busy days as semesters going to an end
Yesterday some guys in my operation management class were selling their "thing" after class...

They r not as customer oriented as I am pablo were...since we gave away parts of (or rather all of) our i-pizzas for people to try...I find many business men here in Asia are more into earning money, than saticfying the cusomter. perhaps it is culture (i know European uniion has strong legislations that makes the cusomer always right, more or less), or other society based factors that makes it like this.
After class I went to burger king.

I ordered extra burgers as usual, It is kind of convenient, since i eat faster then most people, I have food enough to eat during the whole dinner...unitl my friends finish...
Later on I ate hamburger again...

As well as some juice...

Mosburger yet another time...I eat hamburger and pizza almost all the time...it is awesome!
Swedish Apple cinnamon cake attempt
I was making an apple cinnamon cake yesterday in the lab...
This is what i used to make it....i even used honey to get the dew more sour...(and fruity).
This is the result after mixing the ingredients. I precessed the apples in honey sugar and cinnamon in the microwave to make the more soft and to get some juice for the dew...
This is after the oven visit...
It was more honey flavour thaan I expected.
I also made some vanilla sauce.
farewell gathering and Champions league final

It was closing at 21, we came at 20, bu he kept open until 21.30 for ur...
We expected 3-4 people initially, but many people joined up, it was great.

I got an double burger with bacon, cheese and some chili.
The we went to the red bar...

This is a place where ppl who lived (and works) in Hsinchu for +5 years come to often...even the guy who worked at the burger bar that closed at 21 went here...no wonder he was in a hurry...
After this place we went to a Europeanized american restaurant, wehere they were suppose to show the Champions league final. Strangely enough, they told me that they did not show the final. but my friend calle them and convinced them to be open, since not that many bars are showing football in taiwan (tai people in general prefer baseball, basketball and other USA-sports).

They also had some interesting beers...they we inconsistent about the price, but i claimed my customer rights and got it for the official price after a while...

They also ahd popcorn for free (initially). With different flavours...like chocolate, spirulina and spicy pepper...

Barcelone Manchester United played...

The bar was full at the game, many supportes showed up, from both teams...

It was light when we went back...

Pablo "borrowed" a bowhead flag from the restaurant...playing tournaments on the road, to celebrate Barcelonas 3-1 win.
Interesting restaurant visit

It was 3 dishes, starting with some cheese fondue...and vegetables...and a pineapple/cocnut drink (pinacolada..yummi!)

Continue with salmon salad...

And some intersint pizza...

Continued with some kind of dryer pizza, without tomatoes.

I ordered another chocoloate shake...

And for dessert it was creme brule and apple pie with icecream

I felt like an american, eating like 3-4 taiwanese people...it was expensive like 950 NT...but i guess that is the price of eating like its an all you can eat, when its not...:S
I ended they day by going to some farwell party...

It was windy, most people went to savage the nightclub afterwards...it was tempting to join.
I spent some time in the DJ room instead...
Typhoon times..

Many branches etc are on the streets...
I like it, since it is not that warm outside then...
My french room mate is moving

He started to pack his things...
He is leaving on sunday...
Case answer hand-in

I rushed to the program office to hand in my groups answers...
I was on time...puh
7-11 gathering
But not any more, so all the students go to the near by 7-11 out side the north gate...
U almost always meet someojne u know there...and some times alot of students end up drinking there...

Some times they become kind of loud, so the police comes...but they mostly just asks us to me more quiet or move to the other side of the road...
USB stick search

The staff did barely speak english, so after 20 minutes of talking I dragged one of the to the basement to make them understand which room I wanted them to open..and then it went smoother...

They also had some entertainment outside the library...exotic.
Company visit in Beidou
They produce crans of carbon and other bike parts of the same material...

We stayed there for some hour...
then we went back to Hsinchu.

Passing Taizhong and other cities...
We went by Freeway, u need to pay a toll charge...

They tend to build all the freeways on pelars...alot of concrete wasted..(or used).
A night in Taipei

I took the HSR with my Chalmers friends...
We were heading to XiDa night market to eat Evans burger...

They had some funny posters "Beer - helping ugly people have sex since 1862". But we were stil waiting for some other people to show up, before we could try the famous!?! evans burger...

So I went to another burgerbar while aiting...its name was 1885, and my friend recommended it...

I ordered "todays special" iut was a peanut butter burger...
While walking back to evans burger bar I finished this burger...

I ate the strips at Evans... the staff did not mind...i think...

At evans I ate a Hawaii burger...my friends were complaingin alot of theburgers there... the meat broke and the bread tasted like a swedish krämbulle without kräm and sugar...
After the burger bar visit we went to Roxy99

They have 2 beers for free on wednesdays..
We met some girls from Borås...they come here for 3-4 month every semester.

I left rather early...took the 23.00 bus back, tomorrow im leaving Hsinchu at 8 am for new adventures...
Mr Mosburger
I bought a mosburger card today...

I get free burgers since I bought it...and it lasts for a long time...
"You need to be rich to save money"...a swedish quote...(or alteast I heard it in sweden...)
Hectic days again...
I was in a sugar rush yesterday when I glanced though the material befor the quiz...

