Busy days...and culture fare...

Many countries were represented, as well as local clubs from the Qing hua university...

Some friends were enjoying the food later on as well as some activities like skating....
It was a nice day
Swedish trade council visit, and another midterm presentation

unfortunately I did not get what I wanted...the counter was not swedish...
Perhaps I can get what I want per email.

In taiwan people often cover their mouth and face if they think they have a cold...I saw this lady yesterday...perhaps she had an eye disease...
I continued to check point charlie...

Where I was supposed to be picked up for transport to Hsinchu by car...

Later on at night a lady from USA had a presentation at class. It was delayed according to my schedule so I missed it...some ppl said it was good. it was about fear and love for money...or something similar...

Then we prepared a midterm presentation for the next day...we kept on until 4.30...
The presentation was at 9, so i only slept 4 hours...
The airplanes had alot of interesting designs...
After the presentation we took of for lunch...

We went to costco...usually u need a membercard here, but for buying pizza it is not that necessary.

We ate pizza and some other things...
it was nice...after that i went to chinese quiz, but the teacher forgott about the quiz, so i will have it tomorrow instead...

Later on, at chinese class my chinese class teacher wrote the F-word on the black board. It was funny...
After this (at about 3 am, the day after...(no i did not sleep in between), I baked pizza in the lab again...due to that it was "el classico" and some friends joned up, it was a perfect opportunity for us to sell some pizza for out operationa management project.

I made 1 big batch, with pizza for us and for lunch the day after...

The small audience...2 other ppl joined up, one left earlier the other (except for me) sat behind the camera...on facebook I could c many other students watching the game (judged from their comments after each goal).

This is the pizzas "after" and "before"...

Alison and Sandy tried the pizza..atleast they likes the tomato sauce...

So did Tuya and Leslie...

Later on we had class again...
Cory paid attention....but not to the teacher, rahter to his card game...
Later on that Night I went to night club in Hsinchu...it was an interesting night...it was suppose to end ealry sing i had to leave for tainan the morning after...but due to some circumstances...it all became very late

All you can drink is always interesting...especially for people who cannot handle it...lucky they have me, who can carry them home...
thanx to my swedish genes, makes me stand alot...
late night making air plane midterm project
it is now 3.45 am...
class starts 9...
i have another quiz at 13.30 in chinese...
yet another day the chinese becomes suffering fro the gmba courses....
Meeting old people in Hsinchu...

First we met up students from Taipei who also were suppose to join up for the old people meeting...

The purpose of the trip was to get to know and appreciate old perople. these guys were from mainland china...

The kids were also performing dances and singing songs...even other guests like me were daincing...some improvised things togetter with the staff of the house...
later on that night I went to a night club in Hsinchu...

The club is sponsired by Svedka...a swedish vodka...

As usual here in Hsinchu the police came 2 times...

The bas closed and the music stopped...

Typical taiwanese clubs is that they have stripper look alike dancers...and some times foreingers joines up and stipped on stage as well....

Another round of police visit...

When I went home, I passed by this awesome car...dont know how good it is, but it liooks really sporty with nice lights...
Second midterm presentation

We had 30 mins for the group in total...but my friends party spoke 50 minutes each..when it was my turn i had 7 minutes...untill the class ended...
lucky me, that im such an professional speaker..i managed it...
BK and brownie manufacturing...
Then I went to fix my t-shirt...it was a mess, the tais used strange logic...
Eventualy we went to another place...and everything went so smooth...like night and day...i guess the first store was just very rigid...
After that I went for dinner and brownie production, since tomorrow I gonna serve old people the brownie...its gonna b awesome!
No pics for today, since the batties in the camera are bad, and my new batteries are gone..
better luck tomorrow...
Culture sharing at talent show...

Indians were dancing bollywood dance, latinos danced salsa...

...and my dear classmates were having a dance dressed in ther vietnamese shirts (they are all vietnamese).
Very interesting.
Party near the pond
Alot of events...causeing my sleeping time to suffer...

