Halloween night...
A kind of last second decision was to go to Taipei for Halloween...
Many friends was going the the Halloween Massive party...
It was like last year, but not that famous DJ´s...
Many people were dressed up...
And some people were really drunk.
It is very common in Taiwan that people spend alot of money getting a fancy costume...
Some even cancel their party, due to that they dont find any one...
This was the name of the party...
I also found out that Armin van Buuren will come back to Taipei (last time I went to penghu when he was here, so I missed him)...he was no 1 DJ in the world (on Mag top 100´s DJ chart), now he is number 2, after David Guetta...
After the Massive we went to Luxy...but we didnt enter...
One of my friends couldnt enter due that that she was wearing Halloween make up. I gave her my blazer, then I went home...thinking I will never get my blazer back...
But later some friends came down with my blazer...so I felt fine...the guards at luxh doesnt speak english...it is really confuzing...a really low education job...
A trip with a client...
I took a trip with a client yesterday...
He had a USB compatible radio...
There were alot of fires on the way to Zhudong...
The driver showed his skills in multi tasking...so impressive...
It was a place near Beipu, up in the moutains...but not so far so that it became exotic...
It was steep, poor cars that had to carry us...on this pump road...
It was a very touristic place...
It reminded a little bit of Alishan...with the pine trees...
Since pablo was there...and me, we brought Beer...
Mr Ellison was one of the main characters of the day
After the picnic we went on a path...checking waterfalls...
It was mostly natrual falls, but some interfearance was made...to makeit easer for tourist to enjoy the falls...
So many falls...
I wanted to follow the creek to its source...hopefully there is a lake or somehing up stream..so exotic, since I plan to visit all the real lakes there is in Taiwan...some time...
Some parts of the path were very robbust, some were almost about to break down...
There were some nice viewpoints...
Alot of people took pictures...
I posted my business card on a bill board...
Then we walked down again...
It was bamboo forrest...I wonder why they didnt import pandas here long time ago...
Then we went to the resort again...ready to go home...
The client also had another cool device for his car...A usb radio transmitter...so that any car can use a USB stick, without haveing a special radio...
It was alot of traffic on the way back...
We stopped by at some BarBQ place before heading back to campus...
Nice night outside 7-11
I spent a night outside 7-11...
Alot of people gather here once in a while...
To end up our miseries....in this asian environment...
Fake bill finder...
I fixed the ultra violentlamp thatI got from the strange man outside 7-11...
It is kind of cool...
I used it to ensure the mosburger staff that the money I used was not fake...
The bike place is found at NCTU
After some looking and asking we found where to pick up bikes that were brought away by the blue car in campus...
Pablo didnt find his bike here...maybe some tai took it...I think he left it unlocked...
Watching Village people in class...
Last cross culutral marketing class we were watching village people...
So exotic...it was "in the navy". we usually star the class with one students favourite song...and pablo picked this song...
Momo brought her pet again...
I also passed by McDonalds at NTHU...which still remained unopen...
We tried burgers at another place instead...
One confusing thing about taiwan is that they oftan confuze burgers with bagels, muffins and sandwishes...
I ordered 3 burgers..., 2 beef and 1 crab...so exotic...
Meeting an old swedish friend
I went to the burger bar where I did my documentary today.
I had an appointment with a swedish friend, who use to study at NTHU when I studied at NTCU 3 years ago.
I ordered a tripple meat with pineapple...it was exotic
The owner knows me by now...
After that I went to 7-11 to meet up some other friends.
We met this strange guy who wanted to show how good his martial art skills were, and that he was an alien...
He also wanted to show how fast he was on scooter, with out shoes...
He also wanted to challange me, in a fight...
It was fun. Since I have seen Jim carreys
"karate instructor", so I knew how to attac this guy, and make him a hero...
Who took my Corporate finance book?
I use to eave my books in the lab. Many times so that my classmates can borrow them and thus dont need to buy them...
However, since yesterday my CF book is gone...
I experienced some ppl taking my stuff in the lab before, but not books...
