interpretative prerogative
I have a relative who is known for his interpretative prerogative. I recently heard interesting things that didnt seem to be true, but for a person with interpretative prerogative, the truth is what you say...
The norm:
The norm:
- White
- Man
- Heterosexual
- Meddle aged
- Conservative (right wing)
- Right handed
Chillin at the west coast
Im at lilla bornö with my is fun

Initally we met at torp

they guys wanted to buy some things

Many opinion

The purchase of the hour

Corfu had a fjällräver bag

And grebbestad has sommarmust

More buying at the supermarket

and mr viktor
he reminds me of bill paxton

and ola salo

"branjalusierna", the word of the day

i had a beer that I bought in nijmegen...

and showed erik my pirate sword

people getting prepared

it was a sunny afternoon

Danne slept in a tent

I saw the traktor sight i wanted to replace with a decepticon logo some day

They used the traktor to transport the items form the bridge to the house

Omg, someone is drinking n driving

It wasnt viktor, who was showing his long jesus hair

He is the chief these days

Danne is opening a bottle of wine

It tasted exclusive

Danne is a bartender and made some exclusive drink with egg and lime

They also made barBQ

Some angry neighbours

Danne had försvarsmaktens pands...but a shorts version

I also inspected a local geocache

The others were playing cards

Danne was fixing some path, that was blocked due to the recent storms...

He wanted to cycle on the full speed....

I also found some mushrooms

I gave them to my cousin lucas who was helping some ppl with a mirror

Later on we played kubb

Sometimes successfully

And we also went to pick up some more people

Viktor then put on his life jacket

When returning to the island later I was asked to make drinks...since i only know milk drinks I think it wasnt that successfull...

We had hamburger for lunch

Erik had 2...

So did I...or 2.5

Erik drinking IPA

With high altitude clouds

I also had my taiwanese Yilan bee

I think my beer did ferment in the airplane...but Daniel liked it...

Erik using my me and viktor tried to pose

Anders is also a look alike


Any my yilan beer alone on the table...

Danne later on went for a bike ride

Others chilled at the bridge

They wanted me to take a pic like som eyears ago...but it wasnt as nice weather not good photographer...

Instead they went for picking crabs or something

They had alot of sea weed there

And after that it was sauna time

And the warter wasnt too cold...

Pink rocks, welcome ot the west coast

It was raining a littlebit and on the news they said it was low risk of forest we planned to get rid of some old logs...

But my uncles yelled later on, asked us to kill the fire...refering to some other source where they said we couldnt have a fire...he never told me his source though....suspicous..

Later on we played cards...with a deck having the right figures...

In the morning we went out with a boat...ö

The beach on the island isnt that big...i gues they prefer jumping form cliffs...

And go surfing after the boat

I think my cousin Thore also arrived in the morning

Danne was siting on the surf board...leaving west
Gothenburg visit i July
I paid a quick visit to Gothenburg some days ago

First I made some rösti...

And fixed some things in the garden

In Gothenburg I went for a kebab pizza

And had a småland beer...

Omg...local ice hockey and football clubs

Some kebab pizza and local taiwan beer...however i think the beer was a littelbit sour...

Maybe it fermentet on the way to sweden

I paid a visit to Tessi...and Faima was there too...they made some syncronized gesture with their hand...reminded me of myself in holland when saluting people...

Omg, Fatima had a fjällräven bag

It was a sunny day...

I later on visited a buffet place with some other friends...

They had some BBQ, lite teppanyaki

Swedish style buffet...but it was kind of pricy...

First batch

Second batch...

They also had soft ice cream, that was nice...

Göteborgs wok...

After a while the weather bacme more cloudy...welcome to gothenburg...

Some blue sky above the clouds...

I was also told that Allevo is good for losing weight...interesting
Fruit cocktail and kebab pizza
I made a frtui cocktail this morning of fruit that i got from dumpster diving

Peach, kiwi, mango etc...

Free and healthy...maybe too much sugar from the fruit...?

I later on had somem pizza sallad

And a kebab pizza

I also went for a guiding tour in the city...

