A rainy day in taipei
I went out for a jog in taipei today...

Omg, people are burning toy money again...

More or less every company has a table with donations, and paper to burn...

New buiding gossips of a economy that might not be to bad..I wish I had some billion NT so that I can invest in real astate and build attractive places for people to rent...

Banquai station, the first High speed rail station outside taipei...

I went to N.Y. Bagels...

Had a blue cheese burger...

And s toast with syrup...

Omg, a girl with a Fjällräven bag...soo cool...

I also passed by my classmates working place...but he was not there...
Projects and wine...

Not that much action in these days...I had a deadline at 1 am and one at 7 am...
After going for a swim, I recovered myself with peanuts and white wine...
Pablo's moving...
Pablo was moving today...and I assisted...

Omg, so many traffic lights...

And scooters...

It was two girls assisting in the moving session...ut they were not there when I arrived...

Omg, the bartender girl was there...

Pablo lived in a room where he paid monthly...which is very good...and rare...usually you pay two month deposit, which you will get back after one year...here in taiwan...

We carried many thngs...and went by taxi to the new place...me and the BT girl...

Wow, nice tower that we passed by, heading north of taipei...

And this bridge, that I have seen many times...with only one pelar holding it up...(maybe only for decoration purpose...)

Omg, pablos stuff on the strees...

"Pablo´s crap...", I wonder what´s in this box...

After carrying things to his new flat...I took the mrt back to the city...he lives near Tamsui...a nice place in Taiwan...

Wow...Kavalan whisky add...never seen before...I think...

Wow, a broken water pipe...

Some guys were working to fix it...

Busted....a taxi driver peeing in the bushes...

Actually, everytime I pass by this road. there are many drivers who pees on the road...maybe its a public peeing point for taxi driver...
Halloween Massive...
I went to Halloween Massive last night...it was in the middle of nowhere...

I had to take MRT and then taxi...but first I had to go to a hotel to adjust my outfit...

Some person suggested that me and my friends shold go as "black and white"...(gray scale)...so we had alot of colours to paint ourselves in...

The people I went there with were taiwanese...they wanted to go to the party at 21...as soon as it opened...which is very common here in taiwan...

They always have a logo, which people can pose in front of...

Omg...no drugs nor smoking...ppl didnt care about the second sign...

It was kind of empty when we entered...as expected...

Some white guy was playing some lounge music...

And there were some performance...

My white and black company...

More people came after some hours...

I think this was cosmic gate...one of 2 DJs that I heard of before...

More performance...

And some "the avengers" look alikes...

And hubert was there...a frnech guy who came as a french guy...

And some puppet...

He did some flying performance...

And had some fire to show up...

People thought it was interesting...

The stage broke at some part...but the guards fixed it later on...

It was crowded at about 1 am...

Nadia Ali was there...

She brought some dancer...

Some people said that my colour was disaperaing...I went around asking some other people...they siad it was ok...I added some white paint anyway...and carried on...

More perfomrance...

More singing...

And then some other white gy entered the stage...ppl thought it was John Dahlbäck...but i doubted...

We went to the local convenient store...where they always have alot of people...and extra staff to handle the sudden boom of customers...

The DJ club were fueling up...

When I came back, the real John Dahlbäck had entered the stage...some locals thought that he is a part of the Swedish house maffia, i was surprised..I never heard of that...however Dahlbäck played some of their songs...I wanted him to play more swedish house...like nause etc...but he didnt...

Most DJs this night playe their own temixes of trance songs...

Not sure it that was the theme of the night...

More performance...

Omg...a swedish flag in the crowd...

It was really full of people after a while...amny people spent alot of money and efforts on ther outfit...very american...

I wonder why they dont have these mascerade themed parties more often...since people seem to enjoy it so much...

Some DJs were using some sparkler to make the show more awesome...

My friends were tired around 3 so we took of...and tomorrow I have to go up early...2012 continues...
Taipei pride parade...
Yesterday was Taipei Pride...

Starting of with a Mcdonalds burger at Ximen...

