A pizzeria and a brunsh place
I visited anitalian pizzeria in alingsås recently...

...they got some certificate to serve italian pizza...

...and they had Tipo-00 fluor..but they old me that they didnt use that fluor in their pizzas...

...sallad and soup was included...

..the pizzas were ok..but the goumet pizas in goouthenburg was slightly better this time..

...later I also went to a brunch place in gothenburg...it was ok...

...I ended the food session with a Max visit in Landvetter...
More autumn events
It is a warm september..

...ice cream is consumed...

...some mix of flavours..but I prefer beer icecream...

...I passed by some asian restaurant...

...and tried some ramen...

...a trip to brobacka was also made...

...to some scenic site...

...I have been here some times before...

...I should get the code here...

...a fence made of wood all over...

...and some cookies made by my turkish friend...
2023 continues...
A trip in the archipelago
I went to the archipelago recently...

...passing Lilla bornö...

...as well as Katteklåvan that my friend bought...

...a fairly expensive place...

...with some reconstructions...

...I also went geocaching...

...and ate fish...from norway...

...and some maskarpone...

...some swedish lighthouses...
Early autumn sessions in 2023
...I had some lunch recently...

...it was good...

...I also picked some "autumn applies" that werent that sour...

...I also made some batman logo with henna...

...I als had some japanese drinks...that I made...

...and some nice chicken legs with wasabi...and potato...

...I ended with some kebab with rice...

...it was foggy days...

...I like sunsets...

...later on Språkkul had an open house...

...and some spanish food...

...with some quiz...

...and some wine...

...I also saw some tall sunflowers...

...I also started to pay attention to Ash trees...

...they are endangered...

...I also passed by an local chinese restaurant...

...tried a mix of different dishes...

...and also found some non alcoholic beers at the local supermarket...

...I am making cider of most of the apple juice I make...

...Nephew ad father chillin around...
A visit to Komo
Oliver was in town recently...

...we wanted to try NFC, deep fried chicken..but they didnt have much left...

..so we went to our plan B...Komo...

...a fairly recently opened restaurant...

...korean dishes...

...and then roberts coffee as dessert...

...this time i wasnt cheated....refering to another time when I got a smaller bowl for the same cost as olivers large bowl...
Random september events in Gothenburg
I went to buy some brewing stuff recently...

...making house wine from left over fruit...

...and got information about things to add to the wine...in the making process...

...I also saw barley flakes...I might do barley beer some day...made form dumpstered barley...

...I also bought henna tattoo at a local india store...

...later on I went to the opera for a concert...

...and also went down town...

...for some beer n kebab...

...I also went for some event near the ocean...where I had a coffee...

...and a sandwich...

...after that I went to roberts coffee for a buffet...

...with icecream...

...they changed the ice cream once in a while..starting with chocoalte, lemon etc..and served coconut ice cream at the end...(the price was higher now than in spring...I gues due to inflation)...

...I also tried some local beer...

...with some cool people...

...and sweet interiors...
Some food sessions in gothenburg
I went for some food sessions in Gothenburg recently...

...I visited Komoeten at Valand to start with...

...later on I passed by mossens pizzeria...

...for a kebabpizza...

...and Mr C had a kebabpizza and a kebab roll and sparkling water...but he wasnt happy about his sauce (it was white insted of kebab sauce, and for the roll he wanted chicken but got pork...and the bubbles in the sparkling water were too many)...life is not always easy....

...there was also a concert at götaplatsen...

...and some street food market at kungstorget and grönsakstorget...

...food from chile...

...and from many other places...

...it was also a big moon this night...cathed with my blurry camera...
2023 continues...
Garden events in August/September and some mushroom picking
I found some funny berries in alingsås...

...these barries are funny some are black and some are red...

...I also went to the store to see how to get rid of the snails that eat most things in the garden...especially small plants...

...some kind of metallic sharp edge...

...I made some green house to keep the snails out...I got a new kind of hops ("näs")...I hope it will survice the winter...I plan to put some leaves upon to protect it from cold...

...I also saw a bird...

...more adjustements of my hops...
...lets see how it goes...

I later met on with some frends at Risveden...

...and it was a mushroom year...

...and Mr Jiaxun...

...found some chantarelles...

...they aer both summer and autumn mushrooms...

...some folks just enjoyed the forest visit...

...it is a nice area...

...and a nice sunset...

...rinse and dry them...

...making some stew...

...giving them away...

...it ended up with some pasta dish...

...I also saw uranus...for the first time...
Some party at an island
I went to Nya Älvsborgs fästning recently...

...sawing people dressed in some old facion dress...

...they are restoring the fortress...

...there was also some competition...it was interesting...

...and some drink...

...and a guy shooting with a canon...

,,,it was fun...

...we also got a medal...of some kind...

...and a lot of meat...elk etc...

...i ate a lot...

...and some princess cake...my favorite...
Random summer events at the west coast...
I picked some apples recently...

...summer apples...

...and I also BBQed some dumpstered meat...

...and made guacamole..

...and inspected my wine...

...I also got some bun...

...and had some Vindaloo with a coworker...

...I ended by having some beer and chocolate...
2023 continues...
A birthday bash in Alingsås
I went to a birthday Bash in Alingsås some days ago...and also celebrated the independence day of india..

...had taco...

...I also brought some dumpstered stuff...


...the guys wanted to go out by some reason...but not many people were at the Dox place...

...and it was not really certain what our order was...but we got 4 beers by some reason...

...Mr DL got another beer since he didnt want an amber beer...

...later we headed to another bar in Alingsås (Skåål)...where we found more people...

Mr Febin was mingeling around...
Pizza and wine making
I went eating some pizza recently...

...at a pizzeria I have been to before...

...the pizza sauce is ome secret...

...I also tried the dessert pizza with applice cinamon and vanilla cream...

...I also tried a tiramisu..which was a little dry...

...later on I made some wine out of dumpstered fruit...

might save some for the winter...
The most important step toward robust mental & physical health (Huberman)
Andrew Huberman, a scientist that I follow summarized the most important step toward robust mental & physical health. He wrote:
The most important step toward robust mental & physical health is when we realize that no single protocol, program supplement or Rx* is alone going to solve it & we instead initiate a series of *daily actions toward persistent wellbeing*. Those actions are (& always will be):
1) sleep,
2) viewing sunlight (even through clouds),
3) movement (cardio & resistance & mobility training; not necessarily all on the same day),
4) quality nutrition (content, amount timing),
5) social connection, including connection to self.
From there, the list expands, of course, based on individual needs, preferences, disposable income, etc. but the above 5 form a robust and reliable foundation. *some people require Rx medication support of course. That does not erase the need for the basic 5 behaviors.
Who is Huberman?