So annoying!
Retailing Presentation
Today I had retailing presentation...
Even though I just slept 3.5 hours, i carried it out ok...
I also showed the documentary I did this week. In the group, I was the one who presented...
One group members disapeared last weekend, the rest of us managed to finish the scope ok. I dont know why he left, but I could read on his facebook status that he bought a new cell phone recently, so I guess he is not having a to bad time enjoying taipei...
Soo slow....
I had a presentation after lunch today...
But went to buy food just before the class...
Its not "fast food", I had to wait for like 10 minutes to get my food...aiyo...
Late nights in the lab week...
Another night spent in the lab...
I live here...
Last night some group members spent the night with me...
I did brownie for my group. to encurrage them to work hard. By mistake we only had one meeting for an assigment that was far more comprehensive than I expected...I appologized, and we set up atleast 2 meetings (even though no one attended my "first" suggested meeting last week...)
We were done 4.30...
And even if the program told me that printer was going to work in the night...some on left a message that it was broken...
I needed to go down to the computer network center...it was kind of empty...I remember I use to spend atleast 30 minutes per day in here...it was a nostalgic return...
Projects until late night
Tonight I had to finish 3 projects...
first projects finished: 21.30
Second project finished: 02.00
Third project ended 02.30
Tomorrow (I mean in 6 hours) I have presentation...totally awesome!
Swedish clothes in Taipei
My classmate was wearing a T-shirt with the text "tegelsten" on some days ago...
It was cool, it was the brand Fjällräven...
He wanted to be unknown for the camera...
But this is how he looks like...
So cool...
Autumn has come to town...
Autumn has come to town...its not super warm any longer...
Living in Tawian for a while, one really get used to warm weather...meaning that its easy to feel if it is colder...even if it is just about 20 degrees...
I still wear shorts everyday...
Group work...aiyo...
Some times group work can b hard...it feels like some cultures are plain lazy...lazier than me...aiyo...(if I can generalise a little).
I have 6-7 assigments this week, and people often excpect others to do the work all the time,...and these ppl say they want to do less things, they tell me they "have alot of things to do"...haha. So interesting...no wonder some parts of the world are a little bit "behind" with that attitude...
Lucky me Im used to be a busy man...
"im so lazy I dont even sleep walk..."
Im wearing my "i need to do my laundry" outfit.
Today im wearing my "i need to do my laundry" outfit...
Some people might say "fashion" some pp might say "homeless"...I made my laundry this lunch anyway...so it will soon be changed...
I got an advisor...
Here in taiwan people are doing a big thing about picking advisor...
And I agree, since I really dislike one of the GMBA professor due to his inconsistency, I really pick some one else...
it was easy...
He is teaching strategy...kind of in line with my last master thesis...I think he also knows marketing...
I will pick topic later...maybe contact a Swedish company and do a case study...usally swedish companies pay you for the thessis...I got 40000SEK for my thesis (almost 200000NT), I wonder if i can cash out the same amount thistime...we will c.
My cellphone broke...
Aiyo...I can mot charge my cellphone..so annoying..I will go and buy a new battery today...
I bought it like 2 years ago...I think the guarantee is not valid now...
Long days in the lab
I spent all yesterday doing school work...aiyo...so annoying...
but i was high on caffein...cuz today i didnt have any morning class...
It is nice...often people here and a fridge so we can store food...
Time to sleep...
Yesterday I tried to sleep, since I barely slept 6 hours per day for some days in a row...(only 4 hours last night), and after a biathlon race I thought I would b tired...but as a experienced racer I know one needs alcohole to calm down...(or atleast it works)
After intense efforts to finish some school assigments...and attempts so sleep I went for this remedy...
I found my swedish crew at 7-11 having beer...they stayed there for a while...
My friend is a smoker...who knew?!
I have seen these boxes outside some doors...they r for goat milk!?!...delivered in the morning, people say that it is better than cow milk but not as tasty...
