A trip to kavalan tribe
I made a quick trip to the kavalan tribe recently

...passing by hualien...with some local store...

they had greetings in many aboriginal languages...

this was the bus that went south on road 11 to the tribe area...

i also had some chest nuts...

...on the ride...

I also got a pen...from taiwan indigenous people society...

ocean on the left side...I cycled here in 2011...

the ocean...pretty deep out there...

some aboriginal place...

more ocean...

I wanted to buy land out here...long time ago...but it seems hard...

after a while the destination was reached...omg alot of local vegetables...including chilli...

passion fruit...(i tried to do some in sweden, but only sunflower came up from the soil...strange)...


pretty sour...

some buffalo head...?

...and a huge crab...

The local bus route...so rural...so cool...

omg...merida...also made in taiwan I heard...if not sold in europe..then made in germany...

Kamalan resturant...might be the only in taiwan(?!)

Many people cycle by...

wow...a Saab out here...impressive...

alos of Kamalan handcraft was pbserved....

...and wooden handcraft...

and some ashtray...(also some local amis tribe were showing handcraft here)...

they had alot of seafood here...and maps of the fishes available in taiwan...

...both on east coast and on west coast...

kavalan food...pretty good...

...and some tottem pole...

and cactus...the ones I think i use to have back in the days...

A short trip to the local near by town was made...here the 7-11 even had computer stuff...

I checked my blood pressure while here...not sure if the machine worked...

I also had some flying fish...

Pretty good...fish flavour...

Also a stop at a local coffee house was made...(alot of art)...and a connection to the pacific...

Alot of handcraft...

...and books...

...and stamps...

I had a milk tea...

...more decoration...

Omg...classical taiwanese eggs...

Tea eggs 15ntd

alot of fish can be found here in the ocean...

next stop was the Tropic of Cancer...

I also got some other local food...

...from some loca Kavalan people...

A guy were chopping up a chicken...or duck(?!)...

And i got to taste some "Mijiu"...rise wine preparations...

And some nice soup...very salty...

More kavalan food from the restaurant...

Some intestines....

Not sure what this was...

Also shrimps....I usually eat some with the shells on...

Next stop was the BBQ...

...abd some japanese fish...

...together with salmon and more meat...

And some local vegetables...

We also got some wine with the former presitend on the label (President Ma)...

...and alot of onions...

and some red dragon fruit...

I had to finish it all...i was told...
...2019 continues...
Saturday mingling
I tried to get hold of some internet in TW...but the opening hours of the google maps time and reallity didnt match...confusing...

So I spent some hours cycling around before I got hold of it...

I got some local pasteries...pretty good...

And an aboroginal bag from the kavalan tribe...

Sent a message to sweden...with some german friend...

We went quickly to Jollys brewery...

it was fun...intense as usual...

I really love the sauce here...

Later we went north east...

to this jazz bar...

I had some local drink...

they had live performance...

My second drink came in a mug...2019 continues...
A short visit at east
I made a quick visit to the east recently

People sleeping at gate...my transport was some hours late...

often very slow to get luggage..but ok this time...

Got met up by William...and went to some mingeling place in the city ot TPE...

and prepared for some quick bike ride...

...along the river side...starting from Gongguan...

...playing music...it was a pretty chill event....

also approaching some moon star 360 resturant...and yangming mountain...

there are also some university on the top of the hill...impressive...

Most beer places were closed...but I managed one we arrived to the ocean (danshui) to get some local Amis beer...

at this place...(i first aimed for another bar, but most things were cosed at this time of the day)...

passing by danshui old street (a.k.a. night market)...

I also filmed parts of the trip for some video...

Later we headed east...

towards...jiaoxi....just for fun...

William was using this app....very convienient)...

omg...turtle island...

once in jiaoxi we went to a local bakery...

I was also asked by buy some snacks...

...i finihsed them all...

I also bought some spicy chocolate...

later we took the Kamalan bus back to the city...

once back I had some burger and drink...they usepaper straw...pretty good...

we also went to ximen for some drinks...

a guy with alot of tattooes...

I had a mango smoothie...

...while i was wearing my Truku-aboriginal clothes...

I also tried an erdinger..

Cool art on the wall...

Next top was gongguan riverside plaza (i passed by here some 18 hours ago)...

I had another local beer...

