All you can eat and Drink in Banqiao
I just paid a short visit to FE21 in Banqiao...

On the 12th floor they have an all you can eat and drink...

This is the name...

Ad this is the price...

Many dishes...

Mostly steak and sushi...

I went all in on pistage nuts...

All in!

And some desserts...this time I did not eat that much sweets in the beginning...and since I came rather late i didnt have too much time for just picking around...

Omg...15 people or 1000kg, welcome to light weight taiwan...
An Ericsson visit, Beerbar visit and BurgerBar visit
I went to Far eastern hospital station today...

I never been here before...

...I was meeting some Ericsson people...

We went to a vietnamese store...

Not sure about the difference between vietnamese and taiwanese food...when I was in veitnam i remember eating oysters with wasabi...

Ericsson is expanding alot nowadays...

Buidling these stations...

I later on went to Barhi in Beitou with the guys...they will only stay in Taiwan for a short while and wanted a full experience...

They have many brands here as usual...

My friends thought it was awesome...they recently went to Yilan, and the tai-people there gave them "taiwan beer", when they asked for Yilan imcompetent...

The wall with autographs were even more painted now than before...

They also had some food...

A new burgerbar is in town...

So I later on I went to taipei 101...for that burger bar...

They had bikes in the ceiling...

And a super big fan...

And Steves beer and kopparbergs...

My burger was ok...

But still expensive compare to Cosbys...

And it was "free refill" of soft drinks...but the staff never watched the I had to walkin the kitchen myself...which they didnt like...contradictional...

I ended the night in ximen...

With another smoothie...

I aso saw a guy with a propeller on his cute...

Omg...a fjällräven bag again...
Wednesdays event...
I started the wednesday by going to one of my favorite All you can eat, in Banqiao...

It seems to be a successful chain store...

They have nice ice cream...

Else I went all in on sushi, nuts, mango and cheese...

...and pizza...

I had my 30 second camera with me...

...what did Johan eat today?...

I ate all their nuts...

...and some brownie...

Later on I took the bus to Hsinchu..w wet bus...

...not sure why..but the rood was leaking...

As usual the AC was on...even if the outside temperature was 12 degrees...(it seems to be a sign of luxury)...some even plugged the AC hole...

I tried some swedish Somersby...

And I also donated a red lamp to the DJ club...which I visited...

And gave a good friend of mine, a birthday gift...

He was playing music at the DJ club for a while...

Many people were there...but they have a new the shut off the electricity at 10pm...

So then no one can stay...

I was also wearing my 30 second camera...

Martin, my swedish friend was also there...

At 10, everyone gathered outside...and had nowhere to go...

The swedes wanted to go I joined up for a while...

I had a was "soso"...

At Barfly...a relatively new place...(some years old) far as I know...

I late rin the night tried Popcorn Chicken...not sure why it was called that...since i never felt any popcorn flavour...
A thursday in November...
I havnt been to Flavors since 2008/2009...

But yesterday I went there again...

They have interesting paintings...

I got the opportunities to try nice food...

It was all from sweden...

Things I know is swedish but havnt tried there either...

And ended with a super nice apple dessert...

It is also possible to see taipei 101 from here...

We also passed by many other places in the this "hidden" bar...not sure about the name...but I would never find it if not anyone told me it was there...

Next stop was is in DaAn, where my friend use to live...

It is a cheese and wine place...

Just like in FE21 department store they keep the wine in some glass room....

And a nice bar...

Joel was not happy with his merlot he asked for something stronger...

And a nice cheese plate...I almost felt like home...

Omg, bire with honey...

And some brittish cheese I havnt heard of...

They also carved ice cubes...for some reason...

It was not a cheap place...

Then we mingled with the was fun...

Joel knew her a little since he use to live here...

And he had his new Cowboy shirt...super cute...

I have been in this area before...

But then I visited this place...without beeing able to enter...since it is a popular place...(but then it was a friday)...

They have plenty of drinks...but no drink list...the bartender told me that he knew the drinks anyway...I just needed to ask...

