Random events in västergörland
I had in plan to finish a blueberry cake...

And went to one of my blueberry places...

Which had farmore blue berries that my primary place...

Atfer some picking...I started to make a cake...however, as usual, I ended up improvising...

This is the result...of the cake...some vanilla cream in the middle...

I also made some muffins...to share with people who would not be able to try the cake...

I later on went to an old classmate and help to move in some stuff...

Next stop was Gräfsnäs...to some old village...

Some kings use to live here...

They had some knight tournament today...

I also met up my cousin...

We went for a BBQ- all you can eat...

As usual I started with the dessert...

And tried some randon stuff...

The chief here won the world championship in BBQ:ing in the caribean some year ago...

After some streaks I had a hotdong...it was really nice...

They had many kind of meat...

This peice I was told was a little hard to eat...but it was ok..I had worse...

Second dessert round...

I ended the trip with a visit at the local supermarket...
A quick visit to Gothenburg
I paid a quick visit to gothenburg yesterday...

Enjoying watching my cousin playing some onine game...

And talking to another cousin just coming back for a year in the USA...

More gaming...

And some wild strawberry picking...

They had alot...seems like its a strawberry year, but not a blueberry year...we will c, i will pick more later...

I also passed by a geocache that I never found...I met a guy at another cache, who i wanted to ask about this one...but he left...later on I found on geocaching.com that he found this one...

I also passed by Mr Anders and his neighboug Mr Håkan...

And found this quote..."hurry while u are still in the mood"...

Omg...I also ran aftar a guy to take this pic...a "yosemite" bike...so funny...its pronunced in a different way that most foreingers think...

Some random guy doing some BBQ on the street...I like...

Mr Håkan have done some work on his garden...

Even some stones...that looks like some swedish mile stones...

And nice grass...compare to last time I passed by here...

And flowers and herbs...thats nice...

Later on, after fixing some bike it started to hail...in the end of june...still shorts weather by definition...

Alot of water and ice...I like...

I also had some chinese food at Anders place...it was really nice...reminding me of asia...

And some Japanese style Taro Mochi...

After buying some stuff in downtown we also went to a local gas station to get som freebees...from their homepage...they have some memory game...

Ecological and fairtrade coffee...welcome to sweden...

Mr Håkan is wearing his Taipei Polo...epic!

Me and Mr Anders went to fix some shelfs...

For me it was kind of christmans...I got a SIM-card with free surf...

Mr Håkan came over with some Mango smoothie...

I also got some cards, for free transport in Gothenburg...

And a camera...

We were also watching pics form taiwan in the night...luckily I get hyperactive from caffein and pushing my self to the limits..

After cheking up som SD-cards...I cycled back to Alingsås, felt like an epic swedish summer experience...with heavy rain...
Blue berry picking attempt
I went to pick blue berries yesterday...

And I also tried a new pizzeria..which kebab pizza was pretty good...

Kungens Pizzeria...

I went to pick blue berries in the afternoon...a guy i met told me that due to a cold 2013...there were not that much blue berries...atleast not at this part of the country...

I got like 200g-300g...
Random events in Västergötland
I visited a monument there an airplane crashed in 1944...

It was in the middle of the forrest...

Near Skepplanda...north of gothenburg...

My friend bought some McDonalds...later one...

I had a cheese burger, in which I added more cheese...

And went for some roaing...to a nearby island...

On a republic in Sweden...

I also passed by a geocache...

And did some fishing...
...without result...fishing is not my cup of tea right now...
Elderflower times...
It is time to make Elderflower cordial...(atleast when watching the calendar)...

I know where one tree is...from where I use to pick the flowers...

Its about time to pick the flowers now...

However, I didnt have lemons, so I used rhubarbs instead...(no citric acid was used either)...

...now I just need to wait for some days, to see the results...so exciting...
Swedish summer days continues
My friends needed help in their garden...

So I came to assist...

They were cutting some bushes...and accidentally cut the cable...

They also have this cool lawnmower...

After some monutes spent od attaching cables...it was time to try to cut bushes again...

At 12 the grass-cutter started as well...

Omg...here is the broken cable...

Later on I went for some kebab pizza at a new restaurant...

Or, the restaurant was old...but it was the first time that I was there...

