Pablo's moving...
Pablo was moving today...and I assisted...
Omg, so many traffic lights...
And scooters...
It was two girls assisting in the moving session...ut they were not there when I arrived...
Omg, the bartender girl was there...
Pablo lived in a room where he paid monthly...which is very good...and rare...usually you pay two month deposit, which you will get back after one in taiwan...
We carried many thngs...and went by taxi to the new and the BT girl...
Wow, nice tower that we passed by, heading north of taipei...
And this bridge, that I have seen many times...with only one pelar holding it up...(maybe only for decoration purpose...)
Omg, pablos stuff on the strees...
"Pablo´s crap...", I wonder what´s in this box...
After carrying things to his new flat...I took the mrt back to the city...he lives near Tamsui...a nice place in Taiwan...
Wow...Kavalan whisky add...never seen before...I think...
Wow, a broken water pipe...
Some guys were working to fix it...
Busted....a taxi driver peeing in the bushes...
Actually, everytime I pass by this road. there are many drivers who pees on the road...maybe its a public peeing point for taxi driver...