And met up with some people in the travelling industy...

We shared ideas etc...it was an intereting event...
Pizza and item pickup at the west coast
I made a pizza rexently...

It was good...

I also got to try some canadian pumpkin cake...

And got to pick up some stuff at anders place...he lended me a camera for me to try out...sweet (y)
Asian restaurnat and mushroom picking at the weast coast
I joined a pink run recently...

it was for charity...and participants were wearing pink...it was fun...

I also went to an asian resturant and had some indian beer...

and orean soup...

later i harvested potatoes

and found some lizzards...one without legs...

plenty of potatoes...

I also had some nice food at my friends place...

later I went for some mushroom picking...

i feared that the season would be over due to that it has been some frosty nights recently...

bus still managed to find pleny...

i also found this wierd looking mushroom...

including lingon berries...

...and blue berries...

and some red mushrooms...

but mostly the chantarelle...

I also foudn some trash...i wonder who dumpted this here...

Later we (me and some friends)...went to a near by coffee shop...

They had plenty of snacks...some named after my moms family...

Autumn colours in the trees...

I had a beer..

Later I made some bread...since i have some much yeast at home...

I also gave all the mushrooms away...maybe I give them to you next time!? :)
Alumni crayfish party at CITO

With the Chalmers - Taiwan Alumni network...at rotary bar...a student pub...

Many people were expected...

Last years students were hosting...

Mr An was also talking shortly...

I had some interesting beers during that event...

At 22 it was over...

But we went up to the water tower...cus one guy just got an appartment there...

One could see the ocean from here...

I also got a Poppels...

It was fun...he has some google TV

I was also introduced to the highest mountian in sweden....i might go there next year...
On a trip
Im on a trip. Brb

Cinnamon bun day and a day in the city with Kedar + Critical Mass Gothenburg
I had a cinnamon bun recently...due to that it was cinnamon bun day...

They har plenty of alternatives...

Later on I joined a Critical mass event in Gothenburg

Compare to Critical Mass in Frankfurt this was very short...

Some time later I passed by a Thai restaurant...which was said to be the best in Gothenburg among Thai people...

I had some curry food...

Later on I went with Kedar to check shoes...it was fun...
A trevel in Gothenburg with Oliver
I hanged out with my friend Oliver recently

I had some ginger beer meanwhile

And passed by some asan store and some fashio show

Heading to an icecream store

I had cashew flavour...and coconut...

We also passed by some game store...with funny starwars pics...

I use to paint darth vader some years ago...

This movie I have seen the cover of many times...not sure i have seen the movie itself yet...

They also had some funny books at the game store...

Later we went for a chinese buffet...

And i dropped by an arabic store... (oriental food)...

They had many kinds of honey...one reminded me of when I was small, and my sister got to pick a honey jar at an exhibition in gothenburg...she picked the one looking like a bear...

...at the same exhibition I prefered the one with wax inside...

The store was frequently open...I mainly was looking for turkish Salep...but didnt find any...

I also saw a funny post on a poster... :)

By night, I saw a dear running around in the city...2019 continues...
Smart cities and sustainable societies taiwanese delegation event
I helped a friend moving recently...

And got alot of free stuff...

I also passed by Ericsson where they had some presentation about sustiinability and AI...

Omg...whisky from Kavalan...

Many health care and consumer companies wnats to enter med tech and work with AI...

We also had a lunch...pretty nice...

with classic swedish dessert...

I was later on told I could join a dinner with the taiwanese delegatio...here one can see some business sweden staff...so professional...

Many interesting people from business related fields in Taiwan...

We had some nice food at Riverton later on...my neighbours in Alingsås, was said to own the hotel. I will tell them that the food was ery good...some white chocolate with almond cream...

The view was also pretty good from here...

Later on we went to some beer place and a turkish kebab place...

My friend recommended this one...it was nice...

Some hours later I tried an asian restaurant, owned by a taiwanese person, who I interview some years ago...

The staff were pretty fun...I had some friedn chicken...2019 continues...
West coast events near Älvängen
I passed by another hamburgerbar resently

They had an pen mic competition aswell...

They had a local beer...

And an american burger...with some cheese balls...

I was also baby sitting some hours at Älvängen north of gothenburg...where I found these cool stump art...

I ended the day with some wheel change (after a flat tire)...