Business in Taipei
I did some business in Taipei today...
Some people calls it internship...but sometimes it feels really lame here...
In my case, with a class full of asians, the athmosphere is sometimes to fake the internship, it is not the experience they want, they want a document saying they did an internship...
Me and my spanish friend pablo spent he day, doing a market opportunity analysis of our home countries...
We met many interesting people there...
I also payed y computer...
so inconvenient...that they dont offer me any internet bank here...instead I always need to go to some office, and pay extra fees just to make a simple D-country...
I was also kind of tired, perhaps due to, to much staying up late activities lately...
I had to regain energy, so I went to an all-you-can-eat pizzeria...
However the pizzas here in Taiwan are not supergood, so I ate for 15-20 minutes...then I took the bus back to Hsinchu... descover that the MRT is fully packed with people even in Taipei...I who thougt ths only occurred in Tokyo...
I slept the whole bus trip back...and now im going to bed...