I also found blue berries...summer season has begun...
Last day at the west coast
Today is the last day of the midsummer weekend (heavy traffic again)...

In early morning, people were heading back to main land Sweden...

Many people fit in the boat...

The rest of us were freshing up the houses...(this is the "pink room")

Erik, my cousin threw away all my food that I was going to have today...even my potatoes that I spent 2 month preparing for...I was not happy...I have to put a lock on my fridge next time...

I also thought I saw a Stag beetle, finally...but it was gone when I came back to the discovery spot after running for my camera...

Since we were 20 people...it was many things that had to be cleaned up...we had a toilet...but there was also an outhouse...in case of emergency that my cousin emptied before leaving...

Last people leaving...(interesting pic)...

My brittish friends wanted to taste the flavours of sweden...so we went to Max burger bar later on...

It tasted a little like Burger King...I havnt tried many of the burgers at Max...
Midsummer day 2
Midsummer continues...

I did some music mixing in the morning...

While people were drinking some sparkling wine...

I only played house...

Not sure what was on the schedule...

Except BBQ:ing...

And some geocaching...

My cousin went out with some foreigners, while I was away...it was a plenyt hidden cache...

When we came back to the house...we BBQ:ed some more...

Atleast it was sunny today...

Later on some friends headed back to gothenburg...

The rest went to catch crabs...and oysters...

And mussels...but this year there were not that many of them...

We spent some 10-20 minutes catching snails...however oysters were the best bait to attract crabs...

The swedish oysters are far more salty than the taiwanese ones...

My friend Viktor went out to try his life jacket...

But he had to manually activate it...

Not sure why...but its always fun to play with things that blows up...

We mostly used small crabs for a race...

People were arguing aobut which one would be the fastest crab...

But the bigger one have longer legs...

Even the brittish people joined up...

And theres the running area...

...off we go...

Some crabs were hesitating...

This was the fastest...we gave them all some food...as a compensation for the stress of being on land for a short while...

Erik was making sure that no crab was injured...

And all holes were plugged...

By some reason there were many holes...

Later on, most people went to try the sauna...

...some were siting on the jetty, watching the sun...

I was BBQ:ing...

And makeing a stew on some mushrooms that I picked last autumn...

And later on joined people at the jetty...

Catching up on good old times...this is Olof...he came all the way from Stockholm...tomorrow he will take the train back...(the brittish people will catch the flight tomorrow afternoon)...

It was no wind this evening...that was nice...

Anders was enjoying the sauna...

Me and Olof didnt like to sauna too long...but we joined him for some minute...the clothes isolated the 100 degree, and made it nice...(atleast for a short while)...

I ended the day with some midsummer food...

And some drink that I was given...

After midnight I heard people partying at some other island...I went to the bridge to see if I could see who it was...but maybe their voices were echoing from a far away place...the moon was very srong this night...it always looks so big when its close to the horizon...
It was a partly sunny day...

People started to celebrate early...

And I went for a run in the forrest...

Later on I also went for a short swim...(due to lack of shower facilities)....

My friends started to prepare the midsummer activitites...

And organizing some other things...

It was a nice lunch...

Its nice...professional chef was helping out...

It was also sunny during the whole lunch...

My cousin Erik had his own Snaps...

...and it contained many things...

Later we also cut the grass...

...since we were doing some games...

Everyone who wasnt born in sweden (or lived abroad) were in one team...

...and we needed a name...

And then we compeeted in many things...

I also had some nice IPA...

Another game...

And some beer drinking...

And Kubb...

I also went for some hiking on the island...

Strange...this barn had a chair on is...

And wild horses and sheep running around...

And doing some stuff...

Then there was dinner prepartions...


Professional chefs...

We had several places for make the BBQ:..

Most people had hamburger...

And drinking alot of snaps...

My friend had ecological snaps...

The sunwas setting pretty late...22-23 something...

But it wasnt dark until 24-something...

I also had a local beer...

People were also shooting fireworks...

And eating some more...

Since there were some foreingers at the island, people were dancing traditional dances...

After some more food...

...people were heading to the sauna...
Midsummer at bornö
I was suppose to hit the west coast this midsummer...

Harvesting the potatoes at home...

And spent a short while in the midsummer traffic...

Heavy traffic, everyone wants to go to the coastline...hope it wont be too much rain...

