was was us a perspective about the scope the school expects from us...
One difference compare to some swedish schools is that they have alot of professors in the opposition, instead of students...
They criticise and defend the speaker (their students, since asia is alot of not losing face, the argument stops when the advisor says something)...its kind of strange...
Everyone h had to leave the room except the professors after the presentation, and they were very clear about telling us that we could not leave any microphone on, when leaving, as if we wanted to hear who said I took my camera and computer out from the classroom during the break.
Since the tudent can pic the professors who are attending, some professors left and other joined up for the seond presentation
Alfonsos presentation was the next one...his presentaion was more was also interesting...
Garlic bread
I made garlic bread (Baguette) in the lab today...
I used alot of garlic...
And put it in between...
I made sure to fry the garlic that it wont smell among the eaters...
It was ok...alot of fat I think...
The whole lab smelled garlic...
Flower delivery
I have a plant in my room...
But since my room mate will leave as far as I know...
And that I will be travel during winter vacation
I was treated a taiwanese breakfast...but i was not that hungry...
Farewell dinner with exchange students
I went to a farewell dinner last nightwith exchange student who are leaving back to europe next week...
We went ot a hotpot with chocolate fontain...
As usual I started with the ice cream...
They also had chicken kebab...but they asked us to wait, cuz it neededto be prepared...
I didnt eat it with sauce, so it was kind of dry...
I ate a lot of meat...but as last time I focused on corn sticks and fish...
It was fun as usual, but strange, since when people took of...they were wishing ppl good luck in their life...this was really a farewell dinner...
More focus on the food...I really like their icecream seems like more andmore restaurants focuses on the Russian ice cream...they didnt have it, last time I ate here...its really good. After the restaurant ppl went home or the Cheers bar for a while, and some ppl were talking about watching movie or go to plur...I said I would join to plur, but I went back to my lab first...
But took some beer at a local 7-11 first, and counted my 7-11 stickers...and voila! I got a full chart again :)
Also at thie 7-11 I got to feel the packages to pick the ensure to get earphones, and not speakers...
Yep new ear phones... an "RnB" guy, last time I got a "dance" guy...
My scratching lottery ticket that is in the package generated a buy 1 get 1free at cold stone!
At about 2 am I headed down to Plur to catch up on the exchange students...
But no, could not find anyone of them :(
After walking around on the dance floor my friend Yini approached me, they had some company party...she and her friends were wearing very traditional dresses....
She is very nice...and has been in Sweden many times...
After a while I left plur and went home...I have to get up early tomorrow...
My swedish environmental friendly heart burns
I told the Taiwanese first year GMBA students to mind the environment by atleast turn of the AC in the lab before the go home, so that it wont leak energy the whole night...(even though many ppl alreay thinks it is super cold), they barely care....
Not as if they didnt care about the money for electricity... byt leaving the AC on then they are gone...
But they also open the window, so that the AC air will go out...!?!?!?!
I seriously dont understand that kind of logic...
Even though I heard that in some asian is prestige to waste energy just because you afford it.
All you can eat tonite...but i ate to much already...
I had my Taozhing sandwish in the fridge...I had to eat it...
It was very sunny today at campus...
I also baked a banana chocolate corn flakes cake.
Many ppl were studying in the was easy to distribute...
I also ate pizza as a middle snack, with red wine and whisky...omg...not super hungry any more...and im going for a farwell party at an all you can eat restaurant at 19.30...
7-11 and beer hang-out on a friday night
We were suppose to watch movie tonite...but plans often changes...
We left 7-11 and hanged out in the DJ club for a while...
Some swede contacted me, and we went to Teppanyaki at the night was nice...strangely enough most things at night market close at 22, so if u come there in the late night, the night market is closed...
Double fish burger
I ate a double fish burgerfor was ok...
Interesting and surprisingly there were to meat meat...
Morning presentation
I had my last Cross cultural MArketing communication class today...even if i still have a hand-in...
We decided to be there early since we had a presentation...but latinos are often late...ut the rest of us were on time...
We went to a bar to buy breakfast during the break...Pablo, y classmates said that the coffee her was good, but it tasted like normal instant milk coffee...
Coffee and a croasant with hamand cheese...or something...
There were some disagreements in the group about the context of the presentaion...but it was ok...
I also had another presentation by myself about Personal Selling and a hand-in...
Here is me and the TA...
Bread and wine in the lab...
I ate bread with butter and drank wine this evening in the lab while finishing my cross culture assigments for tomorrow...
I but the bread in the micro ovento make the butter melt...
I also bought garlic bread...and was about to add extra garlic, when I realised that I have class tomrorrow, and are not going to redo the mistake i did when i was 14 and ate my own made garlic bread before school...
Visiting a mall in Taipei during Retailing class
We have a take-home exam in retailing class...
it is about comparing2 trainstations, one in hsinchu and one in taipei...
The scool arranged a bus for the 10 students taking the course...
But we needed to pay 75 NT in some insurance? strange, since the school forces us to pay for our health insurance card...
This is the train staion in taipei...Banqiao or something...
I took alot of picture for my analysis...
This is on my lunch/dinner...I ordere a chicken and got food for 3 people...since their english was not that good...
I also bought some french bread...
I also bought some tea ice cream...
