Asian restaurnat and mushroom picking at the weast coast
I joined a pink run recently...

it was for charity...and participants were wearing was fun...

I also went to an asian resturant and had some indian beer...

and orean soup...

later i harvested potatoes

and found some without legs...

plenty of potatoes...

I also had some nice food at my friends place...

later I went for some mushroom picking...

i feared that the season would be over due to that it has been some frosty nights recently...

bus still managed to find pleny...

i also found this wierd looking mushroom...

including lingon berries...

...and blue berries...

and some red mushrooms...

but mostly the chantarelle...

I also foudn some trash...i wonder who dumpted this here...

Later we (me and some friends)...went to a near by coffee shop...

They had plenty of snacks...some named after my moms family...

Autumn colours in the trees...

I had a beer..

Later I made some bread...since i have some much yeast at home...

I also gave all the mushrooms away...maybe I give them to you next time!? :)