I had an idea to swim to the island where I was heading too...but changed my mind since a boat was picking people up about the same time i arrived to the pick-up point....

I had garlic pizza and did some random surf while waiting...

And then we headed to the island...

I was wearing a life jacket..

Omg, the old house...just as I remembered it...

My cousins friends were all swiming in the cold water...(and also having a sauna)...

And having some drinks...swedish midsummer was in sight...

This is one of the informal leaders of this camp...

I ended the first night with having a spicy sausage...it was nice....
A trip to the south
I made a trip to the South of sweden today...

PAssing by some store that sells vintage things...

And headed to one of the most south places in Sweden

It reminded me a little bit about Orchid island in Taiwan...or the french/dutch riviera...

With small fishing housesand souvenir stores...

Omg..they have home made mashed potatoes...so funny...I always think of this joke, where they conclude that since they dont transport the potaties from their home, nor live in the restaurant...its not home made...

I made a short walk along the beach...

But it wasnt that good...

This place (Some thousand year old monument, from the viking age)...is the main reason to visit this area...they have many graves etc from several thousand years ago...like stone and bronze age...

Each stone is about 5 tons heavy...

Many tourists are passing by, many danish and german people...

I remember when I studies archeology, there were many theories that this was some kind of astronomical calendar...

Omg...the police was also visiting this place...

More home made mahed potatoes...

Next stop was some petroglyph area...some 3000-4000 year old...

I could see axes....

...and boats...

And the trip was ended with a visit to a pizzeria....

Kebab pizza...

And another grave...(3500-4000 year old)...

before I headed back to the west coast...for new adventures...
It was a nice trip, I havnt been to "österlen" which is the name of this part of sweden in 4-5 years...
A tuesday at Österlen
I might help my uncle to build a wall at the westcoast of sweden...

I passed by some gardens to get some inspiration...

Omg, the mailbox that I painted as a child is still there...

Later on I went to a bakery near by the house...

"Mellby Bagaren"...they are famous in the area I was told...

They also had local ice cream...

Later, me and my friends went for a walk...

And found some medical herbs...

This is the southest National Park in Sweden...

Omg...a beetle...but not a stag beetle...which Im curently looking for,,,

...some information sign...

Omg...the castle fomr yesterday was built 1553...

And some other graves are 5500 years old...

Next stop is some cafeteria...

With coockie and cake buffet...

Second round...

Not that many people were here...

This was ths sign of this route...

I walked here alot as a kid...uphill...

Down there some where is the house...in a village that was moved some years ago....

Omg...the baltic sea...

Many people were mingeling around...

Next stop was some apple cider facotry...

They also had some museum...

...which was critiziing the bible...(that adam and eve never ate an apple, since the climate was too warm for that tree there)...

...I also enjoyed some free drinks...

Many different kind of cider...

And after that the hike continued....

I enjoyed my local drink while walking...

Different environment....

And back to the house...

I should plant more rose bushes....

This house was pretty new...andhad nice flowers...

At dinner...I had coke in a coke glass...

My mom had some wine...

And super cheap vegetables in the local super market...

Its a typical summer city in the nearby villages...

With a nice coast line...

I ended they day with some local beer...and more football...so far I tried to see all the games...
A trip to Österlen
I made a trip to Österlen today...

And I also inspcted some elder flower bushes...time to make cordial...

And I saw an old friend...who usetobe a swedish celeb, on the high way...

On the way south I made an ice cream break...

Some classic chocolate ice cream...

Omg...aoms dead animal in the bushes...

Later on I visited some friend of my mom...

Inspecting the facilities...

And sharing some stories...

I also got some traditional beer...

And some local spirit...

And ther local specialities...

After some nice meal, more stories were shared...

To bad I was driving, a nice Bourgonge was opened...

At this part of the country they use to have many facotires producing spirit...

And my friends house on the label..pretty funny...

It reminded me of one of the castels I saw in england...

The night ended with some cheese and wine...welcome to Österlen...
A weekend with long days...
The days are pretty long nowadays...the nights are less than 3 hours...i think...in the north of sweden the sun doesnt even set...

Some strange person cut the wild strawberries in the garden...strange logic....

And the leak too...

I went to Alingsås downtown in the afternoon...its a festival tehre right now...

Many stands...

And segway court...

Later on some relatives came home to my parents palce...

