Pizza at school
My result was worse...

It was all typical Taiwanese pizzas with mayonnaise and corn, and squid...
Mate in da lab

It felt like old times, when me and my sister zipped Mate and ate dulce de leche, when my sister lived in Argentina.
It was a pity that it contained caffein, I had hard times sleeping that night.
Busy days and busy nights

At 24.00 some person droped. We where still 3 groupmembers there finishing it up.

02.00 we where still there, but some took a nap.
We went home at 04, when we finaly were done with the revizing.
The morning after (4 hours later), some classmate called me, asked if he could use my shower. His group worked all night (thus no sleep) on their project, to be able to handing it in, on time.
So tired or could be worse for my sake.
Vietnamses Sportsday at NCTU

15 people signed up in our tean, 4 showed up. A common action here at NCTU, Taiwan ;)
We played 3 matches in football, but we needed to borrow player from other teams, and from the audience...
Later on I was suppose to play Table Tennis, but due to some accident, some poeple was not registered in the game. So I gave my place to my friend, and did ot play at all..
During lunch we made toast, my own kind of croque monsieur.

It was cheese from Holland on the toasts...a big contrast from the Taiwanese food here on campus.
After this it was some entertainment, and we ended the day by going to taipei.
Hectic friday
Then I had a new meeting.
Life is fun.
I ended the day by eating at a nearby restaurant.

It was pizza on the menu, but it was very small (same as I ate some week ago, but different flavour).
After that I went to buy an oven. so that I can make croque monsieur and kladdkaka. it will be great....
My Tattoo...
So she gave me some tattoos.

This blur image illustrates my right arm. In chinese it says Jiao tong Da xue, which means Jiao Tung university (NCTU), my school.
Typical taiwanese classroom

To have students sleeping on the back row is not a rare sight...I guess they had hard time studying the whole night...
Perhaps changing the school policy?
Floorball Wednesday
And after visting mosburger i went to play floorball.

We played for some hours.
Later on I did my laundry again... only a shirt wasted this time :s
Now I have some case studies...
Hamburger tuesday.
It is easy to get tired of the tai food...always rice, rice, rice and sometimes noodles...

Swallow, my vietnamese classmate is posing when we ordered food... Mosburger is a common hamburger restaurant in Taiwan...They even have one in campus. It is kind of expensive...but it is atleast thick meat, bread and sauce.

We spent alot of time with a business plan at school...
I am used to write business plans, since I have participated in Venture cup in sweden for 5-6 years in a row. Here it is almost the same...but asians has a different way of designing the business plan. I am not sure about how. but i hope to understand it until next week when we must present our business proposal.
Then i was suppose to study for tomorrows midterm, but another meeting apeared...
and then it was time for my second hamburger...
Then, finally I could focus on what to regard for tomorrow.
Song of the day:
Mohombi feat. Akon - Dirty Situation (Prod. by RedOne) 2 swedes and one Senegalese.
Harvard case monday
It feels strange that an MBA program from an non harvard school is marketing itself as having harvard cases, why not make their own?
I had class as usual on monday 9-21.30...even though I had a break between 12-18.30...
Now I listening to music and finishing my case...
The song that is on repeat is:
Mohombi - Bumpy Ride (Chuckie Remix)
KFC sunday
I ended the day by eating at KFC with some was super 2 desserts, made it a "super full experience"
Football day
From the beginning it was ment that NCTU (My school), NTHU (neighbour school), NTU (A big university in Taipei) and NCKU (A university in Tainan) should play in a tournament. NCKU never showed up.

First we ate pizza, then we got uniforms (they had the same colors as sweden plays with, blue and yellow). The other 2 universities started to play the first game (30 + 30 minutes).
Then it was our time...
We did not play super well, we lost the first game...

Many supporters was watching.

And there was a ceremony afterwards and further more food.

After the not so successful games I went to a japanese restaurant in Jhubei north of Hsinchu.

It was nice, then we went to a bar and back to campus.
tomorrow it is gourp meetings at school...
Friday after 10 weeks?
perhaps 10...

We played some football, practicing for tomorrows competition...
It was fun.
Then we went to get pizza, but the restaurants we visited was closing, so we went for a hotpot.
B.K. Thursday

It was marketing management, we have a software that is suppose to simulate a real market... (but it is not so good), and we are a company that needs to invest in some products, on a high competitive market.
The ones who knows second year students has an advantage since they know how to act...
We are mostly playing around...

