Sunday chill
I joined up Mr JP recently...

...he proposed to watch a football game (the final in the swedish leage)...

...we also passed by a local super market...(some cake reminded me of the DC comic coffee shop in singapore)...

...we also passed by Max try some different flavours...
A visit to Lilla Napoli

...I booked 10 pizzas...and had to be there 17.21 according to an booking email... butgot surpised by some traffic jam south of gothenburg...

...some truck had crashed on the north bound lane...1 lane was open on the south bound...

...causing 30-45 minutes traffic jam...

...eventually we Falkenberg...

...they had 9 pizzas...(no 8 was a dessert pizza)...

...and they were fully booked...alwas very popular...

...they also had some other events nearby...

...wood..and fire...looks like the guy who went to serve the pizzas in gothenburg some year ago...

...they had some painting outside...fiting the "surburd inustrial area" feeling where the pizzeria is at...

...some back yard...

...the staff explained how the ordering works...

...they had 500-600 degrees in the over...the oven kost like 120k SEK...and it took a pizza 1-2 minutes to be done...

...they also offered some additional stuff in their local store (Same as last time)...

..first pizza...


...3rd... group picture...






...we had to mark how many pizzas we bought...and pay by swish...

...we also reordered some extra pizzas...

...a bianco...which was popular...

we ended with a dessert pizza...(nutella, berries and ice cream)...

...they had the same tipo 00 fluor as in gothenburg...

...and some other equipment...

...olive oil...

..."Knarkvåg"...drug scale..

...they also had take away pizza (one pizza was 103 sek...thats very cheap)...for being a gourmet pizza...

...they had larger flour bags at the tipo 00, and one tipo 0...
...the raising time was room temperature they told me...and they use normal "kronjäst" as yeast...(the fresh one)...

...we passed by wärdshuset tullen later on in the night...
it was a fun visit...
Lights in Alingsås 2022 n dumpster
I passed by lights in alingsås recently was an ok setup...

...and some "kids area"...which looked pretty cool...

...and some water site...

...and some dumpster...

...found some plates etc to donate to the local chairity...

...and some other stuff...
2022 continues...
some dumspter event in Alingsås
I went dumpstering in Alingsås some time ago...

...plenty of stuff...

...mixed stuff...

...meat, sauce...

...and a lot of beer..

...autumn is here...

...some autumn decoration...
A persian restaurant visit
I passed by a persian resturant recently...

...I had some persian yoghurt was good...

...and smoe lamb scewer...

...and some other lamb dish...

...and a very small icecream at mcdonalds at brunnsparken...

...and the fries were not that fancy...i might be too spoiled with B.K...
My stay generated that I applied to some arabic course..since the waiter kept speaking arabic to the guests...

...I also spotted some mabple trees downtown...

...a dark pic of a maple tree...
Some more local adventyres in Gothenburg
I passed by BOV disco bar recently...

...and had some peperoni was rather big for being BOV...

...I also had some mushroom pizza...

...this is the place..I saw this business card last time I joined a hashrun in gothenburg...

...later on I went to mölndal and had some bibimbap...and inspected some new office...and goco...

...and later i checked some maple trees...

...plaenty of them at örgryte...

...not sure if i can make suryp from all of them...

...maybe I just take a small tree...and bring home...

...I also passed by an african restaurant later...

...even if it is a west african resturant..they had east african beer...

...I also had some mango dessert... was good...
A day filled with culture
I went to the museum of world culture recently... watch a documentary about some indigenous people of taiwan..and some tribe concerns...

...even thought the documentary concerned Atayal (topa)...I was wearing my Truku west...

...some staff presenting the movie... was an ok documentary..but im not sure which software they was alsmost as they used windoes movie maker...

...adn the creator of the documetnary was also there..answering questions afterwards...

...I also passed by the mexican exhibition again...

...funny scull paintings...

...some tradition in mexico...

...and some place with differnt colours...purple..



...yellow again...


...i ended they day with some chinese food...and spicey sauce...
A mingle day in gothenburg
I went mingeling around recently in Gothenburg

...mingeling at superrullband...before passing some vietnamese, indian and burger store...

...i also spotted some poster of the planets...

...and some person with an outfit looking like Link...or Zelda...(or robin hood)...

...I also went to some spicy store...where they ahd some mexican stuff...

...and hto sauce...the one to the right had 6.66 millionin scoville scale..

...I also went to a steampunk bar...

...they made some smokey drinks...

...this had funny design... stop: this empanada place...

...3 different flavours...
Some movie making support
I supported some preparation of some movie making recently...

...inspecting an abandoned train tunnel...

...very peaceful are...

...I also saw some random note...maybe some culture appropriation suppoter ready to woke...

...later on I tried some was nice...
Random lake pics
I inspected the lake in autumn recently...

...pic 1...

...pic 2...

...pic 3...

...some red tree...

...i guess autumn is here...