Omg, a new BMW...it was said to be exclusive...

Still sunny in the evening...but not sure warm...

The day ended with football...most cities becomes ghost towns in the evening...since ppl sit inside watching the games...

Even if swedens not in, this year...but its still interesting...

I also made a new burger...with a big bread...I prefer more meat than bread...lession learned...
Running and BBQing in Gbg
I spent some time runing around in the parks and forests of gothenburg recently...

I can recall I have been here in a biology course I took some decade ago...

It was relatively cold this day...like 15 degrees...

...the view was nice from the top of the hills at this place...(gothenburg is down there somewhere)...

But the rain was in the air...

I also went to my cousins house and supported with the computer...for some reason a screen was broken...(i tried a MacGyver solution)...

Omg, later on that day I saw a Giant racing bike...

Epic...i usualy see mountain bikes from Giant in sweden, this was the first racer biking...

Later on I went with from friends to BBQ in the park...

I was asked to support them with a "kubb game":..

It was nice...reminds me of swedish summer...

We played but the other team tend to be more successful...

Some people were BBQ:ing...

This is on of the local Rataract clubs in gothenburg...

Any my friends BBQ bucket...pretty fun design...

Next stop was at Villes place (an old chalmers friend)...however he hurt his foot some week ago and couldnt join out...he was watching the Spain-Holland game at home...

I went downtown to a sportsbar...

Omg...a beer with 65% alcohol...might do it "taiwan style" (to shot it)...

Gothia towers had a nice sun reflection this night...

I passed by the avenue, and listened to some musicians...

And met Jens for the first time in 4-5 years...I worte my bachealor thesis with him at Gothenburg Business school...

Wow...fullmoon night...

I ended the night by cycling to Alingsås...and thought about my friends who are cycling Vätternrundan a 300k cycling competition thats held this night around the second biggest lake in sweden...it was a nice night...
A day in June
Heading towards the ocean...

Passing the lake Aspen...

And joining some company event...

Omg...my perception is lost...I think about Taiwan when I see Kopparbergs cider nowadays...

Later on I went to chalmers for some testing...

And nearby observed a snail...making the move...

The wild strawberries are all ready...nice...
Random events on the west coast.
Late night cycling...

Im cycling in the nights...and want to join an "alleycat race" some day...or arrange it...

I also made some song, and tried an old PA system...

Omg...35 degrees....global warming delivers in the north...

Many boats on the "most boat crowded lake in sweden"....

I ended my day by some Super heroes drawings...
Monday in Gothenuburg
I spent todays lunch with a good friend of mine..

He even treated me lunch again...(happens too many times now), but we agreed that I will treat back in the future...

We went to some indian style place...

We also found some competition note hanging on the street...but it turned out to be an old note...

Later on I went to a presentation about obesity...

Many interesting facts were shared...

Later on we went for some beer...

Same place as usual...I tried this once again...

And saw some old chalmres friend near by...and an old Taiwanese friend walking by...as weather becomes warmer people expose themselves on the street more...
A weekend in Blekinge
I recently spent a weekend in blekinge...

Passing by the train station in Gothenburg...

Anddriving trhough a rainly Gothenburg...

My friend Oskar prepared a Wunderbaum to enhance the "new car" experience...

Passing by ikea south of gothenburg...

Still raining...

And moisy windshield wipers...completeing the David Bowie album played on coast line road...

However, sun and windpower met us after some hour...

And a spanish construction, just like my swedish friend in taiwan was investing in...

We also passed by a truck that had some accident...

And some tents were "Sweden Rock" festival was held...

Many rockers passing by the road...

Oskar keps showing us some scenic sites, just arriving to Blekinge...

And Oskars sister, who had a career in the philippines and Vietnam....

Later Oskar showed us the locel toilet...

It wasnt that complicated...but still clear instductions were given...

...how to take a shit in Blekinge...

I was treated an ice cream when I arrived...feli like I arrived to heaven...

Omg...a young Oskar...

I was also treated a whisky...to improve my James Bond feeling...(Oskar likes James Bond)....

We also played memory, with swedish toursit spots...not sure why...maybe some tradation...

...Oskar played only wearing 1 sock...

And his Orchid island bracelet...

He also showed hos collection of non-swedish outfit...this one was boght in Burma...I asked if I could wear it some day...and he said yes...cool!...