Then we went to Burger King at a near by area...i have been at the area before but never inside the Burger King...
I ordered alot of side was kind of greasy but ok...
Afterwards I went to some freinds, we tried to watch a movie. but there was no projector availabe in the building...I wanted to see Sound of music...(a sing along session)
perhaps I will go out running tonight.
boring wednesday
& I prepared for a quiz

After the midterm I went with some classmates to eat Pizza.

I ordered a mexican pizza, I took a long time for them to make it, it was taiwanese was good.
The swedes had floorball night (innebandy), but I did not have time to particiapte.

Next time I will participate, since floorball is so fun.
boring tuesday
I have a midterm tomorrow, for which I have not studied anything...
I plan to go moutain climbing next month, but it is hard to make any plans in such a range, since things always pop up at school.
I think I will buy an oven this week, so that I can bake things...
boring monday
Taiwanese washing-machines...
I also spoke to the janitor, and he said, that even if it says that they have hot and warm water, it is all cold. so I also need to pour in extra water to incread the probability of a clean outcome.
Well, now I will go back and rewash the clothes.

Common view after washing (3rd shirt in 2 month)
Study in Taipei (episode 2)
First we went to ximen (a central part of taipei) for a while (same cafe as last time, the staff cheated me, charging me more than they said before, it reminded me of south east asia) :(

While there I called my professor, some lady answered and said the the event was cancelled. So me and some of my friends went to IKEA instead.

As usual there was alot of swedish stuff there.

I ordered meat balls, as usual. And it is always "all you can drink" soft drink at ikea. But I did not break my old record of 15 glasses, since I did not want to be dependend on a toilet for the rest of the evening.

There after I went to the store to buy swedish chocolate.

And a swedish beer.
We hanged outside ikea for a while, until we met some other classmates.
That turned out to be a short meeting, just after we met, they went back home. And just the europeans went to a club.

I studied some statistics since i have a quiz next week. It was a good combination, the background music was a "lounge" kind of music.

It is was a nice place we went to. I have been there before. It is kind of in the "party district" of taipei.
When they closed, we met up some other swedish guy who was at another club, and took a taxi back home.
Dinner with swedes
He joined us when the chalmers students and some other swedes ate at some tai restaurant yesterday. also some other people joined up.

We stayed for some hours, then some went down town, while me and some friends went back to campus.

Many students are studying for their midterm these weeks, I had one last week i have one next week and one in 2 weeks.
So during the nights people goes to the bars and take a beer, to rest their brains and recover from all the studies.
So we hanged out with these kinds of students for a while.
Then we went home.
Taipei tomorrow?
Taiwan cold culture
Some foreinger in my class adapter to this habbit.

It looked interesting.
Movie night
Song of the week is:
Nicole Scherzinger - Poison (Dave Aude Venomous Radio Edit) Official Remix
Expensive coffee

in some way, a fox eats the coffee beans, and shit them out. And this is the uniqueness of the coffee...
I dont understand why they promote it to be "expensive" as if that is a reason to buy it... (1 cup here is 300NT = 75 SEK, some times it is 800NT or more) and that is considered cheap since it was bought in indonesia.
Apparently even Oprah Winfrey tried this exclusive coffee.

It was approved with certificate and everything.
Now all I need is a perculator and a filter...hope there is no peices of fox shit left in the coffee.
Lunch with Dean
I came late to my chinese mid-term presentation, but it was ok...
Then I had class and then meeting after meeting...
Perhaps I will do some short excersises now, then go to bed...(atleast that is my plan)
some people are what we in sweden call "bangers", check urban dictionary, it might explain what it means there...
Anyway. We went to hotpot this evening...(all of us foreingers...) 7 people.
it was a cheap one that I have been to before.

We really ate alot...
foreingers tend to eat more that tais...especially since 3 of us was about 90kg or more...
(the the amout of plates).
First you pick your food in the food stand.

Mostly meat was on the plates...

Then you put it in your own pot. and cook it for a couple of minutes...
and add some spices...
icecream was included...

We ended the day by going to a 7-11 for something to drink...
tomorrow I have chinese presentation.
A visit to the fire museum
We took the bus from the campus. and stoped by a park where they played chinese chess...

These two guys played at first, then I was challenged by the guy to the right.
I did not have time to finish, since we needed to continue with another bus from here...(read: I did nothave time to win...or lose)

When at the museum, it turned out to be a read fire station...
just some part of it was for visitors...
they had a claustrophobic tunnel, which i tried before in Sweden.

They even had a fire truck there, and the pole for the firemen to rappel themselves, like in the ghostbusters...

I evidently tried one heavy fireman hat..., only the rest of the outfit missing.

