Trying to claime refund for missed fligth and a birthday
I helped my friend to move some beds recently...

...she is in the realestate business...

...I also visited a taiwanese restaurant...

...all you can eat...

...and was treated some taiwanese special meat...

...and also cake...

...later on I also got some local icecream...

....funny...after complanin on twitter to Brussels airline...I got contacted by a similar account with the same logo (but with a under stroke "_"... FlyingBrussels_

...they asked me to DM them and then they contacted me via whatsapp, and asked for my booking number... was a +254 number...and since I am used to beign scammed by africans I am kind of used with their phone numbers... scam number: 254101877944 +254101877944 254 101 877 944

...this scammer was from kenya...(I encounted many other african countries trying to scam me)...I asked if I could email them instead...and then they blocked funny...

...later on I went for a birthday lunch... Öjiareds golf court..

...I went all in on their soup... main course was was ok...
Rainy days are passing by...
Days back in peaceful gothenburg
I spent some days in gothenburg recently...

...with some random people...

...coldplay is playing at ullevi...a lot of people were outside listening...the tickets seemed expensive... was possible so see some of the stage from outside...

...there were people everywhere...

...and once in a while they opened a door...for police etc to enter... was after I guess they will finish soon...

...people carrying bracelets with coloured lamps...

...they were blinking every now and then...

...and later the doors opened...

...and everyone could see the stage...

....I felt sorry for this guard who had to chaise outsiders from entering... a bit the whole arena wanted to leave at the same time...just like in all the ullevi concerts...
A day at Warszaw airport
My belgium nightmare continues..but atleast I got to leave the country...

...but still the brussle airline staff was there...arrinvg 5am in the morning...still not willing to help..."we might change the gate up to 30 minutes before deaprture" they told me. But the transfer time between the gates might be even funny logic...

...the only one really sympathic was the guy at the luggage claim...kudos to him...

...i was really urgent to get to the gate fast...and took name of all airport staff that helped me...since they have a record of fucking up...

...on warszaw I did the same...10 hours before departure...I checked the gate update...which changed often...however...they were all at the same terminal...making it easier...

...having some polish soup in poland...

...and dumplings...

...checked with the airport staff again about the gate... dumplings... the gate...

...yep...the current gate was nearby...

...checking gate again...still reachable...

...I double checked with another staff...

...checking the vodka...

...from poland but with a swedish name...

...checking the gate again... they even updated the gate display to the right destination...i was checking who else was going ensure that if the airport suddenly change the gate...

...sunset in poland....niccer than in Belgium...

...2023 continiues...
A nightmare at brussel airport
I made a trip back from london recently...

...transfer at brussel airport... london airport i inspected the proce of blue label...

...I was told that this whiskey is similar to octomore...

...they also had the small was still pretty epensive...

...later the flight took of to brussels...and at the airport there was no staff at the transfer gate...after 10 minutes waiting some guy asked us to go to another entrance at another side of the terminal...

...well at this other side of the terminal, the airport staff asked us to wait at a special area...they said they will help us go to the gate faster...we just had to wait...

...nightmare...after 20 minutes waiting they sent us to the place we where at the begining...and we just lost 30 minutes due to that the staff sent us wrong. I insisted that the airport staff should join us...but they said they had to help others...

...we rushed to the gate (me and some others who were told the same)...finding that the gate already closed...

...Brussel airlines claimed that this was not their fault...they asked us to talk to the airport staff....airport staff said that this was not their fault, they asked us to talk to the border police... the border police...they said that during their 4.5 years working at the airport...they never heard of any story like this...that the brussels airlines and brussel airport blaimes the border police...

...we were stuck in a belgian sad...

...I took some paper with links on how to complain online...since the ground staff did not want to help...and later i went for a walk (to a near by geocache)...

...finding this monument from some terror attack...(maybe from another passenge who was badly treated from brussel airport and brussels airpines)... disapointment was huge...cus we missed our connection due to incompetent airport staff...

...we stayed over at the airport..and as brussel airlines said...bought a new ticket back to gothenburg...

...this flight was 07.50 in the morning...

...sun set in brussels..

...they have many drug addicts here...they have some dispensers for their injectors..or used needles...

...staying over at the airport...just like in china...there are some areas for people to take a nap...

...some guy doing some construction work at late night woke some people up...(except for some drunk guy who started to kick one of the guys sleeping...another belgium incident)...
2023 continues...
Met up with Erik

...I found an interesting bike parking spot..

...I was heading to south of london...

...passing china town...

...some monument...

...and more statues...

..."the book of mormon":..a very funny musical...

...heading for an "all you can drink"...

...with an interesting painting...

...a mix of asian food...

...pretty greasy after a while..

...and a walk in the park...

...this was the place where we ate at...

...omg "W" hotel...just like in taipei...

...also passing by this "famous" tea shop...

...never heard of it...but I was told that it was famous...

...I Also looked up some local beers at the super market...

...a beer with union jack top...

...I had it with peanut butter...

...they have the swedish "refund" logo on the funny...(i saw that in taiwan once too... was a litle rainy...

...passnig by a coffee shop...

...I also found a boat shaped peice of wood...
later I met up with my cousin... Waterloo station....seems like a big train station...

...and went to some juice place before he arrived...

busy train station...

...i told him il wait at platform 6...

..I could see him somewhere...


...coming closer...

...he had a 40 minute ride to get in fancy Oxshott...

...later we passed by the london eye...

...crossing a bridge...

...plenty of people in the summer evening...

...we were considering burger...

...passing by a canadian place...

...looking for outine...

..omg...even maple leaf marked tables...

...looking for fish n chips...

..omg...found a taiwanese place...(but might be chinese people owning it)...