...soon it will be christmas..and then there is a new spring...
A fishin trip on Mjörn
I went on a boat trip on mjörn recently...

...Mr A joined along... was a nice ride...on the säveån...

...and some bridges to pass...

...still plenty of boats in the water...

...and some scouts on land...

...and the steam boat Herbert...

...Mr R had some nice boat...for fishing...

...we were pulling the baits....while chillin on the boat...

...and one could see how for away the bait was... well as where the fish were...

...omg...super many fish...

...but nothing on the hook...

...instead we headed back to where we came from..inspecting some art...

...pretty professional...

...made by professionals and amateurs...

...we ended with some was nice...
A chill day in Solna
I spent a day in Solna recently... some winery hotel...trying to spot Mercury...but failed...

...I had a lot of maple syrup for breakfast...

...first and second breakfast...

...I saw that studio Ghibli will have some kind of world in japan...

...I m trying to make a No face sculpture in alingsås...maybe it is possible to 3D-print the future...

...I had some meat peice for lunch...and at night I headed back to the west coast...
Some costco spotting and wine hotel visit
I started somewednesday recently with spotting costco...

...I have a taiwanese costco card..but im not sure I can use that one here...

...I also tried some wine later on...

...form australia, south africa...

...spain and italy..

...a palett of colours...

...I also went all in on the olive oil...

...and I got some fish predish...

...and some meat... ended with some blueberry cake...with a nice crust...
A visit to stockholm and Norrtälje
I paid a quick visit to stockholm recently...

...and had some salad while there...

...then I headed to norrtälje...

...nd fixed some in my sisters garden...

...she had a drawing of my parents house...

...and my bro in law wanted me to initiate to build some old machine gun...

...I also was looking for mercury...

...nothing in sight...maybe to low on the horizon... one moment I could imagine I saw a very small star...but not sure... was frost...
10/10 event in stockholm
I joined a 10/10 event in stockholm recently... was in nacka...same place as last time...

...with a lot of food...

...taiwanese food... friend Vincent was there...

..some students made cake... was good...

...I also got olivers peice...

...i didnt make as much connections as I did last year...

...this woman looked indigenous...

...some random students trying to find their way back to the city...

...oliver wanted to walk in djurgården to take pics...
...however I had luggage to stay in stockholm for almost a week...I joined them for a while...

...then we went to some 2famous" fish place...(atleast among taiwanese tourists)...

...I had some herring with mashed potato...
later i passed by Mr was fun...
Internatonal food at ica focus
I found reeses pufft at ica focus...

...I had them bought to me back in 2019 from texas last time...
I also found ranch I asked them to offer back in the days...

...later on I had some a local bar...
Maple tree hunt and other rendez-vouz
I hve some dozen maple trees on my mental map now...for spring syrup creation... gothenburg...and alingsås...

...i also passed by a library and found some more...

...i had some beer in mölndal too..

...and some sparkling wine...

...but first I supported in some lamp installation,,,

...continued with some wine...

...and got intruduced to shots...

...some sour shots...

...also some pizza was made...

...and some beer...

...and Sofia was posing...

...we also had some pricess cake...

...and some local cucumber...

...and some tomto...

...plenty of pizza...

...and cake...

...and went to alingsås to dumpster dive after that...

...and check the hops...i hope hope hope that they will survive the winter...

...I also went to a local pub with some local friends...

...i got some "chocolate balls"...

...and I was recoemmended this tonic water...

...random sunset...

...random cheese dish...

...another sunset...

...later it went more intense...

...I also fried some chestnut...

...and got some songs recommended...

...more maple tree inspection...

...and some sushi... interesting meeting...and strange...

...I later on went for some tea time at my friends was fun...
Alingsås chill
I saw a pic of my friend recently...or atleast a look-a-like... was fun... fatehr also wanted to go for a fika...

...i had some local coffee...

...i also inspected the garden...

...and mushrooms...

...made some stew...

...and some dish...

...and dessert...since a friend from southern europe was here...

...later I also treid a beer... a painting that almost looked like a map...

...I also tried a vegan chocolate...which might have milk inside...interesting...
Movia and beer
I went to see a swedish movie recently...

...I also hd some pizza... was at mossens...

...I also dummpsterd a pot...

...and tried some super spicy carolina reaper sauce...

...and another pizza...

...and a movie... old theater...

...about some author...

...I also got to try my friends oktober fest food...

...omg..."tre små rum" in gothenubrg( a beer place)...has Westvleteres 12 as a decoration...
Winter prep and TW food
I put out some strwberries in the garden recently... staed of mintaining them the whole winter...I hope that they will survive the cold...

...I put them on random places...

...I also did some line up...

...and saw some TW food on TV...

...some dim-sum...

I also had some indian food...

...and inspected my tired...
Mercury is visible
2 times per year...

...mercury is visilbe i heard...and for the moment, it should be possible to spot the time is 6.52, Swedish time...