My friend had her 20th birthday, so we fixed pizza and designed poem books for her...
We ended the night at the DJ club...
Rigid people
Many Taiwanese people say euopeans are strange, because they need a reason for everything they do...
Well I think tai people are strange cuz they do things for no reason...
Today I went downtown to print a thing in a store. I needed to edit my pic before but they staff say that I could not. I saw that they had MS Paint on their computer, and insisted that it was super easy change that woulod take less than 1 minute. But they still said that I could not...
I used some translator (who spoke chinese to them), but even then their answer was no. When we asked why they said "no why"...
It is a common answer in this country, just accept things for no reason...
No wonder there is a super big poster in the book store at NCTU quoting Albert Eisntein: "The important thing is not to stop questioning". I think he was thinking about tai people when he stated this...
Midterm presentation and lunch in da lab
Today I had a midterm presentation, in the subject Operations management in taipei..
It was great fun, as usual, since the foreingers are very dominant in the class (in measures of speaking and particiapation, about 5 students, compare to the taiwanese 25 students)...
I bought pizza for the professor to taste, and shoed pics on how use to bake pizza...
Many other groups were refering to mothers day that is in 2 weeks...
Others wanted to sell NCTU items like stickers and bags...
After this I went back to Hsinchu, and ate lunch with some class mates...
Due to some facebook pic, half class thinks i work part time at Mcdonalds...(taiwanese are so funny)...
We bought Mcdonalds food anyway, it is kind of cheap, compare to mosburger where I eat alot...and the volume is more...
Soft sunday
Had a short meeting for another midterm presentation today...It was also raining alot today...
Later on I went downtown to eat dinner...
It was traffic jam due to some parade...

Interesting parade..like in the Azors...but instead of christrians they have more of an asian religion..
Alot of fire crackers were used...

Then we went to a japanese BarBQ...it was nice to eat at an all you can eat...I havnt eaten on one of those since last friday...
time to not lose to much weight here...
A soft saturday
Saturday was soft...
hanged out in the lab
I ate dinner at a sushi place...
i have midterm presentationa next week, so i prepared some today and some will be prepared tomorrow.
A day in Taipei...
Yesterday I went to Taipei...
i started out in the 3D exibition that is popular for the moment...
Many students were there...even if it only was a friday...
People queued for hours...
They had alot of cool 3D paintings...
I like when black/white/red are used...
The taiwanese all had cameras with them...taking pics on each painting...
One really had to watch ones route, since it destroyed someones pic, it was hard to walk freely
Some poeple queued for 30 mins, just to get a pic (posing) at a picture.
I like gorillaz, so I tried to take a pic on this painting withou anypone else on it, but people kept go there all the time...
After the visit wewent to Flora expo...still alot of people...
the expo lasts for another week... i gues they earned alot of money on this...
People queueing everywhere here aswelll
Long queues to places that was barely interesting...
They also had national gardens...
Even Bhutan...(on total about 19 countres, not sweden).
And the famous animals and flowers i saw in Bhutan was on pics...
The flora also had a theme park...while waiting for more friends to show up, time was wasted here...
They has attractions like a slow train...
Then the batteries for my camera was finished...
The day ended with all-you-can-eat thai food and to a place called luxy.
A night in hsinchu
And the club savage had student night...
I went there with some friends..
Luckilly enough the police were there checkin ID's of taiwanese people...

So no bar nor music for the first 30 mins...or something like that...

Afther that the misuc started... and me and my friend did "the list" at this club..(or tried to). I did it without ice in the drinks...("the list: means that you drink all drinks on the drink list at the all-you-can drink club)

There were 10 drinks on the list...(couunting the drinks on the right)...

After a while the police came back...same procedure as before.

Some of my friends wanted to be on pic with the police...

They even signed up my name on their list...so flattering...(even if i realy insisted, before they did it).
It is nice that the club is in Hsinchu, it is close to home...
tomorrow i need to go up...like 2-3 hours after I went to bed...
Interesting job
I found an interesting job...

1 girl...

and 1 boy...
They are "showing the end of the queue" staff...
so qualified...
A trip down town

People exercising in the park...very interesting.

I ended up in the pizzeria with the swedish name "doftar" again...
after that I was going to have a presentation, but it was postponed to next week.
Tonite it is night club...as well as tomorrow night...
I thank my military education to make me last without so much sleep. I barely slept 4-6 hours per night the last nights...still going strong...
Pizza and brownie in da lab

This is my baking space...