He kind of miss understood me...but it ended up that me and joel got the same beer...

And I got a pinacoloada...which was pretty nice...

Joel also made a buy some things before he dies...I will check before he dies if he kept his promise...

Next place was On tap...

They had "open mic" evening...many funny guys were talking...however...we were pretty late...and many missed the best ones...

I tried a new beer...

Joel knew many people here...

This indian guy was pretty funny...

And this south african guy as well...most of them have lived here for ten years or more...

We also met a guy from norway...thats amazing...he is the second norweigan guy i meet here...ever...

Next stop...brass monkey...the ppl at the entrace acted like ass holes...

Not service minded...

Many brats were here...

My norweigan friend was professional, he just entered withou any paying...

I met ppl who worked in my industry...its always nice to make contact...I need a ner business card...

Aso this brittish guy was interesting...he tried to sell insurance in taiwan...

Joel is also brittish, it was a perfect match...

We also made him buy Kopparbers support sweden...

My norweigan friend seemed to enjoy the place...he got alot of attention from the girls...

And the staff got alot of tip...
But tomorrow is another day with new adventures...2013 continues...
Taipei Beer run
I came to taipei today at 6...

Back in taiwan, the heaven for scooter lovers...

And where birds are not allowed to take bus...

Directly when I arrived to went to the beer run near guring riverside park...

Many people were there...

My friend christopher was promoting it...

They didnt have any beer at the start, so many people went to a local 7-11 to buy some...

Many foreingers there...

The queue system didnt work totally...some queues were 1 or 2 people...

Long queue here...people prefered line up on this one...

I haf a Gold medal Taiwan beer...

They started people every 20 minute...

And we needed tattoos and an age check before we could start...(but they never checked it for real, i guess anyone could have started and participated for free)...

Many people taking pics...

And alot of light beer waste...but this we could not drink...

Everyone needed to wear the "beer run" t-shirt...

Some people ran, some walked, it was 3 km in total...

At many places they already wasted all the beer...I guess the early birds had more fun...

The first pitstop...

I felt sorry for people try to cycle crowded...

And no strucutre...the kids working here did now know how to manage it...they asked everyone to queue somewhere else...(i guess its a consequence of the high power distance in this culture), since no one came with any good solution, just do as they were told...(barely anyone got to drink here...(when I passed by)...

They had this malt drink at the first stop...

The ran continues...

Ukulele performance...

I use to run on this field...its close to zhonghe...

Some maze that the participatns needed to passs, mad upon beer cans...

They were all full...

Some people took the bottles....

After a while everyone ended up stealing cans from the decoration...

After onther 10 mins we came to the end...

And got a medal...

With super long queues for everything...I alwyas wonder why they dont have double instead of single queue system...chalmers often has it, it speeds up the distirbution by double...

This was some competition, that people lined up for...not sure what you could win...

More queing...

Another queue...

I won a beer helmet...

And tried some peanuts, with makes my mouth go numb...not a good idea to eat if i want to be able to drink...

The queue were very slow, many foreingers blocked the entrance...since they didnt display who won, except on internet, they wanted to ask if they won, befoing queuing for 20 minutes...

But if they won, they took the prize was irritating for those who lined up...

But drunk foreingers dont care about others...

This is the prize...

Omg, a guy sneaked a whole box of beer...

I had my beer from the maze...some nice guy shared...

Else everyone got 3 cans...

I went back to the maze to see if they had any cans left...but it was all gone...

Some guys took a box of beer...and so did I...they had soo much left over...

Later I went to an all you can eat and drink...

It was with hotpot and sushi...

And Tsingtao beer...

Joel was amazed by the fish...

We also went by costco...

And tried local whisky...

And checked the wine...

Omg, christmas is approaching...

Later we went out drinking...and catching up on time...

Many different kinds of beer...

I also brought my glass from the oktoberfest in Munich...

To get the real beer feeling...(but it didnt taste better)...

