Morons at Mosburger

It happend at Mosburger today...I didnt leave until I understood why things didnt go as it time I know how it works...and wont pay before I know that they know what i want...
Movie on sunday...
On sunday we took it easy...first plan was to swim, pick up the ocmputer and watch a the end we more or less just watched movie...
We saw rainman and the bourne ultimatum...
Saturdays event...
I spent some time at plur...we were about to go to Gotheburg but it was rather empty there...
And as soon as we came the music were turned off...
The police are cheking for people who are under 18...however it seems like they r not blocking the exits when they that younger people peacfully can escape...
I went home rather 3-4 something...since I needed to go up early the day after (as usual when tai people arrange events...(if i can generalize a little).
Many tai people dont udnerstand the concept of "day before weekend day" meaning friday and saturday..., the days of the week when u eaily can stay up late sine u dont need to go up early the day after...
I remember a tai girl who wanted me to host classes at 21.00 every friday...for 1 like "who destroys a friday like that?but for them friday is like any other day (generalizing)
The same happend when i was going for a was suppose to be on january the 1st...but they didnt tell that we had to leave at 2 am...meaning we had to go to bed early...missing new years eve...(tai people r using the year system that changes between 31st of dec and 1st of jan, but they dont seem to celebrate it, compare to chinese new year). So just some days earlier when they told us about the cancallation of new years eve...we had to abor the trip...and inform them about our tradidions...
Anyway...forcing myself up early on saturday...we took the bus to taipei and from the main station we continued by a local bus to another place to play bowling...
We found another Marvin store in the middle of nowhere...interesting...
We bought some beers to drink while playing...
Unfortunettely we had to wait 3 hours for queuing at the bowling place since no one had reserved anything...
So we had to cancel the bowling idea...
after 2 hours discussion about what to do instead we decided to watch a movie...
There were not super many options...but we saw "rise of the planet of the apes" was ok...not top 100...
After that we had to wait for a promotion party of swedish match, same party as i have been to before...
We ate some coldstone icecream at taipei main station while waiting...
We hooked up with a lady who was looking for bald people...I gave her the number to my classmate...
Since i didnt feel like shaving my head...
After that we went t the club where the party was at...I didnt have my invitation we needed to wait for people to bring them for me...
We got giftes as usuall..glasses and some blinking bracelet... Absolut VBodka, swedish match etc were hosing...and people were served drinks. snus and cigaretts...
I bought snus to treat foreingers...however im not a big fan of nicotine, so i never tried...
They had entertainment...but as usual, it is not the party that makes a good is the people u r there with...
Totally awesome!
Hamburger lunch at work...

We meet new people every day...

It is nice that burger king is not that far from our job...

After work we went to the Taipei main station and visited tha food court there...

I tried some local was good.but not that much...

in the night we went to PLUR the night club...

I met some of the chalmers students there...

Not did the police interupt the music...
They also had to come by the club, since maffia boys were beating up a guy...Taiwanses people like to fight 5-10 people to 1...
the guys used samurai swords...
It is maffia behaviour...and it seems like the society accepts the maffia...

The foreingers, some who observed tha tai act...just stood there watching the lame police try to look organized...while everbody knows...they wont do anything...they are probably corrupted...however...even if they r not corrupted, they wont wont do anything, cuz they dont know what to do...
They had the same problems in Esitonia 20 years ago...the police had the apporach "punch 2 times back..." that worked...unfortunetely the police here wont even punch 1 time back...
Later on I went home...
I got my computer back...

It was ok...I havnt started it yet, to check iif it really works...but i hope it wont b any problems...
Now o need to reinstall some software again...

I think they serve tea...for free...but im not sure...all info is in chinese...
Later on that night...iI couldnt turn of the computer...perhaps next time I buy a computer I chould b in the bargaining process..and not leave it tp a person who wont even try to get a good deal...
Typhoon times in Taiwan

Things r blowing in the air...
it is party raining...
i like the is not that warm...and it is exciting...
Slow computer...
It was not 100% new...but it was not old or used...