Believe it or not...but there are mix dorms at NCTU...where I saw the premier league game Liverpool Norwich. Its always nice to c football, its not so frequently showed here in Taiwan...
I went down to plur as an end of the night...just to mingle at the 7-11...(i has flipflops and shorts so i couldnt enter)
It is usually all you can drink at Deluxe on sundays....but saturdays everyone goes to Plur, if hey dont go to Taipei...
I met the swedes here again...it was fun...non of us expected to go here...its just an attraction that exists among european students...the day before holliday one must hang arong the club...
Tomorrow it is school work again
Harrys house warming party.
We spent some time at Harrys place yesterday.
It was exotic...we gave him a late birthday gift...
Best deal ever...(for the day)
The best deal for the day is to buy double meals...
Wen one meal is over...I still got one more...it is like christmas every meal time...
Looking for a lost bike at school
Today I was looking for my friens bike at school...
I was afraid that the places where we asked would just tell us to go somewhere else all the time...
We ended here...at the General Affairs division...but they were sleeping, so we will be back later...
Americanisation - Globalisation
We had a discussion at school today about americanization and globalization.
Many ppl, like many taiwanese ppl, associate things like globalisation with america...
The article stressed that this is not tha case...
It was interesting, and broke the dialouge for a while...
So I had to take pics from the presentation...
Strange insect...
Today I saw a strange insect...
It looked like a stick insect, but it could fly...
Beer in campus
I drank beer yesterday...
bought in campus...so amazing...
McDonalds at NTHU (part 2)
I passed by the place where they say Mcdonalds is suppose to be at NTHU yesterday...
Now, atleast I know it will open,, I saw this sign...
However the new day for opening is the 28th of october according to local students...I hope they wont postpone it more...
Taitra job fare
We were recommended to go to a job fare yesterday...
I spent 1 hour trying to find the place...no signs or anythng that could show that it was a fare in there...
In the end they were looking for spanish speakingm russian speaking and hindu speaking people...so useless...no info about this in advance...
Photo shoot in class...
We had a photo shoot in class...as many Taiwanese MBA programs they want people with European looks (we were told)...Maybe cuz there r so many latinos here already...
We had white shirt and jeans...for some poster...
My classmates even made their hair for this...
The final pic was with the GMBA shirt...
Later on we will take pics for the new GMBA brochure we will use a professional photographer...
Sharing things in the lab...
Today we were sharing alot of things in teh office...
I got a donut...
I gave away snus...
My lab mates found it interesting....
Well...most of them...
I ended they day by playing football...
A short visit in the DJ club...
And a movie...
Aiyo, USA loving country...
Taiwan is really a USA loving country...we always get Harvad cases in school (more or less), they never even consider to use other sources (cases)...from Europe, Asia, or Oceania etc...
We are here to learn about Asian culture or global cuture.but what ppl teach here is USA culture...aiyo...
Now this is the thrid class in which I get this "Netflix" case...how hard can it be not to use USA cases? And we need to pay for these cases all the time...meaning I have to pay 3 times, for using the same product...stupid...
Chocolate morning...
This morning I ate alot of chocolate products...
I had a morning class at NTHU...so during the break I went to buy stuff...it is nice...
Late nights in the lab again...
I spent my nght in the lab again...
It is cosy...always people top talk to and a nice atmosphere created by the ppl who r here...
Hamburger tuesday...
I always order double meals in these days...
both to lunch and dinner...
After a short swim we went to the burger bar that im analyzing from a retailer perspective...
I ordered 2 burgers...but the guy messed it up, and I got some strange burger...its ok...next time i will double check...
I first got a gordon bleu burger...I had it before...alot of lettuce...
The second was a cod fish burger...I wanted a double beef cheese burger, but didnt get one :S
However I got 40 nt discount...he called me "VIP"...so it was totally awesome anyway!
We ended they dinner with buying whisky...I bought this one...
It is good for digestion they say...some other bought bourbon...I mixed most of it with honey...
Cars in campus taking bikes...
I saw a car in campus taking bikes today...