Swedish style...
When u need to study, every thing else becomes so fun.

Out of 20 receipts, I won on 2...
On my second pile (month 1-2) i only won on one receipt...

But it was 1000NT...so my 10 mins of checking did pay out well...
Philippine coffee time

I percolated it...and drank it with milk...just like my weekend coffee at my parents house in Alingsas.

It was 2 minutes from being sticky kladdkaka...
I spent to much time on the coffee to pay attention to the cake...
"Its ok"
Today i might spend time writing case answers...
Wedding in Taipei

Alot of latoins were there...
There are many people from the caribeans who live here in taiwan...that is exotic. Especially since most of these caribean countries are very small And still many people from these countries live here...
Swedish presentation
All the other countries had team members helping them, but I had no one..so I did everything by myself...I guess it goes faster...

This is the place where I served the food, I also had a showcase in another room...

6 counties were serving food. It was crowded.
Dry cleaning try out

Unfortunetely many staines remained..I have to use a swedish washing machines to get rid of them :(
Ill go to sweden later on this summer.
Friday BBQ house and Savage visit

It was an interesting restaurant, the owner was from Canada...
I payed per weight, it was a big steak so it was almost 1300NT. But I never had this kind of steah in Taiwan so far so it was worth it...

At savage there were many people who I knew...it was fun.
Sweden presentation preparations...

So i went to the swedish chambers of commerce in Taipei (near taipei 101, 508 meters high)...to get some stuff, they only gave me a map of sweden... :(
Luckily I also got alot of stuff from the Chalmers office...
I also passed IKEA to buy swedish food...

I bought cookies and meatballs, the mashed potatoes I made myself...
The program was paying...(it was Sweden, Swithzerland, Spain, Vietnam, Korea and South Africa that had presentations)...

So I had to save receipts, and collect them on a paper

Then I spend some hour makeing food for 20-40 people (it was about 100 people attending at the presentation...
interesting pics

The left illustration is how ppl look in an elevator...they have different outfit compare people in the toilet.
Elevator people looks more relaxed...and have some kind of collar...while toilet people soulders are more broad...
My friends name is Rolex
I have a friend from the Philippines...
His name is Rolex...
That is cool. He has class with my room mate so he drops by every now and then into our room.
"its not a man's purse, its a messenger bag"
My swedish friend here in taiwan was also doing it...but when his friends told him that it was a man's purse he said "its not a man's purse, its a messenger bag"

I got my messenger bag today..it is green, i feel like a military ordinance when wearing it...

I also got a sticker saying "I live in taiwan, I love taiwan", which i got from my class mate...
It didnt really stick to I sew it on...
Later on today I went to Costco, since my classmates were eating some food from there...

I was having a tie today, since the chalmers students were taking their group photo for the office...and I lended my suit to a guy there...it felt convienient to wear the tie when he was done...
This warped pic show the new messenger bag as well...

I later on ate a taiwaneswe chicken, meaning that the head still is on...kind of grose...
Rainy season
The first month was not that rainy...but nowadays it is raining alot...
I was soaking wet yesterday when I left the bus, walking to my lab...it was literary as walking in a shower...

It is flooding on the taiwanee streets... im wearing flipflops not to make my shoes to wet...

Due to the heavy rain...the temperature is alittle bit lower...causing people get catch colds and go to "hotpot" restaurants..."hopot" means soup with things inside like meat, vegetables etc...
I ate a goulash soup, almost like hungarian...NOT...
Pizza in da class...
It was very hot due to the warm oven and it smelled pizza everywhere after a while...the teacher liked it...
Due to our projects most of the students are doing thing in class.like promotion or selling...
We were about to sell, but it ended up that we gave all the pizzas away for free...

I baked, pablo tried to slize them up, he doesnt consider himself that much of a chief...so I made most of the work...(ensured a success)

Here is the pizza corner...
we made small pizzas that can be eaten as a snack... 1 batch is 8 pizzas...
A trip the the swimming pool
Since the pool at our camplus is under reconstruction, we went to the other university's (NTHU) pool.

It is not that deep pool, 120cm-150 cm...
We swam for some hour...
Then we took of to A-mart...

We are going to bake pizza in class tomorrow... just for fun...meaning that we will carry an oven and all the equipment to taipei on monday morning (this is the first sunday evening that we dont go to taipei).
I made the preparations until 2 am (monday)...it is alot of work being a pizza baker...
Latino event and Savage Saturday
After that party (with more or less only latoni people), I went to Savage, a club in Hsinchu with friends...

It is still sponsired by the Swedish vodka brand Svedka...