I needed to restart my computer a couple of times before i could use it...
Then my network card (wireless) stopped working...I have to do something about this...
Tourism interview
Yesterday I was asked to tell people what to do in Taiwan.
Many students are in Taiwan only for the summer. So they want to optimize their visit here...
The restaurant that we went to had a new menu...but most fo their dishes were not available...due to this!?!
I had some appetizers...and pasta...(usually I have pizza her, but they always tend to be super small).
Later on that night we officially had some phonecalls...and also saw some picture...
I bought new flip flops...
Looking for flip flops as cheap as in kenting is hard...especially of u want my size... (size: 46, price: 100-150NT)
I spent alot of time looking for a pair...and now at NTHU i found them...
It was orange neon scotch bright...but they were cheap 120 NT...student price i now i dont need to walk around in shoes ot sandals....(often with sox a la north european style)
Bad personnel administration at 7-11
Some times at the 7-11 at campus there are alot of staff there...
4 people behind the desk...
And another person working in the stoff filling the shelves...
But barely any customers...
However...yesterday at 7-11 there were only 2 people in the staff there...but many customers...
I wonder who is responsible for the personnel administration at 7-11...
Days r passing by so fast...
We have done the internship for almost a month already...time goes by fast...
It is kind of fun...even though we wont get payed...which is illegal...(everything not to make the classmate angry).
We get to try out many restaurants in the area...
And yesterday we went to a nice steak house...
I really hate it here in asia, (espcially Taiwan), when the restaurant have service charge...who dont they do it like in europe...make it easy for the customers, include tax and serice in the price...(just multiply the price by the charge), its not like every single tai walks around with a calculator in their pocket...
Besides service here often sux...!
This restaurant didnt charge any thing more than was said in the menu...
But the service was awesome...they even asked us how it many restaurant staff at home use to do...
we got refill of most of the side dishes etc...
It was quite a for example brass monkey...where they even have service charge for a single beer...that is not even filled to the top...
the steak was ok...for me it mostly always taste the same...
And dessert buffet was included...
We made some important phone calls to european companies...
After work was enjoyed at a hotel at Shilin night was good.
There were many side dishes...i had a lasanga...not as good as the italian restaurant near my job...but it was ok...
There are always alot of people at the nighmarket at evening time...every day...
After that we took the bus back as usual...
training and movie night
I went swimming and unning and cycling this monday...
I eat for 2 or 3 people when is easy to loos weight here in asia...harder to must b able to press the food.
Since my bike broke I ran downtown with my bike to fix it at the bike store...
They guys in the store knows me by now...
Some times they serve me for free...however I try to buy something new each time...yesterday I bought new tubes...
So now my bike is working again...
I ended they day by eating even more food...
Its a pity that the restaurants close so early here in taiwan...I always need to eat dinner at 7-11 or family mart...
I ended the day by watching the latest indiana jones movie...
Most departmets at NCTU has access to a projector, during theo whole day except the GMBA...why is that...?
Cashed out my lottery money
Yesterday I payed a short visit to the cach out money from the receipt I found in my room.
I got 200NT...
Another sunday...
after breaking my sunglasses...I also broke my wheels oin my bike...

I ran to "the best teppanyaki in city" according to my friend...

I went by motor bike to eat desseet afterwards

It is a nice place...they call it frozen yoghurt...but is is more like soft icecream with toppings...

I added marshellows was good
Fucking annoying...

The camapus gates has some sharp metallic items to separate the lanes at the exit...
so stupid that they are sharp...
I accidently crossed them with my bike and both wheels got flat. so i had to run for my dinner insted of cycling...took me 30 mins in high tempo...
but it was good training...
A full day...

I ran to nan liao which is at the ocean in hsinchu...
they had a running track a long way on the way...

Later on we went to a burger Jhubei

I had a double burger...
the mashed potatoe here was awesome...even if i didnt had one..I tasted a friends...perhaps i will take that one next time i go here...

A part of the dinner crew...

They had interesting paintings...

We went there by scooter...

We there after went to play poker at the campus...
First we tried the DJ room, but the AC remote was it was freaking hot in there...

So we went to the GMBA lab...

Some time was spent on distributing chips...

I was defensive in the beginning, but became more agressive in the end...people wanted to finish since we were suppose to go out clubbing...

We were about to go to deluxe...but changed to Plur...
It was alot of people in the club...
They had some drinking competitions...

People were strugelling to was from a funnel that was poured with beer...