...eventually, since some bars didnt serve food, and the fancy fish palce had too long queue...we ended back to this canadian place...

...where they had plenty of poutine types...

...and other things..

...I had one with peas and meat... was ok...

...omg...later passed by this funny place...

...omg...a straight crossing..

...heading back to london eye area...

...checking the tower...

...later on we had some beer...

...the clerk was from estonia...all beer were local...

...they also ahd a handicap toilet that was unisex...

...later on I bought some spicy chilli...

...and indian snacks...

...and had some slow peopel in front of me when queueing up for having a burger...

...they also ahd peanutbuttercup shakes...

...the slow people...

the peanutbutter cup shake..

...and the hamburger...
2023 continues..
Another day in london
London in summer...

...went for some geocaching...

...i didnt have internet..but took some pic of the geocache...eventually I found some free wifi on the road as well... was close to little venice....a pretty nice place...

...some skating kids... panels on the boats...

,,,seems like super many people live in boats...

...some fun communit...

...many people exersicing here...

...and some events...

...and some old art...

....peacful water...

...later on people wanted fish n chips... was ok...but seemed a little old...

...later I was asked to join for some was Les miserables...I ahve seen it many times before... was a very steep room...

...many people fit in here...

...some bigger people had problems to fit...

...on the subway back...i passed by Maida cousin use to live here...
A day in london...
another day in london...

The place where I stayed was for sale...

...later on I was taking a morning cab...heavy reminds me of hongkong and singapore a lot...

...street art...

It was an indian place...I am not sure why they had this sign...maybe people took a bite and then returned the dish.. seemed like a fancy palce...

..plenty of drinks...

...they had some local beer...

...some guy in the company asked the waiter to pcik things for us...

...small dishes..

...some wanted to take pics with the waiter...

...more dishes...

...eventually we split the was a company of 12 people...

...just like in hongkong...there are arrows telling people where to look...many people on bike die weekly cus they look at the wrong direction... one had to lok both left and right...

...street art (again)...

...passing by amnesty's office in london...

..."humanity wins"...

...Shakespear was outside...

...with his piccadile on...

...later on we went to a ramen restaurant...

...I had a local beer...(i think)..atleast I never tried if before...

...they had some japanese kind as well... was ok...

...some japanese character...on their logo...

...ABBA has a concert in town...I read in the subway...

omg...bubble tea shop in the middle of nowhere...
A day in manchester
I went to manchester recently...

...and had some brittish breakfast...

...and some cereals...

and some buns...

they later on fried an egg for me too... wooder scull of some dear...

...outside looked a littlebit like in taipei...

...I was going for some democracy event...and was wearing a tie and some west from the truku (Tairuge) tribe...

...some hipster area in manchester...

...and some art gallery...

...with amnesty...i think..

...and other exhibitions... like I have in Alingsås...

...some street art...

...more street art...

...we went to this place...

...they had their own beer...

...the ones to the left...

...I also had a burger...

...and some local beer...

...then we wathed some documentary...

...and went for a street walk... some ukraine and hongkong demonstration...

...many people were there...

...many flags...

...and some yellow helmet...

...apparently hongkongs old flag...

...and later on, another the train station...

...and later on heading to london...each seat had a display to show wether it was booked or not...

...I also stopped at some london...

...many indians here...some had this chicken place...with a cocaola look a like sign...
I hate bryssel airport
A quick remindervto myself. That bryssel airport sux. They announced the gate very late. And ask me to stay at a seat while they arrange a pick up. But the pick up sent me wrong. So i missed my flight and the flight company blaimed the airport, the airport blained the police/border controll. No one wants to help. I had to buy a new ticket for 4500sek. I will see if i can get hold of someone who can help in taking responsibility
Randomg end of june events in 2023
I wathed my friend Majas dissertation recently... was online...

...I also tried a beer from one of my favorite is in taipei (le ble dor)...this one had tea flavour...

...I also had a lunch with my coworker...a classicla vindaloo dish (maybe more portugese than indian: even though it is served at indian restaurants)...
A Springsteen concert visit
I joined a springsteen concert recently...

Walking from Focus huset...

...many people walking towards Ulleiv (the arena)...

...and many people gathering outside the arena...chillin before the concert...

...i got my parents a pair of tickets...they had seats...while i was in the middle... was a sunny evening...

...20.00 it was said to start...but at 20.10 the audience started to clap their hands hoping springsteen wold show up... 20.18 he showed up...

...playing some songs i never heard before...

...after some time he played "the river"....

...and he told a story..which had subtitiles..I wonder if he rehearsed the story so accurate... was interesting...also when he started to sing the subtitiles were on, after the story...

...then when sun was about yo set, he played more famous songs...

...but he never played Im on fire or streets of philadelphia... some song the audience used lights...

...then he played some other "twist and shout" song... was interesting...

the tour already started in february...

...and some europe visit...

...and then more touring in the usa and canada...

...the show was over after 23...and people slowly left...I was glaincing up where my parents suppose to sit...I guess they left was an interesting wednesday evening...
Running and flower sessions
I wanted to get a medal in my runkeeper app...

...i tried to run 5k but it often ended up 6k or something...

...thus i ran 2.5km in one direction and then went back the same way...

...voila...the 5k medal... only the 21k and 42k medal remains...

...I ended the day by making a pizza...

...inspecting the hops and strawberries...

...and some other garden flowers....
I wish that my hops can show up soon...i inspect the area daily :)
Some late june events at the west coast
I had some strawberry n brownie breakfast recently...

It was good...

Some left-overs from midsummer

I later on found plenty of limes...and mangos...i made some juice...

...I also put somesalad in a preotect them from agressive snails...

...I also inspectd my skies in the basement...
2023 continues...