Early autumn sessions in 2023

...I had some lunch recently...
...it was good...
...I also picked some "autumn applies" that werent that sour...
...I also made some batman logo with henna...
...I als had some japanese drinks...that I made...
...and some nice chicken legs with wasabi...and potato...
...I ended with some kebab with rice...
...it was foggy days...
...I like sunsets...
...later on Språkkul had an open house...
...and some spanish food...
...with some quiz...
...and some wine...
...I also saw some tall sunflowers...
...I also started to pay attention to Ash trees...
...they are endangered...
...I also passed by an local chinese restaurant...
...tried a mix of different dishes...
...and also found some non alcoholic beers at the local supermarket...
...I am making cider of most of the apple juice I make...
...Nephew ad father chillin around...


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