And my classmate got his bike stolen..he thinks...even though he never locks it...
I asked some school staff, who told me where to look for the bikes that the bike pickup car brings away...we will check for the bike there later...
Windy days in Hsinchu, again...
It is very windy in Hsinchu in these days...
Not sure why...
The temperature is lower that usual. It was about 24 degrees in the evening...
Receipt day
Today I checked my receipts, I only won 400nt...
I couldnt enter the normal site, so I checked on an alternative one...
Cinnamon bun celebration
Today the chalmers office had cinnamon bun celebration...
It was nice...they had alot of buns...and I also drank coke...it was anice breakfast before lunch that I ate directly thereafter...
You always meet alot of interesting Taiwanese people when visiting the office at their events...
So nice...
After the event I had chinese tutoring...it was slow, it often feels like teachers here in taiwan wanna have foreing students just to ractice their english...it is not good for the "learning chinese purpose", we will c what happends in the future...I need motivation to study...we need to pass some "level 2" in chinese...and some incompetent adminstration of the GMBA program doesnt know a shit about that level, to bad he is a decision maker...now many people in the class seems to have alot of catch up to do in their chinese...
I finished the day by hamburger...
And a salad while wiating for the hamburger to be finished...
New customer in the company...
Yesterday it was time for a new customer for the company...
I was late to the appointment, many times when u ask Tais for places, u get miss informed, due to different logic in space...but its ok...I still had time to take a beer...
It was good...I love 7-11 beer, its so soft and not bitter at all...maybe me favorite nowadays...except for the name..."7-11 beer" doesnt sound that exotic...
2011 Taitung International 226K Ultra Triathlon
2011 Taitung International 226K Ultra Triathlon, a.k.a Ironman..even though Im not sure if they paid alot of money for the name, was what I did last weekend...
I left Hsinchu by train...since it was on the east coast...the most exotic place and my favorite city in taiwan...Taitung...
I signed up to live in dorm...like I use to do in sweden when I do interesting physical challenges...however it turned out to be the most fancy hotel in town...
We got the equipment in the lobby of the hotel...it was interesting, and good service...
It is interesting at the east coast of taiwan, cuz everthing must be typhoon and earthquake safe...
We got a nice dinner in the evening...
It was also an information section for the participants...
Just like in sweden they serve beer (or sometimes wine) when it is sports event...as a complement to the sports drinks...
While my room mates left their stuff very neat and nice...
... I spread out over the room, showing my territory...as usual...
We couldnt keep the bikes in the rooms, so they had guards in the basement...
I didnt know how to find the start...but one of the staff promised a japanese to show him 5 in the morning, so I joined them...resulting that I was one of the first to arrive to the starting point...
they had 3 sections in the tent, one for equipment...
...One for changing (for the ones who were not professional)...
and one section for bikes...
As usual in Taiwan U never run a route...u always run back and forth on the same road...the same was with the swimming, 2 laps around a river that they ones made to a lake...
After some hour, more people showed up to the starting point...
And 30 mins before start...almost all the 321 participants were there...many people were using buoyant wetsuits, which is considering cheating in many races..since it goes faster...but people r not that strict in this part of the world...
I knew I was a slow swimmer, and I was careful not to get cramp...
Instead I catched up during the cycling...I was the only one with surfer shorts and the official T-shirt...when doing the race...all the rest had professional clothes...just like when im compeding at home...im not a gadget guy...
The cycling was ok...more like a long boring transportation part...with street dogs walking on the road (I almost hit one, like 50 cm close), another disturbing thing here in taiwan...not sure if it is culture...is when a tai is passing you buy, they hail you, and go super close in front of you and the slow down...so annoying...many times i bumped into them to show them that they have to take distance.
When I reached the goal later on there were still alot of people out running...i came in as 65 of 321 i think...I think it was good, concidering that I took it easy.. I wonder what position I would get in Sweden...probably not that good in position (the cut off time in sweden is 15 hours i heard) not 17 hours),...at least the first people finish within 8 hours, here they were in at 10...could also be due to it was warmer here that in Kalmar...where the swedish dito is...