Some fake windows

Some city backyard

It was hot today but not too sunny...
Blueberry year?
I was told that 2016 is a blue berry year...

I found blueberries..but cant say there are more this year than last year...

Sunny days in northern europe...use to be rain last week in july...strange...
on a bus in Germany
I went to germany some day ago...

From there I took a boat to denmark

And from there I took the bridge to sweden...we needed to show passports friend who worked at a refuge camp in sweden was in the bus...he told me that random non-EU-foreigners went to sweden to try to get is a great opportunity to get into the swedish welfare system...unfortunately they come from rather corrupted countries...and didnt mind get money without looking for a job or pay back to the system...reminds me of the swedish lottery where you can win 10000kr for 25 years...however this welfare lottery is easier to win if u are a non-EU-member...or non-swede. We live in an interesting world
end of vierdaagse

I got a pripps blå from a random guy in the tent

And went to check for some chinese oel in the city...

Omg they dont even sell glass bottles duing the festival...

Some preparations for the last day of vierdaagse

I had a local beer...Amster...taste like a normal lager

Last walking day it was raining alot...

At the end of the walk I got some danish beer from the danish staff

Many people entering the military camp no 4

The rest of the 53000 walkers passed by...

Endless of people...

In the evening me and some kids when into town...

The end of the vierdaagse fest was coming to an end...

I met some old friends at a ferris wheel

My friend Elien who will study in Lund later this summer

Me and the kids tried a logal draft beer later before heading back to the camp...we wok up 3am most of the time this week...i slept arounf 3-5 house per day...and tomorrow i need to waku up i cant stay up too late...
geocache event in berg en dal
i joined a geocache today...

It was another hot day in nijmegen...

Later on it was raining heavily and hailing...

I also observed some west coast flag in the tent...

Later on I went to the city to try to find a geocache...

Without success...

But I managed to join a geocache event in Berg en dal eventually later was early enough for me to match...not to far from the finish of day
hot days in nijmegen
i live in a tent, its 1 of vierdaagse just passed

Danish people recently walked from kopenhagen

I passed by Nijmegen city to look for Chinese oel...

I also passed by some place in nijmegen city...

Some random people living in the tent...
in nijmegen
Checking some people walking in nijmegen

Scandinavian people

I think they walked from kopenhagen...militarycommunities are filled with people using master suppresion techniques...not every people got invited for this 650m march...I would like to join...but its hard to get the info...
I think this march is called the malcony march
passing Denmark
i just passed denmark, into germany, and r heading to holland

Per chillin to the left

Some boat at öresund...

Some chemtrail and contrails...geoengineering in denmark...(with the famous chemical which is designed to manipulated people to think that there is no chemical)

At the german border...entering holland...

And wathicn some random danish people...i think...
Random events in Alingsås
I met some friends yesterday...

Had some fika...

I also had some reese peanutbutter cup...
Packing for Nijmegen
I paid a quick visit to the west coast of sweden

Got picked up in an old Saab...

It was cloudy in holland and well as in southern sweden...

Checking the inventory...heading for a walk in the park in holland tomorrow...(an old marine is talking)...
A trip to Gordon Biersch
I passed by Gordon Biersch recently

Som german-like brewery and restaurant

Some special flavour...but kind of tastelike other micro breweries beers...

I had some expensive but nice snacks

And an italian burger

And some other white beer...

I also aw a store which reminded me ot
, which is a swedish clothes company, maybe they copied some clothes company didi with pamu in china...(took the logo from puma)...

I also met up simon...who spent some time walking in the rain, looking for banana milk...

The next stop was jollys...

They had a strange menyu...saying 3 beers for 230nt, but 6 beers for 460 nt...i guess it is a part of the "no why" culture...that they never remove it...

So we had all six kind and tried them alll

Later on a visit to ximen was made...same same but different...
Steak house and ximen - july 2016 edition
I went to a steak house recently

American one...

I had some nachos...easy to do by myself...

