It was a partly sunny day...

People started to celebrate early...

And I went for a run in the forrest...

Later on I also went for a short swim...(due to lack of shower facilities)....

My friends started to prepare the midsummer activitites...

And organizing some other things...

It was a nice lunch...

Its nice...professional chef was helping out...

It was also sunny during the whole lunch...

My cousin Erik had his own Snaps...

...and it contained many things...

Later we also cut the grass...

...since we were doing some games...

Everyone who wasnt born in sweden (or lived abroad) were in one team...

...and we needed a name...

And then we compeeted in many things...

I also had some nice IPA...

Another game...

And some beer drinking...

And Kubb...

I also went for some hiking on the island...

Strange...this barn had a chair on is...

And wild horses and sheep running around...

And doing some stuff...

Then there was dinner prepartions...


Professional chefs...

We had several places for make the BBQ:..

Most people had hamburger...

And drinking alot of snaps...

My friend had ecological snaps...

The sunwas setting pretty late...22-23 something...

But it wasnt dark until 24-something...

I also had a local beer...

People were also shooting fireworks...

And eating some more...

Since there were some foreingers at the island, people were dancing traditional dances...

After some more food...

...people were heading to the sauna...