This is the result...a little dry browie (kladdkaka), since some one stirred it alitle to much...

And the second result...a pizza...but the dew is like a pie dew...perhaps due to the taiwanese ingredients... :S
I will mass produce pizzas in my Operation management class
Study time
I had a quiz...
It requiered preparations...
Even though the taiwanese quizess are strange...
We drank beer, I ate peanutbutter and some tea...
I usually suck in studying, especially in the spring semester...I fear it will be the same this year :S
International presentations at school
There are many international presentations at school this week (a.k.a. international week).
The chalmers students held the first one that i participated in...
Singapore was the second i visited...they had competition and also gave away giftrs if you asked questions...since I was there earlier this year, it was easy to produce questions.
Then it continued with Guatemala...
My classmate was one of the people who held it...he had a cool outfit..
later this week france and vietnam will have presentations...as well as some muslim countries...(it seems to be competitive, since some countries wonder why they never got to present)
Hooters Taipei

We dont have it in Sweden as far as i know...

The girls dress is suppose to be extra sexy...but since Taiwanese girls often wear super short shorts and small T-shirt, it was not anything special.

I tred another Hamburger...(and also the chicken wings...).It was kind of expensive...

The girls were using hula hoops...during some show...

And then they danced, and the audience could join up if they wnated to.
After the visit we went to our friend Emerson.

He just moved to a new apartment...

We took taxi from the MRT...but decided to walk back in the morning....

As usual the taiwanese are using polluting scooters...
I wonder hoe many cases of lung cancer are due to the fumes here...
Buy more, get more

Buy one, get one for free offer at the Coldstone ice cream store....it is like Triumf glass in Partille...or Lejonet och Björnen
other offers are hello kitty keyholders...
Fair at school and Taipei visit
Last night I went to a japanese restaurant, and ate other thing thatn BarBQ or sushi...

It was wiener schnitzel with rice.
After that 7-11 was an option...

Even the 7-11 staff passed by to join the mingeling...that was fun.

As usual the police came after a while, telling that some people made to much noise..
So we went to the DJ club...
I realized that my camera did not have any batteries, I found them later on...among the DJ equipment...
It became a later night...
The day after I spent some hours walking around on the fair, and after that I went to buy somke stuff in Hsinchu and I ended the day by going to Taipei. To Roxy Jr, eating hamburger and coconut shake...

As usual a beer is the same price as a hamburger (or more) about 180 NT, and a drink is the same price. It is strange that people consistently drink beer at the bars...

I got a pretty good burger at the Roxy Jr...strangelly enought the asked us to pay before we got served, instead of afte as the rest of the restaurants in the city...it was no service charge...just like home...I like that...
It is nice going to taipei once in a while. And I realized that it is not so much more expensive to take taxi back than taking the night bus...
Taxi: 1200-1500NT (from door to door), split on 5 ppl it is 300NT...or less
Bus: Taxi to bustation (since last MRT is around 24.00), about 150NT, from randon place to TPE main station
Then 170 NT for bus ticket (night fee). Total: about 210NT.
Foor fair at school

Many people are gathersing to try out things that they usually cannot buy at campus...
Even the chalmers office will sell some stuff...(but that s tomorrow)
Lazy week, hot weather

It was a manual wash...you payed for vacuum cleanerblower and water etc per minute...

Later at night we were suppose to go to a new club in town...but we started by playing music at the DJ club.

They had laser show there...

It was also all you can drink...
They were not used to foreingers...they asked seveal times how come so many ppl came on a thursday...
After a while the music stopped...

And the lights were turned on...it was time for the police to check ID's...
But they only cared for the taiwanese people...non of us had to show ID...
some people got very drunk...that is easilly happend when there is an all you can drink at your home town, since it feels so safe... besides..it was only 300NT in entrance fee...that is what a beer sometimes costs at other bars...
Spring break
I started on saturday, by heading south to Sun moon lake...
On the way i passed a big factory for burning waste...

It seemed to be the biggest in Taiwan and reminded me about Aspedalens factory in Gothenburg.

I also passed Taiwan's "Globen", here it looks alittle blur...due to high speed of the car I took it from...

