Rigid people
Many Taiwanese people say euopeans are strange, because they need a reason for everything they do...
Well I think tai people are strange cuz they do things for no reason...
Today I went downtown to print a thing in a store. I needed to edit my pic before but they staff say that I could not. I saw that they had MS Paint on their computer, and insisted that it was super easy change that woulod take less than 1 minute. But they still said that I could not...
I used some translator (who spoke chinese to them), but even then their answer was no. When we asked why they said "no why"...
It is a common answer in this country, just accept things for no reason...
No wonder there is a super big poster in the book store at NCTU quoting Albert Eisntein: "The important thing is not to stop questioning". I think he was thinking about tai people when he stated this...