We walked towards the presidents palace...where the parade was about to start...

Many people were dressed up...maybe due to the upcomming halloween night...

Here it the palace...where the Seikoe Super runner started last year...

We hanged out at the park 228, a famous gay park...

Here people also were wearing outfits...even though it was super hot...

And here is a stage for the ending show...

We were late to the start...so we just saw the final cars taking of...

Super crowded...

This is club mysts wagon...but it can only be enjoyed from one side...due to a wall...

It was totally chaotic...cars buses and people at the same time on the road...

We tried to walk ahead, to catch up on the start...

But realized that it was to hard...it was crowded and sweaty...

We asked about the parade route...and tried to wait at the ending point instead...

While also looking at some people in the parade...

We found at that this road is the ending road...kind of empty...

Omg, quentin, my friends friend...walking on the road, before the parade will pass by...

And here it comes...slowly approaching...also facing a lot of traffic lights and cars and busses it has to stop for...

Some sexy guy on inlines in the front...

And a big flag...poor people...who has been walking in this heat for hours...

And some clubs and organisations that were represented...

Red light...time to take a break...

There were 2 parades that met at this intersection...it was fun...

And cars passing by ramming the parade participators...

It seemed like one of the parades was bigger than the other...

And cops and voluneets, trying to sort the traffic...

Omg...so sexy...people in speedos...ready to take a swim at NCTUs swimming pool?

Club funky had a car...

And people were giving away condoms...

Some people in sailor suits...

And red house..where my favorite burger bar is...

More chaos on the road...

Some brave people trying to direct the traffic...

And quentin again...I went to him and talked..he is so funny...

Later we went to a japanese restaurant...

It was similar to one I have been to in Hsinchu...
Wine and projects
I try to combine wine and projects...

Just like in the old days...
South African restaurant visit...
There are alot of south africans in Taiwan...

On my way to one of them I passed by some festival in Taipei...

There seems to be alot of commercial activities out there...

It was a very small resturant, but still very full of foreigners ...

They didnt have any beers that suited me...

But they had a lot of nice paintings on the walls...

And an interesting burger...

And dressing...I like dressing alot nowadays...since its not that common here with milk based sauce...

And some tar for dessert with cinnamon...
Some daily wine...
Im drinking wine everyday again...

Only for medical reasons...
Project friday
Im working on projects the whole day...boring...and as usual even cleaning and other daily events get prioritized...
A lunch at downtown...
I went to eat lunch at taipei downtown today...it was a place near the night club Carnegie's Taipei

It was a lunch resturant with burgers onthe menu...

I also got a pumpkin soup...and free refill...of coke...

The burger was ok, but not top 5...
Late night temple visit
I visit a temple in the late night...

The place offered a nice night view...

And a path passsing nice equipment for exercising...

And signs that might have been out of date...I didnt find any good view point at the top of the mountain,...
A quick visit to ikea...
I made a quick visit to ikea today...while running in the city...

I bought coffee and chocolate...

And ate meatballs with free refill coke...high on caffein I met Robin...
A new wine purchase...
I bought wine yesterday...

The first store had different price on the shelf compare to reality...so confusing and rude...

After visiting 2 stores, I bought cheap wine thats not corkscrew dependent...I added an italian cheese...time to get healty...
Baibai earth...
Parts of the world is like a gas chamber...

millions of scooters every day...amazing that one can breathe,,,my lungs hurt...no catalysts and no one cares...omg...
Lazy days...
I am experiencing some lazy days...

Starting off with a beer from ikea...

Later on I went to technology building...or a university nearby...

Many forteingers studies there...and alot of activities nearby...

Never heard about this place before...

I was cycling here...its nice to cycle in taipei...

I went to a japanese resturant with some friends...

This guy from vietnam was responisble for the beer distribution... (taiwan beer)...

And some japanese girl picked the dishes togetter with a lady rom taiwan...

Different dishes every minute...

This fried things were nice...

And kimchi...and squid...

And some rice mix...

And this italian pasta was super nice...

Me and my classmate was wearing our indonesian dress...

