Belgium days passing by

...I often love hotel breakfasts...
...this hotel was ok...but not super huge...
...I also passed by some fries place...
...with spicy sauce...
...some peeing girl statue... was also a geocache...
...I also had some flandern meat dish...
...and clams...
...and inspected some more art (Statues)...
...and some brewery...(or atleast a beer place)...
...and passed by some touristic places...
...2024 continues...

Some EU parlament event

I was at the EU parliament recently...
..but before that I had hotel breakfast...
...they had sausage in the mushroom bowl...
...some old house...
...cherry blossom...
...and other spring flowers...
...I got use of my white tape; after some artist people needed help with some art...
...I also got some sparkling wine...
...and passed by some EU parliamental speech...
...Jens and Lasse in action...
...and some 3D printer...
...and some new restaurant...
...with nice bread...
...and food...
...3 dishes...
...some cereals for dessert...
...I was also advised to check some Urbéx Database Map...
...I also visited some guys place...
...had some chiense snacks...
...watched some art...
...some long painting...
...and had some havthorn?
...then back to EU parliament...
...and some park walk...
...met som punk rocker...
...and went to some Ramen place... was ok...
...and back to Jens area...
...he was having some speech...
...some pillar...Jens famous art...
...and snacks...
...and later headed close to the US embassy...
...and some country club near the american embassy (De Warande)...
...and then went to some beer court...
...but chilled outside of the US embassy first... was the central of brussels...
...nice parks...
...the food court was called Wolf... was hard to find seats for 20 people...
...smoe had some mini pillars from Jens...
...then people started to order beer...
...and snacks...
...and beers again...sponsored by the EU parliament...
...and then passing by some famous spots...
...and famous peeing...and girl...

A trip to Belgium

...I mde a trip to belgium recently...
...I also brought some vacum cleaner bastery on the flight...
...the lugggage was below the limit...
...the airport ahd many small bottles of spirits...
...some NATO advertisement without the swedish flag...
...many muslims in the area...making the evenings crowded in this ramadan times...
...I had some moroccan food...
...and some fries... was ok...
I later on headed up to the EU quarters...
...saw some exhibition... friend jens was having some event...
...and some singers...
...and political statement...
...i also went to another restaurant...
...had thai food... was an interesint trip...

A quick visit to Stockholm

I paid a quick visit to Stockholm recently...
...passed by an american store...
...tried some easter chocolate egg...
...meeting up JB...
...we endede up at this place...near him...
...had some burger..
...and fish n chips...
...and some beers...
...JB also had some taiwanese spirit at home...
...and made some special cheese noodle dish...
...and added spicies...
...he is a funny guy...
...keep stiring...
...and also sipped some Jägermeister similar liquor...
...using the yolk from an egg to get some extra special flavour...
..."soon it will be done"...
...after a while the dish was served... was pretty good...
...I also finally got to open some beer that I bought ni demnark som years ago...
...I also inspected some local maps...
...later on I paid a visit to TPE mission...
...and had some wine at JBs...
...and visited some hotpot... is a pretty good hotpot...
...many fresh dishes...
...I went all in on shrimps...
...and some icecream..
...icecream with different other desserts...
...and more food...
...of different kind...
...and some fresh fruit...
...but it sux that the soft drink costs extra...
...not sure why the replace the work "bike" with an image of a bike...
...Mr JB was buyin some stuff at a 7-11...(or pressbyrå)...
...and other word to image replacement...
...after some movie was lunch...
...pretty good food...
...using chopsticks...or normal knife, spoon and fork?...
...or...I ended up using a fork...
...some people were also demonstrating about the war in central stockholm...
...once back at the West coast...I tried some american cereals...they were ok...
...I also prepared some roses...hopefully they will become bushes in the future...sugar and potato as root boosters...

An information session about Kebnekaise (swedens tallest mountain)

I went to an information session recently about Kebnekaise...
...some company that wanted to sell some trips (all inclusive)...
...there are 2 routes up to the peak...
...seems like some 19+10 km up...should e possible in 1 day back nad forth (just avoid the nay sayers)... is also possible to bring tent...and buy stuff on the route... seems like the best season is june to september...
...another thing on my bucket list (also maybe all mountains above 2000meters in sweden...should be less than 20 mount

Some ice cream, food and dumpster session

I went to Triumf glass (locel ice cream store) recently... was in sävedalen...
...they didnt have the beer icecream any longer...
...but they had a churros ice cream which was interesting...
...later on I made some beef steak...trying to boil it before fryting, to capture the juice inside...
...and using a lot of butter...
...and råraka...a swedish speciality...
...I also found some container at my dumpster route being locked...that sux...not good for the environment...
2024 continues...

Some bubble tea in Gothenburg

I had some peanutbutter recently...
...bought at an indian store...(without sugar)...
...I also had some local ice cream...
...and found a bubble tea place at Danska vägen...
...they were out of thai tea flavour...but made some burned sugar thing instead... was ok...
...later ok I tried some hamburger...
...meeting Mr Wi...and was wearing one of the shirts we have in common...
...I also tried some non alcoholic was ok...

March days is meteorological sping in sweden...
...and 18 degrees in the sun...
...I celebrated by going to Bögens korvkiosk... is a famous place in alingsås...
...i looked for traditional food...
...except for tunnbrödsrulle and hamburger with some persian mashed potato...some meatwalls was ordered as take-away...
...later on I made some falafel...
...they turned out ok...
...I also passed by some restaurant...
...and some kebab place where the rice was said to be good...
...spicy kebab with rice...
...I ended with a milk shake...I found it to be barely half filled...booo...
...a quick visit was also paid at mister york in Alingsås...
...the place is at an industrial area...
...they had some award... serving inside...and in march it was around 0 it was suitable to wait in the car for the queue device to beep...
...the burger was ok...
...later on I passed by a nearby Ica Maxi...and found some flowers...
...trying to learn the many names of the flowers I find...especially when I dumpster...
2024 continues...

LDS visit at Burgården

I saw some cool ginger bread creation recently... was interesting...
...I also went to some LDS event at burgården...
...and went for a coffee later on with AF n JS...
...I got treated some coffee with caramel sauce...
...and some bagel...

Leap day 2024

February favorite day of the year...
...I did a visit to a geocaching event...since geocachers goes bananas on this day...
...we met at train station park...
...many geocachers here...
...the host hed some speech...
...they also checked alingsås hardest cache...a 5/5...
...I also picked some trash...
...deed of the day...
...I also went to a local hash run... the city of gothenburg...
...they ran out of fish n chips at I had some falafel...
...I also went to an indian store...where I found the same pistage dessert that I dumsptered some weeks ago...
...they also had this indian "color me rad" powder...
...later on I went for a taco buffet at kingshead...
...I had a lot of was cheap...included if I had a beer for 79 sek...
...I also inspected the price of cashew...55sek...psycho said it was 65sek last year...when I dumpstered some of them...many people like them...

Spring signs and food

I planted plenty of flowers in the garden last year...
...and some keeps poping up now...
...I also did a late night max visit...
...and passed by a local swiming pool...
...might take some medals later on...
..possible to order online i guess...
...I also made some french fries with cheese...
...too bad lidl in alingsås has a locker on their container now...not good for the environment...more food waste in society...

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