A trip to Yilan
I went to Yilan yesterday...
Taking the bus...it was convenient...
I was dropped of at the same pace as I left from after my 53k marathon this summer
On road 9, going from Taipei to the south of taiwan, passing the east mountains...
And the hill, that I often take pics of, which I ran up on at the same marathon...
Wow, a chirstmas tree, in novmebrer...welcome to taiwan...
I brought my Whicky, that I never finished from last time I was here...
Yilan by night...if often seems like a very small village...
A famous night market
This was famous...
I bought some fried salad...and also met 2 girls from france and germany, who was here 1 year as rotary exchange students...interesting...many restrictions...
This place was also famous...
A nice temple in the city...
Wow, Yilan produced beer...
They had 4 different kind...one with algea...as I drank in singapore...
I never heard of this brand before...
I tried all the kinds, excet the algea one...
One had pineapple flavour...tha dark one was suprisingly good...
They also had dance performance...
Faomus place...maybe...
And this to...
Omg...Alishan tea...
I went to a uesum the day after, near Wai ai, where I use to go and surf...and where the boats leave to Turtle island...
Omg...so many umbrellas...
_nice view of Yilan, with turtle island in the background (taiwans only active vulcano...)...
And mountains...xueshan...for instance...
Andanintersint projection of rht world...not using mercator...
Omg...so many lakes in Yilan...I love taiwanese lakes...
How to spell "Qing" dynasty? "Cing"!?!
Or "Qing" dynasty?
or "Cing"...
Or "Qing"...
Or "Cing"...even in the same paragraph they used different spelling...confusing...
"Gaga" so intersting...
Omg so many island I wanna visit...
An old map of Taiwan, made by dutch people...
Wow...5000 years ago...people settled in Yilan...
Aboriginal tattoos, reminds me of the tattoos in New Zeeland...
And the move Seediq Bale...
And at the Souvenir ship, one could by the Eiffel tower...
And miniatures of the museum...
On the way out, I saw some lockers for umbrellas...some one could bend lose anyway...but it was a interesting solution...
A resturant was the next stop...
They had alof of pics of fishes...
It was still raining in this "they rainy city" of taiwan...
So weird...in taiwan, they serve chicken with the head on the plate...
More rain...
Here is a map of a water fall in Yilan...
One had to walk a path up hill...
It was kind of touristic...
But also nice...
Aobut 20-30 meters high...
Up towards the jungle...
In the winter, it get snowy here...(or in the near by area)...
I bought a bottle of the local beer...a dark beer...
Later I went to the german restaurant at taipei main station (that is 100% taiwanese, btw)...
And alot of side ddishes were ordered...
Spicy sauce...one of the guys going there did an "italian", he took the reciept for company purpose, while everyone paid for themselvess (more or less)...omg south europeans...
After this a trip was made to a spanish bar in the city...
The door was locked...but it was full party in side...
Many ppl at the bar...
And in the basement they had a band that played and people danced...
I tried this german beer "Faust"...it was fruity and good...
Many foreigners there...I will come back here some day to try their spanish food...