The guys were picking funny...

The police came twice...the light were tuned on and the music stopped...
We were there until it closed..then we went to Mcdonalds...
No one dares to do anything without authorities permission...
No one dares to do anything without authorities permission. atleast here in taiwan at the places ive been to...
It can be anything, from helping a customer...offer people some things that they need but is not on the menu...

or in this case...forcing my newly shaved lollypop headed classsmate cory to have a swim cap...
"u must have a swim cap"
"u must have a swim cap"
error error...dont questionize...just do as the authorities says...
but hairy chests are ok...authorities didnt say anything about that...

Ok, calm them as they need to understand it...just accept it...(will they ever improve?)
Cleaning my room

But my room mate is I could aswell swap the floor...
So f***ing inconsistent

So that the professors at the NCTU GMBA program could favour me...and not discriminate me...
But i guess this is how it works in asia...
I will try to get south african citizenship...
Second friday at the fake internship

S in Taipei many sotres let their main entrace be open, leaking cold air from the AC...what a waste of energy...

We contined to Bras monkey to have some afterwork beer...

Later on we went back to Hsinchu...I had an Family Mart (like 7-11) dinner...many small stuff...

It was a movie night...we saw some taiwanese movie...called nightmarket hero...
I also lended my tent to a latino guy who might cycle around taiwan soon...I told him it miight b easier to sleep in temples for free..but he insited of borrowing it...
Remote thursday

My friend felt I ate my jumbo brunch alone (hamburger and pasta)...waiting for us to go swimming...

The campus that we live in is not super big...meaning that if they want to build a new building they have to demolish another...
This is a new building...not totally done yet...I remember that there were some kind of grass field here before...

The diner was also 2 meals...some panini and some other mexican or other spanish talking country dish...
it looked like a hamburger anyway...
Later on that night I approached a birthday event...

I shortly stayed in the DJ room as well...playing some new songs...

Then outside the rain started...

I also found a receipt in my room that luckily was worth 200NTD...(I found another one that also had the 3 lst digit matching but for a wrong receipt sequence)
Alot of space in the bus from Taipei

This is alot of space in thr trunk of the bus...
Another day at my fake internship...
It seems like some ppl will fake their papers totally...just get a sign from some ppl without even showing up...such a disapointment...
Especially since Im doing this intern just not to make some ppl angry...

Today me and pablo was about to call companies...

This is pablo's only friend at work...Stan...

We ate lunch at IKEA...they had a special offer...lunch with 21 ntd discount...

I still had what I always have...meatballs...and a small piece of mashed potatoes...they r so greedy when it comes to the potatoes...

When we came back from lunch we started to call companies...I called spanish ones and pablo calles swedish ones...

Our co-workers were amazed about how efficient we were...we got positive response from all our calls...

Our supervisor gave us beers...and told us where we could find more...when we wanted more...

Afterwards we went to the hooters...and I had a hamburger...kind of the same I had last time I was here...

It was alot of entertainment as one birthday and one proposal...

Then we went to the brass monkey...just to c if there were any ppl there...
After that I went back to Hsinchu...
My training lifestyle...

So I need to eat alot...unfortunetely the stores are not open so long here in I need to buy food at 7-11 which is so-so...
Burger night downtown...and another day at work...

I went to a burger bar to eat...

After a latino gathering I ran up to my dorm...I had to get up early the day after...

I ate lunch the day after at a vegitarian restaurant...

I had alot of things on my plate except meat...

At work some ppl went home earlier. However some hour before we finished...many ppl bought stuff to sacrifice. they put things on a table...and burned paper on the street...

In the evening I ate some burger at burger king. Tai food seems to be tasting the same, the longer I live in taiwan...
Waste of AC...
People usually dont wanna pay for the AC so many people stay in their lab or at the library...

It seems to b a lack of public responsibility...since it is very common that they dont turn the AC of then they leave the lab for the night...just lettin git be on...
I wonder what is in their logic...No environmental concerns? and still they complain that pullution causes this summer heat...
Slowest process ever...
MY computer is partly super slow...
the setup had some error so I needed to redo it...
After another try I tried to retart the ocmputer...then the Windows updated tated taking another 40 minutes...
isnt todays computers suppose to b faster than the ones 10 years ago?