Oskar also showed some move about some alpaca...

Omg...Taiwan Beer...(emplty bottles)...

And Amarone...thats...bitter...but cool...oneof my favorites...the Tommasi...

In the morning, Mr Stenriker made some local bread...by roasting some wheat...

And some other fluor...

It was nice..

And I got to wear my Myanmar dress...it reminded me of my time in Bhutan...

Oskars sister also made a name tag for the house...base on its appearance...(a sugar box)...

We continued the day by feeding some cows...

with Oak leaf...

And Alpacas...

They were pretty funny animals...

Recently cut...

We also went for a walk...

Omg...a factroy decorating the landscape...

And some stone formation...this area has many smal stones...

...and some bird viewers...

Out there is the ocean...(the baltic sea)...I remember some years ago when I went from STockholm to Gothenburg by boat...and passed by the island out there...(Hanö)...

Some local sheap...

And a sculpture of a bear and a boy picking blue berries...a famous child song poet is from this area...

We also had some local beer in the fridge...

"APA"...American Pale Ale...

Every day we had a huge breakfast...

Oskar doesnt drink coffee since last year...so we had taiwan tea...

We also passed by Oskars parents house...and met his family...

Nice garden...

He even have a special parking lot only for Porsche...

...The next stop was some peninsula where we went for a run...

They also had a sauna...

We wanted to the the animal that is famous from this part of sweden...its called a "Stag beetle"...however we only saw normal beetles...

After the run...Oskar went for the sauna...it was 20 degrees in the water...I was happy with refusing...

He will particiapte in a 3k swimming competition later on this summer...I was about to join him for some practice...but we never had time...

This sauna was public...we dropped some coins in this box...and everything was set...

A swedish organisation for outdoor activites was promotion this house...

Omg..."Bökegöl"...sounds pretty wierd...for lake...

I did some junutsi streching...after the run...wearing my burma dress...I really got some fighting spirit out here...

Next stop was Karlshams city...this is the local brewery...

We drove around for a while...until we came to the harbour....

Where we had some local food...I think...however, I sispect that the salmon was from Norway...

"Fish cabin"...

Some bike trail started from here...

And we also passed by some monument, from a classic swedish movie...(and book)...

And also passed by some sites from the movie...

Like this path...

Omg..."Kv Alingsås"...I feel like home...

More sites where the charactes from the book passed by...

Wow...Live Striptease in this small town...hosted by "McDragan"...

And at this place some famous swedish people interviewed an interesting person, who introduced

We later on went back to our house...and enjoyed another ice cream...

And toblerone...

More Alpaca feeding...

And later on we went north, nearby Växjö to pick up people...

And also got te meet Oskars whole family again...

And later Oskar showed his special Pizza...called "sopsäck"...(garbage bag)...

I had some questions but got the answer: "no why"...

Enjoying a whisky, I felt like I was back in asia for a while...

It was a spicy pizza...

Oskar went to some pizzeria in Africa, hosted by an italian guy, who made "the best pizza in the world":..Oskar if very picky with the pizza...and this cant be anything else thatn a master peice...

He later on wrapped it up...

I also made a pizza...with some left overs...

Omg...the Garbage back...it was very good...

The next morning...Oskar prepared breakfast again..(local style)...

Feeding the Alpacas...

Wow...a ladybug...

At the Stenriker mansion they had honey from a nearby beehive...

I also got to see Oskars porsche...


And got some news about a friends friend of mine...who also studied in Taiwan...

The soap at Stenriker mansion was very intersting...like a grape fruit...

Or...some pig ear...?!?...

They also had a pond...that was cool...

We were now heading a little north, for a hike...

Enjoying the environment of this part of sweden...

Basically, we walked along this river...

Or walked along the "blue" trail...

Oskars dog also joined up...

They also had some sluice, and a path for salmon...

This was a fish counter...

And some archery target...

It was pretty warm this day...

Omg...one of the highest antennas in sweden...

And some dead insect...

The dog was pretty cute...guarding us like a sheep herd..

They hace some clams here thats the most endangered in europe...

We were also fooled to cross the rover at some spot...reminding me of the bridges in the himalaya...(without the mountain views)...

It was even broken at some parts...

We also had a quick stop at some small house...

