Swedish trade council visit, and another midterm presentation
Yesterday I made a short visit at the swedish trade council...

unfortunately I did not get what I wanted...the counter was not swedish...
Perhaps I can get what I want per email.

In taiwan people often cover their mouth and face if they think they have a cold...I saw this lady yesterday...perhaps she had an eye disease...
I continued to check point charlie...

Where I was supposed to be picked up for transport to Hsinchu by car...

Later on at night a lady from USA had a presentation at class. It was delayed according to my schedule so I missed it...some ppl said it was good. it was about fear and love for money...or something similar...

Then we prepared a midterm presentation for the next day...we kept on until 4.30...
The presentation was at 9, so i only slept 4 hours...
The airplanes had alot of interesting designs...
After the presentation we took of for lunch...

We went to costco...usually u need a membercard here, but for buying pizza it is not that necessary.

We ate pizza and some other things...
it was nice...after that i went to chinese quiz, but the teacher forgott about the quiz, so i will have it tomorrow instead...

Later on, at chinese class my chinese class teacher wrote the F-word on the black board. It was funny...
After this (at about 3 am, the day after...(no i did not sleep in between), I baked pizza in the lab again...due to that it was "el classico" and some friends joned up, it was a perfect opportunity for us to sell some pizza for out operationa management project.

I made 1 big batch, with pizza for us and for lunch the day after...

The small audience...2 other ppl joined up, one left earlier the other (except for me) sat behind the camera...on facebook I could c many other students watching the game (judged from their comments after each goal).

This is the pizzas "after" and "before"...

Alison and Sandy tried the pizza..atleast they likes the tomato sauce...
So did Tuya and Leslie...

Later on we had class again...
Cory paid attention....but not to the teacher, rahter to his card game...
Later on that Night I went to night club in Hsinchu...it was an interesting night...it was suppose to end ealry sing i had to leave for tainan the morning after...but due to some circumstances...it all became very late

All you can drink is always interesting...especially for people who cannot handle it...lucky they have me, who can carry them home...
thanx to my swedish genes, makes me stand alot...

unfortunately I did not get what I wanted...the counter was not swedish...
Perhaps I can get what I want per email.

In taiwan people often cover their mouth and face if they think they have a cold...I saw this lady yesterday...perhaps she had an eye disease...
I continued to check point charlie...

Where I was supposed to be picked up for transport to Hsinchu by car...

Later on at night a lady from USA had a presentation at class. It was delayed according to my schedule so I missed it...some ppl said it was good. it was about fear and love for money...or something similar...

Then we prepared a midterm presentation for the next day...we kept on until 4.30...
The presentation was at 9, so i only slept 4 hours...
The airplanes had alot of interesting designs...
After the presentation we took of for lunch...

We went to costco...usually u need a membercard here, but for buying pizza it is not that necessary.

We ate pizza and some other things...
it was nice...after that i went to chinese quiz, but the teacher forgott about the quiz, so i will have it tomorrow instead...

Later on, at chinese class my chinese class teacher wrote the F-word on the black board. It was funny...
After this (at about 3 am, the day after...(no i did not sleep in between), I baked pizza in the lab again...due to that it was "el classico" and some friends joned up, it was a perfect opportunity for us to sell some pizza for out operationa management project.

I made 1 big batch, with pizza for us and for lunch the day after...

The small audience...2 other ppl joined up, one left earlier the other (except for me) sat behind the camera...on facebook I could c many other students watching the game (judged from their comments after each goal).

This is the pizzas "after" and "before"...

Alison and Sandy tried the pizza..atleast they likes the tomato sauce...

So did Tuya and Leslie...

Later on we had class again...
Cory paid attention....but not to the teacher, rahter to his card game...
Later on that Night I went to night club in Hsinchu...it was an interesting night...it was suppose to end ealry sing i had to leave for tainan the morning after...but due to some circumstances...it all became very late

All you can drink is always interesting...especially for people who cannot handle it...lucky they have me, who can carry them home...
thanx to my swedish genes, makes me stand alot...