This is how the finish looked like...they had a stage for people to take pics on...
They had a nice breakfast...not like the one in Pusan in Korea...but it was still ok...
The staff were all wearing hawaii shirts...so exotic...
Taitung is famous for its hotsprings I think...and maybe for surfing...however, a visit to a farm was payed...I found a cow with Bhutans flag on it...so exotic...
It alsya wonder who this area remains after all the typhoons (I really need to go here some day to find out), however most of the trees were supported by sticks etc...
They also had buffalos...covered in mud...
Many times here in taiwan it can b hard to find the toilet...u need to know the characters..and not that many people speak englosh, nor understand my chinese...so it is convenient when they have the international sign for resrooms...(in this case they also had english text). It was really a touristic place...with most thing where the cusomers could waste their money...
They also ahd places reminded me of the alps...like places with grass, which I dont find that common in Taiwan...it was exotic...
After this visit it was time to take the train back...
Now I wanna do a Ultraman instead, hopefully it will be more challangeing...
McDonalds at NTHU
Rumors has it that a McDonalds will open in NTHU (the neighbour university to NCTU)...the 10th of oct, some rumors said...
But as usual ut was just a rumor...no McDonalds...thus a bunch of classmates walking back hungry...
However some students created a parade throuh campus...it was exotic...
Dont know what they were celebrating ot demonstration about...
My Big Mac substitute was some "wine" dish...tasted like an over boiled chicken stick in brown water...
I also bought some mexican thing...looking like a dry pita wrap...
The guy at the casher took my 100 NT bill whan I payed...but then told me that I didnt pay...I was confuzed but accepted the strange situation paying 180 nt instead of 80nt...or something...
After some 20 mins waiting, the guy came to me, gave me 100nt...he found that he charged me extra..finally...
Later we had a class, after that class we went to interview a guy who recently opened a burger place near Qing hua night market...it was exotic...
Late night in the lab
It is as usual in the GMBA program...late nights in the lab...
Spent some hours writing case answers...editing, concluding, editing again...it is fun...but stressful. groups of 6 people....
It is like chalmers vs Gothenbrug university... Chalmers students has assignments all day long.while Gbg univ students are free after dinner...
But here it seems like the contrast is within NCTU...some programs are free all the time, it feels like...while others always gives their students workload...
its 1 am, and im still revising my case...partly my bad... catch u on the flipsyde!
Marketing proposal from the GMBA
Me and a classmate got a proposal from the GMBA program...
We were told that many GMBA programs here in Taiwan focuses on Europeans, and that europeans often get accepted before other nationalities...like latinos and africans, who often come here to Taiwan for free tuition and scholarship.
We were alittle resticted to start with...but then I was encurraged to think outside the box....which I like...I just need currage to execute my plans....and thats the hard part...since I really dislike "don´t:ers"...
A quick visit to the bike store...
Today I made a quick visit to the bike store...
I bought a light and small pump and also let the oil my chains...
I also got to try a japanese cake that my classmate brought to me...super delicious...
I now got photoshop
I for some month ago got a photoshop version from a girl next door to my lab.
Now I can edit pics like I use to do before...
So professional...
Buying swim wear
I went buying swim wear today...
On the national day of Taiwan...
At the store for swimming stuff I found this Swimming pad...it is in line with my new business idea, a new kind of swim pants for guys to wear on the beach...
so exotic...
Fun making movies...
I have a class in which we r suppose to make a documentary...
So today I spent some time lookingfor software and expoling how the program works...it is kind of fun and easy to use. Adding sound effects and texts...
Hanbao xiansheng
"Hanban Xiansheng", thats me...it means Mr Hamburger...
I dont understand why...
Why thinking of some reason, I went to mosburger...I had the normal thing that I always eat there more or less...
There r alot of USA influences here in Taiwan...it is easy to access american food...
Burger day
As any other day I ate burgers today...
In my retailing class we are going to analyze a burger bar in qing hua night market...