We got more kimchi later on to...

And fish...thats so healthy...

However, this yolk is not as healthy...I tried to avoid that...

This was mashed potatoes and cheese...one of my favourites...

Later on we went fo another round of food...

We also celebrated a birthday...

Mo sashimi...

And salad...

And pizza...

And more beer...

Then we were exposed to some magic...that was easy to figure out....

I made a roase out of a tissue...it was nice...but someone diped it in beer, and coloured it with soy sauce...

We god more fried things...

On my way back, later on, I was stopped by the police...they are doing a new thing...taking picture of all the bikes in the city...in case it gets stolen, I get a number that I can show to the police and maybe get it back...however...I wonder how a picture can identify a stolen bike...many bikes in taiwan looks the same...and they are easy to change in colour...its better to have a frame number system...
A visit to Turtle island
I went to the east coast i nYilan county...to visit the island, that is a clear sign of th etaiwanese culture to never questionize...the island belonged to the military until 2000, but now its only for tourist purposes. However, everyone who goes there needs to show ID, and foreingers need to bring passport...for registration...no one even considers "why are we doing this"...as usual people are just following authorities commands...

I felst disciminated at the trainstaion, since they at each station has a spot for girls to wait, but no specific place for guys, as if girls are less of value, and thus most have more attention? hmm...not good from a genus perspective...

I passed this point again...same as when I surfed in wai ao, and cycled around taiwan...both Rotary and Lion sign at the same time...

There were many farries in toucheng, ready to go for whale and dolphin safari as well as ship people to turtle island...

I had to go to the mandatory registration, and take copy of my passport, that I had to hand in in advance...since it was a military area 12 years ago...its very strict...

I was ending my miseries with my locally produced whisky...

Everyone needed to wear safe jacket...while going on the boat...

A guide told us thatXueshan is visitble...I think he meant the mountain range xueshan...not the peak...

We were getting closer to the island...but its from the side, that it looks like a turtle the most...

There are botj fishing boats and tourist boats driving around the island...

Here is a stone range...called the tail of the turlte, that changes shape depengin on season...due to wind...

There were many old bunkers left from the military age...

Some were hidden in the cliffs...

It was an importans and strategic place to defend tha island from...

The cliffs were very yellow partwise...thes south side, faced alot of typhoons...during summer time...

And hotsprings...under watter...

There are only 4 places on earth, accodring to the guide where there are under water hotsprings like this...

The water was coloured turqous due to this...this hotspring was closest to the surface among all the four underwater hotsprings...

There use to be alot of smoke here aswell---

But not anymore...

Some earthquake 10 years ago, casued landslides, which covered the place where the moke came from...

I wanted to go closer to the cliffs...

Here are the highest peak on the island...originally 395m high something...

Japanese people used to take the white sand here, and use for the skin...but the chinese government stopped that activity when they came to taiwan, they told us...

The island is not that far from taian, about 10km...more than 700 people use to live her in the 60´s...

Many people come here for a daytrip...since the 70´s there are no on living here...and the military took oever the island for a while...

This is the only bridge...with the coast guards boat constanty there...ther toursit ferries only stay for some minute...shipping tourists...back anf roth...all the day...

Here on can see the whole island...with the head up in the upper right...and the tail in the bottom...

This is the tail...

We got a guide on the island...

And they took us to a souvenir shop...

Let us buy some equipment, since we were heading for the highest peak on the island...

I went to the toilet quickly...seeing this message...

Another toilet had a more philisophic message...

They were selling the Cavalan cap here...same name as the whisky...

There were mostly onld people visting the island...many hash runners...

Omg...they had many kind of snakes here that were lethal...

It was nice to btreath some fresh air as a change...insteadof thousands of pollution schooters idling on the road...

There is the turtle tail...with taiwan in the background...

Wow the end of the path...

With alot of trash...

The military build a bunker on the top...making the "hill" 5 meters higher...thus over 400meters...

I could see some really high mountains from here...maybe the peak of xueshan...somewhere in the fogg...

It was nice that they offered english signs...and infromation boards...