And a burger...not that special...but atleast the french fried were filling the whole bucket...(not 1886 style)

After a short ikea visit where they didnt have marabou chokolate...we were heading to ximen...and bear bar

I had a cocnut milk tea...and later a chocolate frappe...

Some europeans joined who wanted to we later picked an all-u-can-drink offer

They were a little bit stiff when arriving...but when they went to the night club they left arm in arm...
A night out with Simon
My friend Simon was visiting Taiwan recently

He wasnted to go to a bar called Hideout

They ranked tehir drinks with bullet holes...might have been how strong the drinks are...that gave them the holes...

I had a drink called "suibian" (Whatever)

After that we tried to go to Beern cheese...since they ahve local beer..but they seeed closed...and then we tried Zhangmen, but they just cloed when we came..same with hooters and Jolly we ended up at the "old white man meets young chinses girl"-place called Brass Monkey...

They had the RedPoint taiwan brewed beer...台.P.A (Tai-P.A), and Longdong...both were ok...

The bartender Morgan was wearing a Monkey T-shirt, since it is the year of the monkey...

The door kept opening itself...the evening breeze was a little stronger now, but still no typhoon outside :(
Even if most stored had "typhoon closed"...

Brass monkey had service useless...

Simon grabbed my camera...I tried to convince Morgan to do Blue steel face...he didnt want to...

...not sure why...

Even the interior monkeys didnt want to see...
Typhoon food
A typhoon striked over taiwan...

It hit hard on the south...but on the north it barely arrived...I had a 18 days taiwan beer mean while waiting

And some sweet and sour sauce.....

Later on I had some american pizza and swedish beer...still no typhoon...boring....
I went to an all you can eat recently
I use to go here alot some years ago

Hot pot...which use to be cheap

I had a large ice cream

And alot of shrimps...havnt been to all you can eat for a while...
Some local coffee
I went to a coffee store recently

They had coffee from ethiopia and guatemala which they promoted

Some weak perculated coffee

Not sure why...but it was said to be good...
A hike to Zongyangjianshan (中央尖山/Central Range Point)
The "only pyramid shaped mountain in taiwan" i was told...
It has been on my bivket list since 2010, when I went with a m ountain climbing club for some lame mountains

I drove from Jiayi north on road the night...passing Puli, they use to have a swedish restaurant here...

I also made a 7-11 purchase of alot of food...

Then we passed the highest road in taiwan...hehuanshan...or it also is called...

Some tunnel on road 8...towards road 7...

And then I slept in tent at the trail entrance of zhongyangjianshan and nanhushan....

After some hours climbing I could se Snow mountain..or xueshan...

And there...pintian and a part of the "holy ridge" corssing taiwan...vbut it partly borken at hsinchu area...

After some time we reached the trail entrance...time to dump some papers...mountain climbing is very complicated in taiwan

some random tais climbing...and many some hongkong people


starting on nanhu trail...up up up

my cookies became pillows...the air pressure is low here...

and up here abobe 2000m its mostly pine trees and bushes...

cory walking in the grass...

he walked this trail 12 times...he likes to hike...but he only reached the mountain we are heading to now once...2 weeks ago...after 4-5 attempts...

its hard to get a good reception on ytour phone up the few spots that have connection they usually announce it with a sign

a pic taken at a remote area on taiwan...

Another mountain pic

And cory walking up the hill

Enjoying the view

He knows every name of each peak...impressive

and far down there is road 7 and some random village

and some clouds

Johan posing with our destination in the background...zhongyangjianshan (中央尖山)

After a while we had to leave tha large nanhu trail

and walk down a river...

alot of river tracing is in this trail...and sharp rocks...very remote...

not many people go here....i never seen any person here, so far...except me and cory

after another 1-2 hours river walk we saw a sign at the first cabin...but we dont have time to stay here...just a quick snack

crossing nanhu river

many landslides are the trail often change

omg...cory had the raw eggs at the bottom of the backpack...luckily only 2 were broken... of the confusing signs about distance...

and some remove waterfall, which not is listed on

it was many leafs here, like in a swedish autumn

after some 1 hour uphill again it was down hill...we have to cross 2 mountains before we reach the zhongyangjianshan river...which will take us to the base of the mountain

some rest at the steep downhill path

after some time we reached a creek, time for refill the water bottles...this area has many creeks...