I had a pineapple burger today...they always have a lot of lettuce in the burger at this place...
The onion juice was blue...looked kind of artificial...
A cat was looking around in the trash cans...it was balancing on the bins for like 5 minutes...but didnt manage to get anything...
The second bar offered avocado burger...(i cannot recall that I ate that before)...
This bar had a funny toilet sign...
After the bar visit we continued to my friends place to watch Schindlers list...its a good movie...
They didnt have 7-11 nearby, so we bought beer at family mart...however I think that 7-11 beer is the best...I had to by the nearest one...and that must be a kirin beer since kirin produces the 7-11 beer...
This "ice+beer" was ok...soft but not as good at 7-11 beer I think...
Date dinner
Me and a classmate arranged a matchmaking dinner last night.
First we let the Taiwanse ppl arrange the date...but that just ended up that nothing happend...
So I made some phonecalls last monday, and everything was settled...
We went to Gracis that is an Italian restaurant not to far from campus. We just had to make sure that the 2 main guest would show up...
We also invited friends of the two clients...
I´ve been to this place before...it is nice...they have special offers where u order sets...
I had goulash soup to start with...
And pizza...however my friend accidentally ate my pizza (since they all looked the same more or less...)
I got a spicy sausage pizza.
After the restaurant visit many ppl went some...
One classmate told me he wanted to go out tonite...however he changed his mind later on...
So we made a compromise...headed to a bar nearby...
And later on that night I was asked to join to plur...it was alot of people...I was told that the queue was almost reaching out to the street...meaning like 80 meters...
They really want to imitate luxy nightclub in Taipei...it feels like (or maybe its just taiwanese stanrad with bikini girls dancing on the stage)...
Its very common that taiwanese boys fight when they lose their face in front of their friends...
kind of cute, kind of silly...
Here is my friend with Xiaoling, a girl that always hangs out at this nightclub...
Some times it feels like she is druged, nevertheless she is a very interesting character...
Blue sky in Taiwan
I dont know why, but I feel like there is not often see blue sky in Taiwan...maybe I dont pay attention to it so much here, compare to home...
Yesterday I saw blue sky...it was exotic...
Pets in the culture class
Today in the culture class one student brought her pet...
A dog with the name menthol honoured us by its presence...
Comprehensive training day...
Yesterday I joined the swimteam at NCTU...but I chose to swim separately...
It was fun...
After about 2 hours, I went to the gym to cycle...
I also passedby an outdoor cinema showing 3 idiots...
After 2 hours in the gym I went for a run...
I also ate inbetween...if felt ok...
even though 6 hours excersising and eating was exhausting...
They repainted my room
They repainted my room...
After that I complained that the dorm agreement that we were forced to sign contained a paragraph saying we need to keep the rooms clean, meanwhile the rooms looked like shit when we moved in, was not fair...so I told the janitor that they better repaint our room...and preferably that I could do it...so that things went right...
THey repainted it yesterday however they still missed some stains...
I also got my drink card full (everytime I buy a tea at a teabar at food court I thye add a stamp), when its full I can get one dink for free...so nice...
Late night meetings...
I have alot of meetings in these days, due to alot of group projects and hand ins every week. Plus case studies...
I had a term report hand in yesterday...that required meeting this tuesday...
It is often tricky to match everyones time table...so the meetings are often held very late...
Problems with my MS Office
Im writing alot of reports in theses days...
However, recently some activation key must be pasted for my office to work...
After having a presentation in the morning, I went to the computer network center...they said they fixed it...but they didnt, and I had to go to class.
A clss held by the same professor as we had last evening...who offended the Tai people in class...
Even in the classroom I tried to reinstall my software...but it didnt work...so totally useless..I will ask the computer network guys to fix it again...it they can...
Stupid information flow at campus...
I wanted to go for a swim today...at the pool yesterday they (after givning me false info about their opening hours) told me that it will b open today...however the pool was closed today, only open for competition...