I spent almost 2 hours in the computer network center...achieving nothing but useless
Not cusomter oriented at all...
It seems like alos of people in this part of the world only belive in money...
No custumer orientation at all..
I had problems entering cuz my entrance card was comming later...even if I told the staff that my card would come later he insited that i waited...until it was 20-15 minutes until they closed, then he said that I could enter anyway...but i still needed to pay...
Cash is king here...and it is easy to tell...
so strange....
Recovering saturday
I was recovering this saturday...
It was north of Hsinchu...
They had fireworks in the sky...dont know what they were celebrating...
I had some house salad, and soup...
And a 16oz steak...
We wanted to sit inside...but the staff insited that we should sit outside...due to lack of creativity, about how to merge two 4 seat tables...
Then we ate dessert at some yoghurt bar...
I tried all flavours, and added some toppings...
Then we went to plur...
The guys in mic on the stage really knows how to ruin a good song...
I got my computer
I got my will b uploaded later...
First friday at fake work...

I had a burger breakfast...

Then me, a overseas unit girl and "the IT guy" had a talk about their enterprise system...

The overseas unit girl further on treated us a lunch...

We are officially smokers at the office...since smokers always gets more breaks than non smokers...

There is a nice garden on the roof top for smokers to hang out...

After becomming best friends with more people at the office...

...we made a visit to Fullerton is the same hotal as in singapore...their toilet is nocer than in eh it is forth a visit...

Pablo, get back to work...!

After a while in the afternoon the staff started to treating us beers...

We drank more and more...

the staff stayed to talk to us more and more...after that the supervisors went home...

But around 20 it was time to go...

Get all our stuff...and leave to get more beers...

Me and pablo met miss lee at a german restaurant...I got my new computer...

I use to try their honey beer, it is very sweet and soft...but this time I tried a lager...that was mostly bitter...

But the mozzarella cheese sticks were good...

And the chicken or whatever it was I also ate...
Then I went back home for further adventures...
Financial crisis when im in Taiwan
There is a financial crisis going on.
This is the second time this happends while im in Taiwan...
Even if the stock market slowly is on its way up again...I remember last time I was in taiwan and wrote my bachelor thesis in corporate finance...and didnt know about the crisis, since all news here in taiwan is in chinese...
It is a good time to invest right now
third thursday
My life is really tiring now...and all my free time is almost gone...

Working hard at my my fake internship...
Today I also saw the nice roof garden in the building, where the smokers go...

They have a burger king not far from the office...and I found out that they also have many bars and nightclubs in the area...

It is not like in sweden here...that some companies block facebook and msn...that would totaly kill the tais... the middle of all the micro breaks...they also take a nap around lunchtime...

It is around 40 degrees many people choose not to leave the colder office...
but me and pablo goes out some get some air...

We have been skimming the market for potential customers...and next week we will try to call them and sell the concept we r developing...
After work we were asked if we wanted to go for s drink...
I choosed to go back home early...alone...
I just passed by ikea shortly...

it was crowded at the mrt...

Even if u hurried to the bus, it didnt leave until 19.30...
When home I found that most restaurants in the campus was closed...
summer really turns school to a ghosttown...
Im longing for my classmates to return...

I made a short visit downtown to a Mcdonalds...

I also said goodbye to my roommate...since he is leaveing for a visit to Bangkok...
Next time I will mingle around will my colleagues after work instead...they r my new classmates...
moussaka på svenska

I was asked to cook I decided to make moussaka på svenska.

Corn souflet was also made...

Some ppl were playing video games while others were cooking...

It was a nice meal...with five dishes or something...
Field trip day

Alot of policemen were watching some demonstration...

I dont know what they were demonstrating about, but they had some pics with a person that looked asian...

I also passed by houses that looked like in northern europe...

Then we arrived at the days first visit... the spanish chamber of commerce...

Then we did a short visit at IKEA...and went to the office mingeling around, talking with the staff...

I also tasted some chips ate IKEA...before we took of to the next destination...

On our way to Taipei city hall Pablo bought some chewinggum from a wheelchaired lady who had a barking chiwawa on her back...

I payed a visit at exportrådet, which told me that there are no swedes there anymore...perhaps in december they will return...
I still got some email address to ppl to call for more info about company contacts in Taiwan...(and hopefully in asia)

After a short visit to the swimming pool I went to eat...