They restores the hi-life near Joel...not sure why...but it was a face-lift...
Tuesdays adventure...
I started the day with a brunch at taipei main station...

A place i seldom go to...since its often full...

MY friends had breadkfast...

Mostly european style i guess...(or american)...

I had a hamburger...

Later I went to Dihua street...a crowded street, before chinese new year...

The traffic lights created long queues on the street...

They were selling candies...(asian style)...

And moste things were in red and gold...

And many things one can try...

Slimy stuff...

The main entrance was not far from the bus station...

Many strands...

And wheat or soemthings from different parts of the world...

And peanuts for girls and boys...

And the cracker I tried in Xianluiqui outh of kaohsiung with my friend Allen last year...

Lego candies...

Dry prawns...and fish and other insects...its hard to know if its sweet or salt, vegetarian or non-vegetarian what u eat from these markets...

Another stands selling peanuts aimed for boys...

Alishan tea...

A temple for single people...

Many tai ppl praying...

Slime candies...

Meat skewers...

Boy and girl nuts again...

This lady wanted to take pics with us before we left...soe kind of advertisement for some taipei magazine...

A tram near taipei main station...

And i bought train tickets to taidong...(its hard to get tickets for things nowadays...chinese new year is a week of the year when chinese countries stands still...chaotic...

This store is useful, they sell 300nt phonecards for 250nt...I must buy my card here next time...

The store can be found here...

I went to TLI after so lucky...cruising downtown, and find the street directly (this is another language school on the same street)...

Taipei Language Institute...

Later I went to kgb burgers...

The waiter was from the philippine...same as my friend who joined me...he thought her name was Maria, I asked, and it was correct, it was a typical philippino name...

I had a blue cheese burger...

They had beer from many parts of the world...
A trip to Yilan
I went to Yilan yesterday...

Taking the was convenient...

I was dropped of at the same pace as I left from after my 53k marathon this summer

On road 9, going from Taipei to the south of taiwan, passing the east mountains...

And the hill, that I often take pics of, which I ran up on at the same marathon...

Wow, a chirstmas tree, in novmebrer...welcome to taiwan...

I brought my Whicky, that I never finished from last time I was here...

Yilan by night...if often seems like a very small village...

A famous night market

This was famous...

I bought some fried salad...and also met 2 girls from france and germany, who was here 1 year as rotary exchange students...interesting...many restrictions...

This place was also famous...

A nice temple in the city...

Wow, Yilan produced beer...

They had 4 different with I drank in singapore...

I never heard of this brand before...

I tried all the kinds, excet the algea one...

One had pineapple flavour...tha dark one was suprisingly good...

They also had dance performance...

Faomus place...maybe...

And this to...

Omg...Alishan tea...

I went to a uesum the day after, near Wai ai, where I use to go and surf...and where the boats leave to Turtle island... many umbrellas...

_nice view of Yilan, with turtle island in the background (taiwans only active vulcano...)...

And mountains...xueshan...for instance...

Andanintersint projection of rht world...not using mercator... many lakes in Yilan...I love taiwanese lakes...

How to spell "Qing" dynasty? "Cing"!?!

Or "Qing" dynasty?

or "Cing"...

Or "Qing"...

Or "Cing"...even in the same paragraph they used different spelling...confusing...

"Gaga" so intersting...

Omg so many island I wanna visit...

An old map of Taiwan, made by dutch people...

Wow...5000 years ago...people settled in Yilan...

Aboriginal tattoos, reminds me of the tattoos in New Zeeland...

And the move Seediq Bale...

And at the Souvenir ship, one could by the Eiffel tower...

And miniatures of the museum...

On the way out, I saw some lockers for umbrellas...some one could bend lose anyway...but it was a interesting solution...

A resturant was the next stop...

They had alof of pics of fishes...

It was still raining in this "they rainy city" of taiwan...

So taiwan, they serve chicken with the head on the plate...

More rain...

Here is a map of a water fall in Yilan...

One had to walk a path up hill...

It was kind of touristic...

