Tuesdays adventure...
I started the day with a brunch at taipei main station...

A place i seldom go to...since its often full...

MY friends had breadkfast...

Mostly european style i guess...(or american)...

I had a hamburger...

Later I went to Dihua street...a crowded street, before chinese new year...

The traffic lights created long queues on the street...

They were selling candies...(asian style)...

And moste things were in red and gold...

And many things one can try...

Slimy stuff...

The main entrance was not far from the bus station...

Many strands...

And wheat or soemthings from different parts of the world...

And peanuts for girls and boys...

And the cracker I tried in Xianluiqui outh of kaohsiung with my friend Allen last year...

Lego candies...

Dry prawns...and fish and other insects...its hard to know if its sweet or salt, vegetarian or non-vegetarian what u eat from these markets...

Another stands selling peanuts aimed for boys...

Alishan tea...

A temple for single people...

Many tai ppl praying...

Slime candies...

Meat skewers...

Boy and girl nuts again...

This lady wanted to take pics with us before we left...soe kind of advertisement for some taipei magazine...

A tram near taipei main station...

And i bought train tickets to taidong...(its hard to get tickets for things nowadays...chinese new year is a week of the year when chinese countries stands still...chaotic...

This store is useful, they sell 300nt phonecards for 250nt...I must buy my card here next time...

The store can be found here...

I went to TLI after this...wow so lucky...cruising downtown, and find the street directly (this is another language school on the same street)...

Taipei Language Institute...

Later I went to kgb burgers...

The waiter was from the philippine...same as my friend who joined me...he thought her name was Maria, I asked, and it was correct, it was a typical philippino name...

I had a blue cheese burger...

They had beer from many parts of the world...