The most important step toward robust mental & physical health (Huberman)

Andrew Huberman, a scientist that I follow summarized the most important step toward robust mental & physical health. He wrote:
The most important step toward robust mental & physical health is when we realize that no single protocol, program supplement or Rx* is alone going to solve it & we instead initiate a series of *daily actions toward persistent wellbeing*. Those actions are (& always will be):
1) sleep,
2) viewing sunlight (even through clouds),
3) movement (cardio & resistance & mobility training; not necessarily all on the same day),
4) quality nutrition (content, amount timing),
5) social connection, including connection to self.
From there, the list expands, of course, based on individual needs, preferences, disposable income, etc. but the above 5 form a robust and reliable foundation. *some people require Rx medication support of course. That does not erase the need for the basic 5 behaviors.
Who is Huberman?


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