I couls see almot to keelung from here (northest city of taiwan...)

And far away, maybe to Suao...or even further...(a famous surfer place)...

Some of the hash runners drank beer...

Later we were going to go here...to the "village" on turtle island...

Andother sign told us about the strategic posistion of this island...since its so far east...

And they have some map with all the islands...and how they consider their territory to be at...

Each 100 steps up the hill, they had a sign...as well as the tio step...

There were alos of rash in the bushes...

It was a nice walk down than up...atleat not as hot...

The island is dependent on ecotourism nowadays...so there were alot of information about the wild life...this bird, can be found on this island, and some other small islands on the east coast, but not on tawian...even the phillipines has it...(there are also some endemic crabs, that only exists here near the hotsprings)....

I found another sign at another toilet, when i came down...a very clever message...

Many hash runners were taking rest in the "TV room" at the information center near the village...

They showed pics fom the underwater hot springs...I wanted to see a vortex...since these are common at hot springs I heard...

The group continued to the village...after a short break...

And we passed by a temple...the only temple in taiwan with a postal address...

With this number...

This is a ghost town nowaays...but use to be a big fishing village...

Its the Coast guard and some scenis area administration that is reponsible for the island today...why many forinegers wonder why the tai ppl still want others to bring passport when coming here...

The island has two lakes...this is the biggest one...

They use to have a school here....and they taught japanese "until taiwan was restored to chinese administration"...

This is the old school...

And this is the bunker I saw from the ferry...

Its a comprehensive tunnel system..

It reminded me of the tunnel in south kora, made by the north koreans...

But this was far bigger...

We stoped to see a canon...

They had atleat eight places for observing the ocean in the tunnel system...

It was a big community living here some 40 years ago....

We walked around the lake...it was warm...

And the ferries continues shipping peopole all the time...

I saw alot of fishes in the lake...

After the lake tour it was time to return to main land taiwan...

It was crowded on the bridge...

I keps on drinking my whisky..with...omg...57% alcohol...

Well at toucheng, I saw a snake...

And a funny sign at the train station...

It was very crowded on tha train back...as usual there was no extra wagon, no feedback to the system...ppl acept that it will alsys be crowded and thus no reason to improve :S

I ended they day by visiting an all you can eat and drink restaurant...

I focused on fish...and some fruit...the beer was very good, tasted like the ble dór beer that is taipei produced...however it was taiwan beer...

Tey also ahve white and red wine...but the red wine always taste a little wierd here...(even if its from spain)...
Yilan whisky distillery visit...
Saturday was full off adventures...

Starting with panncakes...

Then arguing with tome tai ppl, about that I wanted a students MRT card...I eventuallt got it...

Then I went to yilan...it was a sunny nice day...

A visit was made at Kavalan distilerry (kavalan is the old name for yilan, thats a city near the north east coast of taiwan...)

The is their most famous bottle i think...

They have many differnt kind, and some awards...

This is their main factory...

They also ahve a touristic part of it...with a gift shop and resturant etc...

They hae a home page on kavalanshisky.com (yes english spelling, i was amazed that this USA loving people used engish spelling for once...)

A long queue to try coffee and some whisky...

This is their new thing...a new kind f whisky...maybe...

A king car edition...

They had a musium as well, explaining different kind of whisky...

And this also spelled in english (UK style)...

And telling the differnce between, scotish, irish, american, canadian and japanese whisky...

And how they make the barrels...

By burning...

Haha..."sweet as the girl next door"...did a taiwanese person really compose these words?!?!

And we got to see the factory...

Alot of gadgets...

And a bog group to be guided...

Omg...this is how it looks like, where the whisky is stored...I wonder how big Johhny walkeds room for equivavelnt purpose is...

Spirit Castle...where the whisky is tasted...

We got to try 1 of these kinds...

the most expensive was 6600nt per bottle...(1650SEK or something)...

A guide told us about the special thing about this whisky...

Even the glasses had Kavalan printed on it...

They were also selling coffee from taiwan...never knew "Mr Brown"was madein taiwan...