But also nice...

Aobut 20-30 meters high...

Up towards the jungle...

In the winter, it get snowy here...(or in the near by area)...

I bought a bottle of the local beer...a dark beer...

Later I went to the german restaurant at taipei main station (that is 100% taiwanese, btw)...

And alot of side ddishes were ordered...

Spicy of the guys going there did an "italian", he took the reciept for company purpose, while everyone paid for themselvess (more or less)...omg south europeans...

After this a trip was made to a spanish bar in the city...

The door was locked...but it was full party in side...

Many ppl at the bar...

And in the basement they had a band that played and people danced...

I tried this german beer "Faust" was fruity and good...

Many foreigners there...I will come back here some day to try their spanish food...
Taipei super runner...
I joined a running competition today...

We went up early in the morning...

Many runners were there...maybe more than 10000 (which i guess is much for beeing taiwan).

Me and my classmate Pablo were the ones who participated...but we had great support from another classmate as was just in front of the presidential palace...

Everyone started at the same was thus like Vasaloppet...
I better b in the front, since I hate having to push myself through slow people...
I think I got the time 45 mins something...which was ok...since I really never felt tired...and didnt have time to eat anything before the race...

There was alot of freebees that was given to the participators...however people needed to queue to get them...
super long queues...

Afterwards people got diplomas...

And there was also a lottery, based on the start number...but we didnt have energy to wait for the drawings to finish...

We didnt sleep that much in the night (especially me, who drank tea in the afternoon the day before) we were kind of tired...and hanged near some stage where they played music...before we went back to the hotel...

Last pic, but after the run...of the palace...

We passed by sheng kai shek's memorial hall on our way back to the hotel...I have never been there before..I have to visit it some day...

The hotel cooperated with we picked our breakfast there...

It was knd of stupid...since our breakfast coupon was on 100nt, but the most expensive set was only 65nt...and we coulnd add extra things on the coupon, we had to pay extra...

The hotel didnt have floor 4, since that means bad luck...(the pronounciation is like the word for death or something).

After the checkout we went to a german restaurant in taipei city...

It was the same beer that I tried at casino cosmopol in Gothenburg earlier this was good, but more bitter than in sweden...

I ordered some Tyroler pan, but got swedish was good...

They also had some souvenirs...with the german flag on

We also passed by ikea before it was time to go home...and perhaps sleep alittle bit more...

We went up early in the morning...

Many runners were there...maybe more than 10000 (which i guess is much for beeing taiwan).

Me and my classmate Pablo were the ones who participated...but we had great support from another classmate as was just in front of the presidential palace...

Everyone started at the same was thus like Vasaloppet...
I better b in the front, since I hate having to push myself through slow people...
I think I got the time 45 mins something...which was ok...since I really never felt tired...and didnt have time to eat anything before the race...

There was alot of freebees that was given to the participators...however people needed to queue to get them...
super long queues...

Afterwards people got diplomas...

And there was also a lottery, based on the start number...but we didnt have energy to wait for the drawings to finish...

We didnt sleep that much in the night (especially me, who drank tea in the afternoon the day before) we were kind of tired...and hanged near some stage where they played music...before we went back to the hotel...

Last pic, but after the run...of the palace...

We passed by sheng kai shek's memorial hall on our way back to the hotel...I have never been there before..I have to visit it some day...

The hotel cooperated with we picked our breakfast there...

It was knd of stupid...since our breakfast coupon was on 100nt, but the most expensive set was only 65nt...and we coulnd add extra things on the coupon, we had to pay extra...

The hotel didnt have floor 4, since that means bad luck...(the pronounciation is like the word for death or something).

After the checkout we went to a german restaurant in taipei city...

It was the same beer that I tried at casino cosmopol in Gothenburg earlier this was good, but more bitter than in sweden...

I ordered some Tyroler pan, but got swedish was good...

They also had some souvenirs...with the german flag on

We also passed by ikea before it was time to go home...and perhaps sleep alittle bit more...