Apparently cold stone (a famous ice cream bar in Taiwan has buy 1 get 2 now when its cold), I was about to go there...but this ind was more unique, but ind of expensive...
AFter some hours we went back to school again...
Presentation in financial Management
This morning I had a term papaer presentaion in financial management.
No one in the group really wanted to present...
So the six of us in the group presented togetter...
For the seven people who had energy to go up early this thursday morning...
Some more people showed up at the end of the presentation...
Dinner at the beer house with the first year students...
I ate dinner with the first year students last night at the beer house...
It was ok...but as usual in taiwan ppl share food...meaning that if u come late u still have to split the will b expensive for late commers... :S
I ordered my favourite, Sweet and sour sauce...
Outside a mouse was running around...
Dog shit outside the lab
Yesterday I almost stepped on dog shit...
Many studnets likes the dogs at they let them stay here...some times there is no order in this country...
Interesting exam
I had an open book exam this wednesday...
Many ppl did ot nuderstand the questions...this teacher is famous for having quetsions that are open for interpretation...
Boom, fire cracker in da lab...
We have been discussing it for a long time...
This is what is left of the confetti...stuck in the ceiling...
And this was what was on the floor...I wanted to film it but Pablo who fired it was to fast...
I got a lot of stamps that generated to a yoghurt smoothie...
Today I went to food court 1, with some friends to buy bagels...
It turned out that the bagel place was my favourite tea store, where the coconut milk tea (Yeguo naicha) taste like Bailey's without milk...
I had 7 card with stamps...
I like this sticker and stamp society when it generates free bees...
Pizza with camembert and wine...
I ate pizza this lunch, and dinner, with melted camembert cheese and red was awesome...italian and mediterranean food...
It was good...I found some Shiraz wine that was not to sour...
I finished whe whole cheese and almost a whole costco pizza..., and with alcohol (one bottle) its not the perfect way to reach Beach 2012, which will b visited next week...omg...
Time to sign up for courses...
It is time to sign up for courses a la spring semester...
Unfortunately, the site is partly in chinese...just like the library home page...which is tricky...
I was in a rush to sign up for Chinese classes, since this year the internet is the only place to register for them, compare to previous years, when you had to sign up at the chinese language center...
The site (or my internet) was super slow...
But I was one of the first to register I its ok...
Another interesting class with subjective grading...
We just had another interesting class, where the teacher grades her own work...more or other objective professors are attending during this strange...So interesting course format...
Ppl are speculating why they use this unequal method...but we were told to accept the school no one complains...
A little bit shame less...but it goes with the standards of the school. or culture, or teacher...
Fish burger at mosburger
I bought a fish burger at Mosburger today...
It was more salty than MCDonald's Mcfish...but it was ok...
Banana M&M cake in the lab
Officially it ws for my classmate, who had birthday...
I made a banana cake...with M&M's, the same cake as on chirstmas day...
It was popular...I think...
The best 7-11 in campus
I have totaly made up my mind of which 7-11 is the best at campus...its the one at food court 2, far better (more service minded) than the one at the south gate...
Here you even get 7-11 stickers after charging your cell phone...the nonservice minded 7-11 always refuse me stickers...
Asian grading policy...
Many advisors are grading their advisees...after helping them doing their work...
and taking a major role in the development of the process...
One of these teachers and advisors told us, we have to accept and adapt to asian culture...else we have nothing to do here...
Straight A+ for her own students...(the pic has nothing to do with this teacher or her students...)
cronyism, corruption, bureaucracy....our teacher surely wanna make the world a better place... :S
New years eve in Taipei
I went to Taipei last night...
I took the High Speed Rail (top speed over 300Km/h) as usual on new years eve, since its not crowded and it takes 25 minutes to go 80km...(about)...
It was me, the chalmers gang, and many other exchange students, mostly from Western Europe.
Went to a newly open swedish restaurant in Taipei city...
The restaurants place was milo milo (only existed for 5 month). We were about 40 guests...and they didnt have "set menu", so everyone ordered different was a mess...
They had "meatball Kebab" says, but it was all outof stock when I wanted it...
The tables were separated...but people started to mingle around in different tables after some hours...
We were not alloud to change places, since their prders were fixed per chair...
However we emailed them an excel file with all peoples names and orders to make it easier for them...
If we wnated drinks we needed to go to the bar...
We ordered white wine...its was was from Spain...
I had mushroom soup and salad for starter...
And steak as a main course
I was still hungry after that steak, so I ordered an extra nachos...redommended by the swedish owner...since the didnt have the meatball kebab.
I had pancakes for dessert...or "plättar" since they were small, with blue berries and cream.
People were starting so sing songs after a their onw languages...(standing up here are the french guys)...
At 23.50 we went to see Taipei 101...
People were squeezing togetter where they could see the building...
Millions of people are watching the building at 23.55...(seen behind the tree)... and at 23.59 the buildings lights were turned off...
The differnt shapes of Taipei 101 during the fireworks...
Then people started to drink champage or sparkling wine...
There after we went to the swedish owned Marquee...where there use to be more up-class activites...
It was free entrance aswell...
It was crowded...
Happy new year!
Some words are used to much...
Spending alot of time inTaiwan makes me abuse or misuse some words...
Like: Exotic
Google definition:
Adjective: |
Originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country. |
Noun: |
An exotic plant or animal. |
Synonyms: |
outlandish - strange - foreign