And many different kinds of coffee...

I also neede to buy something...since I like to buy locally producesitems...

They had glasses, but I dontneed more of those...

I finaly, aftersom calculations figuered out that I should take this bottle...

Outside they were decorating for christmas...

As the night came...we could see the nice shapes of the mountiansin the horizon...

A nice scooter tour inYilan downtown...

To find a nice resturant...

Event the night market didnt have anything good to offer...

Finaly a mexican and italian restaurant was found...

Almost the same dining area...

I hada salad and potato salad to start with...

And had gratain pasta adn quid plus a mexican chicken roll as a main course...not good for a guy in diet...

Later in the nice I saw this again...so cute and funny...they alwasy discriminate ppl here in taiwan...there is not waiting czone for guys at night ;(
Night in taipei...
I had some appointments in taipei on friday night...

Starting out at ikea, to find out that they had 2 new kind of beers...

Continue to the ferris wheel in Neihu...

The light ikea beer was kind of bitter...

We went to a german bar in neihu...where ther staff wars tiroler outfit...and sell "le dór beer (made in taipei...

Nice...but maybe warm...

We all ordered different kind...it was nice...

I also had nachos....

The stephen told us about his new job...and his busy, new life...

WE continued to XImen...to meet johnny...

I had a kiwi juice...

It was at K house...i have never been to this bar before...i think...
Training days...
I start the morning by running...continue by swimming (at a near by gym)...and later on I cycle for a while...
Its my new life style...maybe temporary, but still more athletic than before...(I also take a beer, once in a while...during day time...its a luxurious thing u afford when you dont owe a car)
Its my new life style...maybe temporary, but still more athletic than before...(I also take a beer, once in a while...during day time...its a luxurious thing u afford when you dont owe a car)
Running with pablo
I went out for a run with pablo yesterday...

He did an half marathon last week, and will do a marathon in december, so he is also eager to exercise...

It was a nice evening...i...

We went to this restuarnat later...which he recommended...

Free refill of soup, bread and drinks...just what I wanted...

And some pasta with meat sauce...

It was garlic bread...it was nice to dip the bread in the soup...

Omg, so many scooters...no one cares about pollution...

Later on I made some pancakes...it was nice...
Pancake morning
I made pancakes this morning...had some eggs left since I fried alot of fish...

I couldnt wips the dough well, but it was still ok...
Time to exercise
I have a competition in november...
I will thus start to exercise more the upcoming days...just like last year...

Beer is rich on carbs...and helps a faster recovery...

Togetter with a cheese burger...its makes a perfect combination...
Song of the day
This is the song of the day...old but ok...
On a trip...
Im on a trip, working remote...
Flying over Sweden...
I saw my paretns house when flying to stockholm...didnt take any picture of the house...its ok...I can always take a pic later in life...maybe I get a license for Ultralight aviation, it will b fun to fly over the ice...near the lake...

So convenient...with internet on the airplace...not just a bunch of movies and games that goes slow...

This is a blur pic of the largest lake in sweden...
At landvetter airport
Got a ride by my dad, waited 4 hours for the flight to stockholm...but i love airports...so I enjoyed it...

I ate a nice shrimp sandwish at home, before I left...

At landvetter, u mostly need to check in your lugage my yourself...its faster and cheaper...but of course the market must be mature enough to have such a service...luckily the customers in this part of the world are not that afraid of new technologies...and services...
Sunny day in Sweden...

I can see clouds...but this feels like the first sunny day in Sweden since I came back (more or less)..
Gothenburg visit...(tuesday)...

I finished my cow painting at home...covering an older version...

After a seminar I took the tarin to Gothenburg in a more and more cold autmn sweden, the moose hunting season started yesterday...my father is hunting currently in Småland...

I went to meet up Saamet after arriving...

I has some books that I had to return to the library at Gothenburg university as well...

Saamet had some chinese charaters on a paper in his flat...

We went to a pizzeria...

I ate pizza salad...

...and ordered a kebab pizza...

