Running and BBQing in Gbg
I spent some time runing around in the parks and forests of gothenburg recently...

I can recall I have been here in a biology course I took some decade ago...

It was relatively cold this 15 degrees...

...the view was nice from the top of the hills at this place...(gothenburg is down there somewhere)...

But the rain was in the air...

I also went to my cousins house and supported with the computer...for some reason a screen was broken...(i tried a MacGyver solution)...

Omg, later on that day I saw a Giant racing bike...

Epic...i usualy see mountain bikes from Giant in sweden, this was the first racer biking...

Later on I went with from friends to BBQ in the park...

I was asked to support them with a "kubb game":..

It was nice...reminds me of swedish summer...

We played but the other team tend to be more successful...

Some people were BBQ:ing...

This is on of the local Rataract clubs in gothenburg...

Any my friends BBQ bucket...pretty fun design...

Next stop was at Villes place (an old chalmers friend)...however he hurt his foot some week ago and couldnt join out...he was watching the Spain-Holland game at home...

I went downtown to a sportsbar...

Omg...a beer with 65% alcohol...might do it "taiwan style" (to shot it)...

Gothia towers had a nice sun reflection this night...

I passed by the avenue, and listened to some musicians...

And met Jens for the first time in 4-5 years...I worte my bachealor thesis with him at Gothenburg Business school...

Wow...fullmoon night...

I ended the night by cycling to Alingsås...and thought about my friends who are cycling Vätternrundan a 300k cycling competition thats held this night around the second biggest lake in was a nice night...