Afterwards there were some maffia discussions outside...so exotic...
They try to look tough and agressive and they all have pimped rally cars...(it seems like theysuffer from what we in sweden call "liten penis comlex")
Chatrpol my roommate

He is alot in my room, like my other roommate...
Im the one who is barely there...just like home in sweden, i just use my room for sleeping (more or less)
BarBQ friday

I went there during friday evening...
I got some left overs, some sallad and sandwishes...
I did not go to any club afterwards...I made brownies instead...
perhaps I will get some sleep tonite..it was a while since I had a good sleep.
Birthday party thursday...
We were celebrating a school mates birthday at the lake in NCTU campus, and we there after went to the DJ club.
It was a late night...
an I had to get up 9 the day after...
My cameras batteries are empty...so there was no pics to show...
Mosburger tuesday
I eat hamburger almost everyday here in Taiwan...and pizza every other day...
I always order the same tuff at mosburger...since they have so many strange kinds of hamburgers...
I realized that it is kind of expensive there, after eating at Mcdonalds...even if i get students discount at the mosburger at campus...
Interesting road in taipei
Usually roads in taiwan are kind of boring, asfalt roads with not that much of street design. But one road near my friends house in Taipei even has trees on it...
Reminds me of europe...
There were not that much traffic on this road that we use as a shortcut from the MRT to his appartment...
II like this road alot...it is such a contrast to the scooter crowded polluted roads all over the cities...
Energy when studying
II bought some peanut butter and sesamy cream a while ago...
It si roasted sesamy..or something similar, since it is black. Remindedme alittle bit of the paste my sister gave me some yeares ago from turkey...
It is alot of energy when studying...
I also tried a new restaurant in Hsinchu, near qinghua nightmarket...
It was great...the bread was very similar to home.
Busy days again...
7-11 stickers for no use

I wanted to get hello kitty key holder that's matching my shoes...but the time expired apparently. The only thing I can buy for them now i s ice cream at coldstone...(buy 1 get 2). On the other hand, my classmate has a card that has this offer forever...and she said i can borrow it, whenever...so my stickers collection is is not for that much use.

School mates garthered outside 7-11 outside campus, drinking on a saturday night...
It was in here that I got my sad mesage about my useless collection.
Interesting parking solution

It is very space efficient...

You just leave the car in the track, and the parking staff moves the car to the right place, like an elevaor thar also can turn...

I also passed by a burger bar, and bought a super burger...it was 10 cm high...or something like that...

After that the trip continued to 18 peaks moutain...

It is a park near the campus..ive been there before but never been to the main park...only passed by shortly...

I also saw a turle on the pavement...dont know if it has an owner...
Football friday and Maffia night

It was fun, even though I only played for like 10-15 minutes...
Then i was an observer..

I continued with eating dinner with my swedish friends at a beer house...
And ended up in the club Savage...(after an abrupt Luxy cancellation).
The maffia had some fight there...it is fun to observe Tai people who acts in gangs...trying to look cool and tough...
Then just before closing time, more maffias came and demolished some chairs...
unfortunately i did not bring my camera... :(
Thursday, a normal pattern...

This hawaii pizza had corn on it...typical taiwanese flavour...

Another night at Savage...my classmates joined up (atleast 5 of them)...
No poli interuption, but i think they paid a visit just before I came.

The DJ left 30 mins before closing time...just letting some lame RnB music play...I went up to the DJ table...but the equipment were gone...
Homework assigment in IP management and T-shirt tryout

Easy but comprehensive calculations...

The program administration wanted us to buy GMBA t-shirts...so we were calling our classmates to ask for their sizes...
we had 1 days notice to do it. Taiwanese sizes are kind of small, so it was interesting...
All you can eat Korean food (and beer)

It was good. Nice company and kimchi...
It was at the top of a mall, soo some friends went to buy shoes in the middle of the dinner.
After the dinner I went to see Thos, a hollywood movie...
Dog in class

It had slept there for some hours..and will probably stay there for the rest of the day (the streets here are full of streets dogs, that gets food from people at school).
Special meal...Special drink
Today at lunch I ordered a special hamburger with double meat...first the staff said no...but i convinced them, i did not get as much sallad in the burger but it was ok...
I also got a watermelon pineapple juice..but it was not as good as the one I ordered some days ago at qinghua night market...
A supper that makes me burn
I bought wine with my friend...

At the end I ate some super spicy peppers..so i drank tea...now i might havep problems sleeping..
we will c.
Russian food

It was nice...eating something that did not taste like taiwanese...
Knowing Taiwan
7 in the morning it was said...but not until 7.30 people started to show up (except me and some early ppl)

I sat in the back to sleep, since I only had 1 hour of sleep the day before...

We went to many taiwanese retaurants...(since we were suppose to get to know taiwan)

We visited budist temples...or similiar...

the grass was very nice...super short like on a golf court green...

We found out that a swedish general was famous in taiwan (among the ones who knew him) for being in some troups during the occupation...

And then we visited a fortress...which I've been to many times before...

We ended the day with going out the one of the few bars in Tainan...

We had taiwanese drinking competitions (taiwanese ppl drink beer with 1dl cups, so it is not so much of a punishment to have to go bottom up...)

We continued to eat slized ice...with banana and chcolate...

Even it is wast mostly foreingers in class who joined up...people got super drunk...I had to answer questions whether they did anything stupid tha naight before...
My conclusion: nothing unusual happend...

Teh day after was soft...we went to kaoshiung...
eating more food...

Another temple visit...

People were so tired so we went home after some uberella painting...

It was nice...it is always fun to hang out with my classmates...