A day in london...
another day in london...

The place where I stayed was for sale...

...later on I was taking a morning cab...heavy traffic...it reminds me of hongkong and singapore a lot...

...street art...

It was an indian place...I am not sure why they had this sign...maybe people took a bite and then returned the dish..

...it seemed like a fancy palce...

..plenty of drinks...

...they had some local beer...

...some guy in the company asked the waiter to pcik things for us...

...small dishes..

...some wanted to take pics with the waiter...

...more dishes...

...eventually we split the bill...so funny...it was a company of 12 people...

...just like in hongkong...there are arrows telling people where to look...many people on bike die weekly cus they look at the wrong direction...

...here one had to lok both left and right...

...street art (again)...

...passing by amnesty's office in london...

..."humanity wins"...

...Shakespear was outside...

...with his piccadile on...

...later on we went to a ramen restaurant...

...I had a local beer...(i think)..atleast I never tried if before...

...they had some japanese kind as well...

...it was ok...

...some japanese character...on their logo...

...ABBA has a concert in town...I read in the subway...

omg...bubble tea shop in the middle of nowhere...