And then another sign. to the second and last cabin of this trail

and now the river tracing becomes more intense

Cory was using river tracing shoes

I had normal running shoes

but it was nice to walk in cold water...after some hours with heavy backpack

the trail had these stripes, from some random hiking well as the support of some cairns...since the river wasnt that easy to walk along

up up up

It was deep forrest up here

and once in a while there was a pond...with very clear water...

luckily no land slides today...even if the canyon was pretty big and steep

More cairns...

and some small water fall...

Cory showing the way


and jumping on stones

after a while we reached the second cabin on this trail

Many people slept in tents...we met 6 people at this cabin...and suddenly one of taiwans most remote places didnt feel that remote anymore

We made some soup

...or cory made it...i assisted

and later on the night darkness at 19...

the place we stayed at these 2 days

Cory working in the dark

Zhongyangjian waterfall....

And some steep climbing...luckily there were ropes on this wall...

And more river tracing...

A break in the deep forrest

a rest along the river

another the end of the river...

now the steep climing up the peak starts

An endless road of stones...

up there somewhere...the stone road ends...

Cory had two helped...

Nanhu mountain

Cory is small in this valley

Nanhu mountain is higher than zhongyangjianshan but not pyramid shaped...

After another 30-60 minutes...we reaches a fork...between the main peak and the east peak

Cory is taking the last steps up to the fork

And from there, we went on some bushy landscape

this is some 3600 meters above sea level

And many mountains in the horizon

And some random flowers

Cory on a small peak

Omg...i found a perfume bottle...reminded me of my visit to yushan, where i brought perfume to the top

Cory on another small peak

The path continued up

and some goat shit...I saw 2 dead mountian goats on this trail...and heard alot of barking dears...

We now walked on some ridge...

And in some more bushes

And finally we reached the peak...

After using some ropes...its alot of snow here in the people need (or might need) crampons...and these wires/ropes...

some old peak stone...

There is xueshan...i think...from there, this peak looks like a pyramid...

cory was approaching the top as well

Perfume on the peak sign

Blue steel pose...

After some lunch we headed to the east peak

We also met some hongkong and taiwanese hikers...

And we saw some rain clouds coming closer

Flower pic 1

Flower pic 2

Flower pic 3

Flower pic 4

And the long way down begun

Endless stone road

and downhill river tracing

Cory took a break with his cowboy hat

And then ready to go

Another water fall

And more water

Later it was jungle

And some grass forrest reminding me ot home (this is corys favorite area of this whole trail, it was rather peaceful here)...

And some dinner break

Omg garbage

Only 8.3km left...but pretty steep hills to climb

Cheese curry for dinner

Met some taiwanese people on the way...

In early morning we took off...the sunlight decides if we walk and not...


Some river crossing

And steep river tracing...

And lunch break...

I found trash that I didnt see on the way up..some people who doesnt care about the environment...I collected the trash I found...the deed of the day...

After a while we were back on the Nanhu trail (mentally it felt like i was already at the end of the trail here), since this trail is a walk in the park...

Still steep hills

And some short rest

And some 2795m high peak...

After a while we reach the trail entrance...

But still had some 5km to walk...i think...we met some locals on the way...

Then fast walk...

And almost at road 7...

And in the car to hsinchu

We were not at the north west coast...people were not wearing helmet here...

I had a baozi at a local store

We later on took road 7 towards Taoyuan due to some 3 people in the car policy at yilan (else we might have taked a faster road back), this road is called the "snake road"...

We also passed by a small lake...

And a bungy jump bridge

Nervous people

Rain was on its way...

But in hsinchu it was a cloudy sunset later on

I ended the hsinchu visit by inspecting a Handicapped children (boys) only toilet...that few people are allowed to use...(no female, no non-kids, no non-handicapped)...