....where the stream was strong...

Waiting for Oskar...

...who later on showed us a short cut...in the woods...

Wow...a small frog....we counted animals during the trip and got up to 30 different kinds...

We also passed by a huge beech forest...

We have them at the west coast too...but here they are natural...

The dog waiting for Oskar...

And another fake stag beetle....

Many people were paying for a fishing permit in this river...

Some spots were more expensive than others...to get a permit at...

This fisherman had his permit tied to his arm...

But so far they did catch anything...

...each area was called a "pool"....

Later on we also passed by a golf court...

And had a short pause...

Omg....a blue baloon...I wonder who put this one here...

And a strangly shaped stump...

This was almost the end of the trail...

With this house reminding me of the starting ponit of the 20 centimeter ridge that I did in Taiwan last year...

We also collected some trash that others left behind...

At the finish we stopped for a great buffet...

They also had local beer...

I had this one...

Omg...so much food at the same time..."why dont I go for many rounds instead? - "I will"....

More fishermen....

We decided to find a local geocache while here...

It was a pretty big container with a trackable inside...

Later on we went back to Stenriker Mansion...

I found some wild strawberries...

And the ferry to lithuania...

We later on prepared some BBQ with Oskars family...

It was nice...

Even if people have the right to walk on this ground...some people tend to litter...so they had to put up signs that reminded people of not littering...(probably tourists)...

2 kind of sausages was offered...

And Oskar had his phone playing Håkan Hellström...a swedish guy who was having a concert in gothenburg at the same time...

And some drinks...

Oskars parents joined up...

Omg...the glasses down...to much to drink?...

We were also treated some interesting shaped peach...

And hearing some shots from the nearby factory...

Some of the others went for sauna later on...

A sauna on wheels...

Pretty nice...so that they can move it where ever...

It was 20 degrees in the ocean...

Later on we was showed the lake house...and got to sign the guest book...

I was watching a movie before bed...atleast some parts of it...

More bread in the morning...

And later on we feefed the Alpacas...

And the cows...

The dog started to feel irritated with the cows and they had some confrontation...

We later on prepared hamburgers...

Oskar had this own recipes...

Putting them in the freezer...

And after that I went for a tour with the Kayak...

While the others were sunbathing...

It was an adventure...

Many birds and waves were waiting...

After I while it was hard to manage the boat....

...so I headed closer to land...

Inspecting the wind power plants...

And some dutch boat...

And then we went for another small hike...

And passed by some interesting houses...

The goal of this walk was this big oak...

Some thousand year old...

And then we started the last supper...

I was in charge of the hamburger meat...

It was pretty easy...

We didnt make the bread...but the rest was "home made"...

And some rhubarbs pei for dessert...

Before heading back...

Grimeton antennas was still there...some huge antennas:
This weekend came to an end...it was nice...next week more adventure will come...
A new lager try-out...
I finally saw American Phycho last night...

...it was ok...I guessthe book is better...

I also tried this lager...it tasted like a Budweiser...

And saw the first minutes of the movie "ther terminal"...
Another visit to the airport
I passed by the airport today...

And took a way home, passing the hoods where I use to live as a kid...

China is still not aware of what happened 25 years ago in beijing...but this guy, who lives in Taiwan was a witness...
A pizza...
Whie bread is not good for you...if u dont aim to be fat...or depressed...

...but pizza use to be a favorite dish of mine...this was a really small one...
A journey in Taipei
I got a journey in taipei today...

It was a nice ride.
Mingeling in Alingsås
I spent some time in Alingss today...

Meeting my cousin on Kungsgatan...

Tried a pizzeria that I never visisted before...

I had kebab pizza...

And got a lollipop as dessert...

A later on saw some bunnies in the garden...

I also went for a run later on...

Summer is almost here...
Baibai Oscar...
Early monday morning...

...Oscar is heading back to Switzerland...

Omg...a Ladybug...
Bike events on the west coast...
Summer is appraoching...

...its green everywhere...

And potatoes are visible...

And the rhododendron is also blooming...

I was heading out for a trip with a tandem bike...

And did some brownie...

My friend Daniel was trying many combinations of food...

I also spent some time to fix my other...pretty treshy bike...

And then Oscar came home...

He felt like he had to clean his bike...after going for a trip south...

It was a nice evening...