Farewell dinner with exchange students
I went to a farewell dinner last nightwith exchange student who are leaving back to europe next week...
We went ot a hotpot with chocolate fontain...

As usual I started with the ice cream...

They also had chicken kebab...but they asked us to wait, cuz it neededto be prepared...
I didnt eat it with sauce, so it was kind of dry...

I ate a lot of meat...but as last time I focused on corn sticks and fish...

It was fun as usual, but strange, since when people took of...they were wishing ppl good luck in their life...this was really a farewell dinner...

More focus on the food...I really like their icecream nowadays...it seems like more andmore restaurants focuses on the Russian ice cream...they didnt have it, last time I ate here...its really good. After the restaurant ppl went home or the Cheers bar for a while, and some ppl were talking about watching movie or go to plur...I said I would join to plur, but I went back to my lab first...

But took some beer at a local 7-11 first, and counted my 7-11 stickers...and voila! I got a full chart again :)

Also at thie 7-11 I got to feel the packages to pick the lightestone...to ensure to get earphones, and not speakers...

Yep new ear phones... an "RnB" guy, last time I got a "dance" guy...

My scratching lottery ticket that is in the package generated a buy 1 get 1free at cold stone!

At about 2 am I headed down to Plur to catch up on the exchange students...
But no, could not find anyone of them :(

After walking around on the dance floor my friend Yini approached me, they had some company party...she and her friends were wearing very traditional dresses....

She is very nice...and has been in Sweden many times...
After a while I left plur and went home...I have to get up early tomorrow...