A quick visit to Stockholm
I paid a quick visit to Stockholm recently...

...passed by an american store...

...tried some easter chocolate egg...

...we endede up at this place...near him...

...had some burger..

...and fish n chips...

...and some beers...

...JB also had some taiwanese spirit at home...

...and made some special cheese noodle dish...

...and added spicies...

...he is a funny guy...

...keep stiring...

...and also sipped some Jägermeister similar liquor...

...using the yolk from an egg to get some extra special flavour...

..."soon it will be done"...

...after a while the dish was served...

...it was pretty good...

...I also finally got to open some beer that I bought ni demnark som years ago...

...I also inspected some local maps...

...later on I paid a visit to TPE mission...

...and had some wine at JBs...

...and visited some hotpot...

...it is a pretty good hotpot...

...many fresh dishes...

...I went all in on shrimps...

...and some icecream..

...icecream with different other desserts...

...and more food...

...of different kind...

...and some fresh fruit...
...but it sux that the soft drink costs extra...

...not sure why the replace the work "bike" with an image of a bike...

...Mr JB was buyin some stuff at a 7-11...(or pressbyrå)...

...and other word to image replacement...

...after some movie night...it was lunch...

...pretty good food...

...using chopsticks...or normal knife, spoon and fork?...

...or...I ended up using a fork...

...some people were also demonstrating about the war in Gaza...in central stockholm...

...once back at the West coast...I tried some american cereals...they were ok...

...I also prepared some roses...hopefully they will become bushes in the future...sugar and potato as root boosters...