We ended our visit by going up the the tower...built 1937. perhaps one of the highest buildings in Hsinchu at that time. There after we took the bus back.
Hao a!
Boring monday
Tomorrow we have interactive class with our information management techer.since he will stay in taipei, while we (the students) are in Hsinchu.
Sunday in da lab
in the end of the day I went to eat chinese food with my spanish friend Pablo.

We ate food with sweet and sour was nice. since they dont sell it in Campus as often as they use to do...
After that we went to Nova, a big store in Hsinchu where u can buy electrical equipment like cameras, computers, cellphones etc. Pablo bought an MP3-player.
Study day in taipei
Well many people say "yes" on that question...
To spend a day studying there does not make it more fun.
So me and some friends went to Taipei to study today.
We took the bus to Taipei and the MRT (Metro) to Ximen, which is a nice place with alot of stores...

I went there with a spanish class mate and 2 americans...
We stopped by a stand to buy some pancakes...

...before we entered a nice cafe, where I drank japanese green tea and french baguette. I might have lost my wallet in that place...since I did not have it when I left...
Anyway...after that we went to some near by area to drink some more tea...and study alittle bit more..but it was alot of music. and sitting outside when it is rainning is not so comfortable...

Cort served me coconut milk tea...

the spanich guy took a beer...

After a while my american friend took a strawberry whiskey...
(the other american left to check in to a hostel).

I got to try his...but it was not as good as my milk tea...
the bars name was teddy bear..something...

And they had some huge bears at the entrance...
We stayed there for an hour, and then we met up our filipino friend...
togetter we went to a cuban restaurant...

We did not get so much done there...they had live music..,.that was nice...

The food was even nicer...
After some hours we took a cab back to the bus station.
Tomorrow I might stay in Hsinchu...
Another market day at the campus...
It was near the lake...

The were selling fruit etc. I did not have time to buy any. Perhaps next time.
sunny and then rainy friday
After not have been doing so much...I went to a dinner with the Chalmers Asia students (as a alumni). We went to a BarBQ in Hsinchu was a nice sunny friday afternoon...almost after sunset.

We where more than 20 people...It was a typical japanese BarBQ.Very good food..
After that some of my friends quickly went home, me and some others went to a near by bar a.k.a "the red bar", where mostly foreinger goes.

It started to rain while in the red bar...we met some other classmates there.
after that my swedish friends went home...

I continued to a friends birthday party at a KTV/Motel near the ocean...
It was motly latinos there, so the music that was played was also latino..
at 3.40 I think we went home..It was still reminds me of sweden :)
taipei tomorrow!
Last class of the week...
I just had a meeting after class, and then I met my friend ChaoYing. We went for Teppanyaki, tha japanese restaurant. She also gave me a birthday present.
After this the GMBA students was about to have a movie night...but we did not have any projector.

So we went to 7-11 and drank a beer and ate hotdog.
The screwed surface...

I ate the "Screwed surface" meal today..that I showed some days ago... it was not that much of a hit...
but it was nice to eat some real pasta as a change...
Football again...
It seems that we have alot to do in school...or perhaps it is just a thing they do here...but people tend to say they will come, and then they just dont...
But almost every clsss has projects and that requires meetings. Besides there is a midterm week approaching (next week) (as if quizzes was not enough...many courses has an exam in the middle of the semester).
I played with taiwanese and was fun...

The lights are on at the running court.. even at 22, that is later than on fridays...
In the end I passed by my pentry...

The indians were cooking and eating food...jummy!
Cleaning day...
I took it ceriously..and sweeoed the whole floor...
Rearranged some chair etc...
We who get scholarship need to do it...

This is my equipment
Interactive class today
My information management teacher is running for mayor in he has not so much time to teach us, especially since he lives in taipei, it is time consuming to travell back and forth...
Today we started a new way of teaching, internet...
Even thought we could stay at home, many students choosed to be in the lab.
It was took about 1 hour or more just to check the attendance...
then the teacher says that he will to attendance checks randomly during the class...
We also had the opportunity to chat with eachother by the software...
Halloween is over...time for Christmas
Not did even halloween have time to end before christmas season begins....
in sweden we have some rules about Christmas since it is a part of our culture...even since viking age...
But here there are no rules...some places has a x-mas tree the year around...
I entered the store last week and what I saw was buncheds of x-mas stuff....
They said that I cannot take pics inside the some reasons, so I took them standing outside...
They dont have ljustakar...perhaps at IKEA...
My birthday
I might go to 7-11 afterwards...
29 is not so much of an it even a prime?
After class me and some friends went to 7-11...

and did what I often do here in taiwan with foreigners...drink beer, or other beverage
my indonesian friend had some beers from was exotic