Today at the gym the same thing happend...I was told last week that the part where I use to be at only is closed one time per week...however today it was also closed...this seemed to be the schedule, which I found on some wall...so annoying...with all the handins and projects I will never have time to excersise...
Interesting speaker in the seminar class today
Warren Lui, a "guru" according to sources, honoured our class by his attendance today. The same guy we hosted at the pool yesterday.
He´s written 3 books...more than prof Wu...and went to school in US, as many in asia thinks is super exotic, even though London business school is proven to b better...etc...people were probably very amazed...
However he finised the class by saying offensive things about Taiwan...that he didnt care what happend to Taiwan, except that he has some relatives here...and that China will take over the country sooner or later...
I could only start thinking about Tibet...
Check my visit in Lhasa, Tibet people there did not live a happy life (according to what I was told by themselves)...its like how Israel treats the palestinians...USA covers thier actions with their with UN veto even if it is illegal...so stupid! And china is doing the same with Taiwan...
We will c, many classmates were upset after the class...
However the presentation was interesting...from many perspectives...
Nights in the lab...
The semester started again...
Time for "nights in the lab"...like last autumn, when heavy workload made GMBA studetns suffer...

We r back in those old days...statistic quizzes, financial mangagement assigment and report writings until late...

I had some whisky and peanutbutter when writing stuff...it is nice...
Ayo, another culture collision causing embarrasing moment
Opening of chalmers office...
Today the Chalmers office opened...
It was full of people as usual and they served swedish food...(snax)
They had a speech from the Head of office...
Then the whole staff talked...10 people 80% from industrial engineering...
They ended with a swedish presentation...which i recognized...its getting kind of standardized by now...
The bank book machine ate my bank book
The bank book machine ate my bank book
I was checking my account balance today when the machine kept my book...and the sign showed "ready to serve"...
The staff had to unlock it...
The staff couldnt find my book even after 5 minutes searching...
Then, after asking some other staff, they found it...partly broken...
They claimed that it has been updated even if no new text was printed...however, I know after spending 2 years here, that they dont wanna lose their face...so they always lie to you...I will recheck tomorrow...if my money has arrived...
Windy days in Hsinchu
It is windy days in Hsinchu in these days...
It is a typhoon passing by...
I was running 42km this morning...spent half of the distance in headwind...it was exhausting for big people that covers alot of area...
More bottles were refunded...
I went to 7-11 yesterday.
I got 12 bottles...some times u get 2nt and some times 3 nt...I havnt figuered out the algorims yet...maybe it depends on the place...
I got stickers enough to get a teddy bear...
I had stickers from 7-11 enough to get a new teddy bear...
I can chose to get better offers at stores like coldstne for only 10 stockers...however, after 30 I get a gift...in this case a teddy bear...
each sticker is 66nt..i think (u get them when u others...to get more stickers...)
Vietnamese people picking bikes...
Some vietnamese students were picking some bikes apart yestarday...building new ones from the parts...
So exotic...just like me back home...
However, i really hope they didnt steal them...that would make me pissed off, since I got my bike stolen twice...atleast...in sweden.
Many people at school
Yesterday there were many people at school...
It caused many cars pared everywhere...
I wonder what all these people did there...
Harrys birthday celebration...
I wetn to taipei last friday night...
We went to luxy...
But we spent alot of time at a 7-11 near by...to drink...
Harry was happy.
We also helped him up on the stage...even if he didnt wanted help...
He rushed back down again...
I also met my old friend Enreque there...we havnt seen eachoter for 2 years...since he spent his last year in Europe
After 3 it is free entrance at luxy...so the guards doesnt even bather to check ID...
This girl we use to call the "bartender girl" since she always joins people home..and one time she even joined the bartender home...
Afterwards we went to McDonalds...
Then we went back to Hsinchu
AC leaking every where
I passeb by the gym at NCTU some days ago...
The AC was on full power...but the windows were open...what logic is this?
This is my standard meal recently...pasta meal sauce and an extra hamburger...i think my weight is stabe around 92-93kg...