And to buy pants...kind of cheap, 188 NT (41 SEK) for a pair...the dark blue one was 299 NT
Second fake business day in taipei

Dolph lundgren was on the screen...

i further ate at a South african restaurant...

The day went on fine...
Me and pablo are at the office, the only foreingers exotic...

When I got home I ate some pea soup and cabbage rolls (kåldolmar). so exotic...
Then I went ofr a run, I have alot of exercise to catch up on...
Business in Taipei
I did some business in Taipei today...
Some people calls it internship...but sometimes it feels really lame here...
In my case, with a class full of asians, the athmosphere is sometimes to fake the internship, it is not the experience they want, they want a document saying they did an internship...
Me and my spanish friend pablo spent he day, doing a market opportunity analysis of our home countries...
We met many interesting people there...
I also payed y computer...
so inconvenient...that they dont offer me any internet bank here...instead I always need to go to some office, and pay extra fees just to make a simple D-country...
I was also kind of tired, perhaps due to, to much staying up late activities lately...
I had to regain energy, so I went to an all-you-can-eat pizzeria...
However the pizzas here in Taiwan are not supergood, so I ate for 15-20 minutes...then I took the bus back to Hsinchu... descover that the MRT is fully packed with people even in Taipei...I who thougt ths only occurred in Tokyo...
I slept the whole bus trip back...and now im going to bed...
Strange celebration on small street
Yesterday I tried to take a shortcut in Hsinchu...
But the small road that was suppose to save me some minutes was blocked by tables and praying people...
Some strange and perhaps religous celebration was taking place...
so exotic...
Second full Saturday

It is not that common these days that I eat breakfast...or if it was lunch...

The next meal was indian...

It was free rice and sauce refill...

We went to a latino bar in was kind of few people there...

But it was my classmates birthday...and all you can it was ok

We also ended up at McDonalds this day...
It sux that they refuse to sell hamburgers for breakfast...
second friday
Yesterday I went to the pool to swim...
First we were chillin out in the lab...
Then my friend got a hair cut...and then we went to swim...
After that I went to the green house
They didnt have kiwi to make a smoothie, but kiwi juice was ok...their didnt have any kind of fruit either...(of all their fruit drinks that was listed on their menu)...maybe this was low season for them...
then I went to a Swedish pizzeria with some classmates , my teacher and a fiend...
they had swedish products on their shelves...
I ordered a hawaii pizza as usual...
It was full in the pizzeria....
We met up some other guys to watch a movie later...we were suppose to see Annie Hall, by Woody was not super good...
We were about so c terminator 2 or 4...but woody allen is usually kind of good...
After that I visited a new club in town...
It was a beach party...
They had some naked girl taking a shower on the stage...
The hosts destroyed the party by speaking chinese for 2 hours,interupting the music...
The dancefloor activity faded out after a while...
So we went to McDonalds...and then home
I bought a computer...

it is:
Intel Core i5 450M 2.4GHz |
500GB(HDD、7200rpm) |
14”LED背光(1366X768) |
2GB DDR3-1066 |
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit |
It was from a friend who works at ASUS where they sold out 1 year old computers...but i still go 1 year guarantee...
First I was about to buy a super good computer

for only 23000NT...
I also asked for another 2 computers for good prices...but Taiwanese people doesnt seem to good in I got the one that was left,since more aggressive people picked the best ones...
I hope it i will b ok...
Rule nr 1 when I live in Taiwan: No disappointments...

The ended with some movie watching...
Typhoon times
Antway it cause a cancellation of your surfing plans tomorrow...

Today I cleaned the lab...a teacher asked me if I could do it...since many asians here are lazy...and never clean after themselves...nor when it is their cleaning week...