This is Globen in Stockholm.
After some hours we reached sun moon lake.

Built by the japanese, and famous among Chinese people this lake is populair... (taiwan doesnt have that many lakes).

I've been here once before...but this time I took a cable car up some mountains...they cars had 3 different colours, blue, red and yellow.
It offered a good view over the lake.
The calbe took us to the middle of nowhere..., but from there we could buy an extra tricket to enter a theme park. While wondering what to do. I bought a pumpkin baozi...

It was said to be local...so it was good (local food is always good)

The park had a nice garden...and some attractions.

I tried to avoid the spinning ones and the ones that made me to wet. I tried the roller coaster, if was fun.

They also had some places representing different parts of the world (which is very common here in Taiwan among the theme parks,like maya, arabic, african etc).

They also played some local instruments...(belonged to aborigines).

One countrys site had this big dick. Perhaps it was bhutan, turkey or Sun moon lake (only in these 3 places I've seen the dick in this shape (and size).

At night local food was served...fish and prawns.

As usual, the Tai people were burning fake money in some can.

This is the car that drove me around the trip.
After sun moon lake we were heading for Kenting...on our way there we had to pass some mountains...

And we passed some wineyards...
The grapevines ar often placed horizontal here in taiwan, to increase the sun exposial...and probably also make the wine sweeter.
We tried some Tai food after a while up in the mountains, like Gongbao jiding (some spicy chicken dish that has tha colours of red, yellow and green, and often has peanus, but not this time).

As usualy we also got many small disches to share...(typical taiwanese style).

We also visited a hotspring...this one did not have some many temperatures (that many other hot springs has), but it was exotic since it was far away from home, up in the mountains).
After some more hours of travel we reached Kaohsiung.

Ofcourse we visited IKEA. The restaurant just closed when we arrived, but I bought some chocolate the shop.

Later on we went to Smokey Joe's, a place I never think I visited before...(it is like an american bar).

I found a beer I could not recall that I tried before. It was ok, but a little bitter.

I treid their "greatest cheese burger", it reminded me of the burgerhoods burger in Taipei.

We also passed the love river, that goes through the city. Kaohsiung is a very nice city, not as hectic as taipei, but still big ehough to have many fun things to do.

The street signs are also enlighted...which is very clever.
Later on we continued to Kenting...there we partied on the beach until morning...

I borrowed a tent from some friends, and sleeping bags etc from the mountain climbing club at NCTU. So we used them the next morning (it is a cheap way of living when trvelling in taiwan)

I also saw a monkey climbing trees in Kenting...that was exotic...and it made some local street dogs go crazy...barking alot.

The beach in kenting becomes very dirty since alo of drunk people parties there... by night it is a dancefloor and by day it is a place for families to hang out. (I met many friends from school here, only foreingers)

By night we went to an intersting bar in the small town...with drag show...(but we missed the show by some minutes...
Later on we hanged out at the beach again...
The day after we went snorkeling.

The beach was almost empty due to the bad weather...

But since im from the west cosat of sweden, there is not that many kinds of weather to cry about...
So I rented equipment and went looking for funny looking fishes...(and also visited the rock that you can see in the background of this pic).

I also tried some pizza (an hawaii pizza that was really good), bought from a mobile pizzeria.

I also passed by a famous mobile bar in Kenting...and I went cycling on the super small bikes there that they use to have for competition...

A funny thing here in taiwan is the promotion of the "Always open" image of 7-11...
It was a pity that the 7-11 where we happend to hang out at, closed.... :S
The day after we went for breakfast at a place that was famous in kenting (margeritas)

I had a USA like breakfast..., it was all you can drink juice and coffee, but I was about go drive back home today so I did not want to go to toilet to often...

This day was a sunny day. So we went to the beach some minutes and took some pictures...
After that I went all the way home to Hsinchu...
Tomorrow school starts.
Warm weather is approaching

My following days will be spent in a car...I drove some errands today. And had the chance to visit Hsinchu downtown... here the river is in its full glance.

After that we went to a pizzeria. I ordered an Hawaii and a creamy pinapple pizza.

The pizza was a 50/50...it was good.
Tomorrow my trip starts at 6. I have some packing to do...