Saamet...super cool...working on a case this week...(as almost every week...)...

I was wearing a suit today...it was nice...

After fixing some things at my brother I went to my uncle...

And saw his chiwawa...

I asked me to reinstall his old printer...which casued him trouble...

I got some pretzels...bought from Växjö...super good ones...

And installed open office...

He has a rowing machine near his TV...incase he want to exersice...

My cousins were chilling out...

I go my fathers bus card...so convenient...

Cosy lightning...

And heaters in the train...for a cold country...

And sockets...which is nice...so that laptops and cellphones can be charged...
Gothenburg visit...(monday)...
I did a short visit in gothenburg last night...

Omg, a plant in the stair way...so cosy...

Spent time at Therese place...with some beer...

She has nice paitinings...I got inspiration to paint more myself...

We were watching youtube clips, with her on...I had to show some that I participated in as well...

She has some hardcore tattoos...

And a lamp which bulb from the 70´s or something...

Second beer...was with ale character...it was good, especially since I used a beer glass...so professional

She told me that many coulpes use to have different softness on their kingbed...(one hard side and one soft side)...didnt know...

Its often different mattress on the bed part...

Third beer...from the north of sweden...

This is Therese...she has her snus to her left...a swedish tobacco...which they also are selling in taiwan since some year ago...

Its a nice chill out place...

Later on I went to Eberth...he just bought a new light for his bike (or something...)...super strong...

He also bought an issue of Faktum...a magazine that homeless people are selling...but he never reads them....

He also had a Bourgogne...sweet...I expected some russian stuff...since he was there some weeks ago...

I had to tell him everything I knew about wine...(it went pretty quick)...

Russian stuff?

His parents will come tomorrow, so he preapared many things...for them...

He will go to africa during christmas, else we would probably go for a bike trip in winter...
Beer brewing
i went to buy some things to brew beer.

I was told that this place has the equipment...

Omg, some one has been managing this store well, separate entrance and exit, nice signs to find the items and information at the entrance about sales...

Alot of things to make wine as well...
I might not have time to brew my own beer this week...maybe later...atleast, now I have the things thats needed...
Hi hi Jehovas
I got jehovas for a visit...

Omg im fat :S

He gave me some magzines...(one of the most distributed in the world, in over 200 languages, since 1879)...
He was born the same year as borg stenmark vasslund, and claimed that that was a good year to be born.
I gave him some good books as well (or i wrote the titles on a post-it), such as nextopia and the ones my friend recommended some week ago...
At Växjö, in Småland
I went to Växjö and Tegnaby yesterday...heading further in to the land...
Working at the summer house, and almost attending a hunting session.
Working at the summer house, and almost attending a hunting session.

But before that I went to play some floorball in Alingsås...

Meting some friends here that I knew since I was 13...

Things are the same here...

Just talking around and figure out that things are the same at home...

Warez Anders is working near the west coeast but is taking the car to alingsås weekly...

At 14 we left the house...

Oscar wanted food at Guslaved...he doesnt seem to handle a life without eating on certain times...

His favorite place was closed so he went to this buffet...

The tire company facility seems to still be here...a super big house...

Autumn is really coming to sweden...

Its still schorts weather, but raining every day...

Växjö use to have a military base...but not anymore I think...

The town has a new arena...

We went to order kebabpizza...

And I found Julmust at ica...awesome...I bought a bottle...

Wow...so many kind of marabou chocolate...

The staff wer using bow ties...

The cathedral of växjö is in the background...

After 15 mins the kebabpizza was done...

My uncles new house...

Some ranomd horse running around...

My father bought alot of new things for the house recently (since last time I was here)...

The walls need new paintings...

Some swedish glass wases...

Another room...looks a little old fashion...

We prepared the porch...

Then ate pizza...

Växjö kebab pizza...

And Czech beer...

My bro is covering his face...

Sun is about to set...

Old fields of sweden...many graves form the viking age are in the forrest...I was looking for a stonehenge when I was young...but these are super smal in comparison to the real stonehenge in England...

No late towards the west...