After a swim in the pool me and some random friends went for teppanyaki (a new place I never been to before) and then we saw a movie...
Taipei trip...
Today I went to Taipei...
I went to the running accosiation of sign up for a running competition...
And ate lunch at IKEA...
i bought some swedish items...
It is nice to see swedish food once in a while...
I ate meatballs and mashed potatoes as usual there...
I went to my new job in taipei as a logistics company...
We have funny colleagues in the house...
We went to a place that looked like the imitation of the Arch of Triumph in paris...
My friend Pablo wanted to prepare for a spanish electaion later in november and tried to register for the election, but we came to later...the office had closed for the day...
So we went back to IKEA and bought swedish beers...
I found Herrljuna cider..., it comes from a city not far from my home exotic...
Then we went to Ximen...
I found that they opened a Marvel comics store...almost like the DC comics store that I liked so much in Singapore...
It was similar stuff like inte the Bangkok DC comics store...mostly clothes...
We also stoped by eat...
I ate a hamburger as usual...
They also had alot of motorbikes parked in the area...which was cool...
I ended up with a giant Yegou nai cha...(cocnut milk tea) before I went back to Hsinchu...and to Gotheburg...
It was kind of empty in the club...we stayed mostly around the pool table...
It was we (using 1 table)...and some other people using another...thats all...
I met a dutch guy there, who I also met last time I was at Gotheburg...he is working at TSMC and installing a machinese to produce advances semiconductor circuits...
Taco and movie night plus receipt lottery 3-4 yue
I checked the receipt for march and april today...
I had some receipts...i won totally 400NT this time...
Yesterday I went to a new taco bar downtown...
I ordered mashed potatoes and some borrita...with rice...not that mexican...but they said it was mexican rice...
I saw Mulan which is a chinese movie later that night...
So annoying
I went for a short run this morning...
When I came back to take a shower there was not hot water...
I guess the domitory janitor left a note in chinese at the main entrance...
But no respect for foreingers...
I had to catch a bus to the only way (except swimming in the cmapus pond), was to take a cold shower...
Internship delay
The internship is delayed...

I went to eat taco hamburger-pizza at mosburger today while planning to go to taipei arrange the start of the internship...
I hope there wont b more delays...
but its expectations gives no disappointments...
Second week in TW

The pool at NCTU is still not done yet, so we use to go to NTHUs pool...

We saw a poster about the swimming competition that we will participate in, in september...

These 2 tai guys to the right joined us for dinner...they wanna practise their english and b friends with foreigners....a common will in taiwan...

We alkso saw some old people dancing with tennis rackets and a ball...interesting dance...
We planned to go to costco to eat, but one of the tai guys were in a hury tostudy, he had some kind of entrance exam for taiwan university to prepare for...
so we went to qing hua night market...

We went to a hotpot...

It was all-you-can-eat icecream (taiwanese icecream)...
I have been here some times before...

After this we interview a binglang girl...her name was something with "suck" and she drop out of school...just like my classmates say about these girls, that they have no education...
I guess the maffia owns the bingland stand...since maffia is very common in Taiwan...all the nightclubs seem to be maffia business aswell...
After some beer, we contined to the ITI find where our classmates lived...but we didnt find them...

We stayed a while outside 7-11 where some summer course students hanged out...
Later on I went to Mcdonalds...

I bought some prawn burger...

It was nice...I also tried to see "king speech" but fell asleep before it was over...
Taizhong trip, and the hunt of cheap flipflops in normal size...

This is how a street in Taizhong looks like (a suburb)...

I also bought a coconut always taste like Baileys without alcohole...
A visit at one of my best friends Baazarma...

A bunch of people came to her place...and we ate exotic food...

One guy had a braid that was almost as long as my old braids use to be...Im also saving for one single braid in the back...

We were thereafter heading to Taizhong downtown to buy cheap flipflops...
it is hard for find parking people said and charged 100NT for a parking lot...

This guy said 100NT was what the area offered...

100 meters away we found one parking for greedy of the previous guy...

The nightmarket was growded...

We passed by a Peck tea store...

At the shoestores in the nightmarket they didnt have my shoe size as usual, but some more professional stores outside the market had...
THye also had norweigan shoes...

They also had shoes of the brand "Hunter" which would be my english name if I had the privilege to chose like taipeople have...
Hoe was not as easy to find cheap flipflops as in Kenting this spring...where I found my size for about 100 NT...

We passed by these cool buildings...

In taiwan there are usually alof of lights in the citynight.

And alot of scooters...

Cool bridge...with colourful wires...just like a bridge north in Hsinchu...

After that I went back home...without flipflops...but with running shoes since some days ago...which i tried out that night...