The uppsala cabin, I like that house...now my fathers cousin has it...(thus our neighbours)...

And my uncles new house...it will be done before christams I hope...

And my stonehendge field, (I will make a copy of stonehendge here in the future...)...since I feel like the environment here and in Bath in england is similar...

We have many old pics from my childhood here in the house...

My father bought some candies, to trigger a more efficient working phase...however I finished my part already in the night....before the real working seeions started...

We also had to clean the porch after cutting the planks...

Then it was TV-time...these guys were super tired...

And went to bed early...I enjoyed TV for the first time in some year...before bed time...

Day number 2 we were fixing in the garden...

Cutting branches...

First bush is done...

Second bush...

My brother is working slowly in the background...

A guy wanted the leftovers...

To heat up his house...

Bush 2 is done...

Fixing porch number 2...

The rain created some problems...

Lasy brother is watching TV...one of the only things to do here...for a person who is raised in the country side...

Ready to head back to gothenburg...

Baibai Oscar...he will leave later tonight...

Some family portraits...

Bus terminal in Växjö...

Nice with free wifi on the bus...

I made a quick stop at Jönköping, watching the second largest lake in sweden: Vättern...
Alingsås hang out...
My life contains alot of hang outs...for the moment...

There are still alot of deers runing around in the garden eating apples...

I think there are 2 or 3 of them living near the house...

I ate alot today...baking both pizza and cinnamon buns...

Its moe sugar in teh dough in the buns...

I speeded up the raisining time, by using the oven...

And added extra butter for the buns...

And 4 different kind of cheese for the pizza...

Super good...

I also had some ribs for dinner...

And the buns for dessert...

Later inthe night I took a run downtown...watching drunk kids and local folks...
More chilling in sweden...
I continued the day by "fika"...its a swedish verb...

...Meaning eating some nice things...like cinnamon buns and drinking coffee...

Later on I went to Therese...

We went to a local bar, to buy pizza...where they also had alot of nice beer...

Many people were there...they were watching ice hockey...

I bought this beer...it was raining outside...perhaps the rain water pierces through the box...it was alot of sauce onthe pizza...

She had a nice globe near the TV...

And alot of candies on the table...I like...

What is this!?! 2 TV´s back to back...only a wall separating them...omg...
The day of the Cinnamon bun
Its the day of the cinnamon bun...

Its as close as it gets...so far...
Bai bai mom
I drove AM to the airport last night...

I wont c her until christmas or something...she heading to the US for a while...
Another hangout...
Im hanging out at my parents house again...will drive my mom to the airport tomorrow, shes heading to USA.

Cycling in the night...seeing Brudaremossens TV antenna...its interesting...

Im preparing some projects and making nacho lasagna...adding alot of garlic, and strong cheese...

And different sorts of tomatos...

The nachos were flavoured...

Then the layering began...

And parmesan cheese on the top...

It was a good appetizer...

For dinner it was a far more north european dish...

With cowberries (lingon berry jam) etc...

I ended the day by acting taxi driver for some folks...tomorrow morning im heading to the airport...another taxi arrangement...
Gothenburg visit
I went to an old classmate last night...it was fun...

Also celebrating an kind of old friends birthday...a chinese guy, so we sangin chinese...but the conversations were held in 3 different languages...

Its still raining alot...doesnt bather me so much...except that I might catch a cold, if im wearing wet clothes to often...

I also tried this beer, my danish friends favorite...it was kind of spicy...

While at my old classmate I got some books recommended...like this one...

And this one...

And this one...

He often gives me good book advices...and some nice food...before cycling back to alingsås...
Raining every day...
I think it has rained everyday since I came to sweden. Atleast once...many times the whole day...its an interesting observation...
Sunday in Alingsås
I was trying to do some project work...on a weekend...

But also had time to visit grandma...

She had my postcard from Sydney...

They have a guestbook that I signed...

She kept on mentioning the amount of fingers I showed...so my V-sign became a W-sign and here she said "four" (but in swedish)...

Then I picked